Discussion Time: Series Vs. Standalones

I was browsing Goodreads the other day for more books I could add to my already massive TBR list, when I came across an “upcoming” release I’d almost forgotten I was waiting for. This book is the last in a series that I first read when I was still in primary school, and maybe that’s given you a clue as to how long I’ve waited but in case it hasn’t this is a book that was supposed to be released in 1999.

Let that sink in for a moment; I’ve been waiting for a book, the last in the series, for nearly twenty years now, and looking on Amazon the release date has been set to 2030. At this rate I’m going to have to get this book delivered to my nursing home, but it did get me thinking and I came up with this discussion topic.

Series Vs. Standalones

Series Vs. Standalones

I’m not sure if it’s right to say people have a preference, I certainly don’t, but everyone will read one type of book more than the other and it’s usually down to what genre you prefer. If you’re a fan of contemporary books you’ll likely read more standalones, and if you’re a fan of fantasy like I am you’ll likely read more series. It’s not a case of preferring one type of book over another so much as us gravitating to what we know and what we’re comfortable reading. Everyone has one preferred genre no matter how often we read outside of it; I read more fantasy series than contemporary or magical realism standalones despite loving both those genres as well.

Or maybe it’s the opposite. Maybe you read so many fantasy series that you want to see more standalone fantasy books.


There’s more room for development, and this is why I think most fantasy books are series. The author is essentially creating a whole new world and it can be very hard to do that well in just one book. With series you introduce your world in the first book, and then build on it in the second, third, fourth, etc. Until, by the last book, you have a complete and well-developed world readers can fully immerse themselves in.

It’s longer to spend with your favourite characters. Reading we become immersed in these characters lives, we follow them on their wild adventures and more books means more time to spend with them. There’s a reason why there are so many series I want to see further sequels for, why I’m excited to get around to The Becoming of Noah Shaw, and for the release of Restore Me.

Series Vs. Standalones (3)

The hype and building excitement for the next book. There’s nothing quite like fangirling with fellow book bloggers over a series you both love, sharing theories on where you think the story will go next and what will happen to all your favourite characters. I think it really builds the anticipation because no matter what we come up with we can never predict where the authors will actually take their stories.


There aren’t any filler books. Call it second book syndrome or something completely different there’s always that worry in the back of our minds that no matter how much we loved a first book in the series the second or last won’t live up to our expectations. The Maze Runner, Divergent, Penryn and the End of Days are all series I enjoyed that let me down when the last book was released.

Series Vs. Standalones (1)

There’s no chance of a cover change halfway through a series. Yes I hate it when covers change halfway through a series but I’ve learnt to accept it. Either I have two different covers on my bookshelves, I actually ended up with four different covers of one series on my bookshelves because of all the design changes, or I buy the earlier books in the new covers to have a matching set. With standalones that’s never a worry, even if the covers do change somewhere down the line you already have a complete collection.

There’s no wait for the next book, you know how the story ends once you’ve turned that last page and you don’t have to wait through what feels like an eternity to find out what happens next. I’m really not good with cliffhangers. The wait for the last Shades of Magic book was possibly the worst wait for a book I’ve had to endure, and I’m not even going to think about starting The Dark Artifices until the last book in that series is released.


The Dark Artifices Series

Which brings me to my last point. There are some books we’ve had to wait too long for.

Before I go any further I want to say that I know authors don’t owe us anything when it comes to their writing or the speed in which they release their books, and honestly I’d rather have a well-written and amazing book that takes five years to come out than a rushed and bad story that’s released in a couple of months, but how long would you say is too long to wait?

I was talking about this topic with a friend of mine a few months ago. Phillip Pullman’s Book of Dust is one she has been waiting for for years, and discovering it was going to be a series rather than a standalone like she originally thought was not welcome news because it meant more waiting time to finish the story. I don’t even know when the sixth Game of Thrones book is supposed to be released but I know the fifth was released a good few years ago now.

Series Vs. Standalones (2)

Personally I think twenty years is too long. I once loved this series, but the wait has killed it a little for me. There’s only so long you can wait for the last book in a series, keeping your interest in it alive, before you just don’t care anymore.

Now Onto the Discussion Part of This Post:

Do you prefer series or standalones, or do you not mind either way but find yourself reading more of one type because of the genre you read?

Would you like to see more series in contemporary, or standalones in fantasy?

