The Coffee Book Tag

Another day another tag.

I may not drink coffee, being more of a tea person myself, but I had a lot of fun completing this tag and I hope you all enjoy the answers I came up with as well. I was tagged by Jesse at Books at Dawn, so thanks so much for the tag Jesse, you should all definitely check out his original post as well as his blog while you’re there.

The Coffee Book Tag

A series that’s tough to get into but has hardcore fans

The Winner’s Trilogy by Marie Rutkoski

Don’t get me wrong I loved this series, it has become one of my favourites, but for the first half of the first book I was wondering what was so brilliant about the trilogy that had everyone raving about it.

The Winner's Trilogy

Peppermint mocha:
A book that gets more popular during the winter or a festive time of year

The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern

I’m not sure if this is a book that gets more popular in the winter but it’s a book that reminds me of that season for some reason. I’m not sure why maybe because I read this book for the first time during winter, and have re-read it every time during winter, but also maybe because the circus and the setting itself seems very festive.

The Night Circus

Hot chocolate:
A favourite children’s book

Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone by J.K. Rowling

This is the first book series I can remember reading and loving, and Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone is definitely my favourite children’s book. It’s full of magic, wonder, adventure, and a happy ending; at least for a little while.

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

Double shot of espresso:
A book that kept you on the edge of your seat from start to finish

The Bone Season series by Samantha Shannon

I couldn’t put this book down and once I finished the first one, even though I had a copy waiting for me at home, I brought the second book for my Kindle just so I could continue reading to series and find out what happened next. I cannot wait for the third book to be released but it’s still so long to go.

The Bone Season

A book you see everywhere

Lady Midnight by Cassandra Clare

Actually every book by Cassandra Clare, but for the past couple of months everyone has either been anticipating it’s release or raving about the story itself. I still need to catch up on Clare’s Shadowhunter books but I went out and brought a copy of Lady Midnight because of all the hype surrounding it.

Lady Midnight

That hipster coffee shop:
A book by an indie author (a shoutout)

The Immortal Descendants series by April White

I love time travel books and this series is one of the very best. Every book released has been a favourite of mine and after the way the fourth ended I cannot wait to get my hands on the fifth, and last, in the series. The Immortal Descendants series deserves so much more recognition than what it currently has, it’s a brilliant series.

The Immortal Descendants Series

Oops! I accidentally got decaf:
A book you were expecting more from

Reign of Shadows by Sophie Jordan

I love fairytale retellings so of course I was excited for this book to be released, and I hadn’t read many retellings of Rapunzel before so I was interested to see Jordan’s take on it. Reading the book however I was really disappointed; the story didn’t go anywhere, the setting felt underdeveloped, and the characters were flat and one-dimensional.

Reign of Shadows

The perfect blend:
A book or series that was both bitter and sweet, but ultimately satisfying

The Raven Cycle by Maggie Steifvater

More bitter than sweet, and this is without reading the last book in the series which I think is going to be devastating. However there are plenty of sweet moments, mainly between Blue and Gansey as their relationship developed throughout the series.

The Raven Cycle

Green tea:
A book or series that is quietly beautiful

The Love That Split the World by Emily Henry

There are not enough words to describe how amazingly beautifully I thought this book was. Everything from the relationship between Natalie and Beau to the writing itself was beautiful, lyrical, and heartbreaking.

The Love That Split the World

Chai tea:
A book or series that makes you dream of far off places

Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor

After reading the first book I wanted to go to Prague. It was so brilliantly described in the first book that I fell in love with the city before ever visiting it. It made me believe in mystery and magic, and I wanted to experience it for myself.

Daughter of Smoke and Bone

Earl grey:
A favourite classic

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll

Honestly, was there any doubt that this was the book I would chose for this one.

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

Who do you tag?

  1. Astra at A Stranger’s Guide to Novels
  2. Cat at The Book Finch
  3. Emily at Tumbling into Wonderland
  4. Jacquie at Rattle the Stars
  5. Kirstie at Upside-Down Books
  6. Lila at The Bookkeeper’s Secrets
  7. Marie at Drizzle and Hurricane Books
  8. The Book Llama

And if there’s anyone else out there who wants to take part, consider yourself tagged. Just send me a link to your post in the comments so I can see what your answers are.

45 thoughts on “The Coffee Book Tag

  1. DOSAB made me put Prague on my bucket list as well! Alice’s Adventures In Wonderland always makes me feel uncomfortable for some reason, but I just can’t pinpoint why. The Night Circus and The Winner’s Curse are still on my tbr.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It made Prague sound amazing didn’t it! I think DoSaB is the only books I’ve read so far that actually made me want to visit a place so bad (well not counting all the places I can’t get to because they don’t exist, Hogwarts for example). Oh, that’s a shame about Alice in Wonderland but I would highly recommend The Winner’s Curse and The Night Circus, both are amazing in my opinion 😀

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Same for me! I’ve actually never understood how everyone wanted to visit places because of books, now I do haha 😀
        I’ll definitely need to get to them asap and get them in print version, because the covers will look beautiful on the shelf 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. As soon as I finished I messaged my friend and was like, ‘we need to go to Prague like ASAP!’ There are so many places I want to visit after reading about them but most are impossible to actually go to because they don’t exist in the real world.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you for the tag!
    The Bone Season has been sitting on my shelf since January I think and I just haven’t got to reading it yet! I really should soon as it’s right down my alley. Same with Daughter of Smoke and Bone! Now that Lani Taylor is coming out with another book it’s kind of forcing me to shove Daughter of Smoke and Bone up my TBR pile.
    I love seeing love for Alice In Wonderland! Such a lovely classic and the editions they release😍😍😍

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s all right 😀
      Oh you definitely should read The Bone Season, it is one of my favourite series at the moment and I must recommend it to everyone but it’s so good! Also Daughter of Smoke and Bone is amazing! I’m planning on re-reading the series before Laini Taylor’s new book is released!
      Alice in Wonderland is literally the only classic I’ve read, if you don’t count the Shakespeare I was forced through in high school, but I completely agree with you, it’s such a lovely story and has some beautiful editions out there!


