Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Books that have been on my TBR the Longest and I Still Haven’t Read

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week there is a new topic for bloggers to choose and list their top ten. This week’s theme is Top Ten Books that have been on my TBR the Longest and I Still Haven’t Read.

I almost feel like having an unmanageable TBR list is part of being a blogger. There are so many incredible books out there to discover that I just have to add them to my to-read list, and I have good intentions, honestly. I add books to my TBR list, say I’m going to get around to them soon, but for some reason just never do. Most of the books I picked this week I will get around to one day, but unfortunately I can’t say when that ‘one day’ will be.

Top Ten Tuesday #93

Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell

All of Rainbow Rowell’s books went onto my to-read list after I read and loved both Fangirl and Carry On at the end of 2015. Now, nearly two and a half years later I still haven’t gotten around to any of her other releases but they’re on my TBR list so one day I will pick up Eleanor & Park.

Second Chance Summer by Morgan Matson

Like with Rainbow Rowell’s releases I added all of Morgan Matson’s books after I picked up Since You’ve Been Gone early in 2016. Last year I read The Unexpected Everything and Amy & Roger’s Epic Detour which means Second Chance Summer is the last of her current releases still on my TBR list. Hopefully this is one I’ll get to this year before the release of Save the Date.

Paper and Fire by Rachel Caine

I can’t even remember off the top of my head when I picked up the first book in The Great Library series, but it was before I started blogging so before November 2015. I really loved Ink and Bone, and I honestly have no idea why I didn’t carry on the series when Paper and Fire was released.

I have the whole series on my TBR list, but with the fourth book still to be released I may wait until it’s out before picking these books up again.

City of Fallen Angels by Cassandra Clare

Last year I got through the first three books in The Mortal Instruments series and The Infernal Devices trilogy. This year I am hoping to get through the last three books in TMI series and The Dark Artifices trilogy now the last book is due to be released in 2018. City of Fallen Angels has been on my TBR list since before it was first released in 2011, so it really is about time.

The Assassin’s Blade by Sarah J Maas

I added this book to my to-read list before it was just one book, I added it when it was still five novellas telling Celaena’s story before the events of Throne of Glass. I love Sarah J Maas’s writing but I think because this one is a prequel it’s a release I just haven’t been as motivated to pick up.

Kingdom of Ash and Briars by Hannah West

This was a book I discovered in the run-up to its release, so probably early 2016, and it sounded like the kind of book I’d love so I immediately added it to my TBR list. Then forgot all about it. Kingdom of Ash and Briars is one of those books I always mean to pick up, but always forget about.

The Iron Fey by Julie Kagawa

Like with City of Fallen Angels this is going back a way, because I added The Iron Fey to my to-read list when it was first released. Honestly I don’t know if I’ll ever get around to this book, while I love stories about the fae this one just isn’t grabbing me like it did when I first discovered it.

Further proof reading tastes change as we get older.

The Savage Dawn by Melissa Grey

I re-read the first two books in The Girl at Midnight trilogy in preparation for the release of The Savage Dawn last year, and then failed to get around to it. It’s been on my to-read list since the release of the first book, so this is one I am going to try my hardest to read to this year.

Dawn Study by Maria V. Snyder

Unfortunately this is another one I don’t think I’ll read anymore. Maria V. Snyder’s Study series is one of my all-time favourites, and I still love the first three books that tell Yelena’s story. The last three just haven’t captured my attention, and I’m no longer in the mood to pick up Dawn Study.

Hero by Alethea Kontis

Again, another one I don’t think I’m going to get around to. I loved Enchanted, the first book in the series, because it read like a classic fairytale. I was thrilled when I saw more books from this world were going to be released but I never picked them up, and now I don’t want to read them.

So what do you think? Did you take part in this week’s Top Ten Tuesday, if so let me know what books have been on your TBR list the longest, and whether you still plan to pick them up one day even if it’s not one day soon.

65 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Books that have been on my TBR the Longest and I Still Haven’t Read

  1. Great List, Beth 🌸
    I also have Eleanor and Park on my TBR after reading and absolutely loving Fangirl & Carry On. I’ve also heard great things about Morgan Matson, I haven’t yet read anything by her before but Second Chance Summer has been highly recommended by loads of bloggers!

