Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten TV Shows I Can’t Wait for the Next Season Of

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Each week there is a new topic for bloggers to choose and list their top ten. This week’s theme is a TV freebie, so I picked Top Ten TV Shows I Can’t Wait for the Next Season Of.

I watch a lot of my favourite TV shows on my laptop and as such if my laptop is on, which it normally is, there is one of my favourite TV shows playing in the background as I read or blog. There are tons of shows I need to start watching and tons of shows I need to catch up on but for this week’s TV themed freebie I decided to feature some of my favourite TV shows to which I need the next season. After all waiting for the next series of some of my favourite TV shows can be just as bad as waiting for some of my most anticipated books to be released.


Favourite episode: Changing Channels

Supernatural is one of my all-time favourite TV show and I always look forwards to a new season being aired. All in all Supernatural is actually responsible for a lot of great things in my life; I met some of my best friends because of the show and went to three amazing conventions as well.

Favourite episode: Real Dead Housewife of Seattle

A crime fighting zombie who eats the brains of murder victims and uses her visions to find their killers? It’s the perfect show for me; a mixture of crime and paranormal. After the end of season two, which changed the direction of the whole show in my opinion, I can’t wait for season three.

Favourite episode: This World Inverted

I still haven’t read all of Cassandra Clare’s books but I have started watching the TV show based on them. There are enough differences that I felt like I could get away with it, normally I like to have read the books before seeing the film/TV show, and I can’t wait to see what direction the show goes in the second season.

Game of Thrones
Favourite episode: The Winds of Winter

This. Show. Is. Amazing.

Like with Shadowhunters the TV series doesn’t follow the events of the book perfectly but the major events are the same. Watching season six I thought Battle of the Bastards was the best episode I’d seen, but then The Winds of Winter was aired and after everything that was revealed I need the next season like I need air to breathe.

The Flash
Favourite episode: Flash Vs. Arrow

I’m more of a Marvel fan over DC but when I saw the trailer for The Flash I couldn’t resist checking it out, and after watching the Pilot episode of season one I even went back and started watching Arrow. I’m still Marvel over DC but there are some DC superheroes I love; Barry Allen is one of them.

Favourite episode: Take Me Back to Hell

Another show where a supernatural creature uses their powers to solve crimes; this time though the devil is taking a vacation in LA and ends up helping the police track down killers. Tom Ellis is doing an amazing job playing Lucifer and I can’t wait for the second season to discover what’s next in store for all the characters.

Favourite episode: For the Girl Who Has Everything

Supergirl is actually my favourite DC superhero so when I saw she was getting her own TV show obviously I had to watch it. Season one was amazing and what I’ve seen of it so far, through promo photos, season two looks just as amazing. Plus they’re introducing Superman in the second series and I can’t wait to see more of Clark Kent.

Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Favourite episode: The Party

I love TV shows that can make me laugh and Brooklyn Nine-Nine is the best of the best. I am constantly laughing no matter how many times I’ve seen each episode. I would recommend everyone start watching this show, you don’t know what you’re missing out on; from the very first episode you will be in tears from laughing so much.

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Favourite episode: Turn, Turn, Turn

So I mentioned earlier that I am a Marvel fan over DC so of course one of the Marvel TV shows had to make it on my list this week. I enjoyed both Daredevil and Jessica Jones but honestly Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is a cut above the rest. It’s full of twists and turns that I never see coming, not that I should expect anything less from the MCU.

The Simpsons
Favourite episode: The Springfield Files

This is a show that never gets old. No matter how many times I’ve seen each episode, and I’ve seen all of them at least once, when watching I always remember what I love about this show. It’s something I normally have on in the background; I’m still able to follow the story even if I’m paying attention to something completely different.

So what do you think? Did you take part in this week’s Top Ten Tuesday, if so let me know what you picked for this week’s themed free-for-all, or what some of your favourite TV shows are.

