Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Bookish Blogging Goals for 2017

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Each week there is a new topic for bloggers to choose and list their top ten. It was a free pick this week so I chose; Top Ten Bookish Blogging Goals for 2017.


This time last year(ish) one of the Top Ten Tuesday topics I took part in was Top Ten Resolutions I Have for 2016, so for this week’s free pick I thought it would be interesting to go back and see what resolutions I managed to keep, what ones I broke, and what ones I can work towards for 2017. I’ve never been good at keeping resolutions, most of the time I end up breaking them before January is halfway done, which is why I’ve decided to set goals rather than resolutions. That way maybe I can trick myself to keeping more this year than I did last.


…Complete my Goodreads reading challenge.

Originally my Goodreads challenge was to get through 150 books, which seemed like an easy goal considering I read over 200 books in 2015. I didn’t manage to read 150 books last year, but I lowered my Goodreads challenge to 100 and managed to exceed that so I’m going to count this one as success.

…Make a dent in my seemingly endless to-read list.

I think this one was one I was doomed to fail from the start. My to-read list was already huge before I started blogging back in November 2015, and after joining WordPress and discovering so many amazing books it was impossible not to add the majority of them onto my to-read list.

…Don’t add any new books onto my to-read until I have finished some of the series that have been on it for years.

While I did manage to get through a fair few series last year I can’t say many of them were ones that had been on my to-read list longer than a year. The only series I did read that could count towards this resolution was Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas, and unfortunately I couldn’t finish that one because the sixth book hasn’t even been released yet.

…Re-read some of my favourite books.

Not as many as I would have liked, but I re-read old favourites every year without fail so I think this one was always going to be an easy resolution to complete.

…Discover new authors and genres I’ve never or rarely attempted before.

I’m not sure I can say I managed to discover too many new genres I’ve rarely attempted before, but I can definitely say that about new authors. Sarah J. Maas, Rick Riordan, Jandy Nelson, Ryan Graudin, Anna-Marie McLemore, Kasie West, and so so many more have become new favourites of mine.

…Attempt to get through at least one Classics novel.

Honestly, when it comes down to it, I’m really not surprised that I didn’t manage to cross this one off my list last year. Classics are not my favourite genre, too many bad memories caused by required reading assignments at high school.

…Try and stick to a budget for book buying.

Ha! No, definitely not. All you have to do is look at some of my book hauls from 2016, including the ones from when I was on a book buying ban, to see how badly I failed at this one.

…Finish the ‘A Song of Fire and Ice’ series.

Again this one was a no. Despite only having two books left, A Dance with Dragons part one and two, I couldn’t motivate myself to pick them up. I am up to date on the TV series if that counts for anything though.

…Keep blogging, no matter what.

I can say this was a massive success. Last November  I reached my one year blogiversary which was a goal I never thought I would get to. To say I was thrilled to make it that far feels like a massive understatement but here’s hoping it’s the start of many more years blogging to come.

…Reach 100 followers.

This one was always going be hit or miss because it was the only one I couldn’t control myself. When I made it I thought it was lofty goal to reach, but by the time I got to my one year blogiversary I’d had ten times that many followers. To say I was surprised is understating it, but I was so amazed as well.


…Reach my two year blogiversary.

I made it to one year so I feel pretty confident that I can make it to two years now.

…Complete my Goodreads reading challenge.

Considering I read over 100 books last year I’ve made my challenge this year the same. Fingers crossed it will be second time’s the charm.

…Redesign my blog.

I’ve had the same layout, banner, design, everything for over a year now. I feel it’s past time for a change.

…Create a Goodreads account.

This is at the top of my list, and if it isn’t done in January it will be before February is over.

…Try and keep on top of my tags and awards.

I’m already starting at a loss on this one, but I’m determined to be in better place come the end of 2017.

…Take part in a blog tour.

They always look like so much fun, and it would certainly be interesting to take part in one myself.

…Start discussions or a new feature.

