The Pokémon Go Tag

We’ll just pretend that the Pokémon Go craze isn’t over and that I’m not six or seven months late posting this tag.

Even when it was in its height I never got into Pokémon Go although two of my friends were obsessed with the game, and one of them still is. I guess when you nearly get into a car accident because of someone else playing the game when they should be focusing on the road it kind of loses its appeal for you. I was tagged by Grace at Thanks so much for the tag Grace, I had a lot of fun answering these questions and I hope you enjoyed reading my answers as much.



  • Other than mentioning the creator of the tag, Aentee at Read at Midnight, there are none. Just have fun and feel free to use Aentee’s images.


Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling

This seems like a really cliché answer but Harry Potter is the first series I picked up, the first series I fell in love with, and the series that really got me hooked on reading. I still love the books, and re-read them every year whenever I get a chance.

Harry Potter


Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll

Asides from being an iconic classic I really love Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland is the only classic that I’ve read which I’ve actually enjoyed. Having been required to read others I wasn’t interested in during high school kind of killed the genre for me.

Alice in Wonderland - Cover


There actually isn’t one. This seems like a cop-out answer for this question but there’s no book I can think of that I’ve lost interest in because it’s been everywhere. If a book sounds interesting I’ll add it to my to-read list regardless of whether it has thousands of reviews of just a handful.


The Girl at Midnight series by Melissa Grey

While reading The Girl at Midnight I picked up on a fair few aspects which reminded me of The Mortal Instruments series and Daughter of Smoke and Bone. There was a similar concept behind the world-building, similar plot points at times, and similar characters we were introduced to.



A Dance with Dragons by George R.R. Martin

I loved the first four books in the series, and I know I’ll love the fifth as well when I finally get around to it, but it’s well over 1000 pages long so it’s not going to be a quick read. I want to read A Dance of Dragons at some point, but at the moment I just have no desire to pick up a book that long.



A Conjuring of Light by V.E. Schwab

Is there really any surprise that this book ended up as my answer for this question? Granted I did have to put A Conjuring of Light down to go to sleep because I had to get up early for work the following day, but if I hadn’t I would have stayed up all night reading because it was un-put-down-able.



Wylan and Jesper
Six of Crows duology by Leigh Bardugo

I loved all the couples in the Six of Crows duology, but Wylan and Jesper were just my favourite of the lot. Every interaction between them was a favourite scene of mine to read, and even though their story is over I hope to see more from them in Leigh Bardugo’s future books.

Six of Crows Series


Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo

It does seem like I used the same book for two questions in a row, but honestly Crooked Kingdom is the perfect answer for this one. I couldn’t put it down; there were so many twists and turns, and I was constantly in awe of how Kaz managed to see so many steps ahead of everyone else.

Crooked Kingdom


The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer

This is one of my all-time favourite series, and I think no matter how many additional instalments Marissa Meyer releases continuing the stories of Cinder and the Rampion crew it’s never going to be enough for me. I loved the Stars Above anthology, and can’t wait to get started on Wires and Nerve.

The Lunar Chronicles


The Sin-Eater’s Daughter series by Melinda Salisbury

The first book in this series was a re-read for me but even so I was genuinely surprised that I enjoyed it the same amount as I did the first time I picked it up. After finishing The Sin-Eater’s Daughter I jumped straight into The Sleeping Prince and couldn’t put it down, if anything it was even better than the first book.



The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare

Honestly it seems like everyone has read this series and I’m the last hold-out. People love The Mortal Instrument books, and I’ll admit I enjoyed the first three I read, but I still need to get around to re-reading them and then carrying on with this series. Hopefully I’ll enjoy it as much as everyone else seemed to.



Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone: Hufflepuff Edition by J.K. Rowling

To celebrate the 20th anniversary of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone Bloomsbury are releasing four Hogwarts house themed editions. Being a Hufflepuff obviously that would be the version I would get, and the edition I am very likely to get when they’re released, in hardcover of course.



The Love Interest by Cale Dietrich

Normally I am not a fan of love triangles, I won’t say I hate them or go out of my way to avoid them or anything like that but they’re just not my favourite trope in YA books. Still The Love Interest sounds like it’s going to be an amazing exception. The book sounds beyond brilliant and the pre-release reviews are all already incredibly positive.