What is the longest time you’ve had to wait for a book to be released, and when would you give up and accept maybe the next book just isn’t ever going to be released?

Are there any long waits you are currently facing, hoping that book will be released soon so you can find out what happens next?

Let me know in the comments below.

119 thoughts on “Discussion Time: Series Vs. Standalones

  1. This is a great post! I find that I read a lot of standalones when I read contemporary or nonfiction, but mostly series when I read fantasy. Like you, I love that you get to spend more time with the characters, but sometimes it’s fun to just have a standalone fantasy book where you don’t feel like you’re committing to the entire series. I’d really like to see more standalones or duologies in fantasy, but I’ll never abandon series.

    And the wait! I hate waiting for books. There are actually numerous series I’ve refused to start because I’m either pretty close to their completion and would rather wait and binge them all (Illuminae, The Diviners) or I have absolutely no idea when the final book will come out and would rather just wait in ignorance (The Kingkiller Chronicles). I just forget things or lose interest or change too much as a reader for some series.

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    1. Thanks so much Dani. 🙂 Yeah I think a lot of the time it depends on which genre you prefer which type of book you read more. There aren’t enough standalone fantasies out there but there are a few amazing ones out there, same as there being a few amazing contemporary series. 🙂
      I’m just really impatient which never helps. I do that with some series, there have actually been quite a few that I love now but that I didn’t start until all the books had been released. Oh The Dark Artifices series by Cassandra Clare is one I’m not even thinking about picking up until all the books are released! I’ve heard horrible things about that cliffhanger in Lord of Shadows. 😀

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      1. I don’t know! But I totally believe Jay Kristoff when he says he lives off of our tears. I feel like Pierce Brown has said something to that effect as well…so mean!!

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  2. Really great discussion to have! WHOA! That’s crazy that you’ve been waiting so long for the last book in a series!! (I thought us Game of thrones fans had it rough with those book releases) may I ask what book it is out of curiosity?

    Yeah I can’t say I have a preference either. I do think there’s pros and cons to both though. I do love time for the story and characters to develop (plus it’s always tough to say goodbye to favourites 😉 ) And of course building excitement is awesome too. But yeah there is that issue with filler books. And as good as anticipation can be- I often prefer to read series back to back- so I think I prefer that aspect of standalones because I don’t have to make the choice to either wait or experience the dreaded wait.

    And yeah of course I agree with you about writers- they really don’t owe us anything and I’d never condone the fact that people being harsh to them about it. I will say Book of Dust was a pleasant surprise for me, because I wasn’t expecting it. Game of thrones on the other hand… yikes. What bothers me about that isn’t the wait for the 6th book… it’s that after that we’ll have to wait again for the seventh book. I’m really not looking forward to that.

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    1. Thanks so much, and yeah I’m so close to giving up but part of me doesn’t want to admit defeat. It’s called Strange Fate by L.J. Smith, it was supposed to be released in 1999 and it’s the last book in a series so in a way that makes it worse in my mind!
      Part of me feels like for issues like these it comes down to either personal preference, or what genre you read more as to which you like best you know? I love the extended world building in series, but love that there’s no filler in standalones simply because there’s no room for filled. 🙂
      The wait is always the worst part. Even with standalones if it’s a book you’re really anticipating!
      As long as books are being released I’m happy, and with a lot of books I don’t mind an extended wait because it just means the author is trying to make it even better and you know it’ll be worth the wait in the end. I feel like coming on 20 years is a little too long though, and yeah the wait for the next Game of Thrones book after number six is going to be harsh!

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      1. You’re welcome! Oh I’ve heard of the author but not the book- that must be so infuriating!
        Yeah that makes a lot of sense. Absolutely! 🙂 I think I like a mixture and it depends on the book/genre.
        It really is!
        hehe definitely!! That’s a great point and a fantastic way to look at it! But yeah, 20 years is too long.
        Ah it really is- it’s already been 7 years since the last book :/ If it takes another 7 years after that, I’ll have been waiting 14 years for this series… and Martin’s even implied now he might take it to 8 books (so yeah this could easily end up being a 20 year wait :/ )

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      2. Yeah her Vampire Diaries series is popular because it was made into a TV show. I’m still keeping my fingers crossed but I feel like it’s unlikely I’ll ever get closure when it comes to that series.
        As long as it doesn’t take another seven for book six right? As it is I’m facing having to potentially re-read the first four because I’ve forgotten what happened, and they’re not short books are they?
        Man, that’s a long wait. Here’s hoping the books are worth it in the end right? 😀

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      3. Ahh that’s why I’ve heard of her. Yeah that’s a real shame.
        haha yes! I totally get what you mean. To be honest, I’m not sure I have the energy to reread all of them- they’re just too long- which means I will have forgotten loads when I go into it. haha yes!

