Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Favourite Short Stories

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week there is a new topic for bloggers to choose and list their top ten. This week’s theme is Top Ten Favourite Short Stories.

I don’t read a lot of short stories so when I first saw this week’s topic I thought I’d struggle to come up with a couple, let alone ten, books that I could feature. Then I looked through my Goodreads ‘read’ list and realised there were a lot of books that fit the theme; anthology collections, novellas from my favourite series, and even a book or two I managed to read in only a couple of hours.

Top Ten Tuesday #112

The Language of Thorns: Midnight Tales and Dangerous Magic by Leigh Bardugo

I love Leigh Bardugo’s writing and I love her Grishaverse world. I’d already read three of the short stories in this collection but I loved reading them again. The Language of Thorns read like a series of dark fairytales, my favourite kind, and I was left wanting much more from a lot of the stories.

Moonrise by Sarah Crossan

This may seem like a strange pick for this week’s topic considering its 400 pages long, but Moonrise is a collection of poems so I sped through it. Moonrise is a beautiful and emotional read that may have only taken me an hour and a half to finish, but that stayed with me for far longer.

A Court of Frost and Starlight by Sarah J. Maas

A Court of Thorns and Roses is one of my favourite series so I was thrilled we were getting more. It was nice to see more of Feyre and Rhys in A Court of Frost and Starlight, but what this book made me more excited for was the next full-length novel putting the secondary characters in the spotlight.

Night of Cake and Puppets by Laini Taylor

One of my favourite parts of Daughter of Smoke and Bone was the setting, and in Night of Cake and Puppets we get to spend a little more time in Laini Taylor’s Prague with Zuzana and Mik. They each ended up becoming two of my favourite characters in this series so I loved reading their origin story.

Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman

Before I picked up Norse Mythology I knew very little about Norse mythology, so this book was a brilliant introduction. Gaiman’s gives an overview of the characters and their stories that left me wanting to learn everything; I really loved how he looked both at the past and forwards to Ragnarok.

Because You Love to Hate Me: 13 Tales of Villainy by Ameriie

No anthology is perfect, and this book was no exception because there were a few short stories I wasn’t a massive fan of. Because You Love to Hate Me focuses on the villains and anti-heroes, and features some of my favourite authors; Samantha Shannon, Marissa Meyer and V.E. Schwab.

My True Love Gave to Me: Twelve Winter Romances by Stephanie Perkins

Again there were a few duds in this anthology but overall it was full of cute and fluffy romance stories. Also one thing I loved about My True Love Gave to Me was that it was full of Christmas-y stories to keep you warm on a cold night, it’s rare to see YA contemporary set during Christmas.

Every Heart a Doorway by Seanan McGuire

I’d heard a lot of amazing things about Every Heart a Doorway before picking it up and while it wasn’t what I expected it’s a great book, and both a beautiful and haunting story. There was a lot Seanan McGuire needed to fit into 170-odd pages but the plot and development never felt rushed.

A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness

A Monster Calls is such an emotional story, I was nearly in tears reading it but I couldn’t put it down. I fell in love with Conor, his situation and his struggles, and I enjoyed the stories the monster told within this story. What’s more the illustrations make this a truly unique reading experience.

Fairest by Marissa Meyer

I struggled choosing between this book and Stars Above by Marissa Meyer for my list this week, but in the end went for Fairest because I loved the look into Levena’s past it gave us. For a villain I really felt for her as I saw everything she went through that made her into the queen she is when she’s introduced in Cinder.

So what do you think? Did you take part in this week’s Top Ten Tuesday, if so let me know what your favourite short stories are? Did any of the books I featured make your list? Are you a big reader of anthologies and novellas or are you someone who doesn’t read short stories?

46 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Favourite Short Stories

  1. Great list, Beth ❤️

    I have actually only read A Monster Call on this list – Patrick Ness is one of my all time favourite authors and I did really enjoy that book, it was an emotional and touching story. I have not yet read any of Liani Taylor’s books {don’t worry, they are on my TBR} but Night of Cake and Puppets just sounds like such an amazing book – I cannot wait to read it once I’m all caught up with the rest of the series!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much Michelle. 🙂
      Definitely emotional, I was nearly in tears while reading it and at the time I was on the train travelling into work! But it was beautiful and in some ways unexpected at the same time. Well in that case they’re all books I’d highly highly recommend. Laini Taylor is one of my all-time favourite authors and everything she’s written so far has been full of magic. 🙂 I hope you love them. 🙂 ❤️

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      1. It was an emotional book, I also almost teared up, which to me is always a sign of a really good book! I’ve heard so many great things about Liani Taylor’s books and I am really excited to read them at some stage ❤

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  2. Hello Beth 🙂
    Moonrise is on my TBR so I will have to read it soon! I’ve heard about Night of Cake and Cupcakes. I enjoy reading about Zuzana and Mik so I think I want to read this one as well!

