Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Reading Recommendations for my Cousin Through the Years

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Each week there is a new topic for bloggers to choose and list their top ten. This week’s theme is Top Ten Books I Want my Future Children to Read.

While this could change at the moment I don’t see myself having children. However one of my younger cousins has developed an all-consuming love of Harry Potter, the series that kick-started my obsession with reading, so for this week’s Top Ten Tuesday topic I’ve done a list of series, author and book recommendations for her for once she’s ready to move on from Harry Potter.

Top Ten Tuesday #83

For Immediately After she’s Finished Harry Potter I’d Recommend…

A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket

While I don’t remember a lot of the finer details of Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate Events I do remember these books being so much fun to read, and when it comes down to it that’s what I want for my cousin, for her to have fun reading.

Pure Dead by Debi Gliori

Think the Addams family but for young children – a series with more magic, slightly less darkness, and plenty of mythical creatures – and you have the Pure Dead books. I think this is possibly the perfect series to jump into immediately after finishing Harry Potter.

His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman

With The Book of Dust having recently been released this is a great recommendation because now the series doesn’t have to finish with The Amber Spyglass, an ending which I still find heartbreakingly bittersweet even today.

Percy Jackson and the Olympians by Rick Riordan

It seems like most people read either Harry Potter as a child of the Percy Jackson series. For me it was Harry Potter but after eventually making my way through the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series I wish someone had recommended these books to me when I’d been growing up.

For her Early Teens I’d Recommend…

Meg Cabot

While I never got into The Princess Diaries Meg Cabot’s Mediator series pretty much defined my early teens. Her writing is fun and bubbly, and I have so many fond memories of gossiping about the books with my friends when I should have been concentrating on my maths teacher.

Sarah Dessen

Just Listen was the first Sarah Dessen book and the first YA contemporary book I picked up in my early teens. I fell in love with her writing and her characters and I think even today her most recent releases are incredible, and her stories definitely stand the test of time.

L.J. Smith

Before I picked up Twilight I read L.J. Smith’s Night World series and these were the books that got me into the YA/Middle Grade paranormal genre. Although the last book in the series still hasn’t been released there are nine great stories for my cousin to get started on.

For her Late Teens I’d Recommend…

The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas

If I were to pick one book that I’d say is the defining read of 2017, for me at the very least, it would be The Hate U Give. This really has been a story everyone’s been talking about, and I think even years down the line when my cousin is in her late teens it will still be an important book.

A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab

No one should be surprised to see A Darker Shade of Magic on my list. This is a book I will recommend to anyone and everyone, and really it’s just any excuse to bring up my favourite series and try and get someone else hooked on V.E. Schwab’s writing.

Carry On by Rainbow Rowell

It seems almost fitting that as my cousin is discovering her love of Harry Potter the last book I’m recommending for her to pick up sometime in the future is Carry On. In my opinion Carry On had all the magic of Harry Potter, but with less of the seriousness.

So what do you think? Did you take part in this week’s Top Ten Tuesday, if so let me know what books you’d recommend to the next generation.

57 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Reading Recommendations for my Cousin Through the Years

  1. I can see what you mean about reading Northern Lights later they are very complicated books to understand. Your mention of the vampire book series reminds me that for me best vampire thing ever is Buffy! I know it is not a book series but it is great.

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  2. I 100% agree with this list! Even though I haven’t read either Percy Jackson or HP, they kind of go hand in hand. So, if she’s reading HP now, then she MUST read Percy too. And certainly can’t forget the Unfortunate Series of Events. A childhood wouldn’t be a childhood without that series LOL. Meg Cabot and L.J. Smith were some of my favorite authors in my early teens. I was ADDICTED to the Night World series! Not many people mention those books, but they’re soooo good. My favorite book was with Quinn and Rachel. I think that was the 5th book? I loved many of the other ones, too! And of course I agree with both Carry On and Darker Shade of Magic. No argument there. Fantastic books, those two. Haven’t gotten around to THUG but I’m sure that it’s basically an essential read and classic now, so perfect choice! Your cousin is lucky to have you and your amazing recs 😉

