Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Books You’ll Stay up All Night Reading so You Can Finish Them in One Go

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Each week there is a new topic for bloggers to choose and list their top ten. This week’s theme is a read in one sitting freebie, so I picked Top Ten Books You’ll Stay up All Night Reading so You Can Finish Them in One Go.

My blog’s name is Reading Every Night so I guess this felt like an appropriate pick for this week’s themed free-for-all. Besides we’ve all had those books we just couldn’t put down. You keep telling yourself it’ll be ‘just one more chapter’ but before you know it it’s four in the morning, you’ve finished your book, and haven’t been to sleep yet despite needing to get up for work in two hours.

Top Ten Tuesday #61

A Conjuring of Light by V.E. Schwab

After the way A Gathering of Shadows ended you won’t be able to read this one fast enough. The action starts from the very first page and continues until the very end. In my opinion A Conjuring of Light is the very best of the series and was more than worth the agonising wait.

The Song Rising by Samantha Shannon

The Bone Season very quickly becomes an addictive series. So much happens over the course of three books and there is a lot more at play under the surface. With four books to be released there is still a lot left to happen, but you’ll wonder how anything can exceed what’s already happened.

Carry On by Rainbow Rowell

Although this one isn’t as action packed as the others on my list there’s something about the story, the characters, and even the world itself that just won’t let you go. Simon and Baz’s story is an incredibly heart-warming one, and this will likely be a book you stay up late reading more than once.

Winter by Marissa Meyer

The conclusion to this series is one that feels a long time coming, having been built up since the first page of Cinder. There is a lot happening in this book but with over 800 pages to tell the story the plot is well developed and paced. You won’t want to put this down until you know how everything ends for your favourite characters.

Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo

After the ending of Six of Crows you’ll be desperate to jump right into Crooked Kingdom, and this book won’t disappoint. There are so many twists and turns you won’t be able to put it down, and you’ll find yourself constantly wondering how Kaz manages to be three steps ahead of everyone else in this deadly game.

The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness

In reality it’s the whole trilogy that you will stay up all night reading. Once you finish The Knife of Never Letting Go you won’t want to wait before jumping into The Ask and the Answer, and it will be the same when you finish the second book. Patrick Ness has created a wonderful story you won’t want to leave.

The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern

From the very first page you’re drawn into the magic and wonder of the circus, and the danger of the battle waged between Celia and Marco. While this book isn’t as action packed as the others on my list The Night Circus has a setting that will hook you from the first page and leave you wanting more after the last.

Golden Son by Pierce Brown

While the first book was slow to start that is not a problem the second book has. From the beginning Golden Son is action-packed, through bloody and gruesome. You’ll be on the edge of your seat desperate to find out what happened to Darrow, and left shocked by the direction Pierce Brown takes the story and its characters.

The Scarecrow Queen by Melinda Salisbury

All the world building, character development, and hints of a bigger plot in the first two books come together in this last one and create a thrilling story. There was a lot built up and a lot The Scarecrow Queen had to deliver but it did it wonderfully, and you won’t want this story to end.

A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas

This could actually apply to any Sarah J. Maas book because she is an amazing author when it comes to hooking readers and leaving them wanting more. There is a reason A Court of Wings and Ruin and the sixth Throne of Glass book are incredibly anticipated by so many readers.

So what do you think? Did you take part in this week’s Top Ten Tuesday, if so let me know what you picked for this week’s themed free-for-all, or what some of the books you stayed up all night reading are.

