Discussion Time: Blogging and Time Management

When it comes to blogging there is one thing everyone finds tough to handle at first; and that’s the time management behind it all. You sign up to WordPress, create your blog and start posting, and all of a sudden you wonder what you’ve gotten into when all your free time is consumed by a blog you thought wouldn’t require more than an hour of your time each day.

Everyone has their own way of managing the time constraints blogging comes with. Everyone has their own way of managing their schedule so they can get everything done alongside their other day to day tasks. Being 100% honest I’m still not sure how I manage my blog, but at the moment it works so I’m not going to question it too much!

Blogging and Time Management

Blogging and Time Management

I know that the way I manage my time when it comes to blogging won’t work for everyone. However I’m going to share how I do manage and schedule posts, while still finding time to blog hop, in the hopes that some of it will help others out there reading this.

Planning Posts

Blogging and Time Management (1)

Let’s take book tags as my first example. Everyone knows how it is with tags, you start off with one or two but before you know it you have more than ten still waiting to be drafted and published and you’ve lost track of them. Whenever I’m tagged, before I do anything else, I write it down.

Very soon after I started blogging I created an Excel document to keep track of my posts, and the more time I spent blogging the more I added to it. As well as a list of the posts I have published, and have still to publish, I have a tab for the books I read to help me update Goodreads, a tab for future Top Ten Tuesday posts, and a tab for the tags and awards I’ve been nominated for.

Basically if I lost this spreadsheet I would pretty much lose my whole blog.

Blogging and Time Management (2)

When it comes to planning though nothing beats notebooks. I’ve found these aren’t ideal for every aspect of blogging, hence why I have my Excel spreadsheet, but most nights I like to be try and write at least one post, and so I use a notebook to plan what posts I’d like to write each night. There can be just as many red crosses as there are blue ticks. but that’s the reason I write in pencil, it’s easier to erase mistakes that way.


Blogging and Time Management (3)

Having a cushion of draft posts ready to be published is something that works incredibly well for me. However this is something I had to dedicate a lot of time to over countless weeknights/weekends in order to create that cushion. At the moment I have over thirty posts in my drafts folder and this has enabled me to taking a step back when needed, something that became very much needed when I started my new job last month

Having these draft posts has allowed me to focus on blog hopping, while still enabling me to update my own blog.

For me blog hopping and interacting with the bookish community comes first. This is helped by the backlist of drafts I have which enables me to take a night off from writing posts but still have something to publish. I think the key to time management when it comes to blogging is to be flexible, you need to be willing to shift your priorities when it comes to real life, when it comes to blog hopping, and when it comes to posting.

Now Onto the Discussion Part of This Post:

Have you ever had problems with time management when it comes to blogging, or with real life getting in the way?

Is there anything in this post you use when it comes to your own blog, or that you think you could use going forwards?

What do you use to manage your time; your real life and blogging life?

Let me know in the comments below.

90 thoughts on “Discussion Time: Blogging and Time Management

  1. An interesting post. Thank you for the advice. I’ve published a post about being busy today: https://tinyurl.com/ycuw2fmm I’ve added blog recently and yes, it takes a lot of time sometimes.. I try batch processing technique sometimes but I dont always have enough time for it. How long have you been writing this blog for?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s all right. I really hope this advice helps you and I really hope you enjoy blogging as well. 😀
      In the end I think the time blogging takes is more than worth it. I’ve made some great friends through WordPress and I hope to make loads more in the future as well. I’ve been blogging for just over two years now, and I hope to continue for longer still. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you. Yes, I found it fascinating that you really can find so many valuable people here and discuss different issues in more depth on wordpress. Social media and e..g comments on e.g. instagram appear to be very superficial compared with bloggers community!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. That’s all right. 🙂 Yeah people in the community on WordPress are brilliant, and always have great advice if that’s what your looking for. I’ve learnt a lot from the posts I’ve seen about various things, be it blogging or writing. I’ll admit I’m not really on social media other than WordPress but for me it’s definitely WordPress all the way! 😀