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      4. It does seem to be what’s she the most known for, but I know there are people who’d prefer her to finish her Night World Series one day!
        I’ll probably use Wikipedia or something to catch up rather than re-read everything. The books themselves are just too long.

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  3. Awesome discussion post as always Beth! Had a good laugh at the nursing home delivery comment hahahh I don’t have a preference between the two and would welcome more standalones for fantasy stories cause I feel like its something I haven’t picked up a lot lately. But series are just way too awesome, even if the wait is eternal. Knowing that the author is bound to dish out a story within a universe you love at some point in your life is just a nice surprise. You just have to fill in the waiting time with other series/standalones you know? 😛 As for 20 years of waiting… I think I’ll be okay with it since I know I’ll always have plenty to go through in my meantime. It does suck to know there won’t be anything of that world being released anytime soon but every 5 years you can always reread! 😀

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    1. Thanks so much Lashaan, and yeah that was a joke but I worry one day it will be more of an actuality! 😀 Oh I’d love to see more standalones for fantasy, I think if I had to choose I’d say series but I do wonder if that’s just because there are more out there for me to read you know? Oh I definitely get that, knowing there’s still another instalment to come, more time to spend exploring the world or learning about your favourite characters, it can make the wait worthwhile. 🙂
      Personally twenty years is a little too long for me, but then again maybe not given I’m still technically waiting now. I haven’t given up and at this point it’s mostly spite keeping me going (I’m not giving up before this book does!) 😀

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  4. I am a big fan of standalone books, it is very rare for me to like series (though I have a few exceptions). I mainly don’t like them because most of the series are very stretched out in my opinion, with a lot around it to make the story long enough to make it a trilogy (or worse, longer). I definitely don’t want more series in the contemporary genre haha, I really don’t think that would work out right haha!

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    1. In a way I’m kind of the opposite. I mean I enjoy standalone books but I feel like series work better with fantasy because then the development doesn’t need to be squished into one book. There are some great fantasy standalone out there though, and I do wish there were more because I get what you mean sometimes a story can be stretched on for too long. Either way I agree I think the contemporary genre works best as standalones, for the most part! 🙂

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  5. I don’t mind either one but I do tend to gravitate towards series than standalones. I think its because I do enjoy reading fantasy and historical novels which are almost series.

    Standalones in fantasy would be good because waiting is a killer sometimes. The interest can go.

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    1. Yeah I gravitate towards series as well and it’s likely because the same reason. I largely read fantasy and when the majority of fantasy releases are series you really do take what you can get.
      Fingers crossed we get some more standalone fantasy books then! 😀


  6. While I enjoyed standalone I prefer series as you get to spend more time in a particular world and see the characters grow and develop more.
    I also understand the pain of waiting ages for a book to come out as I’ve been waiting a few years for the next song of ice and fire book to come out and almost ten years for the last Night World book to come out but I know a lot of people have been waiting a lot longer for that one.

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    1. Yeah the world building is such a major part of fantasy stories (which is what I mainly read) you almost need more than one book to explore everything.
      I’m keeping my fingers crossed we get the next Song of Ice and Fire book soon, because I’m pretty sure at this stage I’m going to have to re-read all the books that came before it and they’re not short stories are they? Also yeah I’ve been waiting for the last Night World book since 1999, almost twenty years now if my maths is right. Part of me has given up but part of me still needs to know how everything ends! 😀

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  7. I used to hate series. Which is weird because I never read them so probably shouldn’t have hated them before trying them. Nowadays there are a small handful of series (The Hunger Games, Harry Potter, Narnia) I love and return to again and again. But when I try reading a series, I tend to approach the first book as if it were a standalone with zero pressure on myself to continue the series afterwards (Uglies, Divergent, Red Rising). Those times, I haven’t really felt the urge to keep following the story 😦

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    1. Oh see I’ve never really had a major preference one way or the other. I mean I kind of started out reading series so I guess I’ve always just been used to knowing there’s another book still to come no matter what. I’m glad you’ve managed to find a few series you love, and yeah that’s a good way to go about books in series too. There have been a few here and there I’ve never felt the urge to carry on with, and I’ve never felt that I’m missing out by not carrying on the story either. 🙂

