The Book Courtship Tag

I was tagged by Parneet at The Enchanted Book to take part in the Book Courtship Tag. Thank you very much for the tag Parneet, I was very excited to take part in this one and I had a great time coming up with my answers.

The Book Courtship Tag

Phase 1: Initial Attraction
A book that you bought because of the cover?

The Wrath and the Dawn by Renee Ahdieh

Literally the only reason I picked this book up was for the cover, granted the blurb intrigued me but it was cover itself that convinced me to start reading it. The hardcover version now on my bookshelf is absolutely gorgeous and even now always catches my eye. Luckily I loved the book as much as the cover and I have already pre-ordered the second one, The Rose and the Dagger, for its release in May.

The Wrath and the Dawn

Phase 2: First Impressions
A book that you got because of the summary?

Bone Gap by Laura Ruby

It wasn’t so much the blurb of this book but a review I read that made me pick up Bone Gap and start reading. I honestly loved this book, it was a top read for me for 2015, and it’s what piqued my interested in magical realism as a subgenre. Bone Gap is beautiful written and tells an unforgettable story.

Bone Gap

Everyone knows Bone Gap is full of gaps—gaps to trip you up, gaps to slide through so you can disappear forever. So when young, beautiful Roza went missing, the people of Bone Gap weren’t surprised. After all, it wasn’t the first time that someone had slipped away and left Finn and Sean O’Sullivan on their own. Just a few years before, their mother had high-tailed it to Oregon for a brand new guy, a brand new life. That’s just how things go, the people said. Who are you going to blame?

Finn knows that’s not what happened with Roza. He knows she was kidnapped, ripped from the cornfields by a dangerous man whose face he cannot remember. But the searches turned up nothing, and no one believes him anymore. Not even Sean, who has more reason to find Roza than anyone, and every reason to blame Finn for letting her go.

As we follow the stories of Finn, Roza, and the people of Bone Gap – their melancholy pasts, their terrifying presents, their uncertain futures – acclaimed author Laura Ruby weaves a heartbreaking tale of love and loss, magic and mystery, regret and forgiveness—a story about how the face the world sees is never the sum of who we are.

Phase 3: Sweet Talk
A book with great writing?

The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern

This book has some of most beautiful writing I think I have ever read, but it is the descriptions of the Night Circus itself that really stood out for me. If I could, I would quit my job and travel all over the world with the rêveurs following Le Cirque des Rêves.

The Night Circus

“You think, as you walk away from Le Cirque des Rêves and into the creeping dawn, that you felt more awake within the confines of the circus.

You are no longer quite certain which side of the fence is the dream.”

Phase 4: First Date
A first book of a series which made you want to pick up the rest of the series?

Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff

I’ll admit I was a little apprehensive about this book at first. When I saw it was written in the form of hacked documents; emails, IMs, video surveillance, emails, etc. I was worried about whether the authors would be able to pull it off and create a well formed story with relatable characters. I shouldn’t have worried. I loved this book. Illuminae was beautifully put together; the graphics were stunning, the characters were well-developed, and the story engaging.


At the moment there is no cover or even release date for the second book in The Illuminae File series, Gemina. All we know is that it’s set on Jump Station Heimdall and, although it focuses on two new characters, Kady and Ezra will make an appearance.

Phase 5: Late Night Phone Calls
A book that kept you up all night?

Carry On by Rainbow Rowell

This book was one of my favourites of 2015, I honestly did not want to put it down until I’d read the last page. Unfortunately I had to because I had work the next day but I stayed up way later than I should have, constantly telling myself ‘just one more chapter…’. I really enjoyed Fangirl, the first Rainbow Rowell book I read, but Carry On was so much better in my opinion; I was completely engrossed in Simon and Baz’s story.

Carry On

Phase 6: Always on my mind
A book you could not stop thinking about?

Passenger by Alexandra Bracken

This book has become my favourite read of the year so far, and while I haven’t read many books yet it’s going to be hard to top this one. While I enjoyed Alexandra Bracken’s Darkest Minds series Passenger completely eclipsed it. I loved every single aspect; the characters, the plot, the different counties and times Etta and Nicholas travelled to. I am desperate to get my hands on the next book but there is still so long to wait for it to be released.


Phase 7: Getting Physical
A book which you love the way it feels?

Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll

Alice in Wonderland has been, and will always be, a favourite story of mine. I can’t even remember when I first read it but I do know since then it has been a book I’ve re-read every year since. This edition is one of the more expensive books I’ve brought but it is also the most beautiful one that sits on my bookshelf.

