Top Ten Tuesday: Five Adaptations I Still Need to See and Five I’d Love to See

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature that was created by The Broke and the Bookish and hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Born from a love of lists and a love of books each week there’s a new topic for bloggers to list their ‘top ten’.

Top Ten Tuesday '19 #14

Page to Screen Freebie: Five Adaptations I Still Need to See and Five I’d Love to See

Adaptations can either be hit or miss, but lately there seem to be a lot more hits than misses (or maybe I’ve just learnt to stop judging the films too harshly and accept there will be differences to the source material). I am seriously behind on the TV shows and films I need to watch, my to-watch list is almost as long as my to-read list, so for this week’s topic I’ve picked five adaptations I still need to watch and five books I’d love to see adapted one day (because let’s face it we all want to see our favourite books on the big screen).

American Gods

I’ve seen the first episode of American Gods but still haven’t gotten around to the second. Watching on my iPhone while I was distracted probably wasn’t the best idea but I’m planning on giving this adaptation a second chance, sooner rather than later too because I want to read the book alongside.

Top Ten Tuesday '19 #14.1

To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before

So many people have been talking about this film, I even overheard some people at work talking about how good it was, so To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before is high on my to-watch list. I’ll probably watch it in line with the release of the second film that way I can jump from one right into the next.

Top Ten Tuesday '19 #14.2

Good Omens

I’ve already read and loved this book, but I definitely need to re-read it again before seeing the TV show. While the Good Omens adaptation hasn’t been released yet I know myself, as much as I keep saying I’ll tune in the second it’s released I won’t, and it’ll end up sitting on my to-watch list for ages.

Top Ten Tuesday '19 #14.3

His Dark Materials

This is another adaptation that hasn’t been released yet but again it’s one that’ll probably sit on my to-watch list for a while before I finally get around to it. I wasn’t a massive fan of the film, there was so much they missed out, but based on the trailer the TV adaptation seems to be promising so far.

Top Ten Tuesday '19 #14.4

A Series of Unfortunate Events

This was a favourite series of mine when I was a child, and I’ve heard a lot of good things about the TV series (the trailer looked amazing, and I love Neil Patrick Harris as Count Olaf). Hopefully I’ll be able to get around to this one soon, but again I definitely need to re-read the series before watching.

Top Ten Tuesday '19 #14.5

Every Heart a Doorway by Seanan McGuire

If this is done right it could be really incredible; in my mind I see it as a very atmospheric film, bringing the unexplained magic of the magical realism genre to life on the big screen. Plus I think the representation that Seanan McGuire includes in her books is important to see in films as well.

Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff

What I loved about Illuminae was the format the story was told in, and while I’m not sure how you could properly convey that format in a TV series (I think Illuminae would work better as a TV series, it would be too hard to condense everything that happens into a single film) I’d love someone to try.

The Cruel Prince by Holly Black

Why are there not more films or TV shows out there that include fae characters? I’m struggling to come up with any off the top of my head (the current trend seems to be superheroes) but it’s clearly a gap in the market and who better to fill that gap than the queen of faerie stories; Holly Black.

The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid

In this book Taylor Jenkins Reid lets us explore Hollywood, and we experience the golden era of the film industry through Evelyn’s story. Reid’s writing really brought the setting to life, and I feel like because of the setting The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo is asking to be adapted as a film.

Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan

Yes there are already two Percy Jackson films out there, and while (taken on their own merits) I will admit to enjoying both films they were terrible adaptations. I want something for better, and if Warner Brothers can do it for Harry Potter someone should be able to do it for Percy Jackson.

Did you take part in this week’s Top Ten Tuesday?

What book adaptations do you still need to watch? What books would you love to see adapted, either on the big screen as a film or as a TV series?

Would any of the books I included on my list make it onto yours, or have you seen any of the adaptations I still need to watch and if you have which one would you recommend I start with?

42 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Five Adaptations I Still Need to See and Five I’d Love to See

  1. Great List! 😊💗 I’m SUPER excited for Good Omens, I think it translates so well into a TV Series and I liked the trailer a lot! I just read the book and really liked it too! This is going to be great 😍 I also really need a good Percy Jackson adaption please, this deserves so much more!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much Caro! 🙂 ❤ Yeah I feel like I've been waiting ages for it ever since it was announced! I can't believe it's about the be released but I can't wait either. Hopefully it lives up to the promise we saw in the trailer as well.
      Exactly, and there's a whole world of Percy Jackson books ready to be adapted, why aren't they?