  2. I love the way you write this post…..actually, the consistency is the seed of success. I always believe it. No matter who we are…..if we keep writing and making it to be an article about something that very important for many people, i am very sure that sooner or later, we’ll become very important for them and they won’t leave us. it means they always read our articles. Am I right? 🙂

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    1. Thanks so much. 🙂 I think consistency definitely helps. I don’t have a strict blogging schedule but I try and make sure I don’t take too many long unplanned breaks, and I try and make sure I’m always writing what I care about. That’s the most important thing to me, that my writing on my blog is about books and other things I’m interested in rather than simply what I think will get me the most views or likes or comments.

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  3. Time management… Probably the HARDEST part about blogging. The more responsibilities life throws at you, the harder blogging becomes. Everyone will eventually realize what their priorities are, and what they want to do most, but find a method that works best for them is work alone hahah I too use excel/calendar to document the things to read/do. Blog hopping is probably the hardest part of it all. Finding the time to stay up to date with all your followers, and especially to go and interact with new ones is HAAAAARD! I have yet to find a method that seems efficient to solve this issue hahah

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Definitely agree there, and it does take some time to fall into a schedule that works for you. Trying to balance blogging with my everyday life was hard, but I found something that works and it’s become a lot easier to manage.
      Excel is a life-saver, honestly I don’t know what I’d do without it because I’m not the most organised person in the world but I can fake it thanks to Excel! 😀
      I find it a struggle at times, but I love seeing what other people have posted so I always make time for it, even if it means I don’t then have the time to draft an actual post.. Oh, I hope you find something that works soon then. 🙂

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  4. I’ve just started my blog and already I’m freaking out about posts and schedules! Going to purchase a new notebook and might just try making a document on my laptop as I really want to keep writing and posting btw I totally get what you mean about all your time going into blogging, I sit down and open the app there I am 3 hours later still fading everyone’s posts and writing haha x

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I am all about the drafts. As soon I think of a discussion idea, I create the post in blogger before I forget. I also usually write reviews soon after I finish the book, so I have posts to pick from. There are technically four bloggers on my blog, so we use Google calendar to schedule our post. We are spread out geographically, so it let’s us see if someone else has something planned.

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    1. It’s handy having them, and yeah when it comes to reviews I try and write them right away as well. The longer I leave them after I’ve finished a book the more I start forgetting.
      Oh that must be handy. I guess with four of you there’s more logistical things to work out when it comes to managing your blog and your time.

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  6. Ahhhh I love this post SO MUCH Beth!! (Also hiiiiii I haven’t spoken to you or your blog in forever, it seems like and I’ve missed youuuuu. ❤ I hope you're doing well!!) I struggle with managing my time for blogging so, so much, so this post was a huge help! I need to try using Excel sometime, though right now I'm pretty comfortable with using my bullet journal for blogging. 🙂 I am so jealous of all the drafts you have already written! That would be a huuuuge lifesaver for me, I find myself struggling to balance writing posts and blog hopping quite often. Once again, LOVED this post, what a lovely discussion!! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much Analee (and hi as well, it’s nice to see you back on WordPress. :D)
      Oh that’s great to hear. I think when it comes to time management it’s just finding something that works for you. This is what works for me and yeah Excel is a huge help when it comes to organizing things.
      Oh I need to start bullet journaling soon. I have a notebook ready for it just need to find the time in between blogging. Ha, it took me a long time to have all those drafts saved. I think the oldest was written in May, so it’s about four months work.
      Thanks so much Analee. 🙂 ❤