V.E. Schwab

Every single book she has released so far has become an all-time favourite read of mine, and now that the Shades of Magic series has finished I am incredibly excited to see what V.E. Schwab comes out with next. Whatever it is it’s going to go to the top of my to-read and to-buy lists, and I’m positive it will be a five star read for me as well.



A Court of Wings and Ruin by Sarah J. Maas

Since the second I finished A Court of Mist and Fury I have been dying to discover what happens next for Feyre and Rhys and everyone else. As the third and last book in the trilogy, and especially after the cliffhanger the second one ended on, I have a lot of expectations for A Court of Wings and Ruin but I’m sure this book will more than meet them


My tags:

And if there’s anyone else out there who wants to take part, consider yourself tagged. Just send me a link to your post in the comments so I can see what your answers are.

49 thoughts on “The Pokémon Go Tag

  1. Yes to ACOWAR!!! It’s been an age … and I still need to read the court in the ASOIAF series, but I haven’t because it’s so big and I just haven’t been in the mood for it!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It will be worth the wait I’m sure of it but it still feels like too long to go. And the ASOIAF series is really good but it’s really long so I can see why you haven’t been in the mood to pick it up. That’s how I feel about the fifth book at the moment. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m sure it will be – but a whole years wait is AGES!!!! 😭😭😭😭 I can’t wait for it!!! And hopefully you’ll be able to pick it up some point soon! Maybe it’s better not to pick it up because Martin is taking so long with the next book!! 😂😂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. In comparison it’s not that long, but when you’ve been waiting for something for that long, it still feels like ages! And that’s probably a good idea 😂😂 who knows when Martin will finish!

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  2. Thank you for tagging me! I can’t wait for A Court of Wings and Ruin either! 😀 Like I’ve said before I hope you at least like TMI when you read it, they are good books!
    The 20th edition Harry Potter book look so cool! I kinda want one! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s all right. I’ll be looking forwards to seeing your answers for this tag! 🙂
      ACOWAR seems like the ultimate anticipated release for most people at the moment. I certainly can’t wait. And thanks, I hope so too.
      They all look gorgeous, I can’t wait until they’re actually released and I have them in my hands! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’d laugh if I get to this tag next year… I know I won’t I just know that Pokemon GO will not be a thing haha.
        Oh I thought they were already released. It’s crazy to think that Harry Potter has been around for 20 years!

        Liked by 1 person

  3. My goodness this is a fantastic tag! Granted, I was never into pokémon go. (I just liked to watch people play. It was quite a sight seeing large crowds of people gravitate to one specific place because there was a rare pokémon or a gym…good times, good times. RIP pokémon go). Anyways, loved your answers! Haven’t read some of them but I definitely plan to. YAS to Wylan and Jesper. They’re my favorite couple from SoC, too. They are just too cute for words. Crooked Kingdom sure was a fast-paced read. I finished that book within a few hours because I just couldn’t stop reading. Haven’t read all of the Lunar Chronicles just yet but it warms my heart every time I hear there will be more spinoffs from the series! I’m so glad you’ll be reading TMI. It’s definitely one of my favorite YA series out there. I really hope you enjoy them. And I’m completely excited for The Love Interest too! I can tell that one’s going to be an instant favorite of mine 😀 And hells yes to ACOWAR. We’re all waiting for the day that book drops. I’m dying to see the bookish community’s reaction to it LOL. Thanks so much for the tag! I hope I can get to this one soon! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It was a fun tag, and actually I was never really that into the game either. I can’t even say I enjoyed watching people play it so I guess you’ve got that on me at the moment. 🙂
      Thanks Azia, I hope you enjoy the Ines you haven’t read, and yeah of all the couples there was something about Wylan and Jesper I loved that little bit more. Crooked Kingdom was amazing in every single way, and TLC is one of my favourite series as well so it’s great to see more and more new stories being released still.
      I’ll actually be starting City of Bones next month, so not long now. I want to try and be up to date before the end of this year. It could be possible you never know.
      Both The Love Interest and ACOWAR are books I can’t wait for, and I’m sure they’ll be just as amazing as I think they will too! 😀
      Thanks Azia, I can’t wait to see your answers for this one either! 🙂 ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      1. LOL, honestly, watching other people play the game was some kind of self-torture. It was so depressing to see so many people with their heads down, buried in their phones haha
        And I hope you manage to read TMI and TID and even Lady Midnight before Lord of Shadows is released! It’d be so fun having you as a fangirl buddy LOL.
        Thanks! Can’t wait to get to it! ❤