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    1. Oh I hope you love it Sophie, even if you’re a little hesitant about reading a completely prose book don’t let that stop you because Moonrise was the first poetry book I read and it was incredible! 🙂 I hope you love Night of Cake and Puppets too, then again it’s by Laini Taylor so I’m sure you will! 🙂 ❤️

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  3. I loved ACOFAS because I just love the characters and SJM so much so it was super enjoyable for me, and Language of Thorns was so amazing–every story was so lush and beautifully written, not to mention the illustrations. I also was really surprised by how much I enjoyed Fairest, but the twisted mind of Levana was so interesting to read.

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    1. I’m glad you enjoyed it then. At the time I liked it, but I feel like the more I look back the more I wish we’d gotten a little more you know? It really was, Leigh Bardugo has a gift for writing short stories because I haven’t read any from her I haven’t loved, and the illustrations just made the reading experience all the better in my opinion! 🙂
      Yeah she’s the kind of villain who you feel a little for based on everything she went through.

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    1. I’d love to read more short stories from Leigh Bardugo one day. Oh Night of Cake and Puppets is so good, and the other two are worth reading if you’re a fan of the authors so I hope you enjoy them all.
      See I’m the other way around, read the book but haven’t seen the movie. It’s on my to-watch list so I’ll get around to it one day. 😀


  4. I LOVE A Monster Calls and Language of Thorns. Those are, hands down, some of my favourite books no matter if they are short or regular length. I also have Because You Love to Hate Me at home, but I never got farther than the first villain … I want to continue with it someday though.

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    1. Oh both are amazing, Patrick Ness has written so many amazing books hasn’t he? And I’d love to read more short stories like the kind in Language of Thorns from Leigh Bardugo (maybe one day, you never know).
      I can’t remember what the first story in Because You Love To Hate Me was but I don’t think it was the strongest in the book, it definitely gets better so hopefully you’ll get through the rest and really enjoy it too. 🙂 ❤

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      1. I actually haven’t read that many Patrick Ness books, but whenever he comes up, I get sad that Class got cancelled haha I really wish that had gone on for longer.
        The first story was by Renee Ahdieh about those space siblings and then Christine from poland and banana books wrote that little other thingy.

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      2. Oh I never saw Class but I heard good things about it. Yeah my favourite books by him are the Chaos Walking Trilogy and More Than This, so I’d highly recommend those if you’re interested. 🙂
        Yeah not the strongest stories. The best in my opinion, and this probably won’t come as much of a surprise, were by V.E. Schwab, Adam Silvera and Nicola Yoon. (There were more I enjoyed, I just can’t remember them off the top of my head).

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      3. Class was one of my favourite shows!!! I know they are doing audiobooks now, but I don’t even know how to listen to those since I can’t download anything more on my phone and I don’t want to have to listen to them on my laptop. I will forever be disappointed they didn’t continue that.
        I will read the others eventually. They just aren’t really a priority.

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      4. Oh I didn’t even know they were doing audiobooks for Class. I guess at least they’re carrying on the story somehow right? Although that sucks there’s no good way for you to listen to them :/
        Well hopefully one day, and hopefully you’ll enjoy them when you do get around to them too. 😀

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  5. OH, I ADORED MY TRUE LOVE GAVE TO ME. It was so cute and fabulous and perfect for Christmas! And (unpopular opinion) A Monster Calls wasn’t really,,, a great read for me???? I DONT KNOW WHY I COULDN’T CRY. I haven’t read any of the others?? Which is a shame because they all sound amazing! And Because You Love To Hate Me sounds SO good and i need to read it asap! I read a collection of short stories recently called ‘Meet Cute’ I don’t know if you’ve heard about it??

    Great post as always!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Definitely cute, and there are so few contemporary books that are set during winter that it makes this one extra-special in my mind. (I’m not sure why but the YA contemporary genre seems very summer dominated). Oh that’s a shame about A Monster Calls, have you read any of Patrick Ness’s other books though? He’s written some amazing ones and as much as I enjoyed A Monster Calls it isn’t my favourite by him.
      I’d recommend Because You Love To Hate Me, there are some great stories in that collection, and yes I have heard of Meet Cute. it’s on my TBR list but god knows when I’ll actually get around to it.
      Thanks Lu! 🙂 ❤


    1. Thanks so much. 😀 Oh I really enjoyed Every Heart a Doorway, hence adding it to this list, but I haven’t been able to get around to the second or third yet. I really need to, I have them on my Kindle so I’m not sure why I haven’t picked them up yet. 🙂


  6. TLOT is a favorite… such gorgeous writing and illustrations 😍😍😍
    My true love gave to me seems interesting… i might have to check it out..
    Great list !!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah the illustrations really do make the book right? It just makes the reading experience all the more beautiful. 🙂
      My True Love Gave to Me is a good read. I’d actually say pick it up around Christmas (I think I first read it around Christmas Eve) to make it all the more atmospheric.
      Thanks so much. 🙂

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  7. I love your choices, Beth! ❤ I haven't read Fairest just yet, I've read Stars Above though and I really enjoyed it, maybe I should revisit this series with Fairest as soon as I can haha 😀

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    1. Same here. Leigh Bardugo’s stories here had the same feel as the Grimm fairytales do which just made me love them more. Oh I really hope you enjoy them. Norse Mythology was different to what I expected sure, but it was still an amazing read. 🙂

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