One Year Blogiversary: Q&A Answers Part Two

No giveaway winner this time just the second half of my Q&A session.

Once again thank you to everyone for the congratulations, the questions, and for entering my giveaway as well. This really was the best way to celebrate my one year blogiversary and now I am looking forwards to another year on WordPress with you all.


Sammie at Bookshelves and Biros

  • What’s your favourite post you’ve written this year?

Anyone of the holiday posts, and so far there are four Edinburgh, Venice, Algarve and Copenhagen. Travelling is one of my major loves after reading and I love being able to share my experiences and my pictures with all of you on WordPress.

  • What do you find most fulfilling about being a blogger?

Seeing people comment on my posts. I normally don’t take much notice of my stats but seeing that someone has read my post and has enjoyed it so much as to comment on it, or who just wants to talk more about the book I reviewed or one of the questions I answered in a tag, always makes me happy and makes it feel worthwhile posting.

  • What’s your most anticipated 2017 release?

At the moment A Conjuring of Light by V.E. Schwab, which I have definitely mentioned a lot in this post. After the way A Gathering of Shadows ended I need the next book to find out what is going to happen to Lila, Kell and Rhys.

Shades of Magic

  • What’s the best bit of advice you’ve received from another blogger?

I can’t really say who gave me these pieces of advice but I think they’re something I’ve heard from all bloggers once or twice. Basically it’s to interact with other bloggers – because that I think is the most important thing to do to have an enjoyable experience blogging – take time away every so often if you need to, don’t feel pressured by your stats, and above all enjoy what you do and what you post.

Marie at Drizzle and Hurricane Books

  • What is – okay, what are, I won’t be cruel here haha – some books you discovered thanks to book blogging that you wouldn’t have read “on your own”, if I can say it like that? I hope you get what I mean ahah.

There are more than a few. One I know I never would have picked up if I hadn’t been on WordPress is Bone Gap by Laura Ruby; I saw an amazing review for it and just had to read it myself. However the only place I’ve seen it since is on WordPress so I know for a fact if I hadn’t started this blog I would have never picked up that book. It’s the same with Wolf by Wolf by Ryan Graudin; while I have seen that in bookstores every now and again I don’t think I would have picked it up on my own without seeing all the rave reviews for it beforehand.


Those are the main two but I also started The Bone Season series because of a review on WordPress, and Labyrinth Lost as well. Although it’s possible I would have picked these books up eventually on my own anyways.

  • This is mostly out of curiosity, but HOW do you get organised so much and so well, at blogging? Posting so regularly with your job and life aside, and always leaving thoughtful comments on everyone’s posts, I am impressed haha.

I’m honestly not sure. I’m quite an organised person in my everyday life, to the point where I plan a lot of things down to the hour. With blogging I know what I want to post when and what posts I want to draft when as well. I try and comment and reply to comments every day and pretty much anytime I have a spare moment I’m on the WordPress Reader app seeing what the people I follow have posted, and following the tags I take part in as well. Asides from that I have a three hour commute to and from work each day which give me a lot of time to read and catch up I guess.

  • A more travelling question right now (you know me…I couldn’t resist): if you could go anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?

Right this second, somewhere warm. I’ve been wanting to go to India and Vietnam recently just because both places look like beautiful countries and I’d love to experience them first hand.

I am in the midst of planning some trips for the next two years; Krakow, Vienna and Dubai with my sister, Amsterdam and Japan with my friend, and New York. I’m not sure if all of these will happen but here’s hoping.

  • And a bookish travelling question: if you could visit any bookish setting in the world, what would you choose?

I’m going to pick a different answer to before because there are so many places I want to go to that only exist in bookish worlds and I’m going to say Red London from the Shades of Magic series. London is one of my favourite places in the world, simply because it’s amazing, so seeing a London with magic and a red Thames full of power would be beyond brilliant.

Jill at Rant and Rave About Books

  • If you could change the ending or storyline of any Kasie West book, which one would it be and what would you change? (Hopefully without spoilers.)

I tried to avoid spoilers but it’s about the end of a book so I’m not sure how well I did. The ending I’d change is for The Fill-In Boyfriend. I loved where we left off with Gia and Hayden but I would have liked to see more resolution regarding everything that happened with Gia and her friends. It was left open which I thought was a nice way to end it but there’s part of me that feels it leaves the story open for a second book about Gia’s university years.