Alice in Wonderland - Cover

Down the rabbit-hole and through the looking-glass! Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland & Other Stories features all of the best-known works of Lewis Carroll, including the novels Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass, with the classic illustrations of John Tenniel. This compilation also features Carroll’s novels Sylvie and Bruno and Sylvie and Bruno Concluded, his masterpiece of nonsense verse “The Hunting of the Snark,” and miscellaneous poems, short stories, puzzles, and acrostic.

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland & Other Stories is one of Barnes & Noble’s Collectible Editions classics. Each volume features authoritative texts by the world’s greatest authors in an exquisitely designed bonded-leather binding, with distinctive gilt edging and a silk-ribbon bookmark. Decorative, durable, and collectible, these books offer hours of pleasure to readers young and old and are an indispensable cornerstone for every home library.

Phase 8: Meeting the parents
A book which you would recommend to your family and friends?

The Bone Season by Samantha Shannon

I have pretty much recommended this series to all of my friends, and I don’t plan to stop recommending it to them until they actually read these books. The Bone Season has fast become one of my favourite series, filling the gap left by The Lunar Chronicles after it ended with Winter. The Bone Season and The Mime Order have great characters, and even better character-development, fast-paced plots, detailed world-building, and the beginnings of a romance which I am excited to see develop more in the next book when it’s released.

The Bone Season

Seriously, for everyone reading this post as well, put The Bone Season on your to-read list.

Phase 9: Thinking about the future
A book or series you know you will re read many times in the future?

The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer

This series has fast become my all-time favourite. I honestly didn’t want it to end but I loved Winter and felt it was a perfect finale to The Lunar Chronicles. As soon as I’d finished the last page of Winter I wanted to go back and re-read the whole series; re-experience all of my favourite characters and the journey’s they travelled. This is going to be a series I am never going to be fully done with, even once the last book has been released.

Best of 2015 #4


Phase 10: Share the love
Who do you tag?

  1. Anna at My Bookish Dream
  2. Ashleigh at A Frolic Through Fiction
  3. Astra at A Stranger’s Guide to Novels
  4. Isabella at Gryffindor Books
  5. Reg at She Latitude

44 thoughts on “The Book Courtship Tag

    1. I really enjoyed Fangirl, so even if it isn’t your kind of book (I prefer paranormal and fantasy books so it was a new genre for me) I’d still recommend it, but I don’t think you need to have read Fangirl to enjoy Carry On. You should definitely read Carry On, it was one of my favourite books from 2015 so I’d highly recommend it 🙂


  1. I love The Night Circus! ❤ It's one of my favourite books of all time. The writing in it is simply wonderful! I can't wait for the author to write another book. 😀 I seriously need to start the Lunar Chronicles, I already own two of the books. I honestly have no idea why I haven't read them yet.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. You’re one step ahead of me! I haven’t pre-ordered The Rose and The Dagger but I’m so excited to read it because TWATD was just so beautifully written. It was definitely one of my favourite reads of 2015.

    I haven’t yet read Passenger but I’m so glad you enjoyed it! It sounds amazing—it’s on my TBR and hopefully I’ll get to it sooner rather than later…

    Thanks for tagging me. ❤

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    1. I went on a pre-ordering spree a few weeks back and The Rose and the Dagger was high on that list. I loved the first book so I’m very excited to see how it ends, and like you it was a favourite of mine last year.
      I thought Passenger was brilliant, I honestly can’t recommend it enough, I hope you enjoy it when you get around to reading it. It’s definitely in the running for my favourite book of 2016.
      And that’s all right, I hope you have fun with the tag 🙂


  3. I love your responses and even though I wasn’t tagged I intend to answer this myself someday 🙂
    I haven’t read any of these books but you’ve convinced me to pick up a lot of them!
    Except the Lunar Chronicles, I have read those more times than I can count and it’s one of my favourite series (series’? Serieses? Huh? Trying to turn a plural into a plural is strange Cx) too.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, I had a great time with this tag, and if you want you can consider yourself tagged now. I can add your name to my tagged people list if you like 🙂
      That’s good, pretty much all the books on my list are favourites of mine, I cannot recommend them highly enough. If you do get around to reading any of them you’ll have to let me know what you think.
      The Lunar Chronicles is probably my all-time favourite as well, I’m definitely going to have to re-read the books sometime this year, and I am so excited for Stars Above to be released, that sounds amazing. (I just use series, I agree trying to find a plural is strange but one probably does exist)

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      1. Thanks 🙂 Yeah, if I ever have any money I’ll see if my book shop has them. I’m re-reading TLC for the millionth time right now (I’m currently in the middle of Scarlet). I love how in scarlet Kai tells himself he’s over Cinder and Scarlet acts so hostile towards Wolf, I just think it’s funny how wrong they were. 🙂 I can’t WAIT for Stars Above! I already have a million theories and headcanons!

