Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Books I Loved but Will Never Re-Read

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week there is a new topic for bloggers to choose and list their top ten. This week’s theme is Top Ten Books I Loved but Will Never Re-Read.

I’ve done a lot of re-reading so far this year, and although the ten books I’ve featured this week are books I don’t see myself picking up again anytime soon that’s not to say I won’t ever re-read them one day in the future. I’m a mood reader so I can never tell what I’m going to fancy reading from one day to the next, but these are all books I know I won’t be re-reading anytime soon that I can say for sure.

Top Ten Tuesday #101

All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr

This is an amazing book, I’d actually say it’s a favourite of mine, but it made my list this week for two reasons. One is that historical fiction isn’t my usual genre – my re-read picks are normally fantasy or contemporary – and two is that it’s a long and very emotionally heavy book.

The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller

Like All the Light We Cannot See, The Song of Achilles is a favourite of mine but the ending – even though I knew how this book would end – threw me into a massive book hangover and I don’t know if I’ll ever be prepared to go through that all over again.

Vassa in the Night by Sarah Porter

Magical realism is an all-time favourite genre of mine, but it’s rare any magical realism book I’ve read will make it onto my re-read to-read list. Especially Vassa in the Night because, although I enjoyed it, it was really confusing.

13 Minutes by Sarah Pinborough

Part of what I enjoyed about 13 Minutes was trying to guess what had happened the night Tasha died, slowly piecing together all the clues the author left us in the story. I wouldn’t have that the second time reading it; I already know what happened, why it happened, and how the story ends.

We Were Liars by E. Lockhart

Like with 13 Minutes one of the main things I loved about We Were Liars was the incredible twist that I didn’t see coming and that left me shocked. Now though I know the twist, so I’m not sure I’d enjoy this book as much the second time around.

All the Bright Places by Jennifer Niven

I’m very undecided about this book. I thought it was a good story, well written and with well developed characters, however something happens that I was really uncomfortable reading (there’s a reason trigger warnings are needed on some books) so I won’t ever be picking this one up again.

Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Sáenz

As much as I enjoyed this book I feel like it’s one of those ones you only need to read once.

The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet by Becky Chambers

The fact that this book made it onto my list this week for the same reason Aristotle and Dante did, that it’s one I only need to read once, makes me think it’s probably something about character driven books that means once is enough.

Uprooted by Naomi Novik

The reason Uprooted made my list this week is actually a little bit of all the reasons for the previous books I’ve put so far. It’s a heavy story, it kind of fits into the magical realism genre, and at the moment it’s one of those books I feel I only need to read once.

I’ll Give You the Sun by Jandy Nelson

Of all the books on my list this week I’ll Give You the Sun is the one I’m actually likely to re-read at some point in the far future. At the moment it’s not on my list though, can’t really say why because I’m a mood reader and I’m just not in the mood to re-read it.

So what do you think? Did you take part in this week’s Top Ten Tuesday, if so let me know what books you’ll likely never re-read despite loving them. Did any of my picks make your list, or are these books that are high on your re-read to-read list?

39 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Books I Loved but Will Never Re-Read

    1. Yeah sometimes there’s only so much you can put yourself through, and I don’t think I’ll ever be emotionally ready to re-read The Song of Achilles among others! We Were Liars is a great book, but without the surprise of the twist I don’t feel the need to re-read it or anything.
      Thanks so much. 🙂


  1. Hello Beth!
    I am on the fence about We Were Liars. Although I agree that the book might be less exciting the second time around because I already know the plot twist, I also feel like maybe the re-reading experience would be different the second time around, knowing what I know? Not sure if that makes sense haha 🙂
    Great post ❤

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Sophie! 😀
      Yeah someone else mentioned that as well, that going back you may be able to pick up on the subtle hints leading up to the twist you missed the first time. I dunno, I think for me if I know what’s coming in a book, especially a book with a massive twist like We Were Liars, it’s hard to get into it properly you know?
      Thanks so much! 😀 ❤

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  2. Aaahh, I am SO excited to read The Song of Achilles! I’m planning on reading it for Pride Month in June and I think I definitely will love it. ❤ I’ve heard it’s heartbreaking, though, so I’m slightly scared!!