110 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten TV Shows I Can’t Wait for the Next Season Of

  1. Totally looking forward to the next season of iZombie, The Flash, and Supergirl. Supergirl is by far my favorite show of this year and I’ve been waiting for iZombie for so long I can’t wait!

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  2. I seriously want to watch iZombie, it just sounds like a show that I would enjoy a lot. I have no idea why I haven’t started it yet.
    I have loved the first season of Lucifer! 😀 And I can’t wait for the second one to start, I’m really exited to see what is going to happen next (especially with how the show ended last season)! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes you should definitely watch it. iZombie is probably one of my favourites of my top ten this week! It’s really really good.
      Oh neither can I. That ending was brilliant and I really want to see more of Lucifer and his brother working together because I loved all of the scenes with the two of them, throughout the whole series not just the last episode. 😀

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m super glad to hear that you like it that much! It makes me even more exited to start watching it. 🙂
        I agree! I loved seeing them together. I also hope we get to see more angels (and demons as well).

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      2. Whoop, I hope you love it, you’ll definitely have to let me know what you think. It would be great to have someone to obsess over the next series with!
        I think, based on what escaped hell at the end of season one, we’ll be seeing more demons (I want to see more Maze as well!)

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      3. I’ll let you know what I think of it when I start watching it! 😀
        I really want to see more of Maze as well, she is amazing!

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  3. I didn’t think the Shadowhunters show was still on! I only watched the first two episodes- I’m horrible with keeping up with active TV shows, give me a show that’s ended and I can keep with it no problem! GOT is life haha, I haven’t seen season 6 yet, but I hear it’s very good and the series is only going to get better! 😀

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    1. I can be bad with keeping up with TV shows as well. There’s so many I watched the first few episodes of and never carried on with. But yeah there are 13 episodes of Shadowhunters currently released and they’re filming season 2 at the moment!
      Season six is amazing, the best of them all in my opinion. The season finale will probably be the best episode of the whole show for you, it was for me! 😀

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      1. The thing with the Shadowhunters is I don’t have the channel it airs on so I’m forced to watch it online-hence me forgetting to check to see if there are new episodes.
        Oh gosh, now I’m excited to watch season 6! 🙂

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      2. Oh that sucks, but I know the feeling. I have to watch a few of my favourite TV shows online and I fall behind just because I forget to check if there are any new episodes released.
        Oh you will love season six, there are no words to describe how amazing it is, especially the last two episodes! 😀

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    1. Sometimes there are just those classic shows that you can watch over and over and they never get old. I love shows like that and I love The Simpsons as well!
      Oh I wouldn’t say I was up to date on it either, it’s more one I just watch as and when, but I always look forwards to a new series coming out! 😀

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    1. Well they’re brilliant shows aren’t they? 🙂 I was pretty much hooked from the first episode of each and I am so so excited for them all to be back on the air.
      Ah I’m like your brother because I’ve been raving about Brooklyn Nine-Nine as well. It’s so funny and the characters are all amazing!
      Thanks Jolien. 🙂

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    1. I wasn’t sure what I expected going into Brooklyn Nine-Nine, in fact I’m still not sure why I started watching it because I don’t remember seeing any trailers for it, but it’s just amazing. And every episode is brilliant as well, I can’t think of one I haven’t loved! 🙂

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      1. Haha it is!!
        Grimm is really good, I put off watching it for awhile, then became hooked and watched 3 seasons in roughly 2 weeks lol, I have no life!

