The Creative and Versatile Dragon’s Loyalty Blog Award

I am combining a few awards into one post today; mainly because my backlog of awards and tags I need to get through isn’t getting any shorter, and because I am running out of interesting facts I can share about myself without it sounding like I’m reading straight from my driver’s licence. I was nominated by Marie at Drizzle and Hurricane Books for The Dragon’s Loyalty Award and The Creative Blogger Award, and I was nominated by Jesse at Books at Dawn for The Versatile Blogger Award.

So I have combined all three awards to create one post; The Creative and Versatile Dragon’s Loyalty Blog Award.

To Marie and Jesse thank you so, so much for the nominations. And for everyone else reading this you should definitely check out both of their blogs; they are amazing people and post some brilliant stuff.

The Dragon's Loyalty Blog Award

Rules for The Dragon’s Loyalty Blog Award:

  • Display the award on your blog.
  • Announce your win with a post.
  • Link the blogger who awarded you.
  • Present six deserving blogs with the award.
  • Link your awardees in the post and let them know of their being awarded.
  • Write seven interesting things about you.

The Creative Blogger Award

Rules for The Creative Blogger Award:

  • Thank the person who nominated you and include a link to their blog.
  • Share five facts about yourself.
  • Nominate some bloggers in return and notify them about their nomination.
  • Keep the rules in your post to make it easy for everyone to know what to do.

The Versatile Blogger

Rules for The Versatile Blogger Award:

  • Show the award on your blog.
  • Thank the person who nominated you.
  • Share seven facts about yourself.
  • Nominate fifteen blogs.
  • Link your nominees and let them know of your nomination.

So instead of listing facts about myself I’m going to do something a little different and pick nineteen items off my bucket list of things I want to do before I die. Originally it was things to do before I turned 30 but some of these may take a little longer to actually pull off.

Sky dive, or bungee jump…
…I have a horrendous fear of falling and I want to try and conquer that. I’d love to one day have the courage to actually jump out of an airplane, and if I can’t then I’ll settle for bungee jumping instead.

Run the London marathon…
…I started jogging at the end of last year and it is my aim one year, when I’ve got a lot more practise and built up my stamina, to take part in the London marathon.

…I’ve always wanted to go but never had the chance, and of all the holidays I have planned for this year and next skiing isn’t one of them. Most my friends either aren’t interested or have already been.

Go on a road trip…
…I would love to be able to take a career break from work and travel all over the world; going to all the major cities in Europe, seeing all of Vietnam, India and China, and all the major states of America. There are so many places I want to visit.

Attend Fashion Week…
…I went to Graduate Fashion Week twice while I was at university but I’d love to be able to go to one of the big ones; London, Milan, New York. I imagine it’d be amazing.

Travel on a safari…
…Ever since I was studying Kenya in Geography at high school I’ve wanted to go on a proper safari holiday and see all the animals I’ve only ever seen in pictures or the zoo.

Go to San Diego Comic Con…
…It’s the biggest one there is, probably incredibly busy as well but the pictures I’ve seen look amazing! It seems like a once in a lifetime opportunity and so many of the actors from so many of my favourite TV shows are there.

Go to a music festival…
…I went to Reading festival a couple of years ago, which was amazing don’t get me wrong, but I’d love to go to Glastonbury one year with all my friends.

See the firework display in London on New Year’s Eve…
…I work in London but I’ve never stayed for the fireworks display on New Year’s Eve. To be honest I don’t really do anything for New Year’s Eve but one year I’d love to see the fireworks over the London Eye.

Swim with sharks…
…I’ve swam with dolphins and stingrays before but never sharks, and it’s something I’ve always wanted to do so I’d love to have the opportunity one day.

Learn a foreign language…
…I am currently learning Italian but it’s slow going and there are other languages I’d love to learn as well. One day I hope to be completely fluent in a couple of languages which I can use while travelling.

Live abroad…
…This one is kind of connected to the above. Learning a language is easier if you’re speaking it every day. So one day I’d love to find a job and live abroad somewhere, even if it’s just for six months or so, to help with learning foreign languages.

Ride on the Harry Potter train…
…My friends and I were hoping to go when we visit Edinburgh next week, however it’s a little out of our way so we’ll have to go back some other time. Harry Potter is one of my favourite series so I’d love to be able to ride the train used in the filming of the movies.

Fly first class…
…I travel a lot, and for one of my longer trips where the flight is hours and hours long I’d love to have a first class ticket. It’s so expensive to upgrade so I may have to wait a while until I save up enough money.

