Bookish Book Lover Tag

I was tagged by Sammie at Bookshelves & Biros. Thanks so much for the tag Sammie, I had a lot of fun answering these questions and I hope you enjoyed reading them as much.



  • Use the original banner.
  • Answer the questions!
  • Use lots of book covers.
  • Tag your friends.

What book are you currently reading?

Heartless by Marissa Meyer. I got an ARC from NetGalley for the UK edition, which isn’t released over here until February, and finally got around to it today. I’m not very far through but what I’ve read so far I’ve loved.


What’s the last book you finished?

My True Love Gave to Me by Stephanie Perkins. Given it’s nearly Christmas now it seemed appropriate to finally get around to this book which has been sitting on my bookshelves since July.


Favourite book you read this year?

This is a really hard question considering how many amazing books I’ve read this year, but if I could only pick one I’d have to say Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo. It was everything I hoped for and more, just the perfect ending to the duology.

Crooked Kingdom

What genre have you read most this year?

Definitely fantasy, which isn’t really a surprise as it’s my go to genre when it comes to choosing what books I read next.

What genre have you read least this year?

Probably historical fiction. Overall I’ve only read two books from that genre this year; All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr and The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller, which I am counting even though you could class that as a fantasy book.


Of course if you count the Wolf by Wolf duology as well that ups my total to four.

Wolf by Wolf

What genre do you want to read more of?

Probably more of what I read this year. I branched out into contemporary YA a lot throughout 2016 so maybe next year I can do the same for historical fiction and magical realism. Also I definitely want to start reading more diversely next year as well.

How many books have you read this year, and what’s your goal?

My goal for the year was originally 150, although I did later bring it down to 100 after taking into account some of the time blogging would take up, and so far I’ve read 119 books. Although it’s doubtful you never know, I could still make 150 before the year is over.

What’s the last book you bought?

A Million Worlds With You by Claudia Gray. It took well over a month from me ordering this book from Amazon, after its release date mind you, to it actually arriving at my house. I haven’t had a chance to read it yet, but I am hoping to get started soon.

A Million Worlds With You

What book are you saving up to buy next?

There’s not really a specific book I’m saving up for next. I am planning to go on a book buying spree with any Christmas money I get from my family; head to Waterstones one day and pick up any and all books that catch my eye.

Normally I don’t save up for books; instead I see something I want, I buy it, and if I don’t have enough money it goes on my credit card for me to worry about next month.

How many books did you check out last library visit?

I haven’t been to the library in years! I used to go all the time but eventually all that was left that I hadn’t already read a few times over were books I had no interest in reading. The last time I went I could have checked out anywhere between one and fourteen books – that was the limit for what could be on your library card at any one time.

What’s a book you can’t wait to read?

Again a really hard question because there are so many books being released next year I can’t wait to get my hands on, but if I had to pick one it would be A Conjuring of Light by V.E. Schwab. After the cliffhanger ending to A Gathering of Shadows, which I read all the way back in February, I need to know how things end for my favourite characters.

A Conjuring of Light

What’s a series you’d recommend to everyone?

I feel like anyone who’s been following my blog for a while could answer this question for me, but it’s the Shades of Magic series by V.E. Schwab. My favourite series by one of my favourite authors, basically everyone needs to pick these books up immediately.

Shades of Magic

Who’s an author you’re hoping writes more?

I always love seeing more books released by authors I’ve read before but the main one would be Erin Morgenstern. I loved her debut, The Night Circus; it’s one of my all-time favourite books that I re-read at least once a year but since its release there’s been nothing new, or even just in the works, from Erin Morgenstern.

The Night Circus

A few books your heart adores?

From when I was a child; The Chronicles of Narnia, Harry Potter, A Series of Unfortunate Events, The Mediator series, and Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland to name a few. From more recently; The Lunar Chronicles, the Chaos Walking trilogy, Daughter of Smoke and Bone, Six of Crows, and anything by V.E. Schwab I guess.

