Anonymous Bookaholics

I feel like given how many books I’ve brought this month, mainly because of YALC but also because I have no self-control, I definitely need a bookaholic’s anonymous club. Is there a twelve step program for curing an addiction to books? But then again do I really want to be cured?

I may not know the answer to the first question, but to the second it’s a huge no from me.

Anonymous Bookaholics

I was tagged by Izzi at Ravenclaw Book Club. Thanks so much for the tag Izzi, I am slowly making my way through my queue but I am aware of how behind I am. I’m so sorry it’s taken me so long to get around to this one but I hope you enjoy reading my answers. As for everyone else you should definitely check out Izzi’s original post and also her blog while you’re there.

What do you like about buying new books?

I’ve never actually thought about it in too much detail before. I just like owning books, especially when it’s a series I love. I like being able to browse my bookshelves if I’m not sure what I want to read, and pick up something at random that I know I’ll love. I like having all the gorgeous covers on my bookshelves and making them look pretty as they’re slowly filled up with books.

I love the excitement of seeing a dispatch notification email from Amazon, waiting for the parcel to arrive and then seeing it in my room because it was delivered while I was at work. I love collecting books in series and finally having the whole set with matching covers. There’s loads of little reasons but I guess the main one is I love reading and I love owning books.

How often do you buy new books?

Just, whenever. There’s not really a particular day or time or anything; it’s just whenever I see something online on Amazon or in store in Waterstones I want to buy, or when I’ve just gotten paid and have money to spare.

Bookstore or online book shopping – Which do you prefer?

Online book shopping. I’m always buying books off Amazon for two main reasons; one is that they’re so much cheaper online than if I go into my local bookstore down the high street, and second is that there’s so much more variety as well. The only downside is the time it takes for them to be dispatched and delivered, but honestly I can deal with that if it means pre-ordering a book I really want cheaper than the retail price.

Do you have a favourite bookshop?

I do love Waterstones; no matter where I am if there’s a Waterstones nearby, regardless of if I need or want to buy new books, I will have to go in. My favourite shop is the one in Piccadilly Circus in London; it’s the biggest one I’ve been in and there are so many floors all filled with books. I could literally spend hours in there.

Although the other day I went into the Foyle’s down Charing Cross Road, also in London, and I spent about half an hour just standing in front of the bookshelves browsing. I didn’t buy anything but there was so much choice. Still as there’s no Foyle’s near my home I’ll stick to Waterstones.

Do you pre-order books?

Yes. At any one time I have tons of pre-orders I’m waiting on; although at the moment there are only four books I actually have pre-ordered off Amazon. I will probably go on a little bit of a pre-ordering spree soon, there are so many new releases I am excited for and I want them to be on their way to me the second they’re released.

Do you have a monthly book buying limit?

Depending on what other outgoings I have in any given month I try and stick to between £45 and £50 for books. However the real question is not whether I have a monthly book buying limit but whether I’ve ever stuck to it; and the answer to that question is no. I will always always go over budget when it comes to books. It’s actually something I’ve started planning for; £50 for books in August and another £25 for when I can’t resist buying more!

Book buying bans – Are they something for you?

Yes but not in the traditional sense. I won’t cancel any of my pre-orders if I’m ever on a book buying ban, and I will carry on buying subscription boxes – at the moment it’s Fairy Loot, and before that it was Owl Crate – but I will stop my impulse buying. It works well for me, and in the end there’s nothing better than walking into Waterstones after my book buying ban is over and going crazy again!

How big is your wishlist?

If everything on my wishlist were actual physical books with me right this second I’d be crushed under the weight of them all. I don’t have an actual number but it’s a lot, and since I started blogging the number has just kept steadily growing.

Which three books from your wishlist do you wish to own NOW?

Anonymous Bookaholics Wishlist

A Conjuring of Light by V.E. Schwab

After the ending to A Gathering of Shadows I would give anything to have a copy of this book in my hands right now. Plus I love V.E. Schwab so I know this book is going to be beyond amazing.

Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor

Laini Taylor wrote one of my favourite series of all time, Daughter of Smoke and Bone, so seeing that she had another book coming out was great news for me. The release date for Strange the Dreamer has been pushed back though, which means the wait has become pure torture.

Heartless by Marissa Meyer

An Alice in Wonderland retelling written by Marissa Meyer, my favourite fairytale retold by my favourite author. It’s like something from my wildest dreams, and I reckon this book will quickly become one of my favourite reads of 2016.