  7. I think the way that I manage my posts has definitely changed since I first started. I have definitely started to write my reviews after finishing the book and before I start a new one and I just schedule them for when I need them – even if it is a few weeks in advance! I do this for memes I take part in as well 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Blogging, especially at the very beginning, is very much trial and error. I think if you asked everyone no one would say they blog the same way now as they did when they first started.
      Yeah memes are easy to schedule because we get them so far in advance. I make sure I have all my TTT and Waiting on Wednesday and Standalone Sunday posts drafted really far in advance. 🙂

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  8. I love this post so, so much, Beth! Thank you for sharing your tips to be such an organized blogger! I don’t know how you are able to write so many posts, I think that’s what impresses me the most, while blog hopping and being such a great presence in the community overall. Juggling between blog-hopping and actually writing blog posts / taking care of my blog overall is such a hard thing to do at times, but I’m trying to be organized just like you, with an Excel document as well! 😀

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    1. Thanks so much Marie! 😀 ❤ And that's all right, I'm really glad you enjoyed this. I'm not too sure either but pretty much all my spare time has been dedicated to WordPress, and when I'm not commenting and blog hopping I'm drafting posts. Also I don't get as much sleep as I probably should either. Can't say that's healthy but it allows me to blog more at least.
      Excel documents are a life saver when it comes to being organized, honestly I don't know what I'd do without mine! 😀 ❤

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  9. I tend to have a lot of problems with time management. I am usually at the point of writing posts hours before I plan to have them scheduled to publish. I do try to write posts in advance, but before I know it those 10 drafts I have are gone and it’s only half way through my school term!

    I try to spend half an hour every school night and an hour or two on both weekend days writing posts, but it is all too easy get sucked into commenting/reading posts rather than writing them. I also use a spreadsheet and it is massively helpful.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I used to do that, only write my posts the day I was going to publish them, and it was insanely stressful and just not the way I wanted to run my blog. Now, like you, I try to write my posts at the very least the day before I publish them, if not more.
      It’s definitely easy to get sucked into commenting, there’s always so much to see on WordPress when it comes to other people’s posts you can lose whole evenings to WordPress! 😀


  10. I definitely need to get better at planning my posts in advance. I currently tend to do Top 10 Tuesday, Top 5 Wednesday, and then one other post of my choice (often a tag) sometime later in the week. The problem is, I usually leave writing the actual post until the day of so it can be tricky to do on a time crunch. I work full-time, so the Tuesday and Wednesday are especially difficult sometimes. In the past I have pre-written some posts and scheduled them, so I think I’ll start doing more of that. At the very least, I usually try to at least write my list of which books I want to include for the top 5/top 10s, so I don’t waste too much time that day choosing.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I used to do that with Top Ten Tuesday posts especially. In fact I can’t even say I’d plan them ahead of time. I’d normally write them the same day they needed to be posted and it was always such a massive headache. For me planning things out and having that backlog of posts has been a lifesaver. If you can I’d definitely recommend having some pre-written posts, because if you’re anything like me I reckon you’d find it really helpful too. 🙂
      Some days are tricker for me than others are. Like Tuesday and Thursdays are pretty jam packed and I can be a struggle blogging, but I manage it and I manage it a lot better now thanks to my time management skills, all skills I learnt through trial and error I should say! 😀


  11. Wonderful discussion post as always Beth! You’ve actually given me food for thought as I do struggle with time management. At the end of the day, in my actual home, I only have a handful of hours at the end of the night due to my long commute. Most of time commuting I dedicate to reading since my tiny humans don’t really like to share me with my books lol. I have purchased a # of notebooks and I’m just now getting into the habit of using them for reviews and now tags/memes. I do have a spreadsheet that I use to track my arcs but now you have me thinking I should create one for posts as well. Thanks for this my friend, I walk away with the beginnings of a plan 😉