    Hope you enjoy all these books, Beth 🌸

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    1. Thanks so much Michelle. 🙂
      Oh I really hope you enjoy Eleanor & Park then, so far in the comments everyone’s pretty much had amazing things to say about it so finger’s crossed right? Morgan Matson is one of my favourite contemporary authors, I’d definitely recommend her books though I still need to get around to Second Chance Summer as well.
      Thanks again. 🙂 ❤

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  2. I have SO MANY books on my TBR that have been there for the longest amount of time. I feel guilty looking at them XD I also have the Iron Fey on my TBR… I will get to it – If I chant this enough, it will happen! I did get to Assassin’s Blade, but only because you have to read it before picking up Tower of Dawn (Which I still haven’t picked up!), but I listened to it as an audiobook when I was ill, so that is probably a huge reason why I even picked it up.
    I hope you enjoy these when you get to them and great list 🙂

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    1. I know that feeling all too well. I guess when it comes down to it we can’t read as fast as we can add to our TBR lists (if only right?) I’ll keep my fingers crossed you do get to The Iron Fey soon then, and that you enjoy it (also if the chanting works let me know because I’ll try it one some of the books on my TBR list!)
      I have The Assassin’s Blade down as a book I need to read before Tower of Dawn, and Tower of Dawn down as a book I need to read before the last Throne of Glass book is released so I’ll get around to it this year for sure. 🙂
      Thanks so much Lauren! 😀

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      1. It was be an awesome super power to be able to read as fast as we add books to our TBRs 😂😂 I will try the chanting out and let you know 🤣
        Sounds good! I hope you enjoy them 🙂

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  3. Great post! There are always books on ones TBR that never gets read. I have a lot and until recently Eleanore and Park was one of these. I finally read it in January and I loved it. It’s really sweet and I don’t regret reading it. Assassins blade is, yes, a prequel, but it’s background info and more details into her background which I loved. Have you read the entire series apart for that one? I just started Iron King as part of Faebruary readathon, not sure about it yet. I hope you read some of these, but then again there are always new and more interesting books being released all the time.

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    1. Thanks so much, and yeah I feel like I should do a TBR clear out because it’s pointless having books on there I’m never going to get around to. I’m glad to hear you loved Eleanor & Park, it seems like so many people have enjoyed that book, same with The Assassin’s Blade. Yeah that one and Tower of Dawn are the only two of SJM’s books still on my TBR list, one day I’ll get around to them.
      I’ll keep my fingers crossed you enjoy The Iron Fey, I love the sound of that readathon, and thanks! 😀

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  4. Ah I share some of these with you! Like The Iron Fey, The Savage Dawn and the Study series 🙂
    I think this is one of those cases where the Down the TBR Hole meme would come in handy because it sounds like you’ve grown out of a lot of these books!
    I did enjoy The Assassin’s Blade and the whole The Great Library series so I hope you pick those up sometime!
    As for the others, I’m not sure whether I’ll read them myself… Time will tell 😛
    Wonderful post, Beth!

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    1. Ha, I feel like if I went Down the TBR Hole I’d never come back up again! 😀 There are a lot of books on my TBR list and most of them I added ages ago and I could probably just delete them because I’m never going to get around to them (but then again I guess we’re all in the same boat right?)
      The Assassin’s Blade I am definitely going to get around to this year, and maybe The Great Library series depending. I’m sure I’ll enjoy them both when I do take that leap and start them though.
      Thanks Sophie! 😀 ❤


  5. I love how we can commiserate in the fact that neither of us has read The Assassin’s Blade together. XD I should make it my mission to read it this year. Just catch up on all the SJM books before I put them off forever and ever and then never finish them. I REFUSE TO LET IT HAPPEN!

    I read Eleanor & Park years ago when it came out (which rarely ever happens lol), and I loved it. Still have yet to read her other books, though (quite typical of me). I read The Iron King two years back because it seemed like all my friends loved it, but I did not. It just bored me, and I didn’t really care about what was going on???

