The Aussie Book Tag

No I’m not suddenly Australian, and I haven’t moved halfway across the world since my last blog post either, but I was deemed an “honorary” Australian when I was tagged so for this one day consider me a citizen of Australia. I was tagged by Lauren at Wonderless Reviews. Thanks so much for the tag Lauren, I had a lot of fun with this one so I hope you enjoy reading my answers just as much.

The Aussie Book Tag

A character you want to cuddle all day long

A Conjuring of Light by V.E. Schwab

I’ll admit I felt for Holland in the previous two books of the trilogy. Although we didn’t get much of his back story you could tell he hadn’t had an easy life. In A Conjuring of Light we finally learn his more about his past, and seeing what he’s been through just breaks my heart. He is a character that definitely needs a hug.


A book you love that everyone else hates

Honestly I don’t think there is one. There are a far few books I love that have mixed reviews, but I know there are plenty of other people out there who love them as well so I don’t think they quite count when it comes to this question.

Favourite fictional squad

Blue and the Raven Boys
The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater

Did anyone expect to see anything different for this question? Blue and the Raven Boys are the ultimate squad in my opinion. All of them are so different from each other but they are tied together by a common goal. I loved the dynamic between Blue, Gansey, Adam, Ronan and Noah, and could honestly read another series all about their adventures.

The Raven Cycle

Southern Cross:
Most recent five star read

The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas

There is so much hype surrounding this book. Before I picked it up I thought I knew what would happen and where the story would go, but I was completely wrong. The Hate U Give took me to places I never thought it would; it is an emotional, powerful, moving and important story, and one I can’t recommend enough.

The Hate U Give

Favourite book by an author from your country

The Bone Season by Samantha Shannon

When it comes to favourite series The Bone Season isn’t just one of my favourites by an English author but one of my all-time favourites in general. I can’t think of a single thing I didn’t like about these books and with another four still to be released I can’t wait to see where the series goes next.

The Bone Season2

However as this is the Aussie book tag and not the British book tag I’m guessing this question was supposed to feature an author from Australia.

The Illuminae Files by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff

This is a series that reminds me what I love about the sci-fi genre. Both Illuminae and Gemina are extremely beautiful books; everything from the cover design, to the format the story is told in, to the story itself is breathtaking.


A book you like to look at, but it physically hurts to read

The Crown’s Game by Evelyn Skye

I had high hopes for The Crown’s Game when I first read the blurb, and hearing it compared to The Night Circus didn’t lower my expectations at all. However reading this book I was really let down. Despite the gorgeous cover and the exciting concept The Crown’s Game wasn’t what I thought it would be at all.

The Crown's Game

Ned Kelly:
A book that is really grim, but an iconic must-read

All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr

For books that tell a heartbreaking story set during World War II everyone talks about The Book Thief, but not many people seem to know about this one. All the Light We Cannot See is just as moving, just as heartbreaking, just as devastating. It shows us two different sides to World War II, following a French refugee and a German soldier through the years.

All the Light We Cannot See

Great Barrier Reef:
A book that had you gaping in awe

The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern

There are never going to be enough words to fully describe how amazing I found this book. The first time I picked it up and started reading I immediately fell in love with the story, the characters, and even the circus itself. Now, no matter how many times I re-read The Night Circus, I still fall in love with all those aspects all over again.

The Night Circus

A light and fluffy book that you can’t help but love

P.S. I Like You by Kasie West

As the very first book by Kasie West I picked up P.S. I Like You introduced me to a new favourite author, and to this day it remains my favourite of all her releases. Light and fluffy is the perfect way to describe this one, the romance between the main characters is so sweet and unforgettable, and it’s a story that can easily be read in one sitting.

P.S. I Like You

A genre/author you reach for to get you out of a reading slump

I wouldn’t say I have one genre or author I use to pull myself out of reading slumps, simply because it all depends on what put me in that slump in the first place.

I am actually currently in a little bit of a contemporary slump after reading two heartbreaking Adam Silvera books back to back, so I’m binge reading fantasy and sci-fi releases. However there have been times when I’ve done the same with contemporary releases after a fantasy book has left me in a reading slump.

I’m not going to tag anyone in this as, well, I’m not Australian so I’m not sure who I’d actually tag. However if anyone else wants to complete this tag then go for it, just send me a link to your post in the comments so I can see what your answers are.