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    1. Thanks so much Lilly! 😀 Oh I’m glad there were some tips in this post you were able to take away with you, kind of the reason I write some of these discussions after all! 🙂
      I get what you mean because even though I don’t have children I still only have a few hours by the time I get home from work. It can be hard to fit everything in but I guess if you find something that works you’ve got to stick with it.
      I have the same thing with notebooks, figured I’d use one of the many I own for blogging purposes. I essentially have a spreadsheet for everything, and honestly it is a such a huge help I’d recommend creating one if you have the time and motivation.
      That’s all right, I’m really glad my post could help! 😀 ❤


  12. Girrrrl, you are organized! 30 blogs drafted?!?!?!?! That’s a lot! I only have roughly 3-5 at a time. I usually spend my Saturday getting the weeks blogs together, sometimes if I know I’m going to be busy on the weekends then I try to do some during the week. I like your system it just looks so well thought out! 🙂

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    1. It took me a long time to have those 30 posts drafted though, pretty much all my spare time that I was’t working has gone into blogging and I don’t regret it or anything but it was a lot of time! 😀
      Sounds like your system works well for you. I think in a way we’re both doing roughly the same thing, trying to work blogging in and around our spare time. 🙂

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  13. You have got things DOWN! I like to link up with Top Ten Tuesday as often as possible, every week if i can! And I actually just started a bullet journal this month to help me keep track of what posts I have scheduled for which days (I have set my schedule for Tuesdays and Fridays as of this month!) and that way I have an easy overview of which days I still need to plan out and write and schedule! It’s perfect for me!

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    1. It certainly comes across that way, in reality I’m not sure how organized I actually am and how much is a myth you know? 🙂
      Top Ten Tuesday posts are so easy to draft ahead of time, I mean you already have the theme so why not right? Also I really need to start a bullet journal, everyone seems to love theirs so why not right? Plus I think it could really help with blogging because it seems to be that way for a lot of people! 😀

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      1. OMG my bullet journal is such a life saver. I never started one before because I thought it would just be another project and lots of work, and I didn’t think it could really be that much of a help, just more of a burden. BUT I DID IT AND I LOVE IT and my life is seriously so much more organised…plus it makes me feel more accomplished to see my progress on paper!

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      2. I’ve been looking at pictures people have posted of their own bullet journals on Pinterest and the like and it really really makes me want to start my own. I love art and creative things like that so I think it’s something I’d love doing.
        Maybe one day soon… 🙂

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  14. Being a student in Hong Kong, there isn’t really much time for us to do anything else besides studying and more schoolwork. I try to type one blog post at every weekend and blog hop once I come home while listening to some music that is on my to-listen-to list. So I can do both things at the same time! And on top of that, I still have to read. Of course, I still hope to write more on my blog but that doesn’t seem quite possible when school starts.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I think if that’s all the time you can spare for blogging then that’s still something. I mean school and schoolwork has got to come first and the fact that you’re blogging on top of that is great. I don’t think I could have done this on top of my schoolwork when I was in high school. No way. Besides the silver lining of blogging more once school is out has got to keep you going sometimes right? 🙂

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  15. I feel so unorganized compared to you 😀

    It is always difficult to manage full-time job, blogging and reading. Especially when you want to dedicate to the blog as much time as possible. I found that for me writing and scheduling everything every Sunday works the best. That means that I can spend more time blog hopping, reading and just doing other things during the week.

    But that also means that I usually spend an entire Sunday in front of my laptop, typing as many posts as possible, editing, preparing photos and so on. This is also the day when I write the reviews for the books read during the week.

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    1. I’m probably not as organized as I’ve made myself seem in this post! 😀
      Yeah there are days when my full-time job definitely gets in the way of blogging. I think then it’s just about working out how to manage it, and not burning myself out by trying to do too much at once. Weekends are great for that because I can get so much done and almost take a step back during the week.
      Ha, yeah that’s pretty much my weekend as well. I’ve found it to be hectic but still fun! 😀

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  16. I have finally found a nice schedule. I blog hop in the morning, then write a review if I need to. I now write reviews within a day after I finished the book. I try to prepare posts when I have time, and schedule every post of a week on Sundays. But I know I soon won’t have as much time so that nice little plan is going to change! I use a spreadsheet to keep track of my books, with many more details than Goodreads, and a diary to plan my blog posts, book releases, etc!