Attend a book signing…
…I love reading (obviously) but I’ve never been to a book signing. Most of the authors I love live over in American and it’s rare my favourite English authors have book signings I can easily get to. Maybe one day though.

Trek the Inca Trail…
…It’s one of the most famous treks in South America and I imagine it’s so beautiful. Plus there are so many amazing sites along the way I’d love to visit, Machu Picchu for one!

Celebrate Madri Gras in New Orleans…
…New Orleans is a place I would love to visit anyways, but I imagine going during Madri Gras would be an unforgettable experience.

Ride an elephant in Thailand…
…Thailand is another country on my bucket list, a must for me to visit one day, and I’d love to ride an elephant while I was there.

Pack my bags and set off for a random location with no itinerary…
…It’s a fantasy I have some days when I’m bored at work or at home; packing my bags, driving to the nearest airport, and booking a ticket on the first plane leaving for somewhere far, far away.

My Nominations:

  1. Alicia at #LoveBooks
  2. Bianca at The Ultimate Fangirl
  3. Brigitte at The Book and The Bone
  4. Cat at The Book Finch
  5. Fadwa at Word Wonders
  6. Jorelene at Page Chronicles
  7. Larkin at Wonderfilled Reads
  8. Liam at Hey Ashers!
  9. Lila at The Bookkeeper’s Secrets
  10. Morgan at Bookenstein
  11. Valerie at iBookBlog2
  12. Yasaman at Following Muses

44 thoughts on “The Creative and Versatile Dragon’s Loyalty Blog Award

  1. Thanks for nominating me! I love love LOVE the idea of giving a bucket list instead of just spitting off random facts. I just might have to do that in my post as well (because I’m all out of interesting tidbits). I get the whole packing a bag and going off to an undecided location. I keep telling myself I’ll do that one weekend, but I’ve yet to act on. One day… You have so many fun things on this list that call to the adventurous soul in me, and I hope you get to finish all of them!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s all right, I hope you have fun with this award, I did! I kind of ran out of facts about me that were actually interesting as well so I thought of featuring items from my bucket list instead 🙂 I had to think of something new!
      It’s something I fantasise about when I’m bored at work or something, but yeah it is the dream, I’d love to actually get up the guts to do it one day. I’m hoping to get a few crossed off this year, maybe that can be one of them 😀


    1. That’s all right, hope you have fun completing this award!
      I have been on some really long flights (I think 12 hours is the longest) so it would have been amazing to be first class but it’s SO expensive! And thanks, I’m hoping to get a few crossed off soonish!


  2. Ooh thank you so much for the nomination, it’s the first one since joining WP and I’m really excited! 😀
    Your bucket list is great, a few of your points are on my list too and I had to add a bunch of yours to mine as well! 🙂 Swimming with sharks sounds thrilling and reminded me of wanting to learn to surf, hopefully not both at the same time though haha

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s all right, and congratulations on your first WP award/nomination as well 😀
      I have so much on my bucket list, these are just the top 19! But swimming with sharks has been there for ages. I’ve already swam with dolphins and stingrays so sharks seemed like the next logical step! Ohh, surfing sounds interesting, but yeah, I wouldn’t recommend learning to surf at the same time as swimming with sharks!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you! 😀
        Yes, my bucket list is also a lot longer, and it rather grows with each point I cross off (just like with books, haha). I wish you a lot of fun swimming with sharks, they are beautifully dangerous and interesting! Surfing with dolphins would be great though ;D

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Yeah, mine does the same. There are just so many things I want to see and do that I cross one thing off only to think of another to add on. The same thing happens with my to-read list XD
        Thanks, I reckon swimming with sharks will be amazing! Ohh and yeah, surfing with dolphins would definitely be an experience. Is that something your adding to your bucket list?

        Liked by 1 person

      3. You’re welcome! If you’re going to write about your swimming with sharks experience I’d definitely read ;D
        Yes, I’ve added it to the list and now I’m wondering if I’ll ever reach the end of it haha

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Well when I do I’ll post about it on my blog then, with pictures of course 🙂
        Part of me thinks that’s the fun of having a bucket list, constantly adding to it, what would you do if you got to the end and there was nothing left you wanted to do! There should always be something in my opinion!

