Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Books I Really Liked but Can’t Remember Much About

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week there is a new topic for bloggers to choose and list their top ten. This week’s theme is Top Ten Books I Really Liked but Can’t Remember Much About.

Looking through my old Goodreads ‘Read’ list for this topic I was genuinely surprised by some of the books I’d not only marked as read but rated five stars as well, simply because I had no memory of them. If I didn’t know any better I’d think I blacked out and added them without reading them, and honestly I haven’t ruled that out. Still it did make it very easy to come up with ten books for this week’s topic.

Top Ten Tuesday #92

Uglies by Scott Westerfeld

I read this book when I was in high school and loved it, Scott Westerfeld was actually one of my high school era favourite authors. Uglies was one of the books my friend and I used to fangirl over instead of paying attention in our lessons, and, but looking back I can’t remember anything about the story.

Inside Out by Maria V Snyder

Written by Maria V. Snyder and set in space, does a book need much more to stand out for me? I wouldn’t have thought so but I guess the fact that Inside Out made my list this week says it all.

Fated by Sarah Alderson

I really enjoyed Sarah Anderson’s Hunting Lila duology, so of course I picked up the first book of her other series to read. All I can remember about Fated is that it was a good story, but not as good as the Hunting Lila duology, which probably explains why I never picked up the second book.

Everneath by Brodi Ashton

One of my friends brought this book for me one year as a birthday present, and that’s about all I can remember about Everneath. Well, that and that it was a Hades and Persephone inspired story which goes a long way to explaining why I enjoyed it so much.

Blackwood by Gwenda Bond

Did I even read Blackwood? Goodreads and the fact that I rated it five stars says yes I did, but you could put a gun to my head and I wouldn’t be able to tell you anything about the story.

Tithe by Holly Black

Her Modern Faerie Tales trilogy was not only the series that introduced me to Holly Black’s writing, but that introduced me to stories about the fae. After reading The Cruel Prince last year I remembered how much I loved Holly Black’s books and put Tithe at the top of my to-re-read list.

White Cat by Holly Black

Until searching through my old Goodreads ‘Read’ list I forgot Holly Black had released this series as well. I picked up White Cat because it had been written by Holly Black but, like Fated, while it was good it wasn’t as good as the Modern Faerie Tales trilogy.

The Immortal Rules by Julie Kagawa

My friend recommended this book to me and, like with Uglies, The Immortal Rules was a story we fangirled over a lot while we were supposed to be studying. Now though I can’t remember as much as I’d thought I could, and I know if I asked my friend she wouldn’t remember much either.

Unspoken by Sarah Rees Brennan

I really loved this series, and the fact that it’s on my list this week has me considering whether I should add Unspoken to my to-re-read list. At first I did think that I’d remembered a lot of this book, until I thought on it longer and realised the ‘a lot’ I could remember really wasn’t a lot at all.

Wildefire by Karsten Knight

This is another book I literally have no memory of but that I rated five stars. Either my memory is worse than I realised or instead of sleep walking I’ve been sleep reading.

So what do you think? Did you take part in this week’s Top Ten Tuesday, if so let me know what books you really enjoyed but now can’t remember much about, or what books you have no memory of reading despite them being on your Goodreads ‘Read’ list.

59 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Books I Really Liked but Can’t Remember Much About

  1. I only recognize Uglies in all this, but man is it a scary thought to look back at the books you’ve read and have no clue what they were about or if you even read them. 😮 😮 Makes me wonder if it’s the books fault for being unmemorable or just a question of memory and a need of a re-read, especially if a 5 stars was given! 😛

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I feel like because a lot of these were books I read in high school and my memory is terrible I just forgot them the more I read you know? But I also feel like if I read some of these again I wouldn’t rate them as high as I first did. My reading tastes have changed so much that something I loved and read in high school I wouldn’t love now. 🙂

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      1. I literally just read Scott Westerfelds post about him releasing four new books in the uglies series! So a re read is definitely on the cards somewhere 😂

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  2. Hi Beth ❤
    I love this post and this T10T topic in general! It speaks to me a lot in that MOST of the books that I read, I don't remember at all. I might be able to give a 1 sentence summary of the premise, and I can say whether I liked or or disliked it, but I won't remember the plot twists or the ending or even the characters' names :') Even for the books that I really love!
    I also read the Uglies back in high school and enjoyed it, though, likewise, I don't remember much about it :')

