Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten TV Shows I Plan to Binge Watch

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week there is a new topic for bloggers to choose and list their top ten. This week’s theme is Top Ten TV Shows I Plan to Binge Watch.

When it comes to TV shows (and movies as well but to a slightly lesser extent) my to-watch list is almost as long as my to-read list. The only problem is I can’t watch TV as quickly as I can read books, so my list keeps growing and growing and I never seem to make a dent in it. However there are so many shows on my radar, and these are the ten I will be getting around to sooner rather than later (I hope).

Top Ten Tuesday #118

Cloak and Dagger

I watched the pilot episode of Cloak and Dagger back when I was on holiday and really enjoyed it, so why haven’t I watched the rest of the season? Who knows. When it comes to Marvel’s TV series I’m way behind, I’m going to need to have a ‘Marvel Month’ where I catch up on everything; Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Jessica Jones, Daredevil, Luke Cage, and of course Cloak and Dagger.

A Series of Unfortunate Events

This was one of my favourite book series when I was a child, and so far I’ve heard brilliant things about the TV series (better things than I’ve heard about the film that’s for sure). Neil Patrick Harris makes a great Count Olaf, and the trailer I’ve seen look so fun.

Good Omens

This hasn’t been released yet so it’s the only TV show on this list I can say I’m not behind on, but it’s one I’m beyond excited to watch when it finally becomes available. I loved the book and I love Terry Pratchett’s and Neil Gaiman’s writing so I’m sure the TV series will be incredible.

The Good Place

Back before this was released when I saw the trailer for the first season I thought it looked like so much fun, and like a show I’d really love, based on what I’ve heard about the episodes released I’m only more sure that when I finally get around to watching The Good Place I’ll love it.

Doctor Who

For some reason I stopped watching Doctor Who around the same time Jenna Coleman joined the cast, or around the time Matt Smith left, or around the time the fiftieth anniversary episode aired. However the introduction of the first female Doctor means I need to start watching again.


The main thing I know about this show was how so many people were devastated when it was cancelled (the same way I was devastated when I heard Brooklyn Nine-Nine was cancelled). It got one last finale, and I suppose one benefit for me is that when I do get around to watching Sense8 I won’t have to deal with any cliffhanger series endings.

Black Mirror

Given how my friends have described some of these episodes dark and slightly twisted Black Mirror may not be the best TV show to ‘binge’ watch. There aren’t many episodes in each season though so I feel like it won’t take me long to watch them all. Maybe I’ll see how it goes when I start watching.

Stranger Things

Everyone has incredible things to say about Stranger Things, and I actually made a deal with one of my friends that if she watched Game of Thrones, I’d watch Stranger Things. She finished all seven seasons (and loved them) so I need to at least get started on the first season of Stranger Things.

The 100

As this is a book to TV adaptation I kind of feel like I need to read the books before I can watch the TV show, and based on both my to-watch and to-read lists chances are I’ll get to the books before I get to the TV show. I’ve got five series to get through so this one is going to be a challenge.


I’ve heard mixed things about Riverdale, so I’m not sure about this one, but the main reason I want to watch it is because they’re doing a Sabrina the Teenage Witch reboot as a spin off and that I do want to watch. I’m not sure if I’ll need to watch Riverdale to understand Sabrina, but I feel like I should anyways.

So what do you think? Did you take part in this week’s Top Ten Tuesday, if so let me know what TV shows you plan to binge watch? Are any of these shows you want to start watching soon, or have you seen any of them and do you have any recommendations as to which one I should start with?

68 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten TV Shows I Plan to Binge Watch

  1. I don’t know how nobody threw any tomatoes at you for not having finished all these shows! 😛 So many amazing ones in this list too, notably I’d say Stranger Things and Black Mirror are two of my faves among these you mention! I also look forward to Good Omens, but I’ll probably try and read the book before watching it! 😀

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  2. I need to catch up with A Series of Unfortunate Events! I ended up really enjoying season 1, so I cannot wait to watch season 2 (hopefully it’ll be soon, because I’m so terrible with TV shows😅).

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  3. OMG RIVERDALE I’M CRYING!!!! it’s one of my favorite shows in the entire world, i hope you like it!!!! It’s cheesy af and the plot can be boring sometimes? But JUGHEAD JONES??!! Cheryl???? VERONICA??? (i don’t really like Archie but i ignore him) I even bought Jug’s beanie XD

    & I love Stranger Things’ aesthetic but honestly I feel like it’s a bit over-hyped? I feel so bad!!! because I was so loyal to it at first?! It’s nice but not call-off-school-and-binge nice. I haven’t done that since Supernatural S. 13 came on Netflix (I’m so loyal to Sam Winchester skdjflsj)

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    1. Oh that’s good to hear, and I don’t mind cheesy. It may end up being one of my guilty pleasure TV shows but I need a few of them in my life. 😀
      Oh that’s a shame about Stranger Things I guess, but it is massively hyped so I guess there was always the potential for disappointment right? I’ve never done that with a TV show, but I have with books so I know what you mean! 😀