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  4. Game of Thrones is an amazing show! 🙌 I was so happy with this years finale. I only saw a few episodes of Shadowhunters before Freeform cutoff the number of episodes I could watch on Hulu. I’m hoping it comes to Netflix before the new season. The Flash is an awesome show as well. I loved the crossover one with Arrow. And Brooklyn Nine-Nine! Yes! That show is hilarious! The dynamic with that group is so good and The Simpsons is a classic. I grew up watching them. I still can’t believe it’s on. It must be the longest running TV show in history. 🙂

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    1. It’s one of my favourites, like ultimate favourites, and yes that finale was just perfect as well!
      Ohh that’s a shame! I hate it when TV sites do that, especially when you’re part way through a season! But I imagine it will be on Netflix at some point!
      I love The Flash and the Arrow both separately but the episode with both was amazing!
      Brooklyn Nine-Nine has become my favourite comedy show. I will watch each episode over and over waiting for the next season, it’s what I’m doing at the moment actually!
      I feel like it’s got to be close, I remember watching it when I was younger as well, and even today I still love it! 😀


  5. I can’t wait for Shadowhunters or Game of Thrones either! Especially Game of Thrones after that finale. That and theories for the next season is literally all my friend and I have been talking about lately. I’m actually contemplating rewatching all of the seasons because I binged them right before season six and am going through Game of Thrones withdrawal at the moment. 😂

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    1. I’ve had hour long conversations with my friends over what we think will happen in Game of Thrones next. I don’t think any of us will be right, that show is famous for surprising people isn’t it, but the guessing is part of the fun!
      I’m thinking of doing that myself, mainly because it will be fun going from one into the next with no break, not like in real life waiting for the next season! 😀

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      1. I don’t think any of us will be either! It definitely is one of those shows that surprise you, which is what I love most about it. I also love watching videos and reading other people’s theories. It’s interesting to see what everyone is coming up with!

        I loved that aspect about having binged for the first time before season six, going into each episode with no wait. That’s probably why the wait between now and the next season is so terrible though. 😂

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      2. The beginning of the finale of season six, with Cersei and Margaery, I never saw that coming in a million years. However there were a few people who guessed about the Jon Snow secret that was revealed, for me that wasn’t as much of a twist because I kind of thought it would be revealed at some point you know. My friend has some interesting theories for the next season but I’ll be really interested to see what’s really revealed!
        Yeah there’s that. I’ve pretty much watched it from the beginning so I’m well prepared for the wait for season seven by now. 😀

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      3. I didn’t either! My jaw dropped when she didn’t get out in enough time. It kind of sucked because I did like Margaery. But it was quite the way to start a finale! I actually hadn’t guessed about Jon but I think that’s because I was binge watching for two weeks straight and not looking up any theories. So I was definitely shocked at that part 😂. My friend had known about that theory though so she told me all about it after the fact and I couldn’t believe I never picked up on it lol. Same! I can’t wait to see what twists they throw in. 😊

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      4. I know, I never expected Margaery to go out like that, I figured she’d be one of the characters who made it to the end because she played the game of well.
        Yeah, it definitely started the finale with a bang didn’t it! (Pun intended)
        I think the theory about Jon is one of the most popular GoT ones so I kind of assumed it would be at least partly correct, especially when they showed that flashback episode with Lyanna earlier in the season.
        It was a great theory, and a great reveal as well so yeah I can’t wait for the next season! It’s gonna be amazing I know that much at least. 😀

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      5. Exactly! I always thought she would be the one to finally take Cersei down a notch, but instead she double empowered her. I don’t like Cersei but she has a way with payback even if karma bites her back every time. Lol it definitely was!

        I was so oblivious to that theory 😂. But yep great theory and great reveal and next seasons is definitely going to be amazing. 😊

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      6. I feel in the end Cersei will be taken down but I always thought it would be Margaery who would do that. Now I think it will possibly be Jaime (in fact that is one of my theories at the moment).
        In a way that’s got to be the best way to go into the show because you had no clue it was coming and it would have been an even bigger reveal! 😀

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      7. I thought the same! And I’m with you on the Jamie theory, my friend and I would talking about that a few weeks ago. Especially after Jamie seeing Cersei sitting on the throne. It has that ominous feel of Cersei having gone too far and him finally seeing that. It would be heartbreaking in the fact that Jamie really does love her, but would be an ironic twist at the same time.