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    1. Hi Sophie, thanks so much! 😀 Ha, yeah there were a few I thought I did remember but then the more I thought about it the more I realised I couldn’t remember anything. For a lot of these I couldn’t even give a one sentence summary so you’re a step ahead of me in a way when it comes to the books you can’t remember. 🙂
      That’s all I can remember about Uglies too, and that one of the characters was named David. Literally that’s it! 🙂

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  3. hehee I was just looking at this list and thinking “I remember Uglies…” and then I thought about it and realised no, I really don’t 😉 I do plan to read Tithe at some point, cos I’ve enjoyed her other books, shame it was a bit forgettable, but hope you enjoy the reread. The Immortal Rules was big for a while, but I never read it and it’s kinda been forgotten by everyone now. Anyway, great list!

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    1. I feel like there are some books we almost trick ourselves into remembering you know? Like we think we’ll never forget them but when we actually look back we realise how little we do remember them. That’s definitely what a few of these have been for me. 🙂 I think the main reason Tithe was forgettable was because I read it so long ago, I remember it being a great book so I’m sure you’ll love it.
      There are a few books I can think of that were big for a while and then forgotten, it happens to more than you’d think I guess.
      Thanks so much! 😀

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  4. This has to be one of the bookish phenomenons that most puzzle me xD I, too, have lost count of the books I’ve forgotten about but apparently claim to love? It’s just so weird…
    I see a pattern in these. They all sound like something a younger girl would have enjoyed in the era where paranormal romances were a huge thing. I can totally relate, by the way! But I guess they’re not so much our thing now?
    Maybe you suffer from the same ailment I do which is called “short-term hype syndrome” and basically means you are able to fangirl about a book/series for a short period of time but afterwards loose all recollection of it even ever existing, simply because it wasn’t all that memorable to begin with. It was only instant gratification.
    Don’t worry, this term was completely made up on the spot here xD But doesn’t it make absolute sense?! It does to me. Which is scary hahaha
    Amazing post, Beth! 🙂

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    1. I guess at the end of the day there’s only so much our brains can remember right? Imagine if we could remember all the books we’d ever read, that would be so many (too many I think!)
      Ha, oh yeah that’s definitely the pattern. These were all books I read while I was in high school and most around the time when I was still in my Twilight phase as well. No, I guess as well grow older our reading tastes change but there’s nothing wrong with that. 🙂
      I love how you made that up in the spot, but even so I do think it’s something that applies to me. I do tend to get very swept away by hype before books are released so it makes sense it would be the same for after I’ve read a book I enjoyed. Maybe it means I should wait a little while before rating books on GR so it doesn’t effect my ratings as much (then again like my reading tastes have changed I do think I’m being more critical of the books I’m reading).
      Thanks so much Sophie! 🙂 ❤️


      1. You’re right. Mine’s especially selective xD
        I used to love paranormals and chick lit (my favorite author was Meg Cabot, for instance, and I cringe inwardly whenever I read those books now hahaha) but even if I don’t actually feel the same way I did when I first read them, they’re still a lot of fun if you don’t take them too seriously 🙂
        I always try to wait a few days before I write a review/rate a book, just because my emotions are still running rampant. So far, it’s been working!
        You’re very welcome, hon ❤ ^^

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      2. Oh Meg Cabot used to be one of my favourite authors in high school as well. I haven’t read any of her books in ages but I imagine if I did I wouldn’t take them seriously so I’d have a lot of fun reading them still. 🙂
        I wait a few days before I review them at least. Maybe I should wait a few days before rating them as well then. 🙂


      3. I still want to finish her Mediator series! I used to love her historical novels the most hahaha
        I’m sure I’d still like some of them but the thing with Cabot is that all her stories and characters kind of end up sounding the same? Like she has this formula and she uses it for everything, with a few twists here and there. That’s fine for the first few times, but then it starts to get kinda boring…
        I never rate the books before I review them, as I a) like to build expectation with the people who follow me on GR (eeevil mwahahaha) and b) know I might change my mind later so I don’t want to compromise. But you do what you feel is best 🙂