88 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Books You’ll Stay up All Night Reading so You Can Finish Them in One Go

  1. I one thousand percent agree with ACOMAF and Crooked Kingdom. Lord knows I read those two within a day. I just couldn’t put them down. The Night Circus actually took me about three days to finish. I had a bit of trouble getting into it the first time around. But if I were to reread it now, I’m sure I’d finish it within a few hours. Haven’t read the others but I fully expect to keep me up all through the night. Especially A Conjuring of Light. I kind of started AGOS today, and I’m already hooked. I know I’m going to love that book to pieces once I’m finished with it haha. Great picks, Beth! 😀

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    1. Yep, those were two very addictive books weren’t they. But then again given the authors and given how many twists there were I wasn’t surprising I was kind of addicted to them. The Night Circus does seem to be a book people find hard to get into at first, but once it hooks you it hooks you, and then it’s impossible to put down! 😀
      Oh you will love ACOL Azia. I thought it was amazing, the perfect ending to the perfect series, so I’m sure you’ll find it the same when you start it!
      Thanks! 😀 ❤

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  2. Of all those books, The Scarecrow Queen is the only one I have never seen before (even the first books in the series have never crossed my path!). The list you give definitely sound like books that will have us hooked till the end. I do love when time flies so fast cause of how immersed you are in a book, but man… when real life comes knocking at your door afterwards… 😛

    – Lashaan

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    1. I’m a little surprised you haven’t heard of The Scarecrow Queen actually (or the first book) but then again I wasn’t really aware of it myself until I started blogging.
      They all were for me, and yeah it’s a great feeling but real life does come knocking eventually, and sometimes sooner than you’d think as well! 😀

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  3. Oh ACOMAF!! I remember barely getting any sleep to finish that book, meanwhile I had to go to work for 8.5 hours the next day. Ugh! I’m pretty sure I’ll do that for ACOWAR lol. I have yet to read ADSOM by Schwab but I am pretty sure that I’ll want to finish the whole series in one go. Now that I am out of the book slump, I want to pick it up really soon. I loved The Night Circus, that world will forever be embedded into my brain. It’s so amazing and I never wanted to put it down too. Great picks Beth ❤

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    1. It’s the price we pay for staying up too late to read, but I get what you mean because there are some books that are just un-put-down-able, and when I start reading them in the morning I normally spend the rest of the day at work thinking about them.
      I’ll definitely be doing that for ACOWAR! 🙂
      The Shades of Magic series is one I would highly recommend as it’s probably my all-time favourite series. I hope you enjoy it as much, and now I know you may be picking it up soon I’ll be stalking your blog checking for a review for the first book! 😀
      I just never wanted it to end, I would really love a sequel for it! 😀
      Thanks Gretchen! ❤

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  4. OMG I read the Night Circus and it is so magical! The descriptions and imagery! You can smell the story, literary from afar! I read it and review it too! I liked it a lot!

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  5. SO many great books on this list! (If I could have them all in a pile in my arms I’d be incredibly happy.) I read about 200 pages of Crooked Kingdom in one go on a rainy day in Japan, and I read the last third of ACOMAF on the plane back! If you had to pick two of these, which do you think would be your favourites? 🙂

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    1. Oh they’re just amazing aren’t they, and actually same here. I think I own most of them though so I guess for me that’s kind of a reality! 😀
      Wow, I guess that just goes to show how amazing they actually are, that you read them that quickly! 🙂
      Honestly I don’t know how to choose but, if you held a gun to my head and forced me to, I guess I’d say A Conjuring of Light and The Song Rising. 🙂 What would yours be?


    1. Both are absolutely amazing so yeah I can see why you love them!
      In that case I hope you get around to them all soon, but oh I’d highly recommend Red Rising. It’s a little slow in the beginning but it’s well worth it to get to the main plot, and then the rest of the series! 😀


  6. I felt the same way about Winter, I couldn’t stop reading and I wanted to get through the whole book in just one second haha, it was so, so good. I am going to read ACOL really soon, I can’t wait to see how it all ends even if I’m a bit nervous about it ahah 🙂

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    1. Yeah and for a book that’s so long that’s definitely saying something isn’t it? I never wanted it to end but at the same time could read it fast enough.
      Ohh, that is exciting. You’ll have to let me know what you think when you’ve finished but I’m sure you’ll love it, it’s an amazing end to the series! 😀