What series’ coming conclusion makes you sad?

A few I am both looking forwards to being released next year, and almost dreading at the same time because it means the end of my favourite series, are; Wayfarer by Alexandra Bracken, A Conjuring of Light by V.E. Schwab, and A Court of Wings and Ruin by Sarah J. Maas as well as the sixth and final Throne of Glass book.


Also a few series that ended this year that I was sad to see end, for more reasons than the fact that it was the last book in the series, were; The Raven King by Maggie Stiefvater, Blood for Blood by Ryan Graudin, and Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo.


What books are on your wish-list?

So so many. Instead of listing them all though, because trust me no one has time to read all of the eagerly anticipated releases on my to-read list, you can check out my Top Ten Tuesday post on the Top Ten Books I’m Looking Forwards to for the First Half of 2017. It’s basically everything on there plus much much more.

My Tags:

And if there’s anyone else out there who wants to take part, consider yourself tagged. Just send me a link to your post in the comments so I can see what your answers are.

51 thoughts on “Bookish Book Lover Tag

  1. Wahh great tag! I’m quite happy that Crooked Kingdom made it to your favourite book of the year! That’s definitely got me super excited to finish the duology. I’ve been putting it off since release in fear that it might not live up to my super high expectations, especially after the beautiful Six of Crows. 2017 sounds just as exciting as 2016 for books! Hope Schwab continues to impress you with A Conjuring of Light! 😀

    – Lashaan

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    1. Thanks so much, this one was so much fun to complete. Crooked Kingdom is just amazing, honestly I enjoyed it more than Six of Crows so if you loved the first book I’d highly recommend picking up the second ASAP, you won’t be disappointed.
      There are so many releases I can’t wait for in 2017, and I hope so too but I don’t think there’s any chance of A Conjuring of Light disappointing me! 🙂

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  2. I’m so glad to hear that you’re enjoying Heartless! I’ve heard a lot of great things about it and can’t wait to see your thoughts. Crooked Kingdom was definitely a favorite of mine this year and I’m also sad about ACOTAR coming to an end. I think SJM actually has a few novellas in the works for the series but I’m just not ready to say goodbye to this part of it yet. Also, I really hope none of my favorites die but well I’m preparing for it to happen anyway 🙈. And I can’t wait for the last SOM book so that I can finally binge the whole series for myself. I hope I end up enjoying it as much as you have.
    Great answers, Beth! And Merry Christmas! I hope you have an incredible one. 💕😊

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    1. So far it’s really good. I haven’t had a chance to read any more yet, I’ve been really busy over Christmas, but I’m hoping to pick it up again tomorrow and possibly finish it then as well.
      I can’t believe ACOTAR is ending soon, it feels like I only just picked that series up. Ohh, I’ll be on the lookout for those novellas though, I think anything SJM writes is going to go straight to the top of my auto-buy list. I feel like anything could happen in the last book, but hopefully no deaths of my favourite characters!
      I am kinda of excited for you to binge the series as well. I need you to read these books so I can talk to you about them! 🙂
      Thanks so much Melissa ❤ also I hope you had a brilliant Christmas as well! 😀

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      1. That’s good to hear! And I can relate to the being extremely busy. This is the first time I’ve had time to get on in days. I haven’t gotten nearly as much reading a blogging done as I had hoped to during break. Although, I did finish RoseBlood yesterday.
        Same! I did only pick it up this year though so that probably has a lot to do with it 😂. She’s definitely earned auto-buy status for me too.
        As soon as I get through these review books that series will be the first I pick up. I can’t wait to talk to you about them!
        You’re welcome, Beth. 😊♥

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      2. Things are slowing down for me now Christmas is over. I have literally nothing to do at work so we’re being sent home early which is kind of nice between Christmas and New Year and all. I’m trying to get ahead on my blogging before the new year as well, I’ve planned when I need to post and what I want to draft and everything, it’s just getting down and actually doing it!
        Glad to hear that about RoseBlood, I’ll keep an eye out for your review!
        Yeah I only picked up the series this year too, it feels like longer though is it the same for you?
        I can’t wait either! 😀 ❤

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      3. Well that’s good! Things are just starting to slow down for me. I had to do some major catching up work wise because I took time off for Christmas 🙈. I feel like I’m never ahead on blogging haha. I try but I’m a terrible planner. Though I do have a few posts I’m going to try to get finished and posted before the first. 😊
        Yes, it does! I actually squeezed in another reread of ACOMAF over break and I can’t believe I only just read both books in June.