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  4. AH BETH YOU HAVE TO WATCH THE GOOD PLACE. Sorry for screaming haha. I love this show so, very much, it’s funny, interesting and so wise at the same time, I just love it so much and the characters are brilliant. I can’t wait for you to watch it 😀

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    1. Ha, that’s all right! 😀 ❤️ So many people have commented about The Good Place in particular so I can tell it’s going to be amazing (also someone compared it to Brooklyn Nine-Nine so already I’m there!)
      I’ll let you know when I start watching it then! 🙂

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    1. Yeah, in between reading and blogging there’s not enough time for me to watch all the show I want to, and that are on this list. :/
      Hopefully one day you’ll be able to get around to the rest. The seasons are short ones so that should help right?!


    1. Well you’re not alone because bar one and a tiny little bit (for the only episode of Cloak and Dagger I’ve seen) I haven’t seen any of these either. 🙂
      Yeah the movie was fun, hopefully the TV series will be too. Oh that’s a shame about Riverdale, but I don’t think it’s a true adaptation so I dunno maybe that’s for the best you know?


  5. I agree with The Good Place, as for Cloak and Dagger, I was going to watch it, but my mom failed to tell me it came on and ended watching it herself. I didn’t find out it was on and at about that point there was no point in watching it.

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  6. I’ve heard a lot of great things about The Good Place too (especially from the Brooklyn 99 fandom; I think people who enjoy B99 also love The Good Place), so I really want to start watching it soon! (And I *love* B99 by the way; I’m so glad NBC picked it up for a season 6. 😍) I also know so many people who love Stranger Things, so I might check it out as well. (I get scared easily though, so I’m not sure if it’ll be for me.) And speaking of me getting scared easily, haha, I watched one episode of Black Mirror and immediately got creeped out. I definitely can’t watch another Black Mirror episode alone; if I were to watch another one, I’d watch it with a friend lol.

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    1. Oh my god hearing that has made me want to get started on The Good Place like right this second! Brooklyn Nine-Nine is one of my favourite shows at the moment (yeah I was so glad as well) so I feel like if The Good Place is even half as good I’ll love it! 🙂
      I get scared easily too, but I figured give it a go because then at least I can say I tried watching it but that it wasn’t for me.
      Yeah I think including Black Mirror on my list of shows I’ll ‘binge’ watch was a little bit of a mistake, but I guess I’ll have to see how it goes when I do start watching it. 🙂

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  7. Hi Beth 🙂 ❤
    I read the series description of The 100 and it sounds very promising. However TV shows are super addictive for me so I've been staying far away from them! The only way I make time for blogging, reading and writing is to not watch TV shows haha 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Yeah from what I’ve heard from fans it’s a great adaptation (I will read the books before starting the show so I’ll be able to tell for myself when I do watch) but I get what you mean. I feel like one of the main reasons I’m so behind on the TV shows I need to watch is because of the time I spend blogging instead. 😀

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  8. Stranger Things wasn’t my thing (watched the first season but dropped it a couple of episodes into the second) but I can see why a lot of people like it. And I’ve only seen a few episodes of Doctor Who here and there whenever I’ve been in a hotel room with my family as a kid, but it’s not something I keep up with.

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    1. Oh that’s a shame, but yeah like books not every TV show is for everyone. At least you gave it a shot which is more than I can say at the moment! 🙂
      I think the good thing about Doctor Who is you can jump in and out of the episodes. You don’t need to be watching it religiously to keep up with the storylines.


  9. The Good Place is so cute and very well done! I have thoroughly enjoyed the previous two seasons. I also watched A Series of Unfortunate Events! It was just okay, in my opinion. I really loved the movie that came out quite a few years ago now.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yeah I’ve heard good things about what’s been released so far for The Good Place. I guess there a lot of people excited for the next season too. 🙂
      Oh really? I was kind of neither here or there when it came to the movie. I enjoyed it but there was nothing exceptional about it you know?


  10. Everybody is loving The Good Place! I actually thought it would be cancelled after the first season… There’s been a LOT of shows I thought were going to get cancelled and stopped watching them because just in case that happened, I didn’t want to get let down like I did with Forever. 😦

    I’ve been thinking about checking out both Black Mirror and The 100. I think I’d enjoy The 100, but I don’t know about BM, I barely got thru Hannibal when it was on TV in one piece! Lol

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Ha, yeah and based on the comments everyone on here seems to be loving it too. Well I’m glad it wasn’t cancelled then, but I get what you mean because I really enjoyed Forever too and was surprised when it was cancelled after only one season.
      Oh, I’ve never watched Hannibal (I know that’s not one for me) but I’m sure The 100 will be good, and if you do watch BM I hope you enjoy it. Maybe don’t binge watch it would be my advice (despite including it in my list this week!) 😀

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  11. I loved the A Series of Unfortunate Events as a kid. I was surprised on how much I enjoyed the show.
    Doctor Who is one of my favorites. But Matt Smith was my favorite doctor hands down.
    I was surprised how much I ended up liking Riverdale because I wasn’t expecting it!