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      4. Her Mediator series is one of the only ones of her series I’ve read all the way through. I never really got into the Princess Diaries ones. 🙂 I don’t think I’ve really read enough of her books to tell that about the formula of her writing, either way I enjoyed them in high school and feel like the nostalgia would help me if I ever decided to read them again. 🙂
        Yeah, for now for me it’s easier to rate them as I finish them, maybe that’ll change one day but it works for now! 😀


      5. I really liked TPD but as it progressed, I kind of lost interest. It just felt a bit like it should have ended a few books back…
        The nostalgia is very welcome, indeed! I just don’t know how I’ll react to the writing/story itself hahaha
        Awesome, that’s all that matters ^_^

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  5. Oh my goodness, this is me! There are a lot of old books that I really like but I don’t exactly remember what they’re about or everything that happens in them or why specifically I loved those books. I used to feel bad about that for some reason. Now it’s just there’s not enough space or memory in my brain to really remember everything. Nice to know it’s not just me.

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    1. Exactly, I thought it would be hard to come up with ten books for this list but in the end I ended up with more than ten. Most of these all I can remember is that I loved them, that’s literally it! Yeah I have a terrible memory which I don’t think helps, and I guess by clearing out our minds of these old books we’re making room for the new ones we’ll end up loving. It’s definitely not just you though. 🙂

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  6. UGLIES! I read that book a while ago and loved it to pieces. I don’t remember much about it now, except from the characters’ names (when I can remember their names, you know it was a great book for me, hahaha) and… well, the general plot or something, what’s said in the synopsis, basically, hahaha. I think a re-read will have to happen at some point 😀
    Great post, Beth! 😀

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    1. I don’t even remember their names, so you have a better memory for the book than I do (I think one of them was called David maybe? But that could be another book I’m thinking of). Pretty much all I remember about Uglies was that I enjoyed it, I can’t even say I have a vague idea of what the story was about. I’d say that means it’s definitely time for a re-read for me! 😀
      Thanks so much Marie! 🙂 ❤️

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      1. YES one of them was David. I remember that because I hated him with passion 😂 I was soooo team Zane in that book. I don’t remember details but I know I loved him 😂

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  7. I think I read Tithe during my semester abroad. I know how the book looks like, where it is on my shelf, where I bought it but I have noooo idea what happens in it. I just think it sounded familiar to something else I had read? No idea what though. My memory is the WORST!

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    1. You’re kind of a step ahead of me then because I have no idea where that book even is in my house, or if it’s one I still own! All I remember is that I enjoyed it and that it was one of my ‘high school’ favourite series, that’s honestly it. 🙂 My memory is pretty terrible too, so I get where you’re coming from there. 😀

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      1. Hahaha that’s okay. I think I just remember it so much because I sent home an entire moving box with books and magazines during my semester abroad. Those books are ingrained in my mind, even if I don’t remember their plot haha

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  8. I feel you when it comes to Everneath! I read it two or three years ago, and I really did enjoy myself despite it being pretty fluffy, but I was looking at it a couple of days ago on my bookshelf, and I barely remembered anything that happened. 😂 I have so many books that I claim I love, but I haven’t read in a while so I’ve forgotten everything. 😝

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    1. See at the time I enjoyed Everless but looking back I do wonder whether all I enjoyed about it was that it is a Hades and Persephone inspired story. Either way I know it’s a book/series I’m not interested in re-reading. 🙂 Yeah I guess that happens, in a way it makes me almost worried for the books that I currently claim are my favourites. 😀

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    1. Part of me feels like Harry Potter is one of those series I’ll never be able to forget, but it’s very possible the next time I pick them up I’ll be surprised by everything I’ve forgotten about the books. 🙂
      Ha, yeah I have book series like that as well! Oh well, right? 😀

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    1. Ha, yeah it can be easy to forget sometimes can’t it? I draft my TTT posts ahead of the day so it helps me remember. Maybe that’ll work for you as well. 🙂
      Hopefully you’ll be able to get around to them one day then. Then again I know too well how hard the TBR mountain can be to climb! 😀

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    1. It was just released so long ago and it’s a series I’ve never re-read, or even thought about re-reading honestly. Oh see all I can remember is that I really enjoyed it, I think at one point it was actually a favourite series of mine. 🙂
      Thanks for the link, I’ll definitely check out your TTT.


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