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    1. That’s good to hear! 🙂 And yes HP pretty much made my childhood and I know if I’d have read the Percy Jackson series when I was younger it would have been the same situation (basically I want to make sure my cousin doesn’t wait as long as I did to discover the wonder that is the PJ books!) A Series of Unfortunate Events was such a fun series to read when I was a child, and so were Meg Cabot’s books. Oh I was the same, addicted to the Night World series (I’m still peeved the last book hasn’t been released yet!). Yeah that was the fifth, my favourite was the sixth with Hannah and Thierry (I think that was his name, really can’t remember).
      I couldn’t not include ADSOM in my recs, and I really hope you love THUG Azia. I’d say it definitely fits the category of essential read. 🙂 Ha, thanks Azia. I just hope she still thinks so when I’m piling these books on top of her! 😀

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      1. Yeah, better to read both HP and Percy Jackson young. Both series are more geared towards younger readers and their extensive imaginations anyways! Wait, the last book for The Night World hasn’t been released yet?! That’s news to me actually LOL. Never knew that. Well, ain’t that bothersome? 🙃 Oh my god, YES, I loved Hannah and Thierry. They were my second favorite couple! There was another couple I really liked but I can’t remember their names 😦 It was the vampire prince and human. That’s all I remember haha. Great series. I think it’s time to revisit them!
        I’m sure she’ll love all of them! 😀

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      2. They are, but I think they’re both series you can still love as an adult. They’re timeless in that way (I’m never going to get tired of reading Harry Potter!)
        Nope, it was supposed to be released in 1999 but nearly twenty years later and still nothing (I’m a little bitter about it still!)
        That was Ash and Mary-Jane maybe? I’m a little fuzzy on the names but they were my second favourite couple. Honestly talking about them with you makes me want to revisit them as well! 😀

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      3. 1999?? Oh wow, now I’m bitter too LOL.
        Yes! I think that was them! I remember the name Ash (not Mary Jane so much, but that’s probably her name). Yes, I think a reread of the series is definitely a must now 😀

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  3. Love the list, Beth!! The Unfortunate Events is one series I had read in French as a kid back in elementary. I recently started rereading them in English (although I’ve been on a big pause cause… I can’t seem to find a used copy of my edition of book 3 it in any bookstores hahaha). Philip Pullman and Rick Riordan on this list is pure genius too! And of course, ADSOM!! Not surprised it made the list too. 😉

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    1. Thanks so much Lashaan! 🙂 Oh well in that case I hope you enjoy the Unfortunate Events books as much reading them the second time as you did the first. It’s one series I have on my to-read list so hopefully I’ll be able to get around to it soon-ish (I also hope you find you edition of book three soon!)
      I think they’re both authors who are classic choices for younger readers, and of course I was going to include ADSOM on my list this week. Any excuse to recommend it! 😀

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  4. Hi Beth!
    I absolutely loved A Series of Unfortunate Events growing up, and I would definitely recommend this to my cousins and future children! Yes to ADSOM and THUG as well!
    Speaking of cousins and books: I bought Sailor Moon (the graphic novels) for my 15-year old cousin, and Harry Potter for my 13-year-old cousin in China 🙂

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    1. Hi Sophie. 🙂 Yes A Series of Unfortunate Events was such a fun book, and honestly there’s nothing else like it out there either in terms of the story or in terms of the writing style. THUG and ADSOM are books I’d recommend to everyone, not just the younger generation.
      Oh those sound like good picks for your cousins Sophie, I haven’t read any of the Sailor Moon graphic novels but my friends loved them, I hope your cousins do as well! 😀

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      1. Yes the writing style of A Series of Unfortunate Events is so unique, and that’s what attracted me to the series in the first place (although at that time I probably knew nothing about writing styles hahaha…)
        I am crossing my fingers that my cousin will be able to read the graphic novels- she is still learning English 🙂

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      2. Same here, I guess I just thought it was written in such a unique way, and such a fun way to read as well, that I needed the rest of the books.
        Ohh, in that case I hope she’ll be able to read them as well, but if not she can use them to help her learn right? 🙂

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  5. Oh I love your twist on the topic, it’s so adorable and I hope your cousin will read this post and follow your recommendations – they are ALL quite awesome, I’ll admit it 🙂 Sarah Dessen and Meg Cabot are awesome recommendations for early teenage years, and YAY for His Dark Materials, it’s such an incredible series. One you can read younger and love the world, and one you can read older and find details, complexities and so on. Still magical.
    Great list 🙂

