One Lovely Blog Award

I haven’t been nominated for the One Lovely Blog Award before, so I was thrilled to be tagged by Shameeka at Shameeka’s Fictional World, Lorryn at Reading Parental, and Naty at Naty’s Bookshelf. Thanks so much for the tag everyone, I had a lot of fun with this one so I hope you enjoy reading my answers just as much.

One Lovely Blog Award


  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and link back to them
  • Share 7-15 facts about yourself
  • Nominate 9-15 bloggers you admire and contact them

Seven Facts About Me:

  1. I love roller coasters. The faster, the higher, the more upside-down loops the better. Unfortunately all my friends hate them so the only person who I can go on insane roller coasters with is my sister; her boyfriend hates them as well so it’s the same situation for her.
  2. I’m a very time-orientated/ schedule-orientated person. You’d think this would make my life in general more organised, but when you mix those two aspects of my personality with my tendency to procrastinate that’s not the case.
  3. History has become one of my favourite subjects, and it’s the reason why I love time travel books so much. Looking back I wish I’d carried on with history as one of my GCSE/A Level subjects, but as I can’t do that it’s just going to stay a newly-discovered passion of mine.
  4. I’m not a very patient person, like at all. It makes it hard to wait for parcels to arrive, for books to be released, or even just walking behind a really slow person on the pavement.
  5. I find it hard to do anything in complete silence, and just can’t concentrate if there’s no background noise. I listen to podcasts while at work and listen to music on the commute as I read, and I’ll always have the TV or a movie on in the background each evening as I’m blogging.
  6. I have a very bad habit of imagining the worst possible outcome of a situation and convincing myself that it will end up being the actual outcome. It doesn’t even need to be big things; if I’m sending an important email at work I’ll somehow convince myself, despite the fact I know it will never happen, the Outlook just mysteriously ate my email, it never arrived, and I’ll end up getting fired.
  7. Something that motivates me more than anything else is someone telling me I can’t do something, and not because I’m not allowed but because they don’t think I can do it. Even if it wasn’t meant in a bad way I’ll push myself harder to succeed simply out of spite.

I’m not going to nominate anyone for this award, so instead tell me a fact about yourself or let me know if there are any facts we share.

Are you a fan of fast, high, upside-down-looping roller coasters like me, or do you hate them like my friends? Do you prefer background noise or complete silence when you’re blogging? What are you motivated by more than anything else?

52 thoughts on “One Lovely Blog Award

  1. I always have trouble with rollercoasters- I mean, I love them, they’re loads of fun, but unfortunately my body doesn’t always agree 😉 (I pass out or get ill realllly easily lol) I also make loads of schedules and then procrastinate about them lol! History is one of my favourite subjects too 😀 hahaha oh my goodness, I so relate about being patient- I’ve been waiting for a parcel for about a month and have been checking my order updates more than once a day to see if it’s been dispatched! And I always try to run around slow people on the street 😉 And yeah I work best with background noise too. Oh gosh I have such a hyperactive imagination as well. I completely agree about being told you can’t do something! It always makes me work better!
    Loved your answers ❤

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    1. Oh that sucks, especially if you do enjoy them and it’s just your body’s reaction which kind of spoils them a little for you.
      Procrastinators unite! But later though. 😀
      See a month seems like way to long to wait for something in my mind (unless it’s waiting for a book to be released in which case I get what you mean because there are books I’m waiting for as well). Hopefully it’ll be dispatched before too long though.
      Yeah spite is a powerful motivator, a lot of the things I’ve done have only been achieved through spite!
      Thanks so much. 🙂 ❤️

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      1. hehe yes, it is a shame (but also kinda funny- like I’ll love it when I’m on there and then just pass out… I like to laugh at myself, it’s a weird hobby 😉 😂😂 )

        hehehe yes!! 😂😂😂

        Ah yes I totally get that!

        hahah so true!! 😂😂

        You’re welcome! 🙂 ❤

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  2. I am 100 PERCENT with you on number four! My husband doesn’t understand why I obsessively track my orders, but I’m so impatient that I need to know exactly when they’ll get here! And slow people on the sidewalk! I’m so tempted to bulldoze them, especially if they’re just meandering because they’re on their phone!