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  8. This is such a great discussion topic! Personally, I don’t mind reading series or standalones, as long as I enjoy the book. I’m not very patient when it comes to series, but I also feel like I’m left hanging in standalones, so they balance each other out. Wonderful post!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much! 🙂 Yeah when it comes down to it a good story is definitely preferable over whatever format it’s told in. Like I said in the post there are pros and cons to each but when I mainly look for is a good read at the end of the day. Thanks again! 😀


  9. I personally don’t mind if a story is a standalone or a series, but I find that the book market, especially fantasy and YA, is becoming more and more over saturated with series and trilogies and, for the most part, I feel like it’s more for money than for the ability to stretch out and develop a wonderful story. I’m really liking the increase in duologies lately because it’s the best of both worlds. You get to spend more time with characters and developing the story, but you don’t get bogged down in unnecessary plot filler. Honestly it really depends on the author and their ability to craft their stories.

    As for wait times on series, I’m not reading anything right now that has books I’m still waiting on, but there are a few series that I want to start, but also want to wait to read because they aren’t yet finished and have no end date in sight (A Song of Ice and Fire and The Kingkiller Chronicles).

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    1. Yeah there are definitely some series I can think of that could have easily ended with the first book, and while with a few I don’t mind spending the extra time in my favourite world with my favourite characters some I gave up on simply because the story was never as good as the first one way. Duologies are definitely the best of both worlds, and actually some of my all-time favourites are duologies as well; Six of Crows, This Savage Song, Passenger. All great stories, all ended with book two. 🙂
      My friend is wait for the next book in The Kingkiller Chronicles, and we’re both waiting for the next book in the Song of Ice and Fire series so I can definitely understand that. Hopefully the next book will be out soon though (just before I’m not sure how much longer I can wait either!)


  10. As always a great topic Beth! 🙂 I’m really not picky about it. What I hate though is thinking I’ve read a standalone and then a few years down the road the author decides to make a sequel… it’s like whyyyy leave the story alone. I found out last month that there is another book in the ‘Me Before You’ franchise and I’m just like seriously? I will probably read it, but that just takes away from trying to read other books from my tbr!
    Also that series you’ve been waiting years and years for sounds like the Night World series by L.J Smith 😛

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    1. Thanks so much Meghan! 😀 Yeah I get what you mean, sometimes a standalone can have everything nicely wrapped up but then all of a sudden there’s another book released and it almost takes away from the conclusion the first book reached when you realise, actually, no, that wasn’t the conclusion. I heard about that new book, one of my friends is really excited because she loves the Me Before You franchise.
      Ha, yeah it is Night World. I’ve given up on that book ever being released at this point but there’s a part of me that still wants to know how everything is going to end! 😀

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      1. You’re welcome! 🙂 Right?! It’s very frustrating to have to go back to something you already loved and see if this new book does any justice to the story… most of the time it doesn’t turn out for the best so I’m really hesitant about the new Me Before You book.
        Haha, I thought I’d take a guess figuring it may perhaps be that series. I don’t understand why she just won’t write and publish the darn thing!

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      2. Exactly, and after a while I find I’ve forgotten the original story a little so it takes ages to get into a new book and get used to everything again.
        There are only so many series people have been waiting that long for I guess, and yes it’s really bugging me. I just want to know how it ends! 🙂

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  11. I love your post… this is such a cool discussion….!!! I think I love series in fantasy coz I just want to keep living in my favorite worlds… I’m usually too much in love with the characters and I want to keep reading about their lives even after the story is over…!!!

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    1. Thanks so much! 🙂 Yeah same here, it’s almost nice knowing that if you enjoy the first book in the series, there’s still more to come. Then again some series can wrap everything up really nicely in the three or four books they have and I’ll still always want more. I like to know what happens even after ‘happily ever after’! 😀

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  12. This is such a great topic for discussion! Of course, you are 100% right about series offering more room for development and world building and such. I do think I tend to gravitate more towards series, just because I also like TV shows more than movies – I am greedy that way. However, there are so many issues with series. As you also mentioned, there’s the danger of the sequel never being released, but the simple wait between parts is also pretty torturous. A while back, I used to wait unitl the entire series was released and then I would buy book boxes, but that went awry a couple times when I didn’t end up actually liking the series haha it’s tough. Sometimes I wish there were more standalones or even just duologies (they have increased though) in Fantasy and SciFi.
    Great post!! ❤