  3. Some great answers here! I haven’t finished The Raven Cycle series yet but I remember the first one being really gripping and just quite different from others I’ve read.

    And I’ve heard good things about TLTSTW and I’m glad you liked it! The cover’s just beautiful, and I’m glad the writing reflects that. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Reg! Oh I would highly recommend the rest of The Raven Cycle books, I enjoyed the first one as well but the second and third just seemed to get better and better. I’m very excited to see where the fourth goes when it’s released!
      Yes I would highly highly recommend TLTSTW, it has some of the most beautiful writing I’ve ever read in a book and I adored all the characters and the relationship between Natalie and Beau 😀


      1. That’s convincing to hear! I’ve really only read the first book – the group of boys was really strange in a wicked cool way. 😛

        Oooh, beautiful writing always gets me going, especially when coupled with great characters and great relationships! Hopefully I can get a copy soon. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. They get stranger and wicked-er in the second and third books I think 😀 but I think if you liked the first one you’ll LOVE The Dream Thieves and Blue Lily, Lily Blue.
        Also I hope you love TLTSTW when you get a copy of it 🙂 it’s definitely one of the most beautiful books I’ve read in a while!


      3. YES that’s what I’d like to hear! I was planning to reread The Raven Boys in Feb because I kind of forgot what that was all about but was too busy with new books, so hopefully eventually I’ll get to it. 🙂

        Me too, thank you! 🤗

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Awesome list ! I’ve been wanting to read most of these books but NOW, the urge has grown exponentially, specifically for The winner’s curse, the raven boys and The love that split the world. I. CAN’T. WAIT.
    As for Lady Midnight, I wouldn’t recommend reading it without reading the other series because some things will confuse you (I think) especially if you haven’t read The mortal instruments. I haven’t read it either because I’m still reading the infernal devices and I promised myself I’ll finish this one first.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks 😀 and yes I would highly recommend each of those books. All three of them are brilliant, and I am so excited for the release of The Raven King soon, I can’t wait to finally get my hands on that book!
      Oh no, I need to go back and re-read everything. The Shadowhunter books on my to-read list for next month I think, I want to at least try and get through TMI books, if not TID as well.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Why do you keep making me want to read ALL OF THE BOOKS? I really need to buy The Winner’s Curse series soon. And The Raven Boys. And The Love That Split the world. AND how am I going to read all of those books, hahaha. And Alice is probably my favorite classics, too! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I would apologise but YES, read ALL OF THE BOOKS! I really really hope you enjoy The Winner’s Curse, I loved the whole series so I can’t wait for you to read it 😀 the same goes for The Raven Boys (not long until the last book is released) and The Love That Split the World (the writing is so amazingly beautiful).
      Alice is probably the only classic I’ve read, if you don’t count Shakespeare in high school, but it’s definitely my favourite as well!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Well when you do get around to them I really really hope you enjoy them as much as I did. You’ll have to let me know what you think once you have read them as well!
        Yeah I feel like I have tons in my reading list as well, and god yes, I would love it if I could read all day every day! 😀

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Ohh, I know what you mean, and I completely suck at closing which books to buy or narrowing anything down. In the end I just buy all of them 😀 I’ve already overspent on my book budget for this month, with plans to buy more still!

        Liked by 1 person

      3. I always look at how much spent at the end of the month and it’s always way over my budget. I know what you mean though, it’s so hard to try and control what you buy because there are so many amazing books you hear about and you just want them all right now!

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Thanks for the tag – I’m actually really excited to do this one, the questions are awesome 🙂

    I’ve been meaning to read Daughter of Smoke and Bone for so long but just haven’t picked it up yet – I’ve literally heard nothing but good things about it! The Immortal Descendants series looks really interesting too – I’m totally going to check that one out. And oh my goodness, don’t even get me started on Cassandra Clare, Lady Midnight has caused some kind of crazy resurging of the popularity of ALL her books, to the point that I found myself unexpectedly reading City of Bones. Internet peer pressure, I tell you.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s all right, I hope you fun with it. I love tags like this because it’s an excuse to feature some of my favourite books and low key recommend them to everyone again 😀
      Daughter of Smoke and Bone is one of my favourite series, it does start off a little slow but honestly it’s well worth sticking with it because by the time you get to the last book you won’t want the series to end! The Immortal Descendants is my favourite time travel series, all the history is so well written and it’s just brilliant. It’d be great if you did pick it up, I feel the books deserve so much more recognition than what they currently have!
      I need to re-read the whole of the Shadowhunters books from the beginning before I can start Lady Midnight but I know what you mean, it seems like at least one of Clare’s books is everywhere I look on the Internet at the moment!

      Liked by 1 person

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