    And omg Ari & Dante is one of my favorites!! I actually think I would reread it because it’s so precious to me, but the author's harrassment of reviewers has me a little hesitant to do that. (I can’t wait for the sequel though aaahh!)

    Great post! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s an amazing book May! A great choice for Pride month and I’m sure you’ll love it as well, though it will likely break your heart into tiny pieces. 🙂
      Oh I’m glad you love it so much, and if you do decide to reread it I’m sure you’ll love it as much as the first time you read it despite the author issues you know? For me there’s something about character driven books that means once is enough.
      Thanks so much! 🙂 ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I have to agree with you about We Were Liars, I really enjoyed it, but the beauty of it all really lied in the twist for me, knowing everything now, I wouldn’t feel the same way while re-reading it haha 🙂
    Lovely list! 🙂 x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah I think books with epic twists are great the first time you read them but it’s hard to get the same experience a second time around. We Were Liars is a good book but I wouldn’t love it as much if I picked it up again.
      Thanks so much Marie! 🙂 ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  4. out of those, I only have (and currently) reading All the bright places.. so far i’d pick it up again but i’m not even half in it yet so … im kinda scared of what will happen now ;-;

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Ohh, have you got further into All the Bright Places. The reason I wouldn’t pick it up again happened near-ish the end so it’s possible you haven’t got to it yet (you’ll know when you do).
      Yeah it’s still a great book, I’m sure you’ll end up loving it overall. 😀

      Liked by 2 people

  5. I actually never re-read any books (except maybe as tradition, like Wuthering Heights – and even then I’ll mostly just read my favourite scenes over and over again). I already have so little time, I can’t afford to “waste” it in old material, no matter how fond of it I am.
    I’d say your answers are pretty reasonable and make sense. I really want to read Vassa in the Night, We Were Liars and Uprooted, but I’m not too keen on the others…
    Great post, Beth! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh I have a few books where I re-read my favourite scenes over and over, sometimes that’s all you need right? But I dunno I just love re-reading and re-visiting my old favourites.
      I get what you mean because there are so many amazing books being released it’s hard to find the time to read the new releases let alone go back to ones we’ve already read.
      Thanks, and oh I hope you enjoy Vassa in the Night, We Were Liars and Uprooted, they’re all good books but not ones I’ll be going back to anytime soon. 😀


  6. I think I could re-read We Were Liars because I would want to see if I find any clues I missed the first time I read it. I did that with a similar book and found a ton I missed. It was fun. I can see why you wouldn’t want to, though!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah I suppose there’s always that. I dunno though at the moment it’s just not one I feel like I want to reread you know? I reckon there are a load of things I missed because the twist really did take me by surprise but I reckon there were a lot of subtle hints throughout. 🙂

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  7. Agree about All the Light we Cannot See. Once was enough for me. I don’t think I could do that character death again.
    We were Liars is still on my TBR. I can understand why you wouldn’t want to read something with a big plot twist again though. Once you know, you know. Great list as always Beth! 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. No neither could I, in fact a lot of books with character deaths end up on my no-way-will-I-re-read-this-again list. 🙂
      Oh I hope you enjoy it then, the twist kind of made that book for me so I’m sure you’ll love that part at least.
      Thanks so much Ashley. :)<3

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  8. I have a copy of The Song of Achilles coming in the mail & cannot wait to read! I may get to Circe before then though haha! this is a EPIC list Beth & I can totally understand how some our fave character driven books, only need to be read once. These are the types of reads that stay with me forever 💜

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ohh, I’ll wish you good luck because if you’re anything like me that book will emotionally destroy you! I need to get Circe, hopefully that one won’t be as heartbreaking but I’m not counting on it. 🙂
      Thanks so much Lilly, yeah when it comes down to it no matter how much we love them some books you only need to read once. 🙂 ❤


    1. I was very confused by that book, but yeah definitely enjoyable. For me magical realism always has some element of confusion in it, Vassa just had more than any others I’d read. 🙂
      Oh wow, yes Vassa would be an interesting book to see adapted, the night visuals would be incredible! 😀


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