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    1. Thanks so much Kat! 😀 Ohh that’s a good point, and actually a connection I didn’t make. I think when it comes down to it I prefer series as well. I love the extended development, expended story, extended time with the characters that we get, and I definitely prefer TV shows over movies as well.
      A lot of the time if the sequel is never released I get bored with waiting and give up completely (if the next Game of Thrones book isn’t released soon that’s going to be a series I never pick up again) and most times I tend to think that if the second book isn’t as good as the first then hopefully we’ll get a good finale, or next book after that (second book syndrome is definitely a real thing but it’s rare we get third book syndrome).
      Oh I’ve done that. Nine times out of ten I’ve been lucky and loved the series, but there’s always that one time when buying the lot just hasn’t been worth it because it’s been a terrible series.
      Well, there does seem to be more duologies. Finger’s crossed it’s a growing trend right? 😀
      Thanks so much. 🙂 ❤

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      1. I never finished A Dance with Dragons and I don’t know why. I think at that point I just didn’t really care for the perspectives that were offered. I was like “WHERE IS MY SANSA??” And yes, second book syndrome is definitely a thing. The only time the second book was my favourite was for the Magicians series.

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      2. I haven’t even started A Dance with Dragons. It’s so long I’m kind of not even motivated to get around to it especially because who knows when the next book is being released.
        Well, I can’t say the second book is my favourite but Throne of Glass is a series that I thought got a lot better with the second book. 🙂

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  13. Fantastic post 👌

    Nothing beats a good standalone but my heart goes with series! Especially the series that have new characters in each book, however the characters from the previous book are still valid to the story- Like Santino Hassells The barons series or The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer.

    I enjoy the growth that comes with series and it’s fascinting to watch the authors writing get better with each book. But the con is defiantly the wait. It sucks and sometimes a series can end badly. I personally felt unsatisfied with the ending of Ignite Me and I’m so looking forward to Restore Me!

    I also feel unless a stand-alone is relatable in any way or basically amazing I forget about the book.

    I like the journey of a series I guess if that makes sense.😂

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    1. Thanks so much. 🙂
      Ha, for me nothing really beats a good series (although I do love a good standalone when I find one as well). Oh yes I loved The Lunar Chronicles, it kind of kept you going with Cinder’s story while keeping you on your toes by introducing new characters and following their stories as well.
      Yeah that’s definitely it, and it’s great to see series get better with each book as well, like Throne of Glass is an example I use a lot because the first book wasn’t amazing but the second book really was. The ending of Ignite Me screamed ‘not the last book in the series’ so yeah can’t wait for Restore Me!
      No I definitely get that, series are all about journeys I guess because the character’s story arc is split over multiple books. It’s never the same character at the end as we were introduced to in the beginning of the first book. 🙂

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  14. This is such a great post, Beth, I love it so much 🙂
    I don’t know if I read more standalones than series, I think I tend to, since I read way more contemporaries and they often are standalones. I feel like, in fantasy and other genres, with a great world-building, it takes sometimes a bit of time for everything to get together and for the world to be correctly built and everything else 🙂
    I think, sometimes, the commitment bothers me a little bit, especially when you’re not sure the second, third book etc, will be just as great. Some series are amazing and, like you mentioned, some others kind of lose their special touch by the time the last book gets released and we end up disappointed :/
    I think, for now, the longest time I waited for a book to be released was for the 3rd book in the Mara Dyer series. It got pushed back a year after the first-planned release and I was so sad, but I understand the author needed more time and she delivered a great conclusion, so… it was all good 🙂

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    1. Thanks so much Marie! 😀 ❤ I think sometimes the genres people prefer can lead to them reading more of one type than the other. Like I read more series because that's what there's more of in the fantasy genre, and you're right it definitely takes time to build everything up in a fantasy story.
      Oh I get that, but it can work the other way around as well. There have been a few series where the first book has been a little so-so but the second book has been amazing and incredible and just made sticking with the story worth it. Then again you have to give the second book a chance to see that as well.
      As long as the conclusion was a good one that does make the wait worthwhile, and actually if the wait we have for certain books is equal to how amazing it will be I can't wait for the next Game of Thrones book to be released! It will probably end up being the best thing I've ever read if that's the case right? 😀

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  15. I’m with you – I think there are pros and cons to each! Series are great because you can get more in depth to the characters and world (but really this tends to be mostly with fantasy) but there’s also something really exciting about knowing that everything has to wrap up by the end of a standalone. I think it can be really frustrating when you don’t know that something is going to be a series, and then you’ve committed yourself to who knows how many books and years of waiting!