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    1. Yeah, I always get so excited when something I’ve brought is dispatched, and I need to make sure it arrives on time you know? 🙂
      God yes, it’s horrible in London because you get people who will stop in the middle of the street and then you practically collide with them. I hate it. :/

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  3. I love and hate rollercoasters. I go on them and enjoy them but I also internally panic the whole time I’m on them. I really don’t know why I put myself through it. I love History too! Sometimes I like the silence and other times I need the noise. Having 3 kids there’s usually noise in some for so, sometimes I feel lost without it.

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  4. I LOVE this post Beth! we share 5-7 in common and it had me giggling just reading about Outlook potentially eating your e-mail cause this is me ALL THE TIME…especially when I email Publishers lol. However, I will say that I 100% hate roller coasters….I always tell my hubby they are a unnecessary life risk & the fact that you love them made my eyes pop open LOL!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much Lilly! 🙂 Oh yeah my mind goes to very strange places for very un-insignificant issues. I tend to spiral very quickly and before you know it my mind has convinced me I’ve started the apocalypse or something. 🙂
      You agree with most of the people who commented in this post it seems. Oh well, more insane and scary roller coasters for me I guess. 😀 ❤

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      1. Baha! yea no, roller coasters have always terrified me…I ended up sitting out my Junior High School Senior trip cause it was at Six Flags which is a BIG NO in my book of Survival haha! 🙂

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  5. I, for one, love rollercoasters and anything else adrenaline and thrill inducing- as for background noise, when I’m doing blog hopping or dealing with the interactional aspect of blogging, I like to listen to music- not when I’m writing, though. Never when i’m writing :))
    Great post!

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    1. Yay, another roller coaster fan (there seem to be so few of us on WordPress based on the other comments I’ve gotten on this post) but nothing quite beats the thrill of it right? 🙂
      Oh see I need music even more when I’m writing. I couldn’t tell you what I was listening to because more often than not I tune it out when I get in the zone but I need that background noise or I can’t focus for the life of me. I guess each to their own though.
      Thanks so much. 🙂

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      1. Yess I completely relate!
        And yeah, to each their own 😀 It’s really interesting to see these differences in people!
        You’re welcome ❤

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  6. Ahaha, we are definitely super different when it comes to roller coasters!! I am… not much of a fan at all. They scare me a lot, but usually when I go on them, I’m fine ahaha. And agh yes I am not a person who does things to silence! I mean, I CAN do it, and I have to do it when I’m studying for something, but when writing or doing homework or blogging, music is my go-to.

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    1. It seems like most people who have commented so far are not fans of roller coasters. Oh well, I guess they’re not for everyone and it means less queues for when I go to ride them too! 😀
      It feels too strange, like I need some kind of background noise or I think I get too easily distracted (which is strange again because you’d think it would be the other way around right?)

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  7. I liked reading this Beth! I wish I loved roller coasters, I really wish I did, unfortunately I just can’t seem to get over the fear. I tried really hard last year and I got so close, we waited in line (not a long time, just to wait for the next car) and I literally walked through the seats and to the exit because I was just so terrified. I have a fear of falling, I can do heights that doesn’t bother me, it’s having this fear that I’m going to fall. This kinda falls under your number 6 fact where you think of the worst possible outcome… that’s me with roller coasters I always think I’m going to die if I get on.
    Anyways, this was a lovely post! 🙂

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    1. Thanks so much Meghan. 🙂 Oh there’s part of me that’s a little terrified of roller coasters as well, I’m just more of an adrenaline junkie than anything else. I have a fear of falling too (when I was little I used to think it was a fear of heights but then I realised I loved being high up but couldn’t stand the idea of falling). I dunno roller coasters seem to be the exception to that. At least you tried to conquer your fear, that’s something, and yeah I can imagine fact #6 mixed with a fear of falling and roller coasters isn’t the best combination is it?
      Thanks again! 🙂 ❤