47 thoughts on “The Aussie Book Tag

  1. Aw, yay!! Loved seeing your answers for this one Beth 😀 😀

    So much yes to giving Holland a hug! I love him so much and my heart still hurts. He deserved some good in his life after everything he went through 😩 Blue and her Raven Boys and The Illuminae Files are the best ♥♥

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    1. Thanks so much Lauren. Thanks again for tagging me in it! 😀
      He really needed a hug, especially after everything he went through in ACOL and everything we learnt about his past as well.
      They really are! Ultimate books for me. 😀 ❤


  2. Aww Holland went through so much, the poor thing. 😦 As the books went on I felt more and more bad for him! And yes The Raven Boys and Blue are totally the best squad haha. PS I Like You is so totally adorable! I love it and Kasie West’s books so much. ❤ The Night Circus is SO amazing! I'm sorry to hear you didn't enjoy The Crown's Game though, I did enjoy that one quite a bit I remember. Do you plan on continuing the series or no? 🙂 Lovely picks, Beth!

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    1. He really did, and it seemed like in ACOL his situation went from bad to worse. That combined with his past just made me want to hug him and keep him safe from V.E. Schwab. 🙂
      Definitely the best squad, and I love Kasie West books as well. They’re perfect for when I want a quick, cute story.
      The Night Circus is my all-time favourite I think, and yeah it was a shame about The Crown’s Game. Still I’m glad to hear you enjoyed it, and I will be continuing the series, it wasn’t that bad to make me not want to you know?
      Thanks Analee! 😀 ❤

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      1. Oh my gosh yesss! Throughout the whole series, he got the short end of the stick, and in ACOL it definitely didn’t get any better, poor Holland!! 💔 Ahah right?
        I’m glad to hear you’re still continuing the series! I hope you enjoy the second book more. 😊

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      2. I almost wish things had gotten better for him, but I suppose in the end I wonder if that have made his development weaker in a way?
        Same here, it’s happened before with other series so maybe this will be the same. 😀

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  3. Thought the Six of Crows crews would get the ultimate crew spotlight though. 😛 Also super SUPER surprised that Crown’s Game got tagged with the infamous “Night Circus” marketing though. That’s the first time I’m hearing it. :O

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    1. Oh the Six of Crows characters were an amazing crew but I think The Raven Cycle characters just beat them out a little bit. I can’t actually remember where I heard that, it could have been word of mouth or a GR review or something but I remember reading that and then being really disappointed with the way the story turned out. :/

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  4. I completely agree with your choice of a character who needs to be cuddled. I just wanted to hug Holland while reading ACOL. I wanted to hug him and steal him away from the books and protect him because ouch V.E. Schwab gave him the worst past. I know we’ve been talking about him in other comments but man my heart broke for him so much! 😢 And I so need to finish TRC series already. I don’t even know why I haven’t yet because they were a huge favorite of mine back several years ago. Either way, for what I have read, they’re definitely one of my favorite fictional squads too. YAY for TBS! I’ve still yet to read Illuminae… I’m so behind lol. BUT that’s another one I want to try to get around to. Probably whenever the last book is released. 😂 And I completely agree about P.S. I Like You. Also, I’m so sad that I didn’t get around to The Night Circus this month! I swear that book is next after ACOWAR and Lord of Shadows if I don’t hit a fantasy slump. I want to read it so bad after having read your review. Great answers for this, Beth! I loved reading them. 😊♥

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    1. Oh god yes. Of all the characters ever Holland definitely deserves a break. He went through so much heartbreak in his short life and literally never had anything go well for him. I love V.E. Schwab as an author but wow does she put her characters through a lot!
      I’d highly recommend TRC series, it’s a favourite of mine and the last two books were my favourite so depending on where you are in the series you likely have the best yet to come!
      I had to include TBS somewhere in this tag, and I would highly highly recommend Illuminae Melissa! 😀
      In that case I’m going to keep my fingers crossed that you don’t go into a fantasy slump after ACOWAR and LoS (you didn’t with TSR so it’s possible right?) so you can get started on The Night Circus. It’s a beautiful book and one I really really hope you enjoy as much as I did.
      Thanks so much Melissa! 😀 ❤