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Oh I know that feeling. Another of my friends, who like me never got into the game, doesn’t like the fact that it turned our friends into people who were staring at their phones and running off chasing Pokemon all evening.
        I don’t know if I’ll get through all of them before Lord of Shadows is released but I will definitely have got through all of them by the time this year is over. That is a promise!
        That’s all right. 🙂 ❤

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      3. Yeah, it was kind of depressing, tbh. But at least it’s over now and we have our friends back lol. Well, most of them, I think.
        And that’s all I can ask for haha ❤

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      4. Don’t worry, one of my friends is still obsessed with it too. I learned this during Wondercon this past weekend when she was just wandering around and not looking at stuff XD LOL. Caught me off guard haha

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    1. They’re definitely one of my ultimate OTPs, I could read a whole other series about the two of them after Crooked Kingdom. 🙂
      Yeah large books can be intimidating can’t they? And I need to get around to The Martian soon as well. I’ve heard amazing things about it from people who have read it. 😀


  4. Nice picks! I really love the new design for the HP series, it’s so slick and sexy. I don’t know if you’ve seen it, but I also REALLY love the leather-bound edition with a different horcrux on it. I don’t know if its something that fan made or if its something that can actually be bought somewhere, but man is that super sexy. I’d put them in a glass case and just showcase it like some prized artifact, if I ever had them! 😛

    – Lashaan

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    1. Thanks so much Lashaan. Yeah I’ve already pre-ordered my copy of the HP books in my house cover. I got the Hardcover and Paperback edition because I couldn’t decide which I liked the best! 😀
      Yes I have seen that one, I think they were fan made covers but oh they looked incredible! I’d do the same if I had them as well. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I remember when Pokemon Go first released I was so obsessed with it 😂. My sister and I played it non-stop but then it lost its appeal because of how much it caters to players who live in cities. I live in the middle of nowhere so getting anything was pretty much impossible. Anyway! I love your answers for this tag, Beth! I’m with you on HP because I’m pretty sure it was that series that gave me my love for fantasy. And I can relate to not having a book that you lost interest in just because it’s everywhere. It’s probably because I’m such a hype reader but when I see a book everywhere it just makes me even more excited to read it lol. Also, I so knew you would mention the Shades of Magic books and Six of Crows in this. I’m with you on Wylan and Jesper! I would love if we got a novella or something with just them or even a little short scene. I miss them. And I’ve been eyeing the new HP collectors editions too, I want the Ravenclaw one so bad when it releases. And YES to ACOWAR! I can’t wait until that book is released. Only a little over a month at this point! *does a happy dance* 🙈

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh that’s a shame you couldn’t really get anywhere with it. It was insanely popular where I am, people were playing it at their desks at work! It does seem to have died down a lot but I know a lot of people still play it. One of my friends is still in competition with her brother and another of her friends over who can catch the most Pokémon.
      Thanks so much Melissa! It does seem like for most people who read HP when they were young it was what started their love for the series. Hype always makes me more excited as well. There have been books I’ve lost interest in but it hasn’t been because they’ve been everywhere, more just because I’ve lost interest because of all the time that’s passed since I added it to my to-read list.
      Yeah two of my favourite series and I couldn’t not include them in this tag. Honestly anything Leigh Bardugo writes, be it more Six of Crows or a new series in the Grisha world, I will devour because she is an incredible author.
      I’ve pre-ordered my house edition. I’ve got the Hardcover and Paperback ones because I couldn’t decide which I liked the best! Not long to go at all. My hopes are so high for that book but I know it’s going to be amazing! 😀 ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Definitely a shame. It was pretty popular here too (and I think it still is) just a bit implausible due to living somewhere where you have to drive an hour into the city to be able to catch anything or battle gyms. A lot of my friends are still big time into it too though lol.
        You’re welcome!! 😁 Same, I usually end up losing interest for that reason as well. If a book is on the TBR for too long there’s a bigger chance I won’t get around to it. Unless something gets me excited for it again anyway.
        Me too, anything she writes is going automatically on my TBR and then getting read. Leigh Bardugo is one author that will always be an auto-read after Grisha and Six of Crows! I’m pretty sure she has something new completely unrelated to the Grisha world coming out within the next year or so but I can never remember what it was about. I saw an article once and I need to look it up again lol.
        I need to pre-order mine, hopefully soon! And some about ACOWAR. My expectations are so high but I know it will end up meeting them. 😊