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      1. You’re welcome! 😀 Haha, nope, but like you said I tried. I understand where you’re coming from my cousin is the same way, loves roller coasters, he actually thanked me for not going on with him because I would have made the run unpleasant for him, ha! 😛

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  8. congratulations! I am also someone that imagines the worst scenario, which is honestly something I would like to change about myself. I guess I fun fact about me would be that I love pickles, probably more than any other food on the planet!

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    1. Thanks so much, and yeah it’s something I’d like to change about myself but it’s almost an automatic thing more than anything else. Sometimes I’m not even aware I’m doing it until I’ve spiraled too far to come back again.
      Ohh, not a massive fan of pickles myself, but that’s a fun fact for you in my mind! 😀

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  9. I’m also a time-orientated/ schedule-orientated. I love it, and I’m very organized, but at time, between procrastination and the effects of my illnesses, things don’t go my way… Same for number 7. I was told that because I came from a family with little money, I could not go study in Japan. I put all my efforts towards this goal, forgetting that at the end, I would actually change country and leave away from my loved ones…

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    1. Oh I completely get what you mean because being a huge procrastinator is something that gets in my way at times as well. It almost seems like being a procrastinator and a time-orientated person are two traits that shouldn’t be in the same person. :/
      Did you eventually make it to Japan then? Sometimes you get a bigger sense of achievement completing something someone told you you could never do than you would otherwise, at least that’s how it’s been for me at times. 🙂


  10. I feel like we are very similar in some ways and not so much in others hahaha I am with your friends on the topic of rollercoasters. Anyway, nothing motivates me more than people saying I can’t do something. I am one heck of a stubborn person when I need to be. And oh boy, can my brain cells go on a spiral with bad outcome possibilities!!! And I am definitely with you in terms of needing some kind of background noise. I can find beauty in the quiet, but mostly I prefer a soundtrack to life. It drives my parents nuts sometimes haha

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    1. Oh there’s very few people willing to ride roller coasters with me. :/ I mean part of me is a little scared of them but a bigger part of me is an adrenaline junkie and I just can’t resist! 😀
      I’m actually taking part in a 50/60 mile bike ride because someone said I couldn’t (the things I get myself into) and yeah we need our own soundtrack to life at times don’t we? If there’s no music around I may be driven to sing myself (and no one wants that!) 😀

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      1. I have actually gotten hurt in roller coasters several times (I bruise ridiculously easy) and that just takes out all the enjoyment that an adrenaline rush might provide.
        Hahaha I can’t sing for the life of me, but I still sing to myself or hum all the time. It drives my dad nuuuuts.

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      2. Ohh, yeah I get what you mean because that would probably put me off as well (I tend to bruise quite easily as well, though it seems not as easy as you do!)
        I can’t sing either, but if it’s a choice between my tone deaf voice and silence I’ll pick my bad singing any day! 😀

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  11. Congratulations on the award! Interesting facts about you, too! Man, rollercoasters scare the heck out of me – I admire your bravery. I, too, love history. So much so that I got a couple of degrees in it and now I write kids nonfiction about history, too. Most recently I wrote about Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo, the discoverer of California. A fun book to research! I also do a quirky series on my blog called Hiccups in History where I profile weird things like a baby-jumping festival in Spain. 🙂

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    1. Thanks so much, I’m glad you enjoyed this post. Oh I’m kind of an adrenaline junkie, there’s part of me that is terrified of rollercoasters but there’s an even bigger part of me that can’t deny the thrill at the same time! 🙂
      That’s brilliant, and it sounds like a fun subject to write about especially the baby-jumping festival. Imagine if we still did that today (do we still do that today in Spain?) 😀


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