My tags:

And if there’s anyone else out there who wants to take part, consider yourself tagged. Just send me a link to your post in the comments so I can see what your answers are.

107 thoughts on “Anonymous Bookaholics

  1. I think I might need to join your Bookaholics Anonymous club because I can’t seem to go to the mall without popping into the bookstore and by that point it’s to late. I walk out with more than three books and I always get shouted at by my parents because to them I am “wasting money”.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’ve recently read Heartless and I’ve done a review type thing on it, and let me just say, it’s just as wonderful as it seems. I’m curious about the other books you want to buy, since you seem to have good taste.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I actually finished reading Heartless today and I agree it definitely was a wonderful book, there were parts I wasn’t keen on don’t get me wrong but overall it was an amazing read! 😀
      Thanks so much, I hope any books you do pick up from this post/my blog are ones you really love. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Agreed, there were some parts that weren’t the best, but like you said it was a great book overall. I’m wondering if you got Heartless for Christmas? I actually am going to read books that you recommend because your reading preferences seem to be similar to mine.

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      2. I have my copy of Heartless on pre-order still, the UK edition isn’t being released until February but luckily I got my hands on an ARC of it from NetGalley.
        That’s great to hear, you’ll have to let me know what you think of the ones you pick up! 🙂

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  3. I love buying new books, it makes me happy ❤ I'm quite thrifty though and frequent second hand bookstores (unless I'm after a specific edition), so that makes my wallet feel a little better!

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  4. I used to buy books on a regular basis but I realized how much “stuff” I had and I got rid of them. I now tend to check out more books from the library (about 5 a week) to satisfy by bookaholism.

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  5. This was a great post! I think I’ll try to do this over on my blog as well. The bookstores you described sound like a dream come true!
    Also I’m going to habe to pre-order that Marissa Meyer novel. I had no idea she was writing an Alice in Wonderland story…so excited. ☆

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much! And you should definitely take part in this, send me a link to your post and I’ll be sure to check it out as well.
      It was definitely my dream come true, I’d never seen so many books in one place before.
      Oh I’ve had it on pre-order for ages now! I’m so so excited for it to be released it still feels like such a long time to wait though. 🙂


  6. I love owning many books and browsing my own shelves! It’s just an amazing feeling having all of my favourite books in one place. ❤ Plus I love having many books to chose from, when I'm looking for a next read! (Though that number has started bothering me lately.)
    I love both online shopping and going to bookstores. For the longest time I only bought books online, but that was mostly because I wanted to read in English and such books were VERY expensive in the country that I grew up in. Sooo online book stores helped me there! 😀 Still, going to a bookstore and just browsing is wonderful as well.

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    1. It’s an addictive feeling as well, and probably why I have so many books sitting on my shelves. I need to sort them out because they’re in no particular order and I have some I brought from YALC which need sorting.
      Online book shopping is great for the price and variety. I guess it must be handy if you want to buy English books, but at times there’s nothing like going into a bookstore even if it’s just to browse! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  7. EPIC post! I was truly sitting there nodding YES! to everything 😂😂😂 no shame here either 😉 I do wish to visit a Waterstones one day, I keep hearing about it but all we have here is Barnes & Noble…somehow I feel like it’s not quite as fancy lol. I’m also looking forward to another Laini Taylor book, they are so few & far between but patience I keep telling myself LOL

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, and yeah these are definitely common bookworm problems/answers aren’t they? 😀
      See I love Barnes and Noble as well but we don’t have them in England (at least not that I’ve ever seen).
      It’s hard to have patience though isn’t it, especially when the blurb sounds good and it’s Laini Taylor so you know the writing is going to be amazing as well! 😀

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      1. Waiting is always the hardest part lol, I love Laini Taylor’s writing. I read the blurb & got so excited only to hear that it’s been pushed back a bit. Nonetheless, I’m sure it will be worth the wait 😉

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    1. It was a really fun tag to take part in, if you want to as well then definitely feel free!
      It’s the main one in England isn’t it? But oh if you get a chance definitely go to the Piccadilly Circus one in London, it’s so amazing!


  8. I like this tag, let’s go crazy and do it next week! 🙂
    Amazon is heaven. Overflowing wish lists, pre-orders, bargains, two hundred thousand books on a click, and a quick delivery. I can’t find books in English around here, only one place sells them and the prices often are way over my budget, so Amazon all the way!
    I really tried hard, but book bans just don’t work for me. Well, for now, I can afford to buy books, that’s probably why I keep doing it even when I’m not supposed to, but soon real life will start again and my budget will put me on the mandatory ban, so I guess it’ll be easier this way!