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    1. Thanks, and yeah when it comes to the fantasy genre there is definitely more series than anything else. It’s great as well because I love the in depth character and world development and that ability to go back to a story I love more than once, but yeah I get what you mean about standalones as well.
      I’ve read some incredible standalones so I know the development of the world and the characters can be done, and it’s nice knowing once the book ends, so does the story. 🙂

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  16. I absolutely love this discussion topic. I’m more of a standalone kinda person because I hated how sequels usually were a disappointment than the first book in a series. It’s only since I’ve started blogging, that I’m getting into a habit of reading more series.
    I love fantasy and science fiction genre but it’s extremely extremely hard for me to keep up in a series…I’m just idk lazy?? It’s just smth lol but I start a series and am never able to finish it haha

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    1. Thanks so much. 🙂 Oh yeah I get that, there have been a few sequels I’ve picked up that have been disappointments as well (but I’ve usually found the next book is better again). I’m glad blogging’s kind of gotten you back into series, but I get what you mean because I can sometimes be a bit lazy when it comes to series. Sometimes it’s always easier to pick up a new book all together than to go back to a book in the middle of a series you know? 🙂


      1. Haha yeah exactly. Also I hate waiting for the story to be continued in series. You know like historical fiction stand-alones? Those stories are like really well developed with complete plots and all so I never felt the need to read series

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      2. Yeahhhh! Like recently I started the Firebird series and the red queen and Mara Dyer series and for each of them I read their book 1 and I seriously don’t know if I’m in the mood to pick up book 2. I mean I have to eventually but ugh the struggles

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      3. Ohh the Firebird series is a favourite of mine, but it does end quite well with the first book if you’re not in the mood to continue the series. Same with Mara Dyer from what I can remember.
        Honestly, I’m not a massive fan of the Red Queen series though. I haven’t read past book two.

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      4. I really didn’t like the second book of the Firebird series. Let’s see how the third book is. I liked Mara Dyer but I’m just feeling lazy picking up the evolution of MD🙈 I think I will start with GrishaVerse sooon because that comes highly recommended by everyone!

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      5. Oh that’s a shame, but yeah I guess there’s still hope for the third book. I can’t really remember much about the Mara Dyer series, but I enjoyed it so I guess that says something.
        Oh the Grishaverse is a favourite of mine as well, not as good as her Six of Crows duology but still a great trilogy. 😀

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      6. Actually a lot of people told me to first read the grishaverse and then go for six of crows cause it’s the same world and will help me get into the latter better.
        Otherwise I’m more excited to read SoC!🙈

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  17. Hello Beth! ❤
    I love this discussion topic so much! These days I've been also thinking about whether I prefer series vs standalones. Like you mentioned, there are pros and cons of each!
    In general I gravitate towards standalone books, because I like the idea of knowing that the entire story will be wrapped up by the end of the book. Even if I don't like the book, or thought it was so-so, there would be a sense of completion when I finish the book.
    When it comes to series, I LOVE the feeling of falling in love with the characters in a series and knowing that I will get to know them over a longer course of time. When I find a series that I love, I will probably binge-read the whole thing! However, I also know that when I start a series, there is probably a 50% chance that I won't be too enthusiastic about it.
    On the other hand, like you mentioned, there are so many standalones that I wish could have a sequel (or two haha) 🙂
    The series that I am still waiting to end is The Name of the Wind (it's been 10 years since the last book, I think? And the release date still is up in the air haha…)

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    1. Hi Sophie. 🙂 Oh thanks so much. When you have to wait for the next book to be released in a series you’ve been addicted to you do start to debate the benefits of standalones over series.
      Yeah I get that, and it is one of the things I enjoy about standalones simply because I am not the most patient person in the world and I like knowing that in one book I’m going to have a beginning and an end to the story.
      And series give you that time to fall in love with the characters and the world right? I binge read series when I find them and love them. Pretty much all the books by Rick Riordan have been serious binge reads for me, same with Cassandra Clare’s books as well actually.
      The grass is always greener right? Some series we just want a conclusion to but some standalones we always want more of. 😀
      Oh I think my friend was talking about that series as well (another part of the conversation we had that played a part in prompting this topic). I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed you get that book soon, or even just a release date for it! 🙂 ❤

