Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Books that Awaken the Travel Bug In Me

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week there is a new topic for bloggers to choose and list their top ten. This week’s theme is Top Ten Books that Awaken the Travel Bug In Me.

Next to reading and blogging travel is definitely one of the great loves of my life, in fact if it was free to travel I’d never come home, and it doesn’t take much for a book to make me want to drop everything and hop on a plane somewhere far away. There are a lot of books that have inspired me to travel, and I don’t think a lot of these will come a massive surprise because I know I’ve spoke about them all before.

Top Ten Tuesday #110

Amy and Roger’s Epic Detour by Morgan Matson

This is both the first book on my list this week, and the one that leaves me feeling the most wanderlust.

Morgan Matson takes us on Amy and Roger’s road trip across the West Coast of the USA and it never fails to make me want to have the same experiences; exploring Yosemite and travelling along the loneliest road in America with a friend on our own road trip.

Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins

Throughout the whole of her Anna and the French Kiss trilogy Stephanie Perkins develops the setting as much as the plot. Anna is a new-comer in Paris so we get to see the city through her eyes as she explores the sites with Étienne. I’d been to Paris myself before picking up Anna and the French Kiss, but reading this book made me want to go back again.

Sea Witch by Sarah Henning

While this book takes places in a fictional town somewhere between Denmark and Sweden Sarah Henning has paid a lot of attention to the world and culture of both countries, so while Havnestad may not be real the countries it’s inspired by aren’t. The Lithasblot festival that takes place in Sea Witch, the descriptions of the games and food, made me want to experience it all for myself.

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

Part of this book takes us to Amsterdam as both Hazel and Gus meet their favourite author, and I know I’ve said this before but currently Amsterdam is one of my favourite cities in the world. I really want to try and go back there one day, but until then I’ll settle for following Hazel and Gus around my favourite city in this book.

Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor

Of all the books on my list this week this one should be the least surprising.

Laini Taylor is a master when it comes to world building, and she’s written Prague in such a way that makes me believe magic really does exist in the city. I went to Prague a few years back and the main reason I travelled there was because I read and loved this book so much.

Passenger by Alexandra Bracken

As much as I would love to be able to travel through time that’s not the reason Passenger made my list this week. Yes Etta and Nicholas travel through time, but they also travel around the world and Passenger takes us from New York to London to Angkor to Paris to Damascus. There is so much detail paid to the countries they visit, both in terms of the setting and the time period.

The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzi Lee

The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue is another road trip book so it shouldn’t be a surprise it made my list this week. This time we’re taken on a tour around Europe – though Paris, Versailles, Barcelona and Venice – as Monty, Percy and Felicity try to outrun the trouble Monty has managed to land them in.

A Fierce and Subtle Poison by Samantha Mabry

Nine times out of ten what I think magical realism as a genre does really well is limit the amount of world building but still create an incredible and beautiful story. In A Fierce and Subtle Poison a lot of the magic is simply described away as ‘magic’, but the setting of Puerto Rico itself was wonderfully detailed and expanded on leaving me want to visit the country myself.

The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller

Granted I’m never going to be able to see Greece and Troy as Achilles and Patroclus did in The Song of Achilles (or Aiaia where Circe lived for thousands of years) but I’ve wanted to go to Greece for so long now that every story set there, or inspired by Greek mythology, just makes me more determined to get there ASAP.

The Girl From Everywhere by Heidi Heilig

Another time travel book, but this one for a slightly different reason to Passenger.

While Nyx does travel around the world as much as she travels through time it’s the freedom she has to travel at will that inspires the wanderlust in me. As long as Nyx has a map she has a destination; it doesn’t matter what time it is or whether the city is fictional or not, there are no boundaries.

So what do you think? Did you take part in this week’s Top Ten Tuesday, if so let me know what books make you want to travel? Have you been to any of the cities these books are set in?