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      2. I mean I can’t really say how many Pokémon there are here, but from what I’ve overheard people saying it gets to a point where all you get is one specific type of Pokémon and you have to venture further to find other more rare ones you haven’t caught ten/twenty/thirty times over.
        Reading tastes change over time I guess, and the longer you leave books the more likely it is you’ll go back, read the blurb and not be interested in it anymore.
        I saw that as well, and while I am more excited about the book she’s doing of short stories set in the Grisha world I’m excited for pretty much anything she has to release so I’ll be eagerly awaiting her next book whatever it may be.
        Oh I’ve already had both pre-ordered since the second they were available on Amazon, I’m at that stage now where I’m counting down the days until the dispatch date! 😀

        Liked by 1 person

      3. That make sense. Especially if you’re in a more populated city where loads of players are trying to catch Pokemon. Sooner or later everyone is going to get the rarer ones in the area and then all that is left is the other types.
        Very true, that and the fact that sometimes I have the tendency to forget I’ve added a book to my TBR.
        Same here! I really can’t wait for the Grisha short stories. That is another book I need to pre-order. 🙈
        And I didn’t know they were on Amazon! I’m going to have to go check. I wonder if they’ll end up republishing all of the books for each house eventually. 😊

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      4. Yeah, I imagine people would have had more luck in London where I work than in Southend where I live and where all my friends were playing it.
        Oh I do that all the time, sometimes I’m genuinely surprised by what I find on my TBR list.
        I’m feeling the need to go on another pre-ordering spree soon! 😀
        Oh yeah, that’s where I ordered mine from so I’m sure they’ll have them on the US site as well. Maybe, I certainly hope so because then I could get the whole collection! 😀

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      5. Same! This past week actually I’ve gone to add books after reading reviews and more often than not the book is already on my TBR. I just need to go through it and organize it already. 🤦😂
        Same! Pre-order sprees are fun lol.
        Me too, I would love to have all the books in Ravenclaw colors on my shelves. 😍

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      6. I’m trying to manage my new to-read list on Goodreads better than my old one, but before too long it will fall in disarray.
        I haven’t been on a pre-order spree in a while, just doing odd pre-orders here and there. That would look amazing! I’ll get them in Hufflepuff if they do all seven. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      7. Yeah, I think it’s the inevitability of wanting to read all of the books that sound the least bit interesting. Our TBRs get out of hand. Even when I do organize mine I’m betting it’ll end up back where it’s at now eventually. 😂
        I went on a mini one a little bit back, if you can call four books a spree lol.

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  6. My hubby loves the game but I never played, I prefer to stick to the old Pokemon way! Great answers! I still haven’t read The Lunar Chronicles or any Schwab, oops!!! 1000 pages of Martin’s reading is my idea of hell, hahahahaha

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ve never played this game or any of the Pokemon games actually. Not really my thing. Thanks Donna.
      Do you have The Lunar Chronicles or anything by Schwab on your to-read list? They’re amazing books in my opinion, and actually yeah at the moment 1000 pages of Martin’s reading is my idea of hell as well! 😀

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  7. Great answers, Beth! I love The Lunar Chronicles as well and I hope you’ll be able to read Wires and Nerves soon, it was such a fantastic book, I loved it – and getting back into that world, I missed it so much. Also, The Love Interest is one of my most anticipated just as well, it sounds so good! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much Marie. I actually finished Wires and Nerve a little while ago, I think the same day I posted this tag actually, and really enjoyed it. It was great being able to go back to the world with a new story but seeing all my favourite characters again.
      It sounds amazing, and all the reviews I’ve seen so far have been brilliant ones as well! 😀

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      1. It really was – though it felt a bit weird at first to actually SEE the world and the characters, if you know what I mean? But somehow it fit, at least for me, and I loved it 🙂

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  8. This tag sounds like so much fun! And I was totally obsessed with Pokemon Go last summer! My sister got me and my siblings started and we’d spend SO much time out and about, hunting for Pokemon! My brother-in-law even went as far as going out at like 11 PM with my brother to get some rarer Pokemon! xD

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It was a lot of fun, also feel free to take part in it yourself. I was never really obsessed with Pokemon Go, or any kind of Pokemon game actually, but my friends were addicted to it. We went out one evening and I was actually driving around helping her catch Pokemon! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

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