The Sunshine Blogger Award Part Five

This will probably be my last Sunshine Blogger Award post for a while. I’ve made it through all the nominations and answered all the questions so I hope you’ve enjoyed reading them all. I’ve answered questions on blogging, questions on reading and questions on myself, so if you want to learn more about me these posts are probably filled with everything you want to know and more.

The Sunshine Blogger Award

I was tagged by Abyssal Librarian. Thank you so much for your nomination, I had a lot of fun answering the questions you set and I hope you enjoy reading my answers.


  • Thank the person(s) who nominated you in a blog post and link back to their blog
  • Answer the 11 questions sent by the person who nominated you
  • Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions
  • List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo on your post and/or on your blog

Abyssal Librarian’s Questions

  1. When did you start blogging and what made you decide to start?

I started blogging back in November 2015, so it’s been three and a half years ago now and I’m still going strong. I started blogging because I needed people to talk to about my favourite books; my friends weren’t reading as fast as I were and weren’t reading the same books I was, and I really needed people who I could fan-girl with over my favourite series and characters.

  1. Who are three of your favourite singers or bands?

My favourite song/album/band changes fairly regularly depending on what mood I’m in and what I’ve been binge-listening to. At the moment my top three are Fall Out Boy (who are normally always high on my list), Little Mix and Sigrid.

The Sunshine Blogger Award (22)

  1. If you were a superhero, which superpower would you want to have any why?

I’d want to be able to teleport, and the main reason isn’t a ‘noble superhero’ reason either. I travel two hours on my commute to and from work, if I could teleport I could just instantly appear where I needed to and it would save me so much time. Plus I’d be able to travel all over the world and not have to pay travel fares or deal with long flights.

  1. What did you want to be when you grew up? Are you doing it/on your way to doing it?

What I wanted to be when I grew up changed every year when I was a child but the career I kept circling back to was teacher. I’m not currently a teacher (I actually work in Retail, as a Planner for Marks and Spencer) and while I do enjoy teaching/training people within my current job I’m not sure I would have the patience to teach children day in and day out.

  1. What special talents do you have, or would you like to have?

I pick up things very quickly and I have a good memory which makes learning new skills (like a language, I’m currently trying to learn Dutch) easy. I don’t think there are any talents I wish I had, at least I can’t think of any off the top of my head while writing this post.

  1. Which new-to-you authors have you discovered recently that you think others should try?

I’d definitely recommend Taylor Jenkins Reid; I recently read Daisy Jones and the Six and The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo, which is actually in the running for my favourite read of 2019. Also Nora Sakavic whose All For the Game trilogy I literally binge-read, I was addicted from the first page of the first book.

The Sunshine Blogger Award (23)

top ten tuesday '19 #2.9

Some contemporary authors I recently discovered but need to read more of are Alice Oseman and Laura Silverman. I’ve heard brilliant things about their books, and based on what I have read I know I’m going to love their other releases too.

The Sunshine Blogger Award (24)

  1. What was your favourite toy or game as a child?

One game both me and my sister were addicted to when we were between ten and fifteen was The Sims. We started off with the original game but later added some of the expansion packs; Superstar, Livin’ Large, Makin’ Magic, House Party, etc. We’d both spend hours crowded around the computer screen, with more time dedicated to building houses rather than letting our Sims live in them.

The Sunshine Blogger Award (25)

  1. What is your biggest pet peeve?

I hate it when people walk really slowly in front of me. One of the problems with working in London is that it’s crowded with people who take leisurely strolls while I’m trying to rush to the Tube, who will stop in the middle of a crowded Oxford Street right in front of me. That last one really bugs me, if you’re going to stop move to the side and stop, don’t just stop in the middle of the pavement.

  1. If you could meet any historical figure, who would you pick and why?

When I think about historical figures I’d like to meet there’s no one that really jumps to the front of mind, and in fact when I think about history I always think about eras I’d like to visit. Rather than meeting Winston Churchill I’d want to see London during the Blitz, rather than meeting Queen Victoria I’d want to travel back to the Victorian era for a short while.

  1. Would you rather travel back in time, or travel into the future?

Ohh this is a really hard question but (and based on my previous answer this probably won’t come as a surprise) I’m going to have to say I’d rather travel back in time.

  1. What is your guilty pleasure?

Probably binge-eating too much chocolate. I’m talking those massive ‘Share’ bags which I will eat all to myself. I can never eat too much chocolate, it gives me really bad headaches, but sometimes if I’ve had a bad day I’ll indulge and just suffer through the headache (it’s usually worth it).

That’s it from me for The Sunshine Blogger Award posts, but let me know your answers to the questions in this post.

Who are your favourite singers/bands? Do you have one favourite who’s always going to be a favourite, no matter what mood you’re in, or does your favourite depend on what you’re listening to?

What did you want to be when you grew up, and what toys or games did you love as a child? Which historical figure would be at the top of your list to meet if you ever got to travel back in time?