  • What is your favourite read of 2016?

At the moment Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo, but there are so so many books I have read and loved this year it would be impossible to list them all. Honourable mentions are; A Gathering of Shadows by V.E. Schwab, Blood for Blood by Ryan Graudin, The Star-Touched Queen by Roshani Chokshi, and The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness, along with hundreds more. Just check out my five star reviews. I’m 99% sure at some point I will have mentioned how all of them are new favourite books/series of mine.


  • Do you have a blogging schedule and how do you plan your posts?

Most often my blogging schedule follows my reading schedule. I review books about a day or so after I’ve read them so that’s how I plan the majority of my posts. Obviously the weekly features I take part in have specific days; Top Ten Tuesday, Waiting on Wednesday, Standalone Sunday, etc. And then there are tags which I fit in whenever I either haven’t got a book to review or it’s just been a while since I wrote one. I have along queue of tags waiting for me to get around to them so they’re always next on my list.

Niraja at Fantastic Books and Where to Find Them

  • I know you’re a fan of fantasy, but you’ve also been reading more contemporary lately. Which YA contemporary books in particular helped you discover the genre?

More so than any book I completely credit Marie at Drizzle and Hurricane Books for convincing me to pick up some YA contemporary releases. Some stand out books in the genre for me though is anything by Kasie West and anything by Sarah Dessen, who are in my opinion the queens of YA contemporary writing, and both The Sky is Everywhere and I’ll Give You the Sun by Jandy Nelson.


  • How do you manage to get out of reading slumps?

If I’m in a slump I normally go back and re-read old favourites of mine; books I’ve read hundreds of times before but still love and books I already know the whole story to off by heart but still enjoy the journey of actually reading. Sometimes I take a step back from reading all together. Normally I just wait it out until eventually something new catches my eye again and I actually feel like picking a book up

  • What are some of your favourite T.V. shows?

Supernatural, iZombie, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Shadowhunters, Doctor Who, Lucifer, The Librarians, Game of Thrones. I’ve been meaning to start Eyewitness soon, just because I’ve seen so much of it on Tumblr that I’ve sort of become brainwashed into starting it, same goes with Stranger Things.


Reg at She Latitude

  • What’s your ultimate blogging goal?

I don’t think I actually have one. I didn’t go into this blog with a goal of any kind and even now I still don’t have one. I’m happy just blogging for the fun of it and interacting with people on WordPress so I guess you could say that’s my goal; to carry on interacting with everyone I’ve met so far, and meet more people as well.

  • What book have you reread the most?

Asides from Harry Potter probably the Study series by Maria V Snyder. It’s one of my favourite fantasy books and my copy of the first one is falling apart I’ve read it so many times.

Best of 2015 #5

  • What book blogs would you recommend?

Honestly it depends what you’re looking for in a book blog. There are plenty of amazing ones out there and I know I’ve only discovered a fraction of them so far. My favourite book blogs though are by the people I speak to the most on WordPress and it’s not so much for the content, although the posts they publish are amazing, but for the conversations we’ve had about books, about blogging, and about pretty much everything else under the sun.

I mentioned some of these people in my Celebrating the Little Things Tag but I’ll mention them again, alongside a couple more, because they are all amazing bloggers who deserve a lot more love; Donna at Chocolatenwaffles’ Blog, Jill at Rant and Rave About Books, Lauren at Wonderless Reviews, another Lauren but this time at Lauren’s Page Turners, Marie at Drizzle and Hurricane Books, Melissa at Book Nerd Momo, Reg at She Latitude, Sammie at Bookshelves and Biros and Stephanie at Teacher of YA’s Book Blog.

Megan at Bookslayer Reads

  • If you wrote an autobiography, what would the title be?

I love this question; and it would be either be; ‘You Know What I Mean? A Story of my Life Going off in Tangents’ or ‘A Guide to Automatically Thinking up with the Worst Possible Outcome and Convincing Yourself it’s Going to Happen’. Both I think would work.

Lilly at Lair of Books

  • Do you have a blog hopping method? Or are you random with the blogs you visit?

I don’t have one specific method really. I always check out what the people I follow are posting but in terms of blog hopping it’s mainly checking out whoever people nominate for tags and awards. That’s how I found most of the people I follow actually.

