My Mid Year To-Read Goal

We all know how it goes. Every time a new book is released it gets added to our TBR list, and then it can take us months, or even years in some cases, to get around to reading it. Unfortunately when it comes to buying books my eyes are too big for my brain, and I buy more books in a month than I can read in that same month.

Now I have a large selection of books sitting on my shelves that I’ve never gotten around to, and that is what this to-read goal is to help with. I’m not putting myself on a book buying ban, but I am going to cut down on what I buy until I’ve made my way through a fair few of these.


Fantasy (1)

Fantasy (3)

Already I can tell you that Lady Midnight and Lord of Shadows are two books I won’t be getting around to this year. I’ve heard all about how unbearable the cliffhanger in Lord of Shadows is, so I’m waiting for the release of the third book before picking up this series.

Fantasy (4)

I didn’t even know this was being released until after its release date, and I was so excited when I found a copy in Waterstones that I pulled the most embarrassing ‘excited’ face imaginable. Lost Boy is a book that won’t be on my TBR list for long.

Fantasy (2)

My aim was to have read the Summoner series before going to YALC this year. That goal was an epic fail but maybe I’ll have better luck with this one.

Fantasy (5)

Ransom Riggs is going back to the world of the Peculiars and writing a companion series. My aim is to have read Tales of the Peculiar before that companion series is released, if I don’t manage to get around to it this year that is.

Fantasy (6)

This is the conclusion to one of my favourite series, and the book before it ended on a pretty intense cliffhanger, so why haven’t I picked up Cheating Death yet?!


Contemporary (1)

Contemporary (2)

Everyone who’s read Geekerella so far as loved it, and keep saying to people this one is next on my to-read list. Unfortunately my mood reading tendency is getting in the way and I keep finding other books I just have to read first.


Sci-Fi (1)

I am not even sure how this book is still on my TBR list. I brought it a year ago, I loved Red Rising and Golden Son, and I am desperate to find out how the series ends. Especially considered there’s a companion novel being released next year.

By this point though I really need to re-read Red Rising and Golden Son before I can make a start on Morning Star.

Sci-Fi (2)

There is a lot, and I mean a lot, of controversy surrounded this book. I’m very much on the fence about whether I will read it or not, but as Carve the Mark is a book I own that I haven’t read it’s got a place on my TBR list. For now at least.

Sci-Fi (3)


Dystopian (1)

I only added Flawed to my to-read list because I got a copy from an Owl Crate subscription box. I later removed it from my TBR list because I wasn’t interested but now I’ve added it again. Honestly who even knows what my plans for this book are now.

Dystopian (2)

After reading and loving Marie Lu’s Legend trilogy, The Young Elites series is much higher on my to-read list than it was before.

Dystopian (3)

Children’s Fiction

Middle Grade and Steampunk

Middle Grade

Both The Hidden Oracle and The Sword of Summer are books I do not plan to get around to this year. I want to wait until all the books in each series have been released before picking them up.



I’ll admit I’m not a massive fan of Steampunk books, but Everland is also a fairytale retelling and I am so there for that. Plus the second book is Alice in Wonderland inspired.

I know I’m not going to get through all these before the end of this year. I’m a mood reader and when it comes down to it I know I’m not going to be in-the-mood for a lot of these books, additionally there are a few books on this list I’m not even going to try and get around to yet. Also, and probably most importantly, there are just too many for me to read in the remaining five months of 2017.

Still if I can make a start on this list I’ll be happy. Ideally I’d like to get through at least one quarter/one third of the books on this list before the new year. Here’s hoping I manage it.

Does anyone else have any of these books on their TBR list? Or, alternatively, does anyone have any recommendations as to which one I should start first?

Let me know in the comments below.

64 thoughts on “My Mid Year To-Read Goal

  1. Your edition of Lost Boy is wayyyy tooooo beautiful to be real. 😮 I have that on my TBR too, super excited to check it out whenever that is hahahha But man, you got some super exciting books in your TBR. You’re definitely prepared for a fun reading experience for the next couple of months!! Happy reading, Beth! 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It is really gorgeous, Christina Henry’s books are ones where I definitely prefer the UK covers over the US ones (and I don’t really get to say that too often.)
      Oh I hope you enjoy it as well then Lashaan, and yeah I have plenty of books to try and get through, and I can’t wait! 😀