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      4. It’s been almost boring at my work in the run up to the new year, I’m actually hoping it picks up soon! But hopefully you’re all caught up right now yes?
        I’m trying to get ahead now. I’ve drafted two ARC reviews for later next month and I’m planning on starting another tomorrow so hopefully that will be done soon as well. Other than that it’s just tags and TTT posts in my drafts!
        How many times have to re-read ACOMAF so far then? I’m going to have to do some re-reads in January too. 😀

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      5. Well I hope it picks up for you then. Yep, I got caught up over the last few days.
        I’m hoping I can try to get ahead soon myself. I only have two big review books and I’m thinking of finishing the short ones before I touch them lol.
        I’ve honestly lost count but I’m thinking at least ten times since I first read it which is terrible. Sometimes when I really like a book I reread it too much. 😂

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      6. I’m hoping it does but I go back tomorrow so we shall have to see then.
        I managed to get a fair bit ahead this weekend. I’ve pretty much been drafting posts non stop and I have a fair few in my drafts folder now, I just need to catch up on ARC reviews a little.
        I don’t think there’s such a thing as rereading a book too much Melissa! 😀

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    1. Thanks so much, I’m glad you enjoyed reading my post and glad to hear you loved Crooked Kingdom as well! 😀
      Oh just wait for the ending of A Gathering of Shadows, you’ll be desperate for the next book you won’t even be thinking of the series ending!
      That’s great to hear, and thanks for the link as well. I’ll definitely check out your post! 😀

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  3. OH MY GOODNESS THE UK HEARTLESS COVER IS SO PRETTY. And wow, I didn’t think it’d take this long to come out across the pond! I hope you enjoy it 🙂

    I was underwhelmed by the Six of Crows duology, although I think that may just be because of the insane amount of hype around it. I did still enjoy reading it, though! Wylan and Kaz are too precious for the world ❤ My favorite book of this year was definitely Merrick by Anne Rice.


    Ohhhh I neeeeed to read A Darker Shade of Magic! It looks super interesting; unfortunately, it's at the bottom of a very long to-read pile. Hopefully I'll be putting a good-sized dent in it over Christmas break, though!

    A few books on my wishlist are Constable & Toop by Gareth P. Jones, A Shade of Difference by Allen Drury, and Dragons at Crumbling Castle by Terry Pratchett.

    Ellie | On the Other Side of Reality

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    1. Yeah I like that one too, it’s certainly different from the US one isn’t it? I hope so too, and normally books come out in the UK around the same time as the US, I’m not sure why this one is taking four months. Let’s just say I’m glad I managed to get my hands on an ARC for it is all!
      Oh that’s a shame, it’s one of my favourite series but I guess it can’t be for everyone. There is a lot of hype around it so maybe it was just too hard for the book to live up to it for you. Wylan was my favourite character (well one of them) and I definitely agree he’s too precious for this world! ❤ I haven't read that one, but oh I was in tears by the end of The Song of Achilles, even now I'm still not over it.
      I hope you enjoy the Shades of Magic series, it's an all0time favourite of mine so I have been recommending it to pretty much everyone all the time, here's hoping you manage to get around it to soon, and get through some of the books on your TBR list! 😀
      They sound like interesting books, hopefully the wait for them won't be too unbearable!