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      1. Exactly! Patience is the word I was looking for haha 🙂 It definitely takes a lot of that with series, since it takes longer for the story to unfold, and we are not necessarily hooked by the first book. It also takes patience to wait for a new book to be released! (Yes, fingers crossed for The Name of the Wind haha….)
        I haven’t read any of Cassandra Clare’s books, however, I do have City of Bones on my shelf 🙂 Did you read this series and what do you think about it?

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      2. It’s not something I’m likely to pick up myself but I know a few people who are fans of it so there are plenty of people waiting desperately for the next book.
        I have read the series (part of it, I’m slowly re-reading/catching up so I can get around to her Dark Artifices books). I’d definitely recommend it, the books do get better so I have high hopes for what I still have to read that’s for sure. 😀

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    1. Thanks so much Trang! 😀 And yeah for me if a book sounds interesting I’m going to pick it up, when it comes down to it I’m more likely to be swayed by if the blurb sounds interesting than if I know there are more/aren’t more books being released set in the same world. 🙂


    1. Thanks so much Kristin! 🙂 I will say standalones do make it easier because there’s no need to wait for the next book and remember to pre-order it or buy it when it is released.
      Plus the story is wrapped up so you never have to wait through unbearable cliffhangers. That’s the main positive of standalones for me! 😀


  18. i read a lot of crime fiction and those series are a bit different. you could even take them as standalones
    with actual series, where you need the next book to find out what happened, I’m really bad. usually only pick them up once most parts are out. except game of thrones… I’m still upset about that one

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah that can sometimes be the case with contemporary series as well (what few you get) the books are all connected but it’s very easy to jump into the series at any point. They don’t necessarily have to be read in the correct order. Kind of nice to have that freedom I guess.
      Oh same here. I feel like by the time the next Game of Thrones book is out I’m going to have to re-read all the ones that came before it, and they’re not short books! 🙂

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  19. I’ve found that I read more series than standalones, this is maybe because I mostly read Fantasy and Science Fiction, and their are few standalones in these genres. I believe most of them are in contemporary and I don’t read this genre really at all.

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    1. Yeah that’s definitely the reason I read more series as well. That’s not to say I wouldn’t love to see more fantasy and sci-fi standalones but when the majority of books in your favourite genre are series you read what you can get right? Contemporary is definitely more standalone based, and while I do enjoy that genre every now and again I can’t deny that I’m always going to go back to fantasy again. 🙂

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      1. I wish there was more fantasy and sci-fi standalones, I can think of a few fantasy ones, but know that I think about it, I can’t think of any sci-fi.

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      2. The closest I think of as sci-fi standalones are The Starbound trilogy and The Illuminae Files. However, those are all apart of a series, and their stories ultimately contribute to the rest of the series.

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      3. Yeah that tends to be what the few contemporary series I’ve read have done, have different characters but an overall connecting story arc. 🙂
        I guess in a way you could call them standalones, because you could jump into book two first and still follow the story but it’s not the same is it?


      4. I wouldn’t consider them standalones, because even thought you can come in the middle of the series, you would still be missing part of the story that happened with the previous characters.

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  20. I agree to this post so much! However, thankfully, I haven’t had to out myself through waits too excruciatingly long. As a matter of fact, the only book whose release I actively waited for was ACOWAR, the final book in Sarah J. Maas’ ACOTAR trilogy. From that standpoint, I’ve been lucky so far, but my reader life has practically barely started! Great post though, this is a really good discussion topic! 💛

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    1. Thanks so much. 🙂 Oh for me it seems like every series I’m reading at the moment has an unbearable wait attached to it for the next book in the series. The worst one for me was the wait for A Conjuring of Light, it’s going to be hard for any other series to top that I will say.
      Well in that case I hope you manage to find plenty more amazing standalones to get started on, and even some incredible series as well! 😀

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  21. Hi Beth, I never thought I had a preference for series or standalone, but after giving this some consideration, I think I actually do prefer stand alone. I too am a fantasy reader, but I think I like having a resolution at the end of a book and the freedom to move onto something new. I will read a series if I enjoy the first book and am pleased I already know the characters and can relate to them. But, I think getting to know new characters and new worlds is all part of the enjoyment for me. I would certainly like to see more stand alones in fantasy. To answer your other question, I don’t wait for the next book. If it isn’t there when I finish book 1, I will move on and am unlikely to return to that story. Unless of course there is a lot of hype when the next book is released that entices me. Hence, I am not currently waiting on anything to be released, I am enjoying something new.