At the moment I only take part in two weekly features, and asides from that it’s just tags and reviews. I’d like to expand my posts at some point, and while I have a few ideas I need to work on something more solid.

…Try and plan ahead when it comes to blogging and posting.

This is a major one I want to succeed at because last year blogging pretty took up my whole life. I love it don’t get me wrong, but I’d like to make more time for some of my other hobbies as well.

… Attempt to get through at least one Classics novel.

I failed last year but I’m determined to get through one this year. The Iliad is my top pick at the moment so finger’s crossed.

…Try my hand at creating graphics.

There are so many blogs out there that have such gorgeous graphics, I’d like to see what I could create for my tags and/or reviews given a chance.

So what do you think? Did you take part in this week’s Top Ten Tuesday, if so let me know what some of bookish blogging resolutions you made are or what you picked for this week’s free-for-all.

56 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Bookish Blogging Goals for 2017

  1. Awesome post, Beth! I’m glad you managed to keep some of your resolutions last year! It’s always nice to re-read some old favorites now and then 😀 It’s great to find some new authors you like, too. I have GOT to get my hands on a Kasie West book soon haha. Classics definitely aren’t my favorite genre either, but there are a few gems out there I actually like in high school, like Lord of the Flies and East of Eden!

    Your new goals are all wonderful. Please join us in Goodreads! We’d love to see you there ❤ It's high time I redesigned my blog as well haha. It's both stressful and fun to figure that sort of thing out. And if you figure out how to make graphics, let me know. I'd love to learn how to do that, as well! I know you'll make it to year two year blogiversary. I'm excited to see what this year brings all around the blogging community. It's amazing how quickly you've grown, although I can't say I'm surprised! Congrats on all your milestones you've reached this past year and can't wait to see what you manage to achieve this year! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much Azia, yeah overall I didn’t get through as many resolutions as I would have liked last year but I guess any are better than none in this case. And I think any I didn’t get to I’ll still have a go at this year as well.
      Oh I tried reading Lord of the Flies in high school and I did not like it at all. I feel I can say that’s one of the books that attributed to why I don’t like classics now.
      Goodreads will be coming up soon, fingers crossed, though it will take time to have my profile fully up and running. Yeah redesigning my blog is not something I’m going to be able to do overnight but I’m gonna to play around with a few things and see what I can come up with.
      I’ll definitely let you know, and yep, bring on the two year blogiversary goal! 😀
      Thanks so so much Azia, I honestly think it’s crazy how much blogging has changed for me over the last year, but I love it to pieces so I can’t wait to see what the new year brings. Here’s hoping we both have an amazing 2017! 😀 ❤

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      1. Definitely! I certainly didn’t meet all my resolutions, but meeting a few is just as good haha
        Lord of the Flies is definitely a “love it or hate it” book. The majority of my peers absolutely HATED it. But I can see where you’re coming from. None of the characters are very likable LOL
        Can’t wait to see you on Goodreads 😀 I hope you enjoy the redesign process!
        And amen to that! ❤

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      2. Maybe one of my resolutions can be to try and meet more resolutions this year than last, but honestly any I cross off my list will be a success for me, even if it’s just one or two.
        I was in the hate it camp in that case. I think the main reason was because the characters. I need to be able to connect with them to really enjoy the stories.
        Goodreads coming up, redesign shortly after that, very excited to get started on some of these! 😀 ❤


  2. Looooove this post Beth! I’m trying to organise my blog and my goals a bit better this year, so I might well have to do something like this. And yaaaaay, you must come and join us on Goodreads – although no doubt having you as a friend would increase my never-ending TBR pile even more haha. Good luck with all of your goals for 2017, I’m sure you’ll smash it. 🙂 x

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    1. Thanks so much Sammie, and in that case good luck with trying to organise everything. It’s something I struggle with because there are times I’m super organised but then opposite times when I’m super lazy! 😀
      I feel joining GR will increase my never-ending to-read list as well but I will be creating an account someday soon. Thanks so much Sammie, and I hope I do! 😀 ❤