  4. Great answers Beth! I was sad that the Raven Cycle ended this year too, such a good series, but I feel like if there was more to that series I wouldn’t like it, you know? Too much of a good thing can turn into a bad thing, sort of deal.
    Your library only let’s you take out 14 items at a time? That’s so weird to me because mine it’s 50 items haha! Not that I’ll ever take out that many at a time, but it’s nice to know I have a lot of options! 😝

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    1. Thanks so much Meghan. Oh it was an amazing series, and The Raven King was an amazing end to it as well but it was still sad to see it end. I guess I’m like that with all series although I do agree too much would definitely be a bad thing!
      Oh that sounds amazing, though I can’t imagine taking out 50 at once, has anyone ever done that do you know? 14 is the max over here, guess you can see why I don’t go there much anymore. 🙂

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      1. You’re welcome! 🙂 I don’t know anyone personally, I know one of my best friends has taken close to 20 but that’s it. When you only have 3 weeks with all the books I have to strategize when I’m going to read what. I normally have between 4-10 out at a time.

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  5. Heartless sounds really amazing and I hope that you enjoy the rest of the book as well! 🙂 The UK cover is seriously beautiful. I hope to get that edition, when I decide to buy the book for myself.
    Crooked Kingdom was simply wonderful and it’s definitely my favourite book of the year as well. I don’t think I need to mention more, you already know ho much I adore that book!
    I HOPE that Erin Morgenstern writes another book! I need more of her stories and writing in my life! So hopefully we will get another book by her next year, or at least an announcement for another book. I would really be happy with anything!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It does sound amazing, and so far it is as well so hopefully it will continue that way for the rest of the book. I just can’t wait to get my hands on the book, though I do like the UK cover I’ll admit. 🙂
      I’m still not over Crooked Kingdom and I think it will be a long time until I am. It’s an amazing book and yes I do know how much you loved it! 😀
      I hope so too, I loved The Night Circus so much and I would love to read more from that world or even just more in another world she’s thought up. I’m keeping my fingers crossed eventually there will be! 😀

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      1. Hahaha, I don’t think I’ll ever get over Crooked Kingdom! I seriously already want to reread the duology! (Which I might do, we shall see.) XD

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  6. Yay! I’m glad you loved this tag so much – I really enjoyed reading your answers. 😁 I definitely need to get around to reading some V.E Schwab. I’d definitely like to read some more magical realism next year too – Vassa In The Night keeps popping up on my radar – have you read it? Also, some good news, if you didn’t know already there’s going to be 5 ACOTAR books in total so next year isn’t the end for Rhys!!!! 💙💙 Hope you have a great Xmas, Beth! X

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah it was great fun, thanks again for tagging me. I’m glad I was finally able to get around to this one! 😀
      Oh you definitely need to read V.E. Schwab, she’s such an amazing author and her Shades of Magic series is my all-time favourite at the moment!
      I have read Vassa in the Night, it was a good book but not the best magical realism one I’ve read so far. If you want to read more from that genre I’d recommend either Bone Gap or When the Moon Was Ours (if you haven’t read those two already).
      Oh I didn’t know that, is the third the end of Feyre and Rhys’s story arc, or will all five books be centered around them do you know?
      Thanks Sammie, I hope you have an amazing Christmas as well! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You’re welcome! Ahhhh I always hear such amazing things about her work so I really do need to get around to that. So many books, so little time, as per usual! I’m reading the Bone Gap at the moment and the writing is STUNNING. Like, so beautiful. I’m not sure I have any idea what the hell is going on though?!?! We’ll have to discuss this when I’ve finished it haha. I think all of the books will be centred around Rhys and Feyre! I think it’s five in total anyway, but it could be six. I think there’s some info on SJM’s website. 🙂 Pleasure, I had a really good one, I hope you did too! 🙂

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      2. I have plenty of amazing things to say about her work too, and trust me the books will definitely live up to the amazing things you’ve heard as well. Ohh I hope you love Bone Gap, it’s a favourite magical realism book of mine and I feel like I’ve recommended it to plenty of people. Definitely let me know when you finish this book! 😀
        I’ll have to check out her website then. I always thought the third would be the last but not sure why? 🙂