        True! 😊

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      8. Yes, exactly, and I said this to my friend but in the books there’s a prophecy Cersai was told that says after all her children are dead she will be killed by her little brother, it’s why she hates Tyrion so much because he’s her little brother. But she and Jaime are twins and he could be her younger brother if she was born first. It’s why I think Jaime will be the one to kill her, especially if like you said she’s gone too far.
        I can’t wait to see what does happen though! 😀

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      9. See I didn’t know that! I remember the children prophecy from the show but I don’t think they mentioned about the little brother killing her thing (not that I remember anyway). I need to read the books. They’re on my never ending TBR and I really want to get around to them before the next season! I have admit I’m trying to wait for the last book though 😂.

        I can’t wait either! Until then I will keep coming up with/reading about theories. 🙈

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      10. I’m not sure if they mentioned the whole prophecy in the show but in the books it’s mentioned so I’m guessing the show will at least go in the same direction (having Cersai killed by her younger brother).
        I still need to read the fifth book but by this point I feel I’d need to re-read the first four to get a proper sense of the story and the characters again! A lot of reading basically!
        Yep, theories help pass the time! 😀

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      11. It’ll definitely be interesting to see how it’ll play out. If not slightly heartbreaking, if it happens that way. I think I’ll mostly feel bad for Jamie.

        So much reading! I think that’s partially why it’s daunting to start the series and why I want to wait. 😂

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      12. I’ve really enjoyed Jamie’s development over the past few seasons. I do feel he’s grown apart from Cersai a little but he still loves her, that is so obvious.
        It’s so long, and there’s a massive wait for each book so by the time a new one comes out you’ve pretty much forgotten what happened previously! 😀

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      13. So have I! He’s really grown as a character, the whole arc with him away from Kings Landing was great for him. I disliked him so much in the beginning but he’s become one of my favorites. Though, with Cersei “Queen” now it’s ironic him being the kingslayer and all. But yeah it’s obvious he still loves her and in the end with that theory being the biggest possibility I feel bad for him.

        That’s the worst! Series with really long waits between each book are always torture. I’ve heard about the fact that people have been waiting for the last book for a while.

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      14. Aside from Jamie the only other character who development I feel has changed them so much from the first season is Sansa. They’re both becoming favourites of mine just because of seeing how far they’ve come.
        Maybe the kingslayer name is one he’ll be earning again in the next season.
        I feel if she starts becoming too much like the mad King he will kill her though. No matter how much he won’t want to.
        Oh god yes. I’m not sure how long but it’s been a good few years now!

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      15. I agree! At first I didn’t really think much of Sansa. I didn’t hate her but I didn’t like her. But she’s also become one of my favorites!

        Maybe and I think so too. Through all his faults he has become an honorable character.

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      16. Exactly, she was pretty much just one of the side characters in the beginning but I’ve loved seeing her story develop and can’t wait to see where she goes next either.
        I definitely don’t think he’ll be able to let what Cersei did at the end of season six stand, not after killing the Mad King for trying to do the same thing.

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      17. Same! I have a feeling great things are coming for her. I hope we get a reunion soon between her Bran, Jon, and Arya. The one between her and Jon had me tearing up.

        True! In the end, the whole Cersei plot aside, I hope good things come for his character. I just really can’t wait to see how it all plays out for him.

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      18. Oh I know what you mean, we waited six seasons for a reunion if the Starks and we’re part way there now. I think both Bran and Arya are making their way back to Winterfell so hopefully next season we’ll see them all together! 🙂
        Yeah same again, he’s an amazing actor as well isn’t he?

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      19. I wish I had started watching when the first season aired. I kept hearing great things about it but kind of avoided it for the longest time and I’m not even sure why. It’s so good though and now that next season is supposed to be the last I’m sad that I didn’t watch it sooner.