  3. Oh man… TBR’s are like BORN to GROW exponentially when you dive into the blogosphere. It’s simply INSANE. Not buying books is also an impossible one. Holy moly. If I had that goal, I’m pretty sure I would’ve INSTANTLY failed the next second! Sucks that your required readings ruined classics for you! I do hope you’ll be able to go through the Illiad! And maybe find a new passion for some particular classics! 😀

    – Lashaan

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    1. They really are, I just don’t think I realised how much it would grow when I joined WordPress. That’s actually pretty much how it was for me. I’d put myself on a book buying ban and then the next day I’d be on Amazon buying more books, I have o self control when it comes to shopping!
      Yeah it is a shame, but hopefully The Iliad will be the book that changes that for me! 😀


  4. Those are some pretty good goals! Every time I try to set up goals I fail so I’ve been taking my blog in stride this year and just going with the flow. So far it’s been pretty good & to be honest I’ve been less stressed. I hope these goals help you find a good balance! 🙂

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  5. Yes Beth you NEED a Goodreads account, just so I can stalk your TBR endlessly and find new books to read haha. Also, it’s SO useful I am sure you’ll love it. Best of luck for all of your goals this year, I am sure you can do all of this, and even more, given how much you have done in your first blogging year already. You are amazing, Beth, and forever one of my blogging role models ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s high on my list. Either this weekend or next (although it will likely be next) and before I cross off any of my other goals I’d need to cross off that one!
      My TBR list will be endless I can tell you that already. 🙂
      Thanks so much Marie. I want to try and get through the majority of them this year, if not all of them, so I feel I need all the luck I can get! Also thanks so so much, it means so much to me that you think that because it’s the same for me when it comes to you and your blog! 🙂 ❤️

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  6. Good luck with all those goals! I so want to change my design but I like it and I suck at designs and graphics so I’m afraid to mess it up haha! Blog tours are so cool, you’d have a blast with it, I hope you can take part in one at some point 🙂

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    1. Thanks Donna, I feel I’ll probably need a fair bit of luck to cross some of these goals off my list this year! 🙂
      I’d need to find something I was happy with. I guess it’s just experimenting with different graphics and layouts and seeing which ones fit.
      I hope so too, they always look like a lot of fun when I see other people publishing posts for them! 🙂


  7. 😂😂😂 making a dent in my TBR would be nice… but unfortunately impossible!! I also didn’t manage my Goodreads challenge last year, but I’m determined to this year!!! You should definitely take part in a blog tour! They are loads of fun 🙂 I’ve started writing and scheduling ahead as well instead of just on the day, but sometimes I do still end up doing blog posts last minute!! Great list 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Nice but impossible is a good way to sum it up for me as well. Still I’m going to have to give it a try just like I did last year! Oh good luck with completing your GR challenge this year Lauren, how many books did you set yourself as a goal?
      Taking part in a blog tour is high on my list! 🙂
      There are always going to be days when you need to post last minute, but I think scheduling can take a lot of the pressure off on other days.
      Thanks Lauren! 😀 ❤️

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      1. I think it’s a doomed mission for me because it seems like everytime I read one book, I add 3 more 😂😂😂 I did 90 books this year 🙂 and true, but I’m definitely trying to stay organised and on top of it

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  8. Your resolution to stick to a book budget last year, I had a similar one and it’s safe to say we both failed that. But hey, at least we failed it together! 😂😂 And bought a lot of great books. This year I’m not putting myself on a budget so much as only letting myself buy a book when I’m going to read it. Or buy a book for series I’ve been reading. I also wanted to read one classic or reread but never got around to it either. Also, YES create a GoodReads! I’m so excited for you to have a GR account. Although, I only really use mine to keep track of what I’m reading and want to read lol. I can’t wait to see what discussion or feature you end up doing. These are some great goals for 2017, Beth! 💕😁
    Oh and on blog tours you should so check out because they do a lot of great blog tours. I haven’t signed up for one through them yet but I’ve seen a lot of people do ones for them. 😊