  7. Lovely answers, Beth! I have been meaning to read A Million Worlds With You since it got released, but I still haven’t ordered it. I can’t wait to finish this series though, I hope it all ends well haha. Also, just like you, I’d want to read more of magical realism next year, it’s a genre I really enjoy! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much Marie! ❤ I've heard some good things about it but not many actually. I have high hopes as it's the last book in the series though Here's hoping when you do order it it doesn't take as long to arrive with you as it did for me!
      Same here, and I feel it's a developing one too as there are always new books being released that sounds amazing! 😀

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  8. I’m glad you’re enjoying Heartless! I am in Canada and it’s already been released, but I haven’t gotten my hands on it yet, and want to so bad!😫

    A Million Worlds with You was a pretty good conclusion to the Firebird series, I know you won’t be disappointed!☺️

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    1. Thanks so much Kayla, so far it’s a great book. I’m sure when you get your hands on it you’ll love it as well. I have my copy on pre-order, just waiting for the release date!
      That is good to hear. I feel like I’ve been waiting for that book for ages so it needs to be worth it right now! 😀

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  9. Oh, I am SO glad you tagged me in this one! I have some major time now and have (as you can tell) been able to post more. And I’m doing a cover doubles post soon so looking forward to that, too!
    I just checked out The Night Circus from Overdrive bc you liked it so much. (Well, I remembered you liked it and got it the other day), and I am so glad you got an ARC of Heartless bc I’m so eager to see what you think before you read it.
    This tag looks so fun I want to do it now! (Do you really get Christmas money to spend on stuff? I’m so jealous!)
    Why did it take a month for you to get that book from Amazon? Wth? 😠
    Great answers! Thanks for thinking of me. NY Resolutions:
    1. Clear out TBR
    2. Clean room to make room for BOOKSHELVES that my mom promised I can get if said room is cleaned up, and
    3. WORK ON TAGS!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s all right. 🙂 I can’t wait to see your answers for this one, and I guess it was a good time to tag you what with you having free time at the moment (I’ve definitely been able to tell). Also seriously looking forwards to your next cover doubles feature!
      Ohh I really hope you enjoy The Night Circus, it’s such a beautiful book and the circus itself will likely take your breath away as well, it’s an amazing setting. I’m enjoying it so far, hopefully I should be able to finish it this weekend but my review won’t be up until closer to the UK release date. Either way I’ll be sure to let you know what I thought of it.
      It was a lot of fun, and yeah normally my parents just give me and my sister money so we can spend it on whatever we like, for me that tends to be books!
      God knows, in the end I’d almost given up hope it would ever arrive but then it was dispatched and it was just kind of a relief!
      That’s all right, and actually your New Year’s resolutions kind of match mine as well. I brought a new bookshelf the other day so I really need to sort out my books soon! 😀


    1. Whoop! That’s amazing to hear I really hope you enjoy it Niraja. There are so many amazing things I could say about it but I guess I’ll have to keep an eye out for your review so I can see what you think for myself later! 😀
      Thanks Niraja, happy holidays to you too. ❤

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  10. I loved Heartless! I’m so glad that you like it so far 😀 Crooked Kingdom was one of my favorite reads this year, too! I wish Erin Morgenstern would write more, as well. Night Circus is one of my all time favorite books. My heart adores a good number of those books, too! I definitely have to get my hands on a V.E. Schwab book. So many people love her series. Awesome tag, Beth 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yep, can’t wait to jump back into it, I just guess with Christmas around the corner it may be hard finding time to actually pick up my Kindle! I’m still not over Crooked Kingdom, and yeah I need more from The Night Circus, or more from Erin Morgenstern, she’s such an amazing author I just feel like we’re missing out not having anymore of her books to read.
      Oh you should definitely read V.E. Schwab, she is one of my favourite authors and I’ve yet to see a bad thing said about her books! 😀
      Thanks Azia. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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