Totally Should’ve Book Tag

I’m a little (a lot) ashamed by how long it’s taking me to get through my tags at the moment. I am steadily working through them I just think in the future I’m going to have to post more each month to make a dent in my queue.

I was tagged in the Totally Should’ve Book Tag by Husfa at The Clockwork Millennial, you should all definitely check out her original post, and while you’re there her blog as well because it is amazing. Thanks so much for the tag as well Husfa, I’d seen this around a lot before I was tagged (not so much after for some reason) so I was really excited to be able to take part and post my own answers.

Totally Should've Book Tag

Totally Should’ve Gotten a Sequel

We Were Liars by E. Lockhart

I thought this was an absolutely brilliant book, but after the twist was revealed and after the last page I would love to see more from Cadence. I’d be interested in seeing the journey she takes as she comes to terms with what she and the Liars did and her guilt at the part she played. Also I’d love to see her go back to the island again the following year, or even in a few years time.

We Were Liars

Totally Should’ve Had a Spin Off Series

The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater

Even though this series has just ended I’m really not capable of letting it go, and so I’d love to see a mini-series of novellas about the lives of Blue and the Raven Boys after everything that happened in The Raven King. Or I’d love to see a prequel book about Maura and Blue’s father, or about the beginning of Gansey’s search for Glendower, or about Noah’s life before he died. I think there’s still so much about this series, the characters and the world, I’d love to see.

The Raven Cycle

Totally Should’ve Ended Differently

Honestly I couldn’t pick one series for this one.

The Maze Runner by James Dashner

The Maze Runner

Divergent by Veronica Roth


Don’t worry there are no spoilers here for the ending of either series. However if you have read either The Death Cure or Allegiant then you know why I am still, even now, really angry at how both trilogies ended.

Totally Should’ve Had a Film Franchise

Shades of Magic by V.E.Schwab

So I think they are making the Shades of Magic series into a T.V. show, *cue excited fangirl screams here*, but I would enjoy seeing it as a film as well, an epic fantasy like Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter. Plus I can’t deny I would really love to see all the different London’s, especially Red London, on the big screen.

Shades of Magic

Totally Should’ve Had a T.V. Show

The Bone Season by Samantha Shannon

I feel this series would translate really well to T.V., maybe a mini-series like Game of Thrones with ten or so episodes per season. There is such a lot of back-story; to the world, the characters, and all the different realms of clairvoyance that it can’t properly be developed in a two and a half hour film.

The Bone Season

Totally Should’ve Had One Point of View

Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas

As much as I love this series, and as much as I enjoyed the fact that the later books showed more than one POV when we had different characters in different cities with different storylines, I felt that multiple POVs in the first book were unnecessary. In Throne of Glass Celaena, Chaol and Dorian are all in the same city and there is only one major storyline which all three are following, we didn’t need to see chapters from all three of them.

Throne of Glass

Totally Should’ve Had a Cover Change

Under the Never Sky by Veronica Rossi

So this is a series for which they did change the original covers and honestly I think that’s such a good thing. The first cover (the pink one) would not inspire me to pick this book up at all which is a shame because this is such a great series. I much prefer the second cover; the colours are softer, the model doesn’t look fake, and I love the font they used for the title.

Under the Never Sky

Totally Should’ve Stopped Reading

Reign of Shadows by Sophie Jordan

I wouldn’t say I had high hopes for this book, though I was excited for its release because I love fairy tale retellings and there aren’t many Rapunzel ones out there. However reading this book I was seriously disappointed; the plot was non-existent, the characters flat and kind of problematic at times, and the world-building was lacking in so many ways. This is one book I was tempted to DNF and one series I will not be going back to when the next book is released.

Reign of Shadows

Totally Should’ve Kept the Covers

The Girl from Everywhere by Heidi Heilig

I much prefer the first cover (the black one with the ship and the girl’s eyes in the wave), the second cover would not convince me to pick this book up because it makes it seem more like a children’s book than a YA one. The second cover is the only one available in the UK so I had to buy my copy of The Girl from Everywhere in hardcover all the way from America.

The Girl from Everywhere

Totally Should’ve Not Pre Judged

Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas

The Throne of Glass series was one that was on my to-read list for ages before I finally got around to picking it up, and part of that was because I’d read a lot of negative reviews for the first book. After reading this book I was a little surprised to find that I enjoyed it so much more than I thought I would, possibly because my expectations for Throne of Glass were so low the only where to go was up, but the series really came into its own with the second, third and fourth books.