24 thoughts on “The Sunshine Blogger Award Part Five

  1. Hahaha I love your superhero powers and the reason for them! Let’s be honest, more free time equals more reading time. Thus, a very noble reason in my opinion 😛
    I’d love to have a good memory – mine’s super crappy and makes learning new things a bit challenging… So I totally envy you!
    I’ve never read anything by Reid or Sakavic but I’ll definitely try them out now 🙂
    The Sims!!! Yes, OMG, spent so much time playing that game… I still have all the expansions (and now the ones for Sims 4) but never played again. Let’s face it, it takes a long time just to create a family, let alone build the house and get to the actual playing hahaha
    Ugh slow people really bug me too. I’m one of those people who pretty much does everything at a really fast pace (my brain operates like that) so anyone who moves or does things slowly really bugs me. I try to change that sometimes because it really takes away from the moment in certain situations. The one time I do like to walk slowly is if I’m visiting some new place or on holiday – ain’t nobody rushing me then! xD
    Oh you and me both, Beth! I used to eat so much chocolate every day (hence my blog name) but because I wanted to be a bit healthier, I decided to try and eat only a tiny bit every once in a while. So now, whenever I indulge, I get super sick to my stomach, sluggish and just feel generally unwell… My body has betrayed me LOL

    Thanks so much for sharing another award post 🙂

    I don’t have any favourite bands, they change a lot and I’ll mostly listen to certain playlists depending on my mood (thanks Spotify!)
    I’d travel back in time too, but not sure where. And as a little girl, I wanted to be a vet but then gave up when I realised I could not stomach blood or animals’ suffering :/

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, exactly, and I always need more free time to read! 🙂
      I mean my good memory is very subjective, I can’t remember what I had for lunch yesterday but I can remember up to 20 decimal places of pi. I have a good memory for pub quiz data but not a lot of things that are useful you know?
      I’d definitely recommend them both, and yes we all seem to have had a Sims phase. I never got into Sims 4 but I’m not surprised they’re still coming out with them.
      Yep, and to be honest even in new places where I’m on holiday and exploring the area I walk fast, but I always seem to be stuck behind the slowest people! And London is the worst because there are so many tourists and when I’m trying to get to work ASAP I get stuck behind them.
      Yeah I get that way too, and I get headaches when I eat too much chocolate as well. It is a horrible betrayal on our bodies behalf. :/
      My favourite songs change a lot, but not so much my favourite bands (I just have about ten of them!)
      Well if you could travel back in time why limit yourself to one specific time or area. Go for them all I would. 🙂 ❤️


  2. Lovely answers, Beth! I would love to teleport just as well, this would be such an amazing superpower to have, avoid all of the commuting time and everything ahha 🙂 and I can’t wait for yu to read more of Alice Oseman and Laura Silverman’s books, I love both of them and their works SO much ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much Marie! 🙂 ❤️ Yeah there are just so many benefits, I really wish I could because the time and money I’d be able to save is insane!
      Well I’ve loved the books I’ve read by them so far so they’re high on my TBR list (and my Summer TBR list where I binge contemporary releases). 😀

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  3. I’m so happy every time I see someone liking Sigrid! I’m currently taking an hour commute as well, to the city she’s from, and I really feel you with the teleporting wish. Wouldn’t be the first one I’d go for, but certainly useful. All for the game and Alice oseman’s books are favourites of mine as well! The foxhole court is soo good and different from anything else I had read. Have you found books similar to it? The closest I get is the raven cycle’s friend group, but they’re very different vibes otherwise

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    1. Her songs are amazing. They kind of have that beat which reminds me of the pop songs I loved when I was a child.
      When it comes to powers I always think of what would benefit me the most, and I’m really lazy so teleportation is always the first one that comes to mind! 🙂 No I haven’t actually, I do love the friendship dynamic in The Raven Cycle but yeah they’re very different storylines. I’m sure there are some similar books out there, I just have no clue what they are.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Great answers Beth! I always answer teleportation too, as it will allow me to travel with almost no money. Imagine that we can travel with no time wasted, overpriced flights and luggage, then we can just teleport back to sleep instead of paying for hotel 💕 I also would rather travel and live in the historical era rather than meeting some historical figures. I figure meeting them would be cool, but it won’t exactly immerse me in the era 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much. Exactly, I spend so much money on travel just to work, the amount I’d be able to save if I could teleport is insane to think about! Plus yeah you could see the whole world for pretty much nothing. Dream power right there! 😀
      Yeah, and when I think about what I love about history it’s always more the time period itself than the people alive then. Like you said I’d want to be able to immerse myself in the era. 🙂


  5. Oh my! When I saw those images of the Sims game backs, that brought me baaaaack! I was so obsessed with the Sims around the same age as you. Although every now and again I’ll get that urge to play again. Sims 2 will always be my favourite!
    Teleporting would be the ultimate power right? I’d love to be able to just zip in one place and then be in another less than a minute later! 😀
    I love Fall Out Boy! They aren’t my favourite band ever, I was always into My Chemical Romance more, but I’d still love to see FOB live one day! 🙂
    Great answers for this tag Beth! ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah just thinking about it brought me back too. There were so many days I would waste playing Sims on my parents computer. It was so much fun, and I know the feeling because I get that urge sometimes too.
      Yep, and I travel a lot so I just always think of the time and money I’d save!
      Oh I got to see Fall Out Boy live a couple of years ago. It was a great experience, seeing one of my favourite bands live. 🙂 ❤️

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Any spare time I could find as a kid… I remember playing like 20 minutes before going to church one time! 😛
        Ah man, I bet. One day I think I’ll make it to see them because I think they would put on a great show! 😀

        Liked by 1 person

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