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    1. For me I blog hop whenever I have the time, which normally ends up being in the evenings when I get home from work. I always try and write my reviews when I finish the book. I’ve learnt the hard way the longer I leave them the more likely I am to forget what happened and what I want to write.
      Trying to work your schedule around change is hard, I know from experience, so I’ll wish you luck with that Meggy. 🙂 I do think having a spreadsheet helps, I keep adding more and more to mine and it’s definitely become my blogging bible! 😀

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  17. I underestimated blogging when I first started. I thought post ideas would come just like that but, oh man. Now that I’ve started my thesis, my blogging schedule needs to be readjusted. Oh, and add the bad wifi connection I have at home.
    Thank you, thank you, for the excel tip! I don’t know why I didn’t think of that!
    Oh, and is there like a resource for book tags that I can look into??
    PS Sharing this on twitter 🙂

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    1. I almost feel underestimating blogging is something we all did. I mean I think I knew how long it would take me to write posts but not how long it would take me to blog hop each day. Definitely a trial and yeah I get what you mean about bad wi-fi because I have that here as well.
      Excel is one of the first things I thought of when it came to organizing my blog. I use it so often anyways it was the only possible choice you know?
      I’m not sure about a resource for book tags, possibly, I’ve just created my own list and I use that as my own resource. 🙂 It works for me.


  18. Hey Beth! Great discussion! I have certainly struggled with time management and in fact stopped blogging back in 2015 when I first started only to come back in 2017. You’re right that you need to be able to step back and scheduling posts helps when you need a break… I have a bullet journal where I track the posts I’m writing and everything else is digital! Love your excel spreadsheet… WOW! I’m struggling to keep up with my blog hopping… I can’t do it every night and feel like I’m failing when I have to leave it but sometimes it’s read a book or a blog… I think it’s fascinating you put the blog hopping first! I need to think about that… ♥️

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    1. Thanks so much Dani, oh well I’m glad you came back to blogging in the end. I get what you mean because I had a few blogs before this one that ended up fizzling out. I was determined to make this one work and I did and part of that is because how I manage my time now.
      I need to start a bullet journal, plenty of people seem to love them so I feel like they’d be a big help for me as well. I struggle with blog hopping sometimes as well. It can be hard to get everything done in one day, especially when there are so many other things to get done too, but yeah putting blog hopping first and having those draft posts has been a massive help! 😀

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  19. Agh, I love this post, Beth! I’ll actually be doing a post soon all about my post-planning stuff, so I don’t want to say too much haha! I basically use a Google Doc to keep track of my posts for the month (I brainstorm them a month earlier). I really should write down all the tags/awards I’m nominaed for, agh!

    Oh, that’s such a great idea to have post drafts ready to go! THIRTY DRAFTS OH MY GOD THAT’S A LOT. 😂 My posts are usually over 1K words so it’s hard to write a lot of drafts, but I should definitely try it out! Great post, Beth! ❤

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    1. Thanks so much May! 😀 Ohh, in that case I’ll be eagerly awaiting your post on this topic as well. Google Docs is a good way to keep things organized, but for some reason I could never wrap my head around it. Plus I use Excel all the time at work anyway so it is just what I’m used to.
      Having drafts saved has helped me out a lot since I started blogging, it really does take some of the pressure off knowing I have them ready to do if I need them.
      Thanks so much May, and good luck with writing your drafts as well. 🙂 ❤

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  20. I don’t really draft posts – I just draft titles for posts I think I want to do in the future so I have a list of ideas at hand whenever I’m stuck! Usually, whenever I’m in a writing mood I will write and schedule out as many posts as I can to make sure there is new content going up which gives me enough time to write any other posts I feel inspired to write while also allowing me all the time I want to blog hop! But recently I haven’t been feeling like writing most days and I’ve run out of all my pre-written posts (as they have all been published by now) and I’ve kind of been struggling to get posts written. I might have to try and figure out a better way to deal with this!