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  7. I’m currently reading a Conjuring of Light and it’s so good! I’ve been reading it for a week, there is no way I’d be able to read it in a day haha, but it is super fast paced and I never see things coming which makes it a lot of fun to read! 🙂

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    1. Oh that’s amazing to hear Meghan, and actually I didn’t manage to read it in one day either because of work but if I could have I would have. It’s an amazing book in my opinion so I hope you enjoy the rest as much as you have what you’ve read so far! 🙂

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  8. I remember blowing through The Knife of Never Letting Go, then getting upset that I didn’t buy The Ask and the Answer at the same time. And The Night Circus? Oh, so good. I think I went through that one in two sittings. Happy reading!

    eli @ the (book) supplier
    My TTT

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    1. Ahh, see I tend to buy series all at once because I binge read everything I can get my hands on once I’ve read book one. The Chaos Walking trilogy was definitely one of those. And yes, The Night Circus is such a beautiful book. I’m not surprised you got through it so quickly as well! 😀

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    1. Those are three amazing books, and I’m glad to hear you enjoyed them as well. 🙂
      Oh I’d highly recommend the Shades of Magic and Six of Crows book, they’re ultimate favourites of mine and series I will recommend to pretty much everyone! 😀


  9. Great picks! I think I’m about the only one who hasn’t read A Conjuring of Light yet. Might have to do something about that soon and see what all the hype is about 🙂
    Oh, and I’m a fan of Patrick Ness but I haven’t read that trilogy yet! I’m going to add it to my TBR right now

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    1. Thanks so much! And yes, I would highly highly recommend picking up the Shades of Magic series. It is an all-time favourite of mine so I’m recommending it to everyone who so much as mentions it in passing.
      Patrick Ness is just an amazing writer isn’t he? And the Chaos Walking trilogy is my favourites of all his releases so I really hope you enjoy it as well. 🙂

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  10. Very true that you won’t be able to wait after The Knife of Never Letting Go to jump into The Ask and the Answer, although, the main reason for that would most likely be, oh, I don’t know, how about the incredibly cruel cliffhanger!!! xD

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      1. Yeah, no kidding, hey xD
        Not to mention the plot twists in the first one. I mean, the first one was kind of just how plot twists go – sure it was unexpected, but you knew a twist was coming. But then the second one! It just came out of nowhere xD
        One second they’re wandering through the woods, and the next they just stumble into a Spackle camp!

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      2. Yeah, I expected some plot twists because I guess I just knew that was where Patrick Ness seems to take his book, but there were a few I definitely wasn’t expecting. That one definitely came out of nowhere. I read this series quicker than any other so I guess that just goes to show how amazing it actually is! 😀

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  11. Great picks, Beth! You’re so, so right about ACOL. I didn’t stay up reading it per se because I kind of made myself a day for reading it… but even then my eyes kept wanting to jump forward the pages because my anticipation was just at an all-time high, haha.

    The only other book I’ve read from your list is Carry On, and unfortunately I didn’t really love that one… but I do have The Knife of Never Letting Go and The Night Circus on my TBR (as you know with the latter). 😛

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    1. Thanks so much Reg. ACOL was one I read in two days myself but I read it faster than any other book before because I kept needing to know what happened next. I was constantly thinking about it while at work in the middle of reading it.
      Oh that’s a shame about Carry On, but I really hope The Knife of Never Letting Go and The Night Circus are better ones for you. I’m really excited for you to read The Night Circus, I can’t wait to see what you think of it. 😀 ❤


    1. I think the fact that you would have read it in one sitting if you could counts in this occasion. Either way it’s definitely an addictive book! 🙂
      Were they all action packed, last books in the series? Or just books you really loved and didn’t want to end? I found most of the books on my list this week were conclusion/later books in series. But either way I may check some of them out myself if they were up-all-night reads for you! 😀