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      1. Right? His life was literally no uphill and all downhill. I need someone to write an alternative universe fic or something where Holland gets a good life. V.E. Schwab really does put her characters through a lot.
        I finished the first and second book in TRC series and then I think the third book was delayed (if I’m not mistaken) and for some reason they sort of slipped out of my focus by the time it was released. But, yeah, I’ve heard a lot of good things about the other two and plan on finishing the series.
        Here’s to hoping! The fact that I didn’t with TSR (which was more highly anticipated than ACOWAR and LoS) is a good sign. By the way, I saw that you started ACOWAR! How far are you!? I’m on chapter 25 at the moment and have spent the past two days reading all day. Slow reader that I am when it comes to fantasy, I can’t believe I’m not further. IT’S SO GOOD so far though!
        You’re welcome Beth!! 😁♥

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      2. If you do write something please let me know. I’d need to read it so I can imagine Holland did get a happy ending and that ACOL didn’t happen to him! Oh she does, but her stories are so good I’ willing to forgive her for it. 🙂
        Oh that’s a shame, but the third book was my favourite of the three when I picked up the series, then it became The Raven King when that was released. Hopefully you’ll manage to get back into the series soon and you’ll enjoy the last two books even more! 😀 She’s always releasing a Ronan trilogy so that’s something to work towards as well. 🙂
        I will say reading ACOWAR at the moment I don’t think it’s going to put me into a reading slump, but at the same time I haven’t got to the end yet. Close but not quite. There’s still so much to happen. See you’re savouring it, I’m rushing through because I can’t read it fast enough! 😀

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      3. Will do! Don’t know if I ever will though but only because I don’t think I would be able to write Holland’s character as well as Schwab can. I wouldn’t be able to do him justice. 🙈
        Hopefully! And I’ve heard about the Ronan trilogy. I’m actually really excited about it and definitely have to read the other books for TRC before the first book for that one is out.
        I actually think ACOWAR is going to put me in a slump now. Before I wasn’t that far into it but now that I am I can just feel the slump coming on. But yeah, I’m forcing myself to savor it only because I don’t want it to be over. Except once I got past the 50% mark I started reading way too fast and now I only have 30% left. 😂

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      4. Well lets be honest I don’t think anyone would be able to write the characters as well as their authors can. But anything would be good, I’d love to read more Holland! 😀 ❤
        I'm so so excited for it, I'm pretty much stalking GR at the moment for any possibly hint of information on the Ronan trilogy.
        Actually surprisingly ACOWAR hasn't put me in a slump, which is good because I can still get around to some fantasy books, but I'm kind of stuck on what to read next. That 30% will fly by, and the closer you get to the end the faster you'll want to read it! 😀

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      5. Very true. Although, I have to admit there are few fanfictions I’ve read for Divergent, THG, and Shatter Me that have been spot on and almost as if the authors could have written them. I’ve even gone back and reread them lol.
        I think she’s tweeted a few things about it over the past few weeks but I can’t be completely sure.
        Weirdly enough I don’t think ACOWAR put me in a slump either. I’m shocked! After I finished it yesterday there was a moment when I thought I was falling into a slump but then today my first thought was that after I’m done rereading my favorite parts I want to jump into another fantasy. I even debating reading Throne of Glass at the moment because I’m in the mood for more SJM books. 😂 This fantasy binge is out of control at this point and part of me is worried that when a slump finally hits it will be bad lol.
        The last 30% so flew by and I was not prepared! Seriously that moment at the end with the Cauldron my heart stopped. My heart stopped and broke and then I couldn’t read because I was bawling. SJM is evil for that! 🙈

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      6. Oh I know what you mean, there are some writers out there who are obviously massive fans and who manage to completely get the voices of the characters down. It’s always great to read those ones but they seem to be few and few between don’t they?
        I was definitely surprised, but then again so far none of my highly anticipated releases have put me in a slump, I thought for sure either ACOL or TSR would do it, especially considering how close together they were released.
        Oh my god yes, definitely started the ToG series, especially if you’re in an SJM mood. And yeah that part broke my heart, but at the same time I was determined not to believe SJM would do that to us, I know it couldn’t end there for Feyre and Rhys so I kept reading because I just didn’t believe it! I was in serious denial there. 😀

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      7. Definitely far and few between. There are way more fanfictions out there that are not that great. 🙈
        I just think 2017 is turning into a great reading year. One with out terrible slumps so far and here’s to hoping it stays that way! I’m already over halfway through my reading goal for year too which I’m shocked about.
        I’m debating it right now. I’ve heard the first book is a tad slow and after ACOWAR I’m not 100% sure it would be smart to jump into something slow. I’m actually going to try starting it tonight if I have the chance so we’ll see. 😁
        For a second while reading it I actually believed she was going to go there! I blame all of the authors who have killed main characters on me. But yeah, then everything happened and even though I was so relieved I still cried. 🙈