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    1. Ha, I guess you’re right if we have to fail at least we failed together. Besides we’re book bloggers, buying books is part of blogging so we can’t be blamed for not sticking to that one! 😀
      I’m going to try and do the same this year actually. I figured it’s more about managing what I buy rather than how much money I spend. I would try only buying books I’m immediately going to read but I know I’d fail at that one again! 🙂
      Hopefully you’ll get around to a classic read it re-read this year then. And don’t worry GR is at the top of my list at the moment so before I get start on any other resolutions that one will have to be done! I’ll have a lot of reviews to upload when I do get around to it I can tell you that! 😀
      Thanks so much Melissa, I’ll wish you luck with whatever blogging goals you have for this year too, and also thanks for the link. I will definitely be checking that out when I next have a spare moment! 😀 ❤️

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      1. Exactly! If we didn’t buy any books we couldn’t exactly be book bloggers. Although, there is the library. But I know a lot of us don’t have ones with a wide range of YA in them near us so. 😊
        I’m surprised it’s working for me so far. There are so many books that I want to buy but then I’m like “Will you read that any time soon?” and if the answer is no I force myself no to buy it. We’ll see if it keeps working though. lol
        I can’t wait! I’ll be keeping a look out for when you do make one.
        You’re welcome, Beth!! 😊💕

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      2. If my library had a decent selection of books then I’d go there a lot more but honestly all the books there I’m either not interested in or I’ve read before. Besides there’s something I like more about actually owning a book I love rather than having to borrow it from a library you know? It’s great you have a wide range of YA near you, I think even if I had the same I’d still be buying loads of books opposed to borrowing them! 😀
        I’ll be posting an update to let everyone know when I have, but I’ll probably add a few people on WordPress as GR friends as well. 🙂

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      3. I usually opt to use my library’s ebook service through OverDrive rather than make a trip. They have a decent YA section but more often than not I can’t find a book I’m looking for and have to request it to be added. But yeah, I completely agree about there being something about owning a book that I prefer rather than checking it out. 😊
        Yay! I can’t wait. 😁

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      4. My library doesn’t actually have anything like that. If I want to check out a book I either need to make a trip down there or buy it myself. And honestly I’d rather buy it myself because then I get to keep it.
        It sounds like OverDrive is a great way to check out books, maybe one day they’ll introduce it over here, then I’ll be going to library more I can tell you that! 😀

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  9. I love classics, and I’m always so excited when I see other bloggers reading them. I hope you get to one this year! I like to remind myself that classics come in all different styles and genres. Shakespeare is very different from Steinbeck. I don’t like all classics either (blegh, 18th century), but I hope there’s something for everyone!

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    1. I’m hoping if I pick up a classic book because I want to I’ll enjoy it more than I did in high school. Maybe I just need to find my classic genre, maybe it’ll be The Iliad but maybe there’s another out there I’ll like better. Hopefully this year I’ll have at least one review posted for at least one classic book! 🙂


      1. I honestly had better luck with classics in college than high school. High school literature class (in my experience) was a fairly boring combination of rehashing the plot, talking about historical context, and talking about minor things like metaphors and symbols. In college, even when I didn’t personally like a book, the conversation was usually interesting enough that I at least understood why someone else would like the book. No plot summaries or pointless symbols to be found. (Except in Milton, which was 90% summary because apparently most of the class couldn’t understand the writing… That class was so dull at times.)

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      2. I didn’t continue with English in university so I guess I only experienced the high school classics so to say. There was nothing I read that interested me and nothing I read that really stuck with me throughout the years either. Maybe it was all the talking we did about the books but who knows? It’s great you enjoyed classics more, and more again in college! 😀