  12. I so wish I had participated in this week’s TTT because my last read I actually devoured in a day because I stayed up all night reading it. I couldn’t put it down for anything! Out of your list I’ve only read The Song Rising and ACOMAF and both are books that I lost sleep over because I couldn’t stop reading them. Especially The Song Rising! When I was reading that book I’m pretty sure I stayed up until 4 almost every night and then had to get up at 8 the next morning. I crashed and burned after I finished it and ended up taking a long nap 😂. I have a feeling that will be how reading ACOWAR goes for me too because I’m not going to wait to put that book down for anything. Some books are just too good and it would be amazing if reading a good book was a plausible excuse to miss work lol. Great picks for this, Beth! 😁

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well there’s nothing to stop you participating still, or even just posting something like this without calling it a TTT post. There are plenty of books I stayed up late reading, these are just the most recent few of them.
      Now that’s a sign of dedication. By the time we get to the last book of TBS series I reckon we’ll just both be non-stop reading and maybe even skipping work until we’ve finished it. That’s my plan anyways! 😀 It’ll likely be the same with ACOWAR.
      If reading was a valid excuse to miss work I’d never be in! 😀 Thanks so much Melissa. 🙂 ❤

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      1. Hmmm I just might have to do that. Maybe at the beginning of next month since I’ve been doing a recommendation post each month for the past few months. Could be my next ones theme! 😁
        Oh we most likely will! I know that once I have my hands on the last TBS book I will be crawling into my reading hole and not coming out until I’m finished. Or possibly until I stop crying over it being the end. I foresee a huge fantasy slump once that series ends. Simply because nothing will be able to live up to it.
        Same! If only we could be paid to read!
        You’re welcome, Beth!! 😊♥

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      2. If you do I’d love to see it, and I’d definitely expect to see one, if not all, of TBS books on there! 😀
        Same here, on everything you said. I will be turning off my phone and laptop and iPad and not emerging from my room until I’ve finished, not for anything. A fantasy slump at the end of that series is something I may start preparing for now! 😀

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      3. Oh TBS will definitely be on the list. I’m pretty sure I read the first book in two days if not less. That and the fact that I can’t not recommend TBS. Sooner or later my recommendation posts are going to become known for that. 😂🙈
        Me too. Complete fall off the face of the earth reading. Although, I will have to force myself to take a break to eat and sleep lol. Right? I’ll be making a list of contemporaries at some point. 😊

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      4. If I had included more than one book each series on my list all of the TBS books released so far would be on it. When I finished TBS I was at work so I brought a Kindle copy from Amazon, despite having a paperback copy waiting at home for me, so I could start it the very next second! 😀
        If they do then people will know it’s a good series and it may convince more of them to start it.
        I may not even break to eat or sleep. If I start reading on a weekend morning I reckon I can get it finished before I need to sleep! 😀

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      5. I’ve done that with before, except not with TBS since TMO wasn’t out yet. Funny enough with ACOWAR I ordered a special edition that won’t be here until days after the release so I also have the Kindle version pre-ordered because I won’t be able to wait. 😂😂
        Very true!
        Depending on the length of the book I might be able to do the same. Although, part of me is going to want to savor it rather than rushing through. That’s always how it is with TBS. One one hand I want to finish it ASAP on the other I never want it to end. 🙈

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      6. I didn’t know there was a special edition of ACOWAR, is it a US only thing? Either way ordering the Kindle edition so you can start it right away is the smart thing to do I think. I’ve done that a couple of times with books I wanted to start ASAP.
        I try and savour books but I just kind of forget and get so hooked on the story I’m flicking through chapters as fast as I possibly can. 🙂

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      7. I think so, it’s a Target edition. It comes with a few extra things (book plate and letter from SJM) and the map from the pre-order campaign. I find myself doing it a lot with recent pre-orders. Too many special editions for books that I’m really excited for. 🙈
        Sometimes I can manage to savor books and then sometimes I’m like that too. Recently with The Struggle by Jennifer L. Armentrout, I devoured it in less than a day. 😂