37 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Books that Awaken the Travel Bug In Me

  1. I agree so much with Daughter of Smoke and Bone! Laini Taylor made Prague sounds so mystical that if I ever went there, I think I’d be expecting some kind of magical thing to happen haha! And YES. I’ve always wanted to do some Great Trip around Europe like Percy, Monty, and Felicity did in Gentleman’s Guide, and though it’s in the past, it still makes me excited for a day when I might finally be able to tour Europe! Great post ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well when I want to Prague I didn’t say anything I’d class as real magic but it was a gorgeous city and I had a brilliant time, so if you ever make it there I’m sure you’ll end up loving it May. 🙂
      Even though The Gentleman’s Guide is set in the past there’s nothing stopping you doing a European tour, you can go to the same places Monty, Percy and Felicity went to just in the 2000’s instead! 😀
      Thanks so much May. 🙂 ❤

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  2. I love your choices here, Beth! Amy & Roger gave me all the wanderlust as well, this book makes me want to have my very own road trip just like that, too. Hopefully one day! 😀 And yes for Prague, I’d love to visit this city someday, it seems so, so pretty 😀

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    1. Thanks so much Marie! 🙂 ❤ Amy and Roger's is the ultimate wanderlust-inspiring book in my opinion. I'd LOVE to have a road trip like they do, maybe one day right?
      I hope you make it to Prague one day soon then, I'm sure you'll love the city as much as I did. 😀

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  3. Reading your post definitely made me want to travel, Beth! I miss travelling so much!!!
    Amy and Roger’s Epic Detour was such a fun book to read. I remember reading this book while being on a road trip (to Vegas actually!) so that was an interesting experience 🙂 Anna and the French Kiss and The Gentleman’s Guide have been on my TBR for a while, now I want to read them even more!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I miss it too, I haven’t been away anywhere since January (but that will be changing very soon!)
      Amy and Roger’s Epic Detour is my ultimate, wanderlust-inspiring read. And oh I hope you love Anna and the French Kiss and The Gentleman’s Guide (but especially The Gentleman’s Guide, that book is amazing and hilarious and just everything you want a book to be!) 😀

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      1. Oooh where are you going?! I feel like you must have mentioned it before but I don’t remember 🙂
        Great! I’ll definitely keep those in mind. I will need something light to read in between HP books (the later ones are great but they are getting dark!)

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      2. I’m heading to Dubai and Mauritius with my sister next week. It’s my big holiday of the year and I can’t wait. 🙂
        Yeah, and sometimes it’s nice to read something different so you don’t get slumpy when reading a big series like HP. 🙂

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  4. Beth! you always have the best travel anything posts, they get me all wanderlusty haha! I did NOT know this about Sea Witch, I actually have a copy I’ll be reading next week and now I’m way more excited to get to it! I seriously need to stop procrastinating on these Morgan Matson books and just pick one up, I was so close to doing so last week with Save the Date smh lol. Wonderful post as always! ❤ ❤ ❤

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    1. Thanks so much Lilly! 🙂 Yeah anything travel related is a weakness of mine and something I can’t really talk about enough! 😀 Oh Sea Witch is an incredible read, honestly I can’t fully express how amazing it was so I’m sure you’ll love it as well. And yes definitely do because Morgan Matson is one of my favourite YA contemporary authors.
      Thanks so much! 😀 ❤


  5. I really enjoyed the travel aspect in Passenger, not just through time (which is cool) but seeing different places around the world in the different time periods.

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  6. I can’t believe I didn’t even think of The Fault in Our Stars!! I TOTALLY want to visit Amsterdam one day. I keep seeing The Girl From Everywhere, might have to add this one to the list. Thanks for sharing these.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Amsterdam is one of my favourite cities in the world, any book set there makes me want to travel and The Fault in Our Stars is a good one. I hope you make it there one day, and oh I hope you enjoy The Girl From Everywhere too. 😀


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