Throne of Glass

My Tags:

And if there’s anyone else out there who wants to take part, consider yourself tagged. Just send me a link to your post in the comments so I can see what your answers are.

43 thoughts on “Totally Should’ve Book Tag

    1. Thanks Sammie! I’m really glad you liked my picks for this tag! Oh the Shades of Magic series is one of my all-time favourites at the moment so I would highly highly recommend it, seriously you don’t know what you’re missing out on at the moment 😀
      And that’s all right, feel free to take your time, I certainly did! I just hope you have as much fun with this one as I did! ❤️


  1. If ever We Were Liars will have a sequel I would definitely give it a chance, to see how Cadence will go on with her life. And yes, I hated the ending of The Death Cure it did not justified everything that they’ve been through! Anyways, thank you so much for tagging me! Like you, I feel so ashamed because I’m so behind with all of my tags. But I promise to not be lazy, and I’ll do this the soonest (hopefully). 😅😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, I think that We Were Liars is a book that would actually work really well in terms of a sequel, even if it was just a short novella about Cadence after she realised everything she did and how her life moved on. God the ending to TDC was just a massive disappointment to me, and then there was that one death (no spoilers or anything) that just felt really out of place, rushed, and unnecessary as well!
      That’s all right, and you can definitely take your time (I certainly have been with tags!) there’s no time limit or anything. I just hope you have as much fun as I did when completing this one 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you so much for the tag Beth! 😀 I’m ashamed to say I’ve not read any of these books, but a lot of them like the Shades of Magic series are on my list 🙂 I really want to read that series! It has amazing reviews. Have you reviewed it?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s all right! I really hope you have as much fun with this tag as I did! 😀
      God the Shades of Magic series is one of my all-time favourites, I think I could go on forever about how much I loved both books which have been released so far! And the third one is one of my most anticipated releases for next year too. I really REALLY hope you love them just as much when you read them.
      I have reviewed the series, I can link you to my reviews if you’d like 😀

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  3. OH yes, we were liars, I could totally see a sequel for this book. I actually NEED to know what happens next with Cadence, it was so cruel for the book to end this way, leaving us hanging. I’m still not over it.
    I think it’s pretty incredible that they are making ADSOM into a TV series, and I think it would look pretty awesome, even if, I could totally see it as an epic movie series such as LOTR, as you perfectly said. On the big screen, all the Londons would have such a different, yet perfect effect on us! 🙂
    Loved your answers!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Marie! 😀
      Yeah I have so many books I want to see sequels to, mainly because I’m incapable of letting books go even after they’ve ended, but We Were Liars is one I think a sequel could really work for, even if it’s just a novella I’d love to see more of Cadence.
      God yes, I was so excited when I saw the post on V.E. Schwab’s blog, she’s writing the pilot episode as well so you know it’s gonna be good! 😀 and even though we’re not seeing all the different London’s on the big screen I’ll settle for seeing Red London on the small screen! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Well it definitely ruined me in terms of twists in stories, I don’t think there’s anything that can live up to We Were Liars! But yeah, everyone seems to not want to let this book go 🙂 maybe in a couple of years we’ll get a sequel, like we are with Aristotle and Dante!
        Same here, I know it’s probably ages away but I am so so excited to see the first trailer! 😀

        Liked by 1 person

  4. I agree with sooo many of your answers for this! I would have loved a We Were Liars sequel. I need more for TRC series so bad! Whether it’s a spin off or novellas – I don’t care haha. And yesss at the ending of The Maze Runner, that was the worst. The original cover for Under the Never Sky was so bad 😅

    And thanks for the tag, I’ve already done this one but I appreciate the thought ♥

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I didn’t realise you’d done this tag before, sorry 🙂 but still I’m glad you liked my answers! 😀
      Yeah I’m terrible at letting books go once they’ve ended, I have a list a mile long of series I need sequels to, I think We Were Liars and TRC series are just two of the most recent ones 🙂 and yeah I would read anything set in TRC series even if it’s just a quick, one paragraph update or something 🙂
      I was sooo disappointed by the ending :/ and yeah not impressed with the original cover either! It’s one series I’m glad they changed halfway through!