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    1. Oh in that case it sounds like standalones really are what you prefer when reading. 🙂 It would be great to see more fantasy standalones because when I think about the books I love and the books yet to be released I’m excited for they’re all series. I find a lot of the time even with series sometimes the first book can round off the story quite nicely, so if you don’t want to pick up the next book you’d never feel like you were missing out on too much (there have been a few series I’ve given up on after the first book has released and I’ve never felt like I’ve needed to go back to find out how the story ends). I guess at least that way you’re not stuck with any unbearable waits for the next book in the series. I’m terrible at that, I think I’m just a really impatient person to be honest. 🙂
      Well I hope the new book you’re enjoying is a good one then! 😀

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  22. I like series when the story seems big enough to fill it. Some series seem clearly written just to make money (and while authors are allowed to make money, that can make for a disappointing reading experience). I also like a really well-constructed, tight standalone, though, and I’ve also had the pain of waiting so long for a series to be finished that I just stopped reading it.

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    1. Yeah I get what you mean there, and there are times when series become too long. Like the author just churns out book after book, introducing new characters to fill the page time and that becomes kind of boring after a while (like you said makes for a disappointing reading experience.)
      There’s only so long we can wait for a book to be released before we give up, and I’d love to see more fantasy standalones for sure. Sometimes it seems hit and miss whether they are well developed in the short page time or not I guess. 🙂

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  23. I definitely agree with your points! I tend to prefer standalones, but a good series to marathon is always fun! I do with there were more fantasy standalones; I get that the world needs time to be fully fleshed, but the books are always humongous anyways, and having to read so many of them can get tedious…One thing I do wish is that there were more mystery series! Just because there’s so few of them, I’d love to see more and how they would be handled!

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    1. Thanks so much Kerri. 🙂 Oh yeah there are a few series out there where I’ve been waiting for all the books to be released simply because that way I can binge read them, that’s something I love about series. There aren’t many fantasy standalones which is a shame but I guess sometimes when a lot of development is needed (like there tends to be when it comes to fantasy worlds and such) it’s easier to spread it over multiple books.
      Yeah there’s always a time when a series can have too many books, there are a few I actually gave up on reading just because I was no longer interested in the characters or the world.
      Oh well I’ll keep my fingers crossed you manage to find some more mystery series. I agree it would be interesting to see how they were handled because I guess it’s a genre that does well in standalone form more than series right? 🙂

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  24. THIS POST!! I love!! So I think that I prefer standalone contemporaries since I feel like the stories don’t really require much development compared to a fantasy. However, I think that there needs to be some more series of contemporary books since the only ones that I can think of it’s the To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before and also the Lola and the Boy Next door/Anna/Ilsa triology thing. I agree with the wait for series tho! And how fantasy books/ urban fantasy are more typical to be duoligies / series because of the world building. I think that I live series in the fantasy genre more because I feel like you get SO into this world, and SO connected to the characters and with fantasy I ALWAYS want more, and if it were only one book, then it would feel a little bit unfinished? A little too easy? (Since we know how much fab stay authors love to rip out hearts out at the last moment)

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    1. Thanks so much Lu! 🙂 ❤ There are a lot more standalones out there when it comes to contemporaries, I guess because like you said there's not as much development needed. I can't actually think of many contemporary books I've read where I feel like I've needed more from the story and the characters after the last page.
      They're the only ones I can think of too, although there are contemporary books by authors where they kind of connect even if they're not a series, like so far all of Becky Albertalli's books have had some kind of connection, characters from Simon Vs had cameo appearances in The Upside of Unrequited.
      Yeah there are so many series I've read where I always want more from the world or the characters. It's just going back to that story I spent so much time with and always wanting to explore more of the world than what the author wrote as well. 🙂
      Oh yes, there are some fantasy standalones out there I would love to see made into a series! 😀

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      1. Yes, exactly, and normally the story is drawn to a close and a sequel isn’t really needed??
        OMG yes Becky Albertalli!! I love how she weaved them all together!!

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