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    1. Ha, yeah we definitely can. For some reason I feel like that’s the one book most of SJM’s fan won’t have picked up. One day we’ll both get around to it I’m sure, and as long as it’s before the release of the last book in the series we’ll be good right? 🙂
      Oh that’s good to hear. Yeah so many people commenting seem to have loved Eleanor & Park. I’d definitely recommend Fangirl and Carry On by Rainbow Rowell which are the only two of her books I’ve read but which I loved so much. The Iron Fey I will likely never pick up, it lasted on my TBR list for a while but it’s time to say goodbye I think. 🙂

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  6. OH I really hope you will get to read Eleanor & Park and Second Chance Summer soon, I really loved both of these, they were amazing ❤
    It's crazy how endless our TBRs are, and some books we really want to read just end up… getting lost, haha, that always makes me so sad 😦
    Lovely post, Beth! xx

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    1. I hope so too, I definitely remember seeing a review of yours for Second Chance Summer and I know you loved it so I’m sure I will as well. And everyone’s loved Eleanor & Park based on the comments. 🙂
      Ha, yeah definitely crazy but I’ve come to accept it as one of those bookworm/book blogger problems we all have.
      Thanks so much Marie! 😀 ❤

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  7. Eleanor & Park is really a beautiful book! I would highly recommend it if you feel like you’re getting into a book slump, because that book was the best book to read last year when I had no idea what else I wanted to read. It was so good that I finished it in a day — on a school day, nonetheless. 😊 As for the Assassin’s Blade, if you love the Throne of Glass series, I would recommend taking the time to read it. You’ll understand Celaena’s character, background, and past so much more, and the motivations for the things she does throughout the ToG will make a lot more sense 👍

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    1. Ohh, I’ll definitely keep it in mind for then then. I’ve been kind of lucky with avoiding slumps recently but part of me feels like that just means I’m overdue for one or something. 🙂 And that’s a high recommendation for Eleanor & Park if you finished it in one day on a school day as well! 😀
      Well, I do love the Throne of Glass series. 🙂 I’ll get around to it one day, and likely before the last book in the series is released. I just need to actually motivate myself to pick it up which seems to be the main issue I’m having at the moment. 🙂

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  8. Ah yes I can really relate to having loads of books that I seem to take forever to get to. Second Chance Summer is really good though- especially if you like Matson already 🙂 I get why you’re no longer into reading iron fey (although I will say it was a fun series, though by no means a must read). Yeah I fell out of love with the poison study series- I don’t think I’ll ever get to that one either. Really interesting hearing why you hadn’t picked these up. Great post!! ❤

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    1. Part and parcel of being a bookworm right? 😀 Yeah loads of people have said that about Morgan Matson, I’m definitely going to have to move Second Chance Summer up my TBR list. I guess after a while some series we leave for so long we eventually lose interest in them. For me that’s what The Iron Fey, and in its own way Poison Study, have become
      Thanks so much. 🙂 ❤

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  9. This is the third list I’ve seen Eleanor and Park on. READ IT! If you like her stuff, I think you’ll like it a lot. It’s my favorite of hers, with Carry On close behind.

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    1. I wonder if everyone has at least one Morgan Matson book on their TBR list at any one time. 🙂 I’m slowly making my way through her books and Second Chance Summer will be next for sure! Oh that’s great to hear, and yeah I’m hoping so too. Thanks! ❤️


    1. So many people have said that about Eleanor & Park, I guess Rainbow Rowell is one of those authors everyone loves. Second Chance Summer is another one getting a lot of love so I hope you enjoy it when you get around to it as well. 😀


    1. I really hope so too, but soon tends to mean a different thing to bookworms than it does to other people (at least that’s what I’ve found!)
      Plenty of people have mentioned Eleanor & Park, I may have to bump that one up my TBR list a little then! 🙂


  10. Hi Beth! ❤
    Out of your list, I've only read Eleanor and Park, which I enjoyed. It was a while ago so I don't remember specifics, however, I do remember that it was a book that was easy to read and hard to put down, like many of other Rainbow Rowell books 🙂 Hope that you will enjoy this one!
    To Kill a Mockingbird, The Great Gatsby, and some other classics have been on my TBR forever. I've heard so many great things about these books, but I am always intimidated to start them :')

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    1. Hi Sophie. ❤️
      From the books I’ve read by her that is definitely the case with Rainbow Rowell’s stories, I never wanted Carry On to end but at the same time I couldn’t read it fast enough, and I’m sure when I get around to picking it up Eleanor & Park will be no exception! 🙂
      See the fact that you have classics on your TBR list is an achievement. I can’t read them so I’ve never bothered to add them. Here’s hoping you manage to get to them one day, and that they’re not as intimidating as you think too. 🙂

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      1. Yes I loved all of Rainbow Rowell’s books that I’ve read actually. Her characters are so lovable and every time I was sad for the book to end. Hope you will like Eleanor and Park 🙂
        Hahaha hope that I can get to the classics some day :’) You’re right in that they are probably not as bad as I think!