    This was a really great post, Beth and it offered some great tips and ideas for sure! Thank you!

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    1. Well if that’s what works for you stick with it. Personally I just find it easier to blog when I have posts saved and ready to go in my drafts folder, but unlike you I don’t plan out what I want to write until I’m ready to write it. All my ideas remain in my head until they’re ready to be drafted.
      Sounds almost like a blogging slump, which I hope you come out of soon Swetlana. I had to deal with that back in June and having those drafts was a lot of help. Luckily mine didn’t last long and I was able to get writing again before my backlog ran out.
      Thanks so much, I’m glad you enjoyed this post and yes I hope it did give you some ideas! 😀 ❤

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  21. This post is great! Most of my time to write blog posts is a half hour here and a half hour there so what I tend to do is write a to-do list of sorts, and work on the appropriate posts when I have time. Some things take more time than others. I also worked for a company where I had to keep producing writing and create an editorial calendar for our newsletters pretty constantly.

    It was great practice for running my own one-woman blog, but because of that I try to work a week ahead of schedule save for WWW Wednesdays and Friday 56. I also keep tags I’ve been working on in drafts, and I will add a book or two here and there so that by the end of the week I can maybe clear out 5 or 6 posts from my drafts folder and schedule them across a week.

    I have considered buying a planner for my blog posts because I want to do a spreadsheet, but the company I work organizes themselves that way, and while it’s great, I want to go a little more analog for my blog.

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    1. Thanks so much Lauren. I think I’m pretty much the same when it comes to writing blog posts and writing to-do lists for my blog posts. It helps me to know what I want to write when, even if all I know is what I want to write not the content or anything.
      Sounds like an interesting job, and I can definitely see how things like that would help with your own blog. I can’t say my job has really helped with mine but that’s just the way it is. 🙂
      I do the same with tags and features and weekly memes. You can save loads of those in your drafts can’t you and it’s a massive help not to have to worry about writing them on the day.
      For me and my blog a planner just works well for me, but it’s something I created myself so not a set one. That way I can organize it how I like rather than in a set format someone else has created you know? 🙂

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  22. Hm, I definitely rely mostly on doing drafts! When I’m in the mood, I try to write two drafts a day and switch back and forth between the two to make it more efficient until a whole month’s posts are completed! Before I ever start writing, though, I try to make a rough outline of what I want to write about! It’s definitely made blogging a little easier since I don’t have to waste time staring at my computer screen wondering how I want to write something. 😂 I also don’t try to force myself to write posts since there’s no need to make a hobby stressful! 😄

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    1. Having drafts saved can be so much help can’t it? And wow you sound even more organised than I am! I can’t really say I have a whole month worth of posts drafted, mainly because I’m pretty up to date with my reviews. I can say I have until the end of the years worth of tags written and drafted so that’s something! 😀
      Oh see I don’t think I could work with an outline. For me a lot of my blogging just comes from me sitting at my laptop and starting writing from scratch. Honestly I can’t imagine any other way to write.
      Definitely agree, keeping blogging a fun and enjoyable hobby is a must! 😀

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  23. I personally don’t draft posts because so far I haven’t had any problems. I don’t mind not having a strict schedule, I just blog when I feel like it and have the time, and I blog hop in between. What I love tho is having lots of notes for posts I want to write in the future – without those I would be lost 😂

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    1. If not drafting works well for you then stick with it. I don’t think I could do that personally. I just like having a set plan for my posts and drafts so I know what I want to post when. That could just be more who I am than anything you know?
      See I’m the opposite on that side of things, I never keep notes I just try and remember all my blog ideas in my head! 😀