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      8. Well that sounds like a pretty good special edition. We had something like that with Caraval so I guess it’s just certain countries that do it or something. Who knows?
        Well that is the sign of a good book in that case. I really need to catch up on that series as well speaking of it! 🙂

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      9. Yeah, it can be like that. Publishers and special editions, a trick to get bookworms to spend even more money on books. 😅 lol
        You so should! The Struggle was incredible. Whenever you do get the chance to catch up you’ll have to let me know. 😁

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  13. Agree with ACOMAF, The Night Circus, Golden Son, and Winter! I read all of those books so quickly, especially Winter, and that was 800+ pages. 😂 Still in the midst of ACOL; I might have to put it away for a future read because I don’t think I’m in the mood for it at the moment. I still have Carry On, The Knife of Never Letting Go, and Crooked Kingdom on the TBR!

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    1. The fact that some of these books are so long but you managed to get through them so quickly only shows how amazing and un-put-down-able they actually are.
      Oh that’s a shame about ACOL but if you’re not in the mood for it there’s no sense forcing yourself to read it. You won’t enjoy it if you do that.
      I really hope you enjoy the ones on your to-read list. They’re all favourites of mine so I’ll be looking forwards to seeing your reviews for them! 😀

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      1. Yes, I need to get into a fantasy mood, but I’m not! I’m on a thriller kick at the moment, so I’m crossing off some of those, but I’m definitely hoping to pick up some fantasy soon since that’s most of the series finales I haven’t read yet. 😂 But ACOL was A+; at least the parts I read!

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      2. I normally just read whatever I’m in the mood to read and wait until that changes genre. I’ve been on a bit of a fantasy binge lately but there are a couple of contemporaries I want to pick up soon so I guess it’s slowing down a little. At least what you’ve read so far you enjoyed, I hope you enjoy the rest just as much! 😀

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  14. Great list of books! I know I wasnt able to put some of these books down once I started them. Though none of them were read in one sitting, but usually about 2 days! My most recent read in a day book was The Hate U Give which I read this past Sunday! I only had to put it down while my parents were over to fix a few things in my apartment.

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    1. Thanks so much, and yeah there’s just something about them that’s so addictive. Honestly some of these were books I read over two days as well because I had work the following day, but if I didn’t I would have stayed up all night reading them.
      I have The Hate U Give on my Kindle at the moment, I managed to get it from Amazon for free! Hearing you enjoyed it so much only makes me that much more excited to get around to it myself! 😀

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  15. So many of these are on my TBR! I loved the Lunar Chronicles.

    At the moment, I’m reading Buffering by Hannah Hart and it’s impossible to put down. I have to force myself at night to close it so I can go to bed!

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    1. I hope you manage to get around to them soon in that case. And oh TLC is just an amazing series isn’t it?
      Well that’s the sign of a good book. The fact that you’re managing to put it down at all is willpower I just don’t have when it comes to books like these! 😀

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      1. I ended up sneakily reading at my desk at work yesterday and finished it. Such an incredible book! I’m gonna go ahead and say that Buffering is essential reading for pretty much anyone haha.

        Back to reading Heartless now. I love Marissa Meyer’s writing!

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      2. I’ll admit to having done that once or twice myself when it’s been a really really good book! 😀
        In that case I’ll be sure to check it out.
        Yep, I completely agree there, Marissa Meyer is an amazing author and I hope you love the rest of Heartless! 🙂

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    1. Thanks so much Sophie, and oh yes any of these on my list this week are ones I’d highly recommend. They’re all pretty much favourites of mine.
      I hope you enjoy them a lot 🙂 I also hope you manage to get around to some of them soon as well! 😀


    1. I like to do something different every now and again, so I’ll look forwards to seeing what you do post! 😀
      Oh Winter was seriously addictive. It did strike me that a lot of these are later books in series, but I guess once you get far into a series you love you really can’t put the books down can you? 🙂

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