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  2. Oh my god, so many books LOL. I can’t wait to read all your reviews on them. And I think you have the right idea in taking your time with the Infernal Devices and Dark Artifices series. The ending of Lord of Shadows, as you say, is completely unbearable and just straight up painful. Having us wait two years to get an ending is insane. So, consider yourself veeeeery lucky. Do not become like us haha. And hopefully Flawed turns out better than expected? I really like the cover but the premise sounds generic. So who knows?? Good luck in getting through all those books! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Lot of books, so there’ll be a lot of reviews as well once I’ve read them all.
      I’m hoping to start The Infernal Devices soon at least, Lady Midnight and Lord of Shadows will have to wait because I can’t put myself through the unbearable cliffhanger everyone is talking about.
      I consider myself lucky with this series, but I had to life with the cliffhanger for AGOS, so I paid my dues! 😀
      I hope so, I’m going into Flawed with very few expectations so maybe I’ll end up pleasantly surprised! 😀
      Thanks Azia, I’m going to need all the luck I can get. 🙂 ❤

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      1. Oh yay! It’ll be fun reading all your thoughts on those books 😀 Especially Infernal Devices. And yeah, that cliffhanger for AGOS was horrid. I now know that pain everyone must have felt while waiting for ACOL 😂
        Happy reading! 💕

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      2. Because it’s AMAZING!!! For me, it kind of blows The Mortal Instruments out of the water lol. So can’t wait to see what you think about them 😀


  3. I have to say, WordPress is being weird, I missed your last two posts and I have NO idea how that happened?! Anyway!
    There are just so many books on this post, I don’t even know where to start. Maybe with the young elites?! I’m so impatient to hear your thoughts on that one. I also really want to read Legend and knowing you loved it makes me impatient 🙂
    I really want to read that new Lauren James book, heard tons of great things about it and that cover is absolutley stunning ❤

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    1. Oh that is weird, although I feel like WordPress has done this to me before. I think sometimes there are just strange bugs in this website. 😀
      There are a lot, and I need to try and get around to as many as I possibly can! The Young Elites is high on my TBR list, simply because I want to have read that series before Warcross is released. Oh definitely read Legend Marie, it’s such an incredible series and considering you enjoyed The Young Elites I’m sure you’ll enjoy Lu’s first trilogy too. 😀 ❤
      It really is, that's another book I can't wait to get around to. 🙂

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  4. Haha, you definitely have more self-control than I do! I’ve been itching to pick up The Sword of Summer for a while, and I’ll probably snatch it up sometime this year.

    OH MY GOD THE LOST BOY COVER IS AMAZING. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on it!

    TBR planning isn’t something I typically do; I generally just roll with reading whatever books on my TBR I happen to come across. But I DO know of a few books I intend to read before this year ends: Salt to the Sea by Ruta Sepetys, Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe, and Inferno by Dan Brown.

    Ellie | On the Other Side of Reality

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    1. I just don’t think I can handle the cliffhanger Rick ends some of his books on. Also one of the things I’ve loved about his series so far is that I’ve been able to binge read them all one after the other. 🙂
      It’s gorgeous isn’t it? I’m hoping the story inside is just as amazing but I can’t wait to get around to it.
      Normally I’m the same, but there are so many books on this list I kind of need some way to keep track of them you know? Oh I hope you manage to make it through those books before the end of the year then, I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you. 🙂 ❤


  5. Wow, that’s seriously a lot of books! 😀 And a lot of them are on my TBR as well.
    I don’t think I will be starting Lady Midnight immediately either (or rather when I finish The Mortal Instruments). I’m bad with waiting for sequels and I have heard that the cliffhanger in Lord of Shadows is really bad. Soo I will wait a bit before picking it up! 🙂
    I have read The Book of Strange Things a few years ago. It was good, a lot darker than I thought it would be! I hope you end up enjoying it as well.
    I didn’t know that Ransom Riggs is writing a companion series! I definitely need to check it out, as I enjoyed his first trilogy a lot. I still need to read Tales of the Peculiar as well, but I’m very exited to get my hands on it and read it some time in the future! 😀
    I simply need to get my hands on The Hidden Oracle and The Sword of Summer!! Those are the two series by Rick Riordan that I haven’t read yet. I really hope that I will be able to get at least some of the books from those series some time soon.
    Good luck Beth!! I hope you manage to read a lot of these books! ❤ 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s definitely a lot, and you it makes me feel a little better hearing that some of these are on other people’s TBR lists too. 🙂
      Pretty much everyone I’ve talked to about Lady Midnight and Lord of Shadows has been in agony over that cliffhanger. Definitely not risking it myself. As long as I can avoid spoilers I’m fine waiting until the last book has been released to pick up the other two. 🙂
      Ohh, I really hope I enjoy it, it sounds like a good book so I actually can’t wait to get around to it.
      Yeah, I think it’s a sequel to the first series set in America this time. Either way I’m very excited for it.
      I hope you enjoy them as well. I’m going to try and wait for all of each of those series to have been released before picking them up, but you never know I may not stick to that. Who knows?
      Thanks so much Anna. 🙂 ❤