      1. Hahaha that’s funny! I would have thought that someone who drafts posts keeps notes as well. How weird 😀

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      2. How do you remember everything tho? I forget post ideas 2 seconds after coming up with them if I don’t write them down 😅

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  24. I was doing fairly well with my schedule and writing my posts on time, but I started working full-time last week and promptly realised that it’s a whole new beast to deal with… so currently I’m in a phase of trying to work out how I handle that.
    Other than that, I’m really glad I’m used to drafting posts well in advance. I try to write my reviews as soon as possible after reading the book, but when they get posted is a different story. I keep a list just for my reviews in my bullet journal, and I plan my posts ahead on my monthly spread every month, just to have a quick overview over what I need when and where I’m at with drafting.

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    1. Oh that’s good to hear, and yeah I completely get what you mean because when I started my new job I had to re-juggle blogging alongside everything else in my life and it was a bit of a challenge I’ll admit. You’ll get the hang of it soon I’m sure, it took me a little while but I got there in the end.
      Sounds like you’re very well organised, when it comes to my reviews I try to do the same, it’s just all my other posts that can fall in the wayside a little. 🙂

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  25. I never imagined that blogging would take up as much of my time as it does. Writing blog posts, answering comments, catching up to other peoples posts, blog hopping – everything takes time and I had no idea about any of it before I started blogging! 😀
    I actually have all the tags and awards in my drafts – that way I’m sure that I won’t miss any, plus it gives me an easy overview. That way I’m sure that I will get to all the tags/awards that I need to do (basically I have over 35 drafts currently). Without doing that I would definitely wouldn’t be able to keep track of it.
    Great post Beth!! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Me neither. I mean writing blog posts a lot of time is what I expect, I feel I knew going in how long that would take and I was prepared for that. It was the commenting and the blog hopping that caught me out. I didn’t expect that to take anywhere near as long as it did. But it’s too late now, I’m too far in to back away from my blog. 🙂
      That’s a good way to keep track of your tags. I’m trying to get up to date with them all. Basically I’m drafting as many tags as I can in the hopes that one day I’ll be up to date and can do them as I’m tagged in them.
      Thanks so much Anna! 😀

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  26. I took a blog hiatus for a few months ago when I was still studying at uni, because I had set a blogging schedule which was so packed, and I had no time to write and post anything. Now I’m back, I have a strict blogging schedule that I like to stick to, and make sure I have those posts scheduled at least one day before they are due out. I keep saved template drafts for each post so I just need to write my content in, so I like to think that I’m a fairly well organised person when it comes to my blog, but there are times when I have so much stuff to do outside blogging that it’s tough to keep up! This is such a great post for helping others to find a way that works for them when managing a lot of posts! ☺️

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    1. One day I’d like to set a stricter blogging schedule than the one I currently have; but like I’m a mood reader I can be a mood blogger as well, and what I have at the moment just works for me. I do try and have my posts written and saved down at least a day before I publish them, like you, and I imagine having templates is a massive help as well.
      It sounds like you’re a more organised blogger than I am. 🙂 Yeah I think there are always going to be outside things that takes over, so then flexibility is the key. As long as what you have works for you that’s the important thing.
      Thanks, and yes hopefully this post will help some other bloggers out there! 🙂


      1. Yeah, like you said, different things will work for different people, and it’s trying to find a balance between blogging enough for yourself and not overloading yourself at the same time!

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  27. Reblogged this on The DOWNGRADE Project and commented:
    The majority of the time I just do spontaneous posts but when I have nothing to write about, I have a backup selection of pre-planned draft posts waiting for me. I will get through them all eventually, just trying to keep most of my content as current as possible.

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    1. Keeping your content current is a good thing to be able to do. I think for me having drafts just works better in the long run.
      It certainly makes it easier to keep my blog updated when I don’t have any energy to write a new post, or nothing new to write about certain evenings like you said. 🙂

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