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    1. It was definitely a fun tag to take part in, and after this month I definitely fit the title of ‘bookaholic’!
      There’s so much variety on Amazoin isn’t there? I love browsing all the books and then looking at the recommended lists and finding other things I may enjoy. Plus it’s so easy to buy from there it kind of makes limiting myself a little hard!
      Yeah book bans aren’t for everyone. And I think if I went on a complete ban I wouldn’t be able to do it but as it is I’ll still pre-order books, I just won’t buy any others! 🙂

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  9. Thanks for the tag!! Book buying bans never work for me because I just can’t help but walk into the bookshop to have a look and then I will see something I like and I will just buy it … I stopped trying that a long time ago!! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s all right, I’m looking forwards to seeing your answers for this one!
      I’m not sure if I can really call it a book buying ban when I still pre-order books and carry on with my subsciption boxes as well but it works for me in a way. I’ll admit they’re not for everyone! 🙂

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      1. I suppose you’re probably still getting it the same time someone who pre-orders the same book would.
        I’m not great with remembering dates like that (great with birthdays because they’re every year but not book release dates. I think it’s because I don’t write anything down) so I guess by pre-ordering I know I’m not going to forget to buy it once it’s released! 🙂

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      2. Fair enough! I used to be the same and I would always forget birthdays and stuff, but there are literally so many of my in laws that I had to remember when all the birthdays are!! 😂

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      3. Well, my husband has 6 brothers and sisters, plus three of the brother are married, we also have three nieces and a nephew (immediate family) as well as his parents… That’s all on his side

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      4. Wow that’s a lot of people. My dad doesn’t have any family on his side but my mum has two sisters and a brother and they all have children and their children have started having children so a lot of aunts, uncles and cousins to remember on my part!

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    1. Ohh same here with RoseBlood, I loved her Splintered series so I am definitely interested in picking up RoseBlood when it’s released!
      I’d say it’s about the same, they’re both subscription boxes but because Fairy Loot is UK based it’s a little cheaper for me each month! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I like Fairy Loot better. It’s all fantasy based. Owlcrate has a contemporary romance read this month. So I want to go with Fairy Loot. If I have enough money after tuition is paid, that is…

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      2. Yeah that was the same reason I moved more over to Fairy Loot, I read a lot more fantasy than any other genre so every month it was bound to be a book I loved.
        Hopefully you will, the only box I’ve received from them so far was brilliant! 😀

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      3. They said something on the site about signing up for their waiting list for their September box…does it go fast? Like, am I too late, or is there always a “waiting list” just for reserved boxes?

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      4. The September box is available, and I don’t think it’s sold out yet because normally they post something on their Instagram when they have sold out and I haven’t seen it yet. I think if you go to the menu there should be a link that will say ‘Order a Box’ (or something like that) and you should be able to get one of the September ones there! 🙂

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      5. I’m going to have to, because I don’t think I could take seeing others open their boxes again!! Hey, should I be on Instagram? Is that something that would benefit my blog, honestly? I don’t take a lot of pics personally, so I never thought to have an account…

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      6. I always get jealous when I see unboxings of boxes I don’t have 🙂 and honestly I think Fairy Loot is well worth the money.
        That I’m not sure about. I wouldn’t say it’s helped gain more traffic on my blog; I just like taking pictures and posting them somewhere and looking at pictures other people take.
        Although I haven’t posted anything on my Instagram for a couple of weeks now so I need to get back into it soon! It’d be great if you did have an account, I’d definitely follow you! 🙂

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      7. Yes you do!! And it doesn’t take long: you don’t need to put all of your books up there in a night. I would just start the account, add books to your TBR list, and take the reviews one day at a time. There’s always fine to update it! 🤗

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  10. Great answers, Beth! Waterstones was one of my favourite bookstores too when I lived in the UK – even now I still get their promo newsletters just so I could relive it a little bit every time. 😛

    And heeeey, now you’re planning a buffer for those times you can’t stick to your budget! I do that too with my monthly (all things) budget. It’s just IMPOSSIBLE sometimes to stick to it. D:

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Reg! 😀 Yeah I don’t know what I’d do without Waterstones. Granted I do buy most of my books from Amazon but nothing beats going into the bookstore and just browsing for a while!
      I’m not sure if that is a good thing, that I’m so used to overspending on my budget I need a buffer, but at least it’s planning for it which is better than what I’d do in the past! Yeah it’s definitely been more than impossible since I started blogging! 🙂


      1. Does it take long for you to ship from Amazon? I’ve actually almost never bought from there (once, maybe, and that’s a Kindle thing), mostly because my publishing class was hell-bent AGAINST them, haha. Then again, I buy from Book Depository, which is kind of the same thing…

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      2. Honestly it depends, sometimes I’ve ordered a book got it dispatched the next day and then delivered the day after that! But other times it’s taken a lot longer than that.
        Oh I love Amazon but I’m not too keen on the Book Depository because I had a bad experience buying from them. For me it’s all Amazon! 😀


      3. Oh I ordered some books for them but they didn’t arrive in the covers that were shown on the website and, well I like the covers of my series to match! They returned them which was good but they did say that the images on the website won’t always be the actual covers of the books which is kind of weird!


      4. Oh no! That would suck, opening a package and expecting something and getting another else. I suppose they’re more focused on the content (i.e. the text) rather than the cover, but the cover matters too… and it’s a bit misleading that they would show one cover and sell another. :/

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      5. Yeah it was definitely a disappointment, and although the process to return them was simple and I got my money back quickly it was a bit of hassle.
        In the grand scheme of things the content is most important, but sometimes the cover matters just as much. Especially when you have four out of six books in one cover design and then two arrive with a different one! :/


      6. I’m definitely one of those readers. I won’t say the covers are really really important, I don’t mind if a series changes designs halfway through, but if I buy a book in one design I kind of want it to arrive in that one you know?


  11. I swear any place in Englabd sounds 10x more exciting simply because of the name. Here in New York most of the names are given because of Native American tribes or significant figures “Lackawanna” “Niagara” “Tonawanda”. I am also super looking forward to A Conjuring of Light (THAT ENDING THO). Next time you go to Waterstone (water dragon? Water drop? Too lazy to scroll up heheheh) you should do a blog post and include a bunch of photos. I’d love to see a little bit of London 🙂

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    1. I’m not even sure how places in England are named, Piccadilly Circus is just Piccadilly Circus to me, but in a way it’s kinda interesting that your names have the roots they do (then again English names probably do I’ve just never bothered looking them up!)
      God yes, I need to know what happens next to Kell and Lila and everyone, I still don’t know HOW I’m going to wait until February!
      Yep Waterstones! And if you’re interested then I’ll definitely do a post like that, I’ll wait until I go back to the one in Piccadilly Circus because that is the best of the best I think! 😀

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  12. Thanks for the tag! I can’t wait to get started 🙂 Honestly, there’s a sense of pride that comes with knowing you have a book, and just seeing it on your bookshelf is a reason I also love buying books. Oh, and to read them. I’ve never heard of Waterstones, though I have to say that my knowledge on bookstores is very limited. I can’t wait to change that as I move to a city!
    I honestly don’t blame you for going over your budget…. Who can actually resist? Or choose which book to buy later. Anyways, I can’t wait to complete 🙂

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    1. That’s all right, I can’t wait to see your answers for this one! 🙂
      Oh I completely agree, I feel that’s part of why I have so many on my bookshelves just because I can’t resist buying them. I think Waterstones may be a purely English company but there’s one in pretty much every city I’ve been to so far. My favourite ones are in London though just because there’s so much more choice there.
      I do need to start sticking to a budget, I’m going to put myself on a book buying ban and then I’m going to seriously try and stick to my budget each month! 😀


  13. Thanks for the tag! This is a fun post. 🙂 I’m such a bookaholic. I can’t stop buying and adding to my TBR. 😂 I completely agree with you on Amazon. I’m so obsessed. Amazon has made it way too easy for me to just click a button and have a book appear on my Kindle. It’s both wonderful and scary because I have no self-control. If I want a book, I buy it without thinking about it. I’m the worst when it comes to book buying.

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    1. That’s all right! And yeah I know that feeling all too well, I have gone way overboard with buying books this month but I just can’t help myself! 🙂
      It is so easy to buy off Amazoin isn’t it? And easy to see how you can spend sooo much money in one afternoon without even realising it! The one-click thing is great but at the same time a complete nightmare for my bank account! :/
      Yeah I think I’m the same, but I guess that’s what makes us book bloggers, an unability to control ourselves when it comes to buying books! 😀

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