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  6. You can wait out Lord of Shadows. The next book doesn’t come out till 2019 anyway.
    I enjoyed The Young Elites, so maybe try that one? I haven’t read the last book in the series though!


    1. I feel like waiting for the last book has to be easier not having read Lord of Shadows, and everyone I’ve spoken to about it agrees! 😀
      The Young Elites is definitely a priority of mine, I loved Marie Lu’s Legend trilogy and with Warcross being released soon I want to try and finish The Young Elites before it’s out. 🙂


  7. I almost wish I had waited to read Lord of Shadows until the third book comes out… but I really loved it and I’m so glad I read it, despite the gigantic cliffhanger. I’ve also heard really good things about Geekarelle and Given to the Sea.
    And I need to read all of Rick Riordan’s books!

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    1. After hearing from a lot of people about the insane and gigantic cliffhanger I knew I’d have to hold off on Lady Midnight/Lord of Shadows until the last book was released! 😀 I have no patience when it comes to books.
      Oh I haven’t heard much about Given to the Sea, but I have heard plenty about Geekerella so that’s a priority for me.
      Rick Riordan is an incredible author, I’d definitely recommend his books! 😀

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    1. Thanks so much Meggy! 😀 Ahh, well hopefully you’ll get around to it one day.
      Some of these are books I’ve owned for ages so I really need to get around to them soon, and lists just help me keep everything organized in my mind but yeah they’re not for everyone. 🙂


  8. Great list! I want to read Holly Bourne’s books as well and the premise of The Loneliest Girl in the universe sounds interesting so I might pick that one up too (even though I usually don’t read anything but contemporary)
    Beautiful pictures by the way.

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  9. GAHD the cover of Ink is way too gorgeous for its own good!!!
    Hehe the entire The Mortal Instruments series is on my TBR too :,)
    Dang this TBR is scaring me haha I wish you the best of luck! You can do it!! Luckily the number of unread books on my shelf isn’t THAT big but I just ordered a buttload on my birthday so….*hides from TBR*

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    1. Oh it really is, in fact Ink was definitely a cover buy for me. I don’t think I looked at the blurb before adding it to my basket! 😀
      There are so many books in TMI series, gonna take us a while to get through them all. 🙂
      Thanks Esther, I’m definitely going to need all the luck I can get to get through these, but I know I’m not going to have every single on read before the end of the year. That would be impossible.
      Unfortunately we can’t hide from out TBR lists forever, take it from someone who just published this post and who knows all too well! 😀

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      1. 😂😂 I probably do that way too often 🙄
        And OMG I KNOW haha that woman just keeps cranking them out but I had to see what all the hype was about! I know I liked the first 3 TMI books when they were just supposed to be a trilogy but I was only 14 then so WHO CAN KNOW.

        Hahaha WHY. WHY CAN’T WE HIDE. 😂

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  10. Wow, this is a lot of books! I hope you get through most of them by the end of the year! 😀 And I’d say The Young Elites is more of a fantasy haha!

    Speaking of fantasy, you’ve got a lot here! I also need to finish The Mortal Instruments — though I barely remember what happened in The City of Bones, oops! Geekerella was SUPER cute, and I’m so glad you want to read the rest of Uncle Rick’s books! Oh, and I just want to read Carve The Mark to form my own opinion about the racism, haha. 😛

    Great post, Beth! And gorgeous pics. 😉 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ha, yeah, my habit of buying all the books and then not reading them has finally caught up with me! 😀 Ah, I just put dystopian because her last series was more than anything else, and I was going by the genres on GR. 🙂
      You can certainly tell fantasy is my favourite genre can’t you? There’s so many books in TMI, it’s gonna take a while to get through them all, and Geekerella and Rick Riordan’s books are high priorities for me at the moment. I’ve heard amazing things about both! 😀
      That’s a good way to go about it, and oh when you do read Carve the Mark you’ll have to let me know what you think May.
      Thanks so much! 😀 ❤