  • You mentioned having attempted to start a blog three other times…were they book related? If so, what made this time different if at all?

They were book related but not wholly book related. I didn’t just review books instead they were almost like a diary of my life, and part of me thinks that’s one of the reasons they eventually fizzled out because there was no set direction. Now my blog is all about books and I think it works a lot better for me to have a set destination in mind when it comes to my posts.

Hannah at The Book Thief Without Words

  • What’s your favourite read of 2016?

I answered this for Jill earlier but at the moment it is Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo with A Gathering of Shadows by V.E. Schwab, Blood for Blood by Ryan Graudin, The Star-Touched Queen by Roshani Chokshi, and The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness as honourable mentions.


But who knows, there still a bit left of this year to go so anything could happen.

That’s all for now, or for this year’s blogiversary at least. The questions you asked were amazing, and I had so much fun answering them so I hope you enjoyed reading my answers as well.

40 thoughts on “One Year Blogiversary: Q&A Answers Part Two

  1. See how behind I am! I missed reading this right off the bat!
    I’m actually deleting some old posts that aren’t from major bloggers that are close to me just so I can get recent. I’ll always read and respond to every one of yours, though.
    Your Poison Study covers are way different than ours. Not better or worse, but very different. I’ll never understand why they do that…it’s not like the book is going to have different words…unless they change out calling someone a dick for a wanker? 🤔😂
    Excellent answers. I love why you blog but I already knew we are the same in that regard. When you come to NY, you better let me know: I’m only several hours away here in Michigan. If you come in the summer, you’ll have to go with me to the convention that Gretchen and Lily went to!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It seems like you’re catching up though, and you had finals so you have a very good excuse for being behind! 😀
      Thanks Stephanie, that’s nice to hear, and I guess if that helps you get through these posts quicker that’s a good thing isn’t it?
      Yeah those are the covers currently on my bookshelves, I don’t know which I prefer either. I guess it’s possible they change the spellings slightly. So in the English edition it will be colour instead of color, and mum instead of mom (you guys really don’t like the letter U over there do you?). Not sure what that would have to do with cover design though.
      I definitely definitely want to come to New York, and you will be the first person I let know as well considering you’re so close (it would be beyond amazing to meet you!). I haven’t got any set dates but it’s something I’ll look into next year probably.
      Also yes to a convention, I’d love to go to an American one! 😀


  2. Again I loved reading all your answers, Beth! I adore your travelling posts even if they do give me major wanderlust 😅 I love Brooklyn Nine Nine and Stranger Things! I can’t wait for season 2 of Stranger Things. I’m really loving Six of Crows so I’m glad to see you enjoyed Crooked Kingdom!! Thank you so much for the shout out ♥ Your blog has been one that’s inspired me since I started blogging so that means a lot 😀

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks so much Lauren! 😀 And I’m so glad you enjoy my travelling posts, I love being able to share them with you all. Brooklyn Nine-Nine is brilliant! And I need to start Stranger Things as well, it looks amazing.
      God I can’t wait to see your review for both Six of Crows and Crooked Kingdom, they’re favourites of mine.
      That’s all right, your blog is one of my favourites as well. I love seeing your reviews and posts and everything else really. ❤


  3. Your traveling posts are some of my favourite as well – I really love seeing the pictures you chose and what else you’ve been up to. Speaking of which, I’d definitely recommend Vietnam as a place to visit. I was there a couple of years back for, er, four days, but it was amazing and eye-opening (we went to some war memorials) and I definitely want to go again.

    I really need to re-pick up the Study series. I’ve read both Poison and Magic, but don’t think I’ve ever read Fire. Valek and Yelena make for really great protagonists.

    And yaaas for Sarah Dessen (but you already knew that bc I sing her praises pretty much all the time). Thanks for answering my questions, Beth, and happy blogiversary again! ❤

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks so much Reg, I’m really glad you enjoy them. It’s great being able to share my holidays with everyone on here! Hopefully Vietnam will be my next big holiday after Japan and Dubai, maybe even 2018 if I can convince my friend to come with me! But all the picture I’ve seen look beyond amazing so it’s definitely somewhere I want to go sooner rather than later! 🙂
      Oh definitely do. It’s been a favourite of mine for ages now and even though I first picked it up years ago I still love the books just as much today!
      I feel like I need to sing her praises a little more, but she’s an amazing author and definitely one of my favourite contemporary ones. 😀
      That’s all right Reg, and thanks!