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      2. Oh they really are, in fact it’s been so long since I’ve picked up one of her books that I feel I really should read one soon! 🙂 Talking about her characters has made me want to start reading right away.
        I’ll keep my fingers crossed that’s the case for you Sophie. 🙂 ❤️

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  11. I so need to read Eleanor & Park and finish the TMI series as well! With Cassie Clare’s stuff, I just haven’t been as motivated to pick the books up since they seemed really over-hyped to me, but with Eleanor & Park (and Carry On too, might I add!) I just haven’t gotten around to reading them yet and it’s so sad cause they’re just chilling there on my bookshelf, starting at me every time I pass them and lowkey silently judging… Agh, the pains of the TBR pile.

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    1. The Mortal Instrument books are very very hyped, but from what I’ve read they’re quite good so I can see why everyone seems to love them. The only problem for me is that there are so many and I feel so behind at the moment! 😀 It’s a case of not having gotten around to Eleanor & Park for me too, one day. I have read Carry On and I really enjoyed it so I hope you manage to get to it soon (I know all too well TBR pains of the TBR pile!) 😀

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      1. Aghh, I’m so hoping to get to Carry On soon, as well!
        When it comes to TMI, I do see the appeal, but I simply think it’s overhyped, and that’s usually a huge turn off for me when it comes to reading… I do find the plot enjoyable, but not as enjoyable as I’ve heard everyone call it!

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  12. Ooh, I’ve been meaning to read Rainbow Rowell’s books for a while now (especially Carry On!!) but I don’t think I’ll be reading Eleanor & Park? I’ve heard a lot about how she was racist in writing an Asian MC in that book and I don’t really want to read that. :/

    And oh yes, I have to finish the Shadowhunter series!! I honestly don’t even want to read TMI (only the Dark Artifices) but I think I’ll have to read everything for all the backstory and context so yup. 😂 Hope you get to all of these books soon, Beth! ❤

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    1. Oh I hadn’t heard that about Rainbow Rowell, in fact from what I’ve read everyone seems to have loved her books, but I may see what I can find just so if I decide to pick up the book I’m aware you know? It would suck if that was the case but I don’t blame you for not wanting to read it if it is the case.
      Honestly the main reason I am reading TMI, and all of Clare’s other books, is so I can get around to The Dark Artifices! There are just so many to get through. Thanks so much May. 🙂 ❤️

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  13. Second Chance Summer is one of my favourite Morgan Matson books, it has everything you need from a book! I’ve had Assassins Blade on my shelf for the longest time as well, but I’ve never really been that interested in picking it up.

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    1. At the moment my favourite Morgan Matson book is Amy and Rogers Epic Detour, but someone else said the same about Second Chance Summer so maybe after I’ve read it I’ll have a new favourite! 🙂
      Yeah I think for me it’s something about the fact that they’re novellas you know? Here’s hoping we both manage to get around to it someday! 🙂

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    1. Yeah I guess it’s a hidden gem of a series. I’m a little surprised to come across someone who read Enchanted actually! I never got around to Hero, but I really enjoyed Enchanted so I’m not sure why, oh well. 🙂
      Also thanks for the link. I’ll be sure to check out your TTT post! 🙂

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  14. Ah okay so Second Chance Summer was the first I read by Morgan Matson and I think it was my favorite. It has literally everything I love: a nice lake setting, REALLY GOOD FAMILY STORY, second chance friendships and relationships, and some summer vibes. But actually the family story is so good and it’s not even a side plot like you could say the romance in the side plot. It really focuses on their family a lot and is so beautiful and sad????? I really love it.

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    1. I’ve heard amazing things about Second Chance Summer. 🙂 Basically it 100% seems like a book I’m going to love because I love Morgan Matson’s stories and I also love books with really good family stories too. I’m definitely intrigued by how you’ve said the romance is almost a side plot to the families story. I don’t think I’ve come across another contemporary book like that (at least I can’t think of one off the top of my head!) Hopefully I’ll get around to it soon and hopefully I’ll love it as much as you have as well! 😀

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