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    1. Well the show has gotten further than the films did, so in my mind that makes it a truer adaptation! 😀
      Oh I did love Matt Smith, but my favourite Doctor is always going to be Christopher Eccleston because he was the first I watched.
      I feel like Riverdale is going to be a guilty pleasure watch of mine. I can’t wait! 🙂

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  12. I love a few of these series’! In particular Doctor Who, A Series of Unfortunate Event, The Good Place, Back Mirror and Riverdale! I’d recommend them all! The Good Place is definitely one that you can watch quite quickly though as the episodes are a lot shorter and it’s quite comedic (also the cast is brilliant)!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yeah they’ve just been on my to-watch list for a while, largely because of how epic the trailers look but also because they sound really good based on what people have been saying. 🙂
      So many people have called out The Good Place, I feel like will be the one I start first. 😀

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  13. I love Sense8. ❤️ It’s such a fantastic and diverse show. I was one of those sad people when they cancelled it. At least they did the movie finale.
    I used to love Doctor Who at the beginning of the reboot but stopped watching part way through Matt Smith’s years – the stories just became silly. I hope you enjoy it though – my favourite episode is “The Girl in the Fireplace”. 😊

    Liked by 2 people

    1. The finale wrapped things up well though right? Based on what one of my friends said when it was first cancelled if they’d left it where they did it would have been a harsh way to end the show.
      Yeah I get what you mean, because part way through Matt Smith’s era was when I started getting a little tired of it. Still I’ll try again and see what I think this time around. 😀

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  14. Great list Beth! First, YOU NEED TO WATCH THE GOOD PLACE! The show is SO SO SO good! Also Stranger Things is really good too! Totally binge-worthy!
    OK, so I just started watching Black Mirror this weekend, the first two seasons only have 3 episodes which I thought was strange, but the content OMG I have no words, it is SO dark, I was NOT prepared for it! I don’t know how my friends watch it. I do like their take on social media, though!
    Again, great list! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much Meghan. Oh already so many people have called out The Good Place (guess I know which of these shows I’ll be starting first then!)
      Yeah in hindsight Black Mirror may not be the best show to binge watch, from what I’ve read and what my friends have said it can be quite unsettling, but at the same time it does sound like something I’d really be into you know?
      Thanks again! 🙂 ❤️

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      1. You’re welcome! 🙂 Haha, yes! 😀
        It’s definitely intriguing, but some of the plots I’m like why? To be honest I’m glad Netflix has them out of order because if I was to watch the first episode first…. I don’t think I would have continued. The episode I watched last night, I liked, until it got weird. Why does it have to get weird? 😛 I know you don’t have the answers. If you do decide to watch it, we must chat! 🙂

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      2. God knows, I guess some of them have more shock value than others. From what I’ve heard from some of my friends some of them are definitely harder to watch than others. I guess it’s good you can watch them out of order. I dunno what would you say is the best episode to start with in that case?
        Definitely, I’ll let you when I start it in that case. 🙂

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      3. I started with season one episode 3 and that wasn’t bad. For some reason Netflix wants to play season 4 episode 6 as the first episode, apparently that is also good because my coworker watched it thinking it was the first. Because the epiosdes don’t overlap stories I don’t think it matters where you start! I just like to watch things in order 🙂

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      1. I completely missed Stranger Things on your list, but yes that show is one of the best out there right now. The kids are amazing actors and it’s just a really creative show. The 100 imo is terrible, very teeny bopper, very CW. Riverdale, corny and extra as it can be, I watched the first season and it was pretty entertaining lol.

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      2. Yeah everyone seems to be massive fans of the actors as well, which is normally a sign of how amazing a show is right?! But oh that’s a shame about The 100 and Riverdale though, but maybe they can be my guilty pleasure TV shows if I end up enjoying them. 🙂


  15. I haven’t watched a lot of these but I binged The Good Place in a few days when I was traveling and I can’t wait for the new season! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did 🙂

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  16. Doctor Who is one of those shows I always want to watch (especially because of the loyal fandom), but it always seems so overwhelming to start. Which season? Which doctor? etc. Beyond that you have a few on here that I love (Black Mirror & Stranger Things) and hope you get to them soon!

    Feel free to check out my bingeworthy shows and some trivia here:

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    1. I started when it was first rebooted again, so with Christopher Eccleston as the Doctor, and it was just easy to go along with the episodes. But I get what you mean because now I haven’t watched it in so long I am a little intimidated by what I have to watch you know?

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      1. Exactly! And like every fan says to start a different place (the beginning, just the reboot stuff in order, not the beginning but the doctor right before the reboot, etc) it’s just overwhelming and confusing.

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