      1. Ahhh I don’t have any travels planned for next year so I’m excited for you! I tend to be a bit more of a spontaneous traveller – my trip to Vietnam was literally unplanned, we just purchased the tickets and flew the next day, haha.

        I hope you have the best time, wherever you end up going. 😊

        Liked by 2 people

      2. I love the idea of being a more spontaneous traveller, sounds kind of exciting. My sister tends to plan trips two years in advance and honestly so do me and my friend. I guess it means I always have something to look forwards to though.
        Thanks Reg! ❤


      3. It is exciting! But it can also be stressful, and I know I’ve missed out on many cheap deals bc I’m so last-minute with my everything. It does give me great flexibility though. Pros and cons with everything, I guess. 😀

        Liked by 1 person

  4. This post was so much fun to read, and thank you for answering my questions, Beth! ❤ Your travelling posts always make me SO happy and give me all the wanderlust in the world. I'm so excited for all of these upcoming trips, I hope you'll be able to do each of these 🙂 And that autobiography title? I'd buy that hahhahaha, I love it!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks Marie. I had so much fun answering all these questions so I’m glad you enjoyed reading them as well! ❤️
      After reading travelling is my next greatest love. It’s great be able to share my holidays and the pictures with everyone on here. I’m super excited for my upcoming trips too, and if I do go to all those places you can be assured I will post about them afterwards.
      Well if I ever write an autobiography then you’ll know how to find it! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I love all of your holiday pictures, they make me want to travel 🙂 I stopped cared about stats and it feels so good! But a WordPress notification of a like or comment always makes me smile. I get overly excited on the fact someone answered my comment or commented on one of my silly posts 😀 Life’s little pleasures ❤ I've started setting aside an hour per day to read posts and comment, it might help me stay on top of what's going on instead of doing it all on the weekend, I hope it works!
    I would totally buy your autobiography, I love the titles!
    You deserve all the love and more! Thank you so much for the mention, you made my day 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks so much Donna, I had a brilliant time on all my holidays this year so it’s nice to be able to share them with you all! 🙂
      Yeah I don’t mind so much about my stats either. I never really have honestly. I mean it’s great to see them go up, don’t get me wrong, but at the same time it’s not the end of the world if they don’t.
      It’s sometimes the small things that matter more in the long run! 🙂


  6. Awww thanks for the shoutout, Beth! 💕
    I’m so glad I met you on here and I always look forward to our conversations. 😊
    We have a lot of the same favorite tv shows – Doctor Who, Shadowhunters, Game of Thrones, and Supernatural. Also, I so just added Eyewitness to my to-watch list after looking up the trailer. That one looks really interesting! And Stranger Things is fantastic. I hope you enjoy that one!
    And I’m with you on Crooked Kingdom being a favorite of this year. It’s becoming one of my favorites too. Great answers! I loved reading them. 😊♥

    Liked by 2 people

    1. That’s all right Melissa, and yes definitely. 😀 You are one of the best people I have met through WordPress to date and I am so glad to have met you and to be able to have these conversations with you as well! ❤️
      All classic TV shows, though I am way behind in Supernatural at the moment, and Doctor Who now I think about it. Got some catching up to do. Yeah Eyewitness looks good, plus everyone seems to have been talking about it so I feel I have to watch it. Same with Stranger Things.
      It’s such an amazing book, I’m waiting for your review so we can speak more about it and what happened.
      Thanks so much Melissa! 😀 ❤️

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I feel the exact same way, you’re definitely one of the best people I’ve met through WordPress as well! 💕
        I way behind on both of them too. Especially Supernatural! I’ve watched most of the seasons out of order by accident but I think the last full one I watched was two or three. That’s what happens when you decide to start watching a show with a ton of seasons. For me anyway 😂.
        I should have it finished and my review up this weekend. I only have 15 chapters left at the moment and it’s getting good. I can’t wait until I’m completely finished so we can talk about all of it!
        You’re welcome, Beth! 😊