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    1. Thanks so much Marie. 🙂 ❤ I hope so too, I'll certainly be recommending her all these books but even if she doesn't enjoy them I love talking about Harry Potter with her at the very least. 🙂
      Sarah Dessen and Meg Cabot kind of defined my early teen/high school years, and because I didn't pick up His Dark Materials until later so did Philip Pullman. 😀 Now that The Book of Dust has been released that's a series I need to re-read so I'll see if it's just as good reading it now as it was back then (I'm sure it will be.)
      Thanks. 🙂 ❤

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  6. Percy Jackson and The Shades of Magic books were on my list this week too! I loved ASOUE when I was younger, but didn’t include it on my list this week as I was only talking about books I owned. I remember liking The Princess Diaries when I was younger, but I don’t reckon I’d like them now as my reading tastes have changed and I’m not so big on fluffy contemporaries anymore.
    My TTT:

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    1. Percy Jackson is just a natural stepping stone for children once they’ve finished Harry Potter right, and I couldn’t not include Shades of Magic this week. It’s an all-time ultimate favourite of mine for a reason! 😀
      Oh I never really got into The Princess Diaries when I was younger, and now it’s not the kind of series I’d pick up for the same reason you’d no longer read them; too fluffy for me now. 🙂
      Thanks for the link, I’ll definitely check out your TTT! 😀


      1. Yes I think so! Oh same here, I know it’s geared towards adults, but you could definitely give it to teens so I think it still counts for this topic. I remember liking them when I was about 12/13 but not anymore. No problem 🙂

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  7. Absolutely YES to the His Dark Materials series! It is one of my absolute favourite childhood books and I still own my copies from back then in immaculate condition! I also loved the series of unfortunate events – although the ending miffed me off a bit! 😛 great picks!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Oh I didn’t get around to His Dark Materials until I was in my mid-teens, but when I did start it I found myself wishing I’d picked up the series sooner. 😀 Either way now The Book of Dust has been released I need to re-read all three books again. 🙂
      I can’t actually remember the ending for A Series of Unfortunate Events, major sign that I need to re-read that series too.
      Thanks so much Lauren. 😀 ❤

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      1. I got them all as a Christmas gift very early teens … I think maybe 11? And I loved them 🙂 I want to re read a series of unfortunate events as well at some point … when my tbr allows it 😅😅

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  8. I am spotting Percy Jackson books everywhere today! I need to read this series! Sarah Dessen and Rainbow Rowell are on my tbr! I actually have The Truth About Forever by Sarah Dessen, Can’t wait to read it!
    Here’s my TTT

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I feel like Percy Jackson is one of those series that is a natural stepping point for children growing up. You start with Harry Potter, then go onto Percy Jackson, and then you’ve got the rest of the book world to choose from. 🙂
      Oh The Truth About Forever is actually my second favourite book by Sarah Dessen, I really hope you love it, and the Rainbow Rowell books you have on your to-read list as well. 🙂
      Thanks for the link, I’ll definitely check out your TTT! 😀


  9. Same here. can’t see myself having children but if I’d have. Harry potter would be first on my list. I would force my kids to read the whole series. coz I know after, they’d become certified booklovers. 🙂 🙂 🙂 great list, btw. And I’m so happy for your cousin… 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yep that’s how it was for me. Well, no one forced me to read the whole series but as soon as I finished the first book I was a certified book lover. 🙂 If any book series could get children to fall in love with reading it would be that one.
      Thanks so much! 😀

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  10. I like how you turned the topic into something for your cousin! That must be so much fun giving her ideas on what to read next! I wish I had someone I could do that with! I agree with all your choices, they are all so good & I kinda want to reread a Series of Unfortunate Events again… for the fifth or sixth time 😛

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    1. Thanks so much Meghan. 🙂 Yeah like I said I don’t see myself having children and my little cousin has fallen in love with Harry Potter so she kind of reminds me of myself starting out my reading journey you know?
      Oh I need to re-read A Series of Unfortunate Events, especially given I still need to watch the TV series. Maybe I’ll watch and re-read at the same time! 😀

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    1. Thanks so much Kristin. 😀 I feel that The Hate U Give is one of those books people would recommend to everyone, and even years down the line it’s still going to be an important read for everyone because of its message. 🙂
      Yeah I think it was Sarah Dessen who was my first favourite author after J.K. Rowling! 🙂

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