        I’m planning on doing the same! 😃

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      20. Oh yeah it’s been a brilliant show from the very beginning, but at least you’re all caught up now!
        I actually think there are supposed to be two more seasons but each of them are going to have less episodes than previous. I think instead of ten each there’s going to be 13 total. At least that’s what I heard from a friend of mine.

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      21. That’s good! I hope there are going to be two more season because I’m so not ready for it to be over. I don’t know where I heard about next season being last and I might have read it wrong lol. I remember reading about the shorter season thing though, which sucks because less episodes when I’m always wishing for more. 🙈

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      22. I could be wrong, next season could be the last. But when I spoke to my friend she mentioned there were on 13 episodes, split into two seasons, but they were probably going to longer than the previous episodes had been.
        I’m not ready for it to end either, there’s going to be a massive hole in my life when I know there will be no more episodes of GoT being released.
        Yeah less episodes, but longer episodes hopefully! 😀

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  6. I’ve heard that about Brooklyn Nine Nine – that it’s so funny everyone should watch it! I’ll have to check it out for real now that I know you love it. 🙂

    I’m also keen on getting started on Lucifer, but it looks like such a dark show! Not the kind of stuff I’d watch before bed.

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    1. Yes, if I could only recommend one TV show to people it would be Brooklyn Nine-Nine! I hope you really enjoy it Reg. My friend has just started watching it as well and she’s loving it.
      I wouldn’t say it’s really dark, no more than Criminal Minds either way, but yeah I wouldn’t really recommend watching it before bed! 🙂 Another TV show I hope you enjoy. 😀


      1. I’ll keep that in mind! I’m currently starting Parks and Rec and I need to go through Season 1 first (as people keep telling me it’s bad, but the rest of the show is better), but I’ll definitely check out Brooklyn Nine Nine after. 😛

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  7. I’ve watched The Flash but I’m waiting for Netflix to upload the last season so i can watch it, I really like it. but GAME OF THRONES IS MY SHOW!!!!!!! I love love love that show! I love not knowing what to expect from each and every episode.

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    1. I’m a little behind on season two myself but I will be caught up by the time the next season is released!
      Yes Game of Thrones is just amazing isn’t it!? We’re beyond the events of the books now so I have no clue what is coming but I love what’s happened so far! 🙂

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  8. Supernatural + Simpsons = one happy girl.
    I love both shows! I love The Simpsons. I just tweeted about how a book was just released with the top tv shows of ALL TIME, and The Sinpsons were #1. #1!! That’s how awesome the show is!

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    1. That’s pretty much the formula for my life as well!
      I’m actually not surprised by that. It’s been on for years, has so many seasons, and it still comes up with original and amazing content. Honestly I’d be shocked if The Simpsons wasn’t number one! 😀


    1. I feel the same, if I ever need cheering up or if I’ve just had a bad day I will play one of the Brooklyn Nine-Nine episodes and it never fails to make me feel better!
      Oh I love Charles, but yeah I can kind of see why you’d find him a little creepy as well!
      Thanks for the link, I’ll definitely check out your TTT. 🙂

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  9. Shadowhunters actually disappointed me so much, to be honest. But I guess there would always be rants about books and movies not being the same quality. My main problem was Clary’s acting skills. Even tho I do think Kat is an adorable little kitty, her acting just drove me nuts 😦

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    1. Oh that’s a shame. I need to re-read the books so I think that may have helped me enjoy it a little more. I was able to take the TV show and the books as different stories you know. 🙂
      I honestly don’t mind Clary, I saw Kat in something else before I started watching Shadowhunters and I loved her in that as well! I guess with something adapted from a book everyone has their own idea of what the characters should be like!


    1. Thanks so much, and yeah these are amazing shows (in my opinion!) so it’s great you enjoy them as well! 🙂
      I need to marathon some shows, not any on this list but I have another of shows I need to start watching and I should probably attempt to make a dent in it at some point! 🙂


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