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    1. I can’t say I’m a massive steampunk fan, though the books I’ve read within that genre have been quite good ones so you could say I’m a little bit of a fan! 😀
      Everland sounds amazing, so that’s a high priority on my TBR list at the moment, and I’ll be sure to post a review once I have read it so you can see my thoughts. 🙂

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    1. Thanks Dani. Ink is a high priority on my TBR list, I met the author at YALC this year so now I feel I need to read her book. 🙂 Diabolic is slightly lower on the list but I will get around to it one day.
      Yeah I know I’m not going to be able to make it around to all these books before the year is over, gotta narrow it down somehow! 😀

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  11. The Infernal Devices is on my TBR! Although I’m working through reading Shades of Magic for now. The cover for Inked is so, so pretty! I also like that you added steampunk because I’ve been curious to try that genre

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    1. I’ve heard non-stop amazing things about The Infernal Devices, and oh I really hope you’re enjoying the Shades of Magic books, that’s an all-time favourite series of mine. 🙂
      Inked was purely a cover buy for me, I just couldn’t resist, and I’m curious enough to try out Steampunk. Hopefully it’ll be a genre I enjoy and hopefully one you enjoy if you try it. 😀

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  12. Some amazing books on this list (I’m looking at you, Cassandra Clare books!) I hope you achieve your reading goals for the second half of 2017 ☺️ also I’ve only just been hearing about Ransom Riggs releasing a Miss Peregrine’s companion series and I am definitely intrigued, I’m reading the trilogy at the moment and love it so much!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ve pretty much been constantly hearing good things about Cassandra Clare’s books, I want to get through most of them as a priority this year. 🙂
      Thanks, I hope so to though I’m not going to get through everything on this list. I’m a fast reader but not that fast! Oh it’s a brilliant trilogy, and yes I am so excited for the follow-up series, I’m sure it’ll be amazing! 😀

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  13. I can totally relate to this – I buy SO many books because, in my mind, I feel like I can read them all, even though I actually do not have enough time to do it, haha. I really want to read S.T.A.G.S! I’ve heard practically nothing about it which I think is one of the reasons I haven’t gotten around to it yet. By the way, you take absolutely gorgeous photos!!

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    1. We’re all just weak when it comes to new releases, and old releases that are too gorgeous to not buy right? I need to get around to some of these books though. I feel it’s gotten to the stage where I have to make some headway on my TBR list.
      I’m planning on reading S.T.A.G.S soon actually, so I’ll let you know what I think and then you’ll have heard something about it. 🙂 It sounds really good and I just couldn’t resist picking it up.
      Thanks so much Kourtni. 😀 ❤

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      1. I’m in the same position! I really need to actually read some of the many books I’ve bought. Happy reading!

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      1. Very, I will definitely attend next year. I love your YALC recap, a lot of useful tips that I’ll have to make sure to do next year! (especially the suitcase, I swear there’s still dents in my shoulder from all the totes!)

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  14. Morning Star is intense, but it’s a great end to the trilogy and I highly recommend it! I’m also considering a reread of the entire trilogy before Iron Gold comes out in January, and it does seem a little daunting to reread that much story, but Pierce Brown’s trilogy is definitely worth it!
    I’m not quite as organized (I ran out of shelf space) but I’m trying to do the same thing with working through the unread books I already own. Good luck with your TBR!

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    1. I’ve heard some amazing things about Morning Star, and honestly the Red Rising trilogy is one of my favourites so I need to read the last book soon. Definitely worth it. I’ll be re-reading Red Rising and Golden Son before picking up Morning Star myself.
      Thanks, and good luck with yours. I still need to actually organize my bookshelves but that’s another matter all together! 😀

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  15. Those are A LOT of books! You’ll have your hands quite full trying to make into your TBR but I’m sure you’ll be able to do it! I obviously want everyone to read any and all Cassandra Clare books because I’m quite a big fan (and secretly want everyone to suffer because of that Lord Of Shadows ending)!

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    1. Yeah it really is, and I know I won’t get around to all of them but I want to be able to cross a good chunk of them off my TBR list. I’m determined.
      Cassandra Clare’s books, with the exception of Lady Midnight and Lord of Shadows, are ones I am definitely going to get around to this year. I don’t think I can bring myself to pick up Lord of Shadows until the third book is released and in my hands! 😀

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      1. No, but you have to suffer with the rest of us! But also, there are enough new books in the Shadowhunters universe releasing next year to keep you occupied and distracted!

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