        Liked by 2 people

      2. I guess then by comparison I’m not so behind then. I’m about halfway through season 11, hopefully I’ll be able to catch up before the end of this year, and if not at the beginning of next. I know what you mean there are shows I need to get around to but I keep putting off because there so much to watch still.
        Ohh, I can’t wait to see it then! We need to talk in more depth about what happened so I’ll be spamming your comments with my thoughts! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Definitely not too far behind. My problem is I start way too many shows at once and with longer ones it takes me forever to catch up. 🙈
        Same! It’s like with books. There’s just not enough time to watch all of the shows lol.
        Yay! I can’t wait! I got behind in my reading because of school but this weekend all I have is work so hopefully I get it finished and the review up by Sunday. 😊

        Liked by 1 person

      4. I’m trying to catch up on Supernatural right now. I’ve got through ten episodes in the last two days so hopefully I should be up to date soon. Honestly though anything longer than that and I feel the same struggle.
        I will be keeping a close eye out for that book review then! 😀

        Liked by 1 person

  7. Oh gawd, Crooked Kingdom & Lucifer are def my fave things of 2016. I wasn’t sure how I was gonna feel bout Lucifer cause it’s so different from the comics but I LOVE IT. Even my husband likes it & he’s usually not into the cop dramas lol

    I hope the Japan trip works out! My husband & I have gotten to go twice & it’s a trip I HIGHLY recommend. I definitely plan to go at least one more time before my passport needs to be renewed.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Oh same here! They’re both amazing aren’t they. I haven’t actually read the comics or anything but well I love Supernatural TV shows and I love crime TV shows so two together is a winning combination for me! 🙂
      Thanks, I hope so too. It looks like a gorgeous place so no matter what I want to visit there one day! 😀

      Liked by 2 people

  8. That’s a great way to get out of reading slumps, and both Kasie West and Sarah Dessen are the queens of contemporary! I only discovered West recently, but I’ll definitely be reading more of her works soon. 🙂 I’ve added A Darker Shade of Magic onto my TBR list, too, since it seems like you’re absolutely in love with V.E. Schwab’s writing… seems like it’s worth checking out!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yep, I just tend to let them run their course I guess. No matter how bad they never last forever! Oh definitely, I’m the same as well I only discovered West recently but all her books are either on my read list or on my to-read list! 🙂
      Oh I really hope you enjoy A Darker Shade of Magic. It’s such an amazing series and one of my all-time favourites as well, definitely worth checking out! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Amazing answers Beth! I can’t stop looking at your postcards, travel is good for the soul. You’ve been to so many places on my bucket list lol. If you do go to India (dream Vaca) I would LOVE to see photos. I’m always googling photos of India and Dubai, they are truly beautiful. I feel like we have very similar reading taste, have you started The Bone Season? I own the first 2 books but have heard that it’s heavy on the use of the glossary so I’m saving it for a more lax month. Thank you for answering my questions, since meeting you on WP I honestly can say that you enjoy blogging & communicating with the book community. Your comments are always so thoughtful & that means a lot to me 😊💕

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks so much Lilly. I love travelling and I think I’ve been really lucky to have gone to some of the places I’ve visited so far. If I do make it to India one day (fingers crossed) I will definitely share picture, I do for all my holidays now. 🙂 But yeah the pictures look amazing!
      Yep I’ve started The Bone Season and raced through both books released so far because they are amazing! I hope you enjoy them when you get around to them, hopefully you have a lax month coming up soon then! 🙂
      Thanks so so much Lilly. It means a lot to me that you think that. Honestly I don’t know what I’d be doing if I wasn’t book blogging and talking to you all on here but my life wouldn’t be anywhere near as fun as it is now! 😀 ❤️

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Awesome, I will have my fingers crossed for you 😄💕 I may hit the new covers for The Bone Season to avoid the look of distaste I’ll most likely give them when compared to book 3’s stunning cover 😂😂😂 & Ive had the same thoughts as well, what would I be doing if not for blogging about my passion for books & connecting with so many interesting and amazing people….it’s been a great year of only for this 😊💕

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Thanks Lilly! ❤️
        Yeah I wish I’d got the new covers because now my copy of the series is going to have two different cover styles and I always hate it when that happens! The look of distaste will be very real for me!
        I probably wouldn’t be doing anything too interesting if not blogging, it’s when I wonder what I’d be doing if I didn’t have my love of reading that I get stumped; my life would be so different! 🙂


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