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      8. It makes the good ones worth finding thought doesn’t it? 2017 is definitely turning out to be an amazing year, then again there are plenty of amazing books being released so that’s gotta help! Ohh, congratulations on that Melissa. I’m not halfway yet but I am ahead of schedule so that’s still god progress! 🙂
        I wouldn’t say the first book is slow, just that it isn’t that good in terms of the character development of Celaena, Chaol and Dorian. Well I hope you end up enjoying it, the second is a lot better so either way you have that to look forwards too. 🙂
        There have been more authors who killed main characters than not, glad to see SJM wasn’t one of them! 😀 ❤

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      9. It really does! Very true about the fact that so many amazing books are being released. And even yet to be released. Thanks and I think being ahead of schedule is definitely great progress. I bet you’ll hit the halfway mark before you know it! 😁
        Oh okay! I’ll keep that in mind. I have tried started it yet but only because I got distracted by a few rereads. Slowly pulling myself out of my ACOWAR book hangover. 🙈 I hope I end up enjoying it too! Given that I love SJM’s writing I’m think there’s a big chance I will.
        I am too! I so thought she would so it’s great that she didn’t lol.

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      10. I’ve started looking at some of the books released in the second half of this year (drafting a future TTT post) and there are some amazing releases I’m definitely excited for.
        I imagine your ACOWAR hangover is taking a while to get over. 🙂 I think if anything ACOWAR has only made me want to read more fantasy books, funny how that works. 😀

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    1. Thanks so much, and oh it’s always great to hear other people have felt the same way about The Night Circus! 😀 ❤ Such an amazing book.
      Definitely, the friendship in TRC series is kind of my goals for my own real life friendships. 🙂

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  5. Lovely answers! This definitely got me pumped to read a couple of these, mainly The Raven Boys, Illuminae and P. S. I Love You. The Night Circus has been on my TBR for forever as well.
    Too bad about The Crown’s Game, though. It does seem to have a lot of mixed reviews…
    Great post, Beth! 😊

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    1. Thanks so much, and I’m glad you’re more excited to get around to those books now. The Raven Cycle and Illuminae are two favourite series of mine, and P.S. I Like You and The Night Circus are wonderful standalones I’m sure you’ll love! 🙂
      Yeah that was a shame, I had high hopes for it too. In the end it just wasn’t what I thought it would be.
      Thanks Sophie! 😀

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  6. haha, yes, Holland would definitely need a hug – never thought I’d say that after reading the first book but well, now…I do ahah.
    And YES for The Raven Cycle, I love these characters so, so much ❤

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    1. Just goes to show how good V.E. Schwab is at writing her characters. You go from hating Holland to wanting to wrap him up in a blanket and make him hot chocolate! 🙂
      Same here, they’re my friendship goals when it comes to YA books, nothing will ever be able to compare! 😀 ❤

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  7. I would totally hug Holland! Man that poor guy just couldn’t catch a break hey 😦 This is an awesome tag, I’m an Aussie so I might do it down the track. Awesome answers 🙂

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  8. YOU SHOULD TAG CAIT! She would love this. XD And I really need to read The Night Circus! I’ve heard great things about it, so I don’t know why I keep putting it off! And I’ve only read ADSOM — I need to read the rest! And AGH YES RAVEN BOYS ❤ And ahglasdjflksdjflkasdjlk I. need. Illuminae. NOW.

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    1. I’m not 100% sure who you mean but if Cait wants to take part in this she’s more than welcome. Consider it an open tag for anyone who wants to take part! 😀
      Oh I’d highly recommend The Night Circus May, it’s a beyond brilliant book and an all-time favourite of mine. Same with the other two books in the Shades of Magic series, seriously I can’t recommend them highly enough! 🙂
      The Raven Boys is an amazing series, ❤ and same with Illuminae as well.

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      1. Ha, that’s all right. 🙂 The only reason I didn’t really tag people was because I wasn’t sure who was Australian and who wasn’t, who has been tagged and who hasn’t.
        If only there was more time, I would be able to get so much more reading done! 😀 ❤

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