        Liked by 1 person

      5. Awesome, I’ll be happy to read! 😀
        That’s actually a really nice way to think of it. I haven’t considered that at all! Once I reached the end of my to-do list and felt lost haha. So, what you’re saying is right for me as well!

        Liked by 1 person

      6. It’s the way I’ve started to, it’s kind of the same with my to-read list for books as well. I don’t ever want it to end because then what would I do with nothing left to read! I always want there to be something in my life I’m excited about, whether it’s a new book or swimming with sharks 😀

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks 😀 and yeah, really really expensive but I imagine it’d be amazing to go one year, such an experience!
      Oh wow, thank you so much, I’ve already done this tag twice before but honestly I love it so any excuse to do it again:) thanks so much for tagging me, I’ll definitely check out your post!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’d definitely be worth it if you managed to get tickets though, I mean can you imagine how amazing it’d be!
        Yeah, it’s always a risk with some of the more popular tags! But honestly any excuse to do this one again. I love quotes!

        Liked by 1 person

  3. I love all of these! ❤ one of my biggest dream is to have an amazing road trip across the US, too! And taking a break from everything just to travel would be awesome, but well, for that, you need tons of money, so, haha! And if you ever want to learn French, I can teach you a little bit, 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Aw, thanks for the nomination! =D

    Your bucket list is fantastic, and I hope you get to cross everything off of it.

    Have you ever gone ziplining, or do you have any interest in it? I have the whole fear-of-heights/fear-of-falling thing going on too, and I went ziplining (in part) as a first step toward overcoming that fear. Turns out, ziplining is addictive.

    What are the major states in America you’re interested in? Any specific stops you’d want to make, or would it just be a leisurely sightseeing adventure? =)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s all right 😀
      And thanks, I’m hoping to get a few crossed off soon, but I have a lot more on my list which I didn’t put in his post, there’s so much I want to do!
      Yeah I have tried zip lining a couple of times, the first time my friend had to literally push me off to start because I couldn’t force myself to take the first step, but after that I was a lot better at it. I agree with you it is definitely addictive, and I’d love to do it again but I think the next step is bungee jumping 🙂
      There are lots; I’d love to go to New York, Vegas, San Francisco and LA again but I’d also love to visit Washington, Boston, New Orleans, Chicago, San Diego. Honestly so many!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Ahh so many of the items on your bucket list are things I would love to do. Going on a road trip and safari would be so much fun and attending comic con is something I’ve always wanted to do but a bit hard when I live in Australia, haha. Congrats on the awards 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Lauren!
      Yeah, these are like the top 19 items on my bucket list, going on a safari has been on here for ages because it’s something I’ve wanted to do for ages! I’ve got London Comic Con over here I could try one year, have you not got any in Australia then?!


      1. I guess in that aspect I’m kind of lucky that I live so close to London (if there’s conventions on in the UK 90% change they’re gonna be in London) . But I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you to be able to get to one one day. I’m sure eventually one will come close to you!

        Liked by 1 person

  6. I went skiing for the first time a couple of weeks ago… I thought it was terrifying. Haha, I think I found it super scary because I was awful at it and kept psyching myself out and falling. Some of my other friends who also went for the first time really enjoyed it though, so I hope you do too when you end up going! 🙂

    Thank you so much for the tag!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ll probably stick to the nursery slopes for most of the time, if not all of the time. I’ve heard some scary things from my friends after they went and I can see why you found it terrifying, part of me does as well but I still really really want to go. Even though I think I may end up coming home with a broken leg or something 🙂
      But that’s all right, hope you have fun completing it!

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Oh wow. It’s like reading my own bucketlist hahaha. I also want to go on a decent road trip that’s for sure. Especially to Europe because that would be insane; and incredibly fun 🙂 Hopefully we can attend a book signing soon!

    I love your take on these awards. Congratulations and thank you for the nomination ♡

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah, most of them are common things for a lot of people but it’s stuff I really want to do one day! A road trip would be amazing, and I’d love to take the time to travel all around Europe for a few months. God yes, maybe attending a book signing should be a resolution for both of us or something, there’s got to be a couple in London at some point I can go to, and probably a few near you as well!
      I’m glad you liked it, I’m running out of facts so I needed to do something a little different! But that’s all right, and I hope you have fun completing this award!


    1. That’s all right 🙂
      These are just a few of the things on my bucket list but yeah bungee jumping has been on there for probably the longest. I wouldn’t say I’m an adrenaline junkie but because I’m scared of heights/falling I want to try and face my fear!

      Liked by 1 person

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