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  2. Hey Beth!!
    I enjoyed reading this post!! Overall I liked the movie adaptation of To All the Boys which was super cute, although I still loved the book more. Curious about what you think when you see this movie 🙂
    I would love to see Evelyn Hugo adapted into a movie as well!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much Sophie! 🙂 ❤ Oh I've heard so many good things about the film but nine times out of ten I always prefer the book, guess I'll have to see what it is with To All the Boys.
      God it would be amazing right?! I can already kind of see it in my mind's eye adapted on the big screen! 🙂 ❤

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      1. Agreed!! I think books and movies are good for portraying different things: Books can be more introspective and reflective while movies are definitely more visual. So when books are adapted into movies or vice-versa it’s hard to translate the ideas across.
        However I am definitely curious about Evelyn Hugo in movie format!! Don’t know if it will happen but hope so 🙂

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      2. Yeah when I was younger I always used to be so let down when the film adaptations weren’t exactly like the book, but now I think I get that there need to be differences. The same things that make a book successful aren’t the same things that make films successful.
        I’m keeping my fingers crossed, like I said in my post it’s a book made to be on the big screen so you never know right?! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  3. I love your picks here, Beth! I can’t wait for you to see To All The Boys, I thought this adaptation was really, really good and I can’t wait for the next one 🙂 I can’t wait for the new series, His Dark Materials, but I’m a little nervous about it, too 🙂
    EVELYN HUGO would make an incredible movie ahhhhhhhhhhh I’d adore it. ❤

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    1. Thanks so much Marie! I’m hoping to be able to get around to To All the Boys sooner rather than later. After all it’s only one film so its less to catch up on than some of the TV series I have on this list. 🙂
      Same here, but I’m just telling myself it can’t be worse than the movie can it? 🙂

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    1. I’m keeping my fingers crossed. I mean they reboot Spiderman every few years so who’s to say they won’t eventually get around to Percy Jackson.
      Yeah it was a challenge just coming up with a few for this list. Every book I’ve loved I want to see as a film or TV show.

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  4. I still need to watch American Gods, too, but I’ve been putting it off because I need to read the book first. Reading it along with the show, though, is a really neat idea! I’ll be reading Good Omens next week in preparation for the show release. I’m so excited for it!

    I would love to see the Wayward Children series become a movie, but the novellas are so dang short that I don’t see how they could legitimately make a full-length movie out of it without adding more to the plot. Maybe a TV series with half-hour shows? It would make for one heck of a TV series, I think.

    I was thinking the same thing about Illuminae! The formatting seems like it’d be hard to translate (and that’s a part of the book’s charm, in my opinion), but I sort of want someone to tackle it? I feel like it would give a really creative person a chance to really play with the film genre in the same way Kaufman and Kristoff played with the way a book is presented. I don’t know what that would look like, but I’m sure a smart person could come up with something interesting, and I’d love to see that.

    Here’s my TTT post.

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    1. I get that, and the book itself is so long as well it can be hard to find the motivation to pick it up (I’m that way for a lot of long books still on my TBR list). I figured read it along with the show because then you don’t have to finish it all at once. I mean you could never watch all the episodes in one sitting. 🙂
      Yeah, and I wouldn’t want them to add to the story because it’s already perfect as it is in my opinion. Still I’d be happy with either as long as I got to see it on the screen.
      I’d be willing to see what they come up with. Either way it would offer a film that wasn’t typical of the normal sci-fi films because the book itself isn’t typical of the normal sci-fi genre. But I think that would be a hard one to get right so if it was ever announced I’d be nervous about it.

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      1. I feel that way sometimes, too. I mean, if I’m sure I’m going to like it, I hesitate less, but a part of me still always thinks, well, I could be reading two books in the time it takes to read this one. xD Which is so not the mindset I should be having, but it happens sometimes.

        It would definitely either be fantastic or horrible. There would be no middle ground with it. xD

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      2. In some cases, it is true, though. I can’t tell you how many 500-page or 600-page books I read that suffer from pretty heavy middle sag, where they really could’ve shaved off 100-200 pages without hurting anything. So I understand why that might be a concern for some people. I mean, on the other hand, I’ve also read 600-page books where every moment was meaningful in some way and then I was mad that there weren’t even MORE words, so I guess it goes both ways. xD

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  5. Yes I agree, you do need to watch a Series of Unfortunate Events! I can’t say how amazing this show is!
    Every Heart a Doorway would make a beautiful movie or TV show! I so agree! Great picks this week Beth! 🙂 ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh it’s high on my list. I’m thinking about re-reading the series in line with watching the show. It’s been too long since I picked these books up.
      Yeah, and with some of my picks I thought they could only work as a TV show Every Heart a Doorway could work as either.
      Thanks Meghan. 🙂 ❤️

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