  10. Great list Beth! These are all amazing resolutions. 🙂
    I’m trying this year not to add too many new books to my TBR list, until I manage to get through some books that I have owned for ages. Plus I definitely need to finish some of the series I started ages ago, it’s really annoying me that I haven’t finished them as I do love reading series.
    I would love to finish the A Song of Fire and Ice this year. Though I really doubt that is going to happen. I have only read the first two books so far and it takes me AGES to get through one of George R.R. Martin’s books. Well, I at least plan to continue with the series this year.
    I’m nowhere near good with keeping up with tags and awards…I have over 30 of them to do. Sooo you’re definitely not the only one struggling with that. I should probably get to some of them soon. (Which I hopefully will.)
    Good luck with all your resolutions! ❤

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    1. Thanks so much Anna, and yeah, here’s hoping I manage to keep a few more of them this year! 🙂
      I’ve kind of given up on adding that to my goals this year. I just don’t think it’s in me to not add books to my to-read list. I’m still going to try and get through some of the books what have been on my to-read list forever now, but good luck to you on managing that this year. 🙂
      I think because the Game of Thrones books are so long they’re something I’ll get around to when I get around to them. Wow you have more to get through, so more pages overall, but as long as you make a dent I guess that can count towards your goal.
      I don’t know if I have as many as thirty. I know I’m about six months behind on tags now so I need to get posting again! 😀
      Thanks Anna, good luck to you with yours as well! ❤️

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  11. RE: Classics – I always have this nagging feeling that I should read more classics, but I also never really enjoyed them (save for the occasional book). It’s not even bad memories or anything, but the ones that I did try to pick up are usually so… dry, I’d lose my interest pretty quickly. Good luck reading the Iliad!

    And yes to a Goodreads account! It might be overwhelming at first because there’s just so many books to rate, but now that I’ve a bit of a routine it’s a super useful tool to find new books and reviewers with your taste.

    PS: You’re so amazing I bet any discussion/new feature/graphics you write/create would be equally amazing. I can’t wait to see what this year brings for you and your blog. 💕

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    1. I’m kind of just curious whether I can enjoy a classic if I pick one up and start reading it because I want to, rather than because it’s what my English Lit GCSE will be focused on. I love Greek mythology so at the moment The Iliad seems like my best bet. 🙂
      I have posted a fair few reviews on my blog so I’ll have a backlog of reviews to post but I guess I can add a little at a time, as long as I have an actual profile soon. It’ll help me keep on top of my to-read list as well I imagine! 🙂
      Thanks so much Reg. It means so much to me that you think that, and actually I’m pretty excited about starting something new on my blog as well! 🙂 ❤️


    1. It’s on my to-do list. I really need to get around to it sooner rather than later so it’s at the top of my list now.
      Well good luck with your goal in that case as well. I guess long books are a valid excuse to be a little behind. I’m sure you’ll catch up before too long! 😀


  12. As someone just starting out on this blogging adventure, seeing someone who is established share things like this is so helpful. I joined the community to help me expand my book reading outside my comfort zone. I wish you luck with your lofty goals for this year!

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    1. Oh it’s wonderful you found this post helpful, also welcome to WordPress and to your blogging adventure as well. I’m sure you’ll love it! 😀
      If you want to expand your book reading this is definitely the best way to go about it in my opinion. I’ve discovered so many amazing books thanks to other peoples reviews.
      Thanks, hopefully I manage to cross a few of them off my list this year! 🙂


  13. Omg yes yes yes please create a goodreads! I need more places to stalk your book choices and chat to you about current reads! I really want to do a blog tour this year to but I’m unsure of how they work! Some research might be required… Also I read ‘resign’ in place of ‘redesign my blog’ and had a momentary heart-attack thinking because I thought you were giving up blogging! XD Thankfully, I read the rest of the goal and realised that isn’t the case. Great post for this week!

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    1. It’s very high on my list so hopefully I’ll get around to creating a GR account very soon. I can tell you already my to-read and read lists will be really long so they’ll be plenty of book choices for you to stalk, and yeah anywhere I can chat with you guys a little more would be great as well.
      I’m not sure either, so I guess research will be the next step for me.
      And that would be because I actually wrote resign instead of redesign. That should tell you all you need to know about my spelling skills. I’ve changed it but don’t worry because I have no plans to resign from this blog anytime soon! 😀


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