      1. Aw, that’s okay!! I love when people tag me in things even if I have done them!!

        Haha, yes!! And oh man, same here. I really hope Maggie decides to do something more with the series. Or creates a new series that will help fill the void in my heart a little.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Yeah I’m the same actually, it’s always nice to be tagged and seeing other peoples answers normally gives me books to add to my TBR list!
        I’d love to see a novella type book, maybe with a chapter dedicated to all the characters; not just Blue and the Raven Boys but also Gansey’s family, all the psychics at 300 Fox Way, Ronan’s brothers, Henry, just seeing their lives after the series ended you know! 🙂


      3. Yes!! The amount of books I’ve added to my TBR since I started blogging is crazy 😂

        Gosh, that would be so perfect! I’d also love to see a prequel of sorts about how Maura, Calla and Persephone met. That would be so interesting.

        Liked by 1 person

      4. I’m never going to have time to read them all the rate I’m adding to mine 🙂
        There’s so many prequel stories of like to read as well. Maybe we can hope for a series of sequels and a series of prequels 😀


  5. ARE THEY MAKING ADSOM INTO A TV SHOW? Oh my god I am so, SO watching it. I feel like it’d actually be better as a movie but hell I’ll take anything.

    Also I’ve never seen those covers for Under the Never Sky but the pink one is so… comic-like, haha. Not a good look for that book.

    I’ve been tagged for this tag but haven’t done it yet and I’m totally stealing your answer for The Girl from Everyone. I much prefer the first cover too, so much more elegant. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. YES, I only just discovered it recently and I think it’s still in the development stages but OH MY GOD I was so so excited to see that. There’s a post about it on V.E. Schwab’s blog if you want more info, she’s actually writing the pilot episode so you know it’s gonna be amazing! 😀
      Definitely not a good look, I actually brought the book in the first cover because I wanted to read it, then I re-brought it with the second cover because it looked just a lot better, and yeah I was seriously not impressed with the new Girl From Everywhere cover, why I got my copy all the way from America! 🙂


      1. Sometimes I don’t really understand why they publish the same books with different covers in different countries… That can’t be the best option for book awareness, haha. I’m sure they covered this in my publishing class but I can’t remember what the reason was for the life of me! Oops. Some student I was. 😛

        I’ll definitely be checking out Schwab’s blog! Thanks for letting me know.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I guess maybe they market it in different ways in different countries, or they do audience research and different covers are the best way to reach their targeted readers. I dunno, I personally don’t like it much when they change the covers halfway through a series but I suppose different covers in different countries doesn’t bother me as much, most of the time they do have a common theme or something. If you do remember them covering it let me know, I’m curious now so I may have to look it up today anyways though 😀


      3. That’s true, I’m sure they do that… though in the case of The Girl from Everywhere the covers look SO similar I don’t really know how it’s specifically targeted, haha.

        I must find my notes! But that’ll probably take months because I’m lazy and tend to forget. Did you end up researching it? :p

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      4. With The Girl from Everywhere they look like they’ve been targeted to two different age groups! I didn’t realise they were the same book when I first saw them, even though they (obviously) have the same title!
        Haven’t had a chance to yet (I’d feel guilty looking up book stuff when I’m supposed to be working) but I’ll do a quick Google search later tonight. I’ll let you know what I find out 😀


      5. I sit right next to my manager so I always get really nervous doing anything non-work related!
        But I looked it up and most of the reasons is just because with different countries and different cultures different covers work best to market to book! It’s probably something people do a lot of research on, to find the best cover for their market!


      6. Noooo, I’d feel so nervous too! I actually think I got way too comfortable lately with my work just because I keep slacking off, haha. Although it’s actually part of my job to go browsing looking for interesting news, so in a way I’m kiiiind of doing work. Kindofsortofmaybe. 😛

        Ah, that makes sense, thanks for updating me! I would’ve thought as well, but it’s interesting to see covers that are quite similar reworked – like The Girl from Everywhere I think has similar-ish covers, not that big of a change. I wouldn’t have expected it to make a lot of difference, haha.

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      7. I’m kept busy at work most times so I don’t miss much not being able to slack off. But I can still check my emails at work, and my phone every so often for notifications so it’s not all bad 😀
        Unfortunately there is nothing about my job even reportedly connect to blogging so I can’t even claim I’m looking at things for work! I have no excuse!
        That’s all right, and yeah it’s what I thought, but it’s strange how two countries can end up with completely different covers when there are some that are, like you said, still quite similar. I wonder how it all works and how all the decisions are made!


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