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      2. I am pretty much constantly using money I don’t have to buy books, it’s a problem and I am really trying to stick to a proper budget this year 🙂 The scene where Kai sees a picture of Thorne and they’re talking about how he escaped with Cinder and Kai gets jealous never fails to bring a smile to my face, no matter how many times I read it, and oh I loved Scarlet and Wolf. I think in Stars Above I’m most excited for the wedding story, when I get my copy I may just have to skip to that one and read it first 🙂 I think it will probably be Kai and Cinder but I’d be happy with any of the couples TBH.


      3. Same 🙂 Around school, hobbies and (of course) non-stop reading, I’m working three part time jobs – but it’s never enough for all the books I want. The ladies who work at my local qbd all love me, and they always give me discounts because I usually bulk-buy and because they are wonderful people. Yes, I love that scene! Also, a scene that makes me laugh EVERY time is the one where Jacin is driving across the moons surface with Cinder and she is FREAKING OUT. xD You’re not the only one planning to skip ahead to that one 🙂 I wrote that in my recent blog post and I said that I was sure others would be the same, but it’s still cool to hear (read, whatever) someone else say it 🙂

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      4. I just buy everything from Amazon 🙂 it’s cheaper than going to a bookstore the only downside is the wait for the books to arrive. My job doesn’t pay me enough to buy many books on top of paying rent and travel but I always find myself in debt at the end of the month because I have no self control when it comes to my favourite series.
        There are so many amazing scenes in all four books (although Thorne is one of my favourite characters so I think anything with him is brilliant).
        Personally I just want to find out who’s wedding it actually is, I think most people think Cinder and Kai but there’s always a possibility it could be one of the other couples. There’s no way of knowing for sure until the 2nd of February 😀 I’m so excited for it’s release!

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      5. Thorne is definitely my favourite male character (Kai would be a close second). Favourite female is Iko (Cinder and Cress tie a close second). I honestly don’t know who I like better between Thorne and Iko…
        Also, I love the character interactions in the series. It all feels totally natural and is completely hilarious and amazing. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      6. I loved Iko but I think Cinder is definitely my favourite female character. All of her interactions with Thorne, especially in the beginning of Scarlet when it’s just the two of them on the Rampion, are hilarious.
        Although TBH anything scene with Thorne in is just brilliant XD

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      7. Actually, I could be wrong but I think Stars Above is already out. Heartless too.
        Also, I just want to go on record saying that ‘Stars Above’ and ‘Carswell’s Guide to Being Lucky’ are the most inspired titles I’ve ever heard 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      8. I don’t think Stars Above is being released until the 2nd of February (only a couple more weeks to go!) Heartless isn’t until sometime in November though. I wish both of them were out now!
        They’re brilliant titles, I honestly think at the moment I may be more excited for Stars Above to be released than I was for Winter


      9. I might be too, I’m crazy excited for the wedding! Yeah, you’re probably right, I just got confused because I found ratings, reviews and extracts online for Stars Above.

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      10. Some of the stories included in the novella are already out so it could be that as well. I’ve already read a few of them (Glitches, The Little Android, and The Queen’s Army I think) so it could be where the excerts are coming from. I’m really excited for the whole book, I think anything by Marissa Meyer is going to go on my auto-buy list from now on 😀


      11. Yeah but I haven’t read any of them yet. (Well, earlier today I stumbled upon and read a bit of The Mechanic, which was AMAZING, by the way). Same, she’s an amazing author, I hope she’ll write another series soon! (But I also hope she’ll give us ten billion times more TLC content…)

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      12. Part of me wished I hadn’t read them in bits and pieces so then I could enjoy the whole novella for the first time, but at least there are new stories to look forwards to. Marissa Meyer is probably one of the best authors I have read, we have Heartless to tide us over until she starts a new series, but I honestly don’t know how anything could top The Lunar Chronicles! 🙂

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      13. Yeah, I would be very surprised if anything could top TLC, but she’s an amazing author so I guess we’ll see. 🙂

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      14. Even if it doesn’t top TLC I’m sure it’s going to be amazing, I honestly can’t imagine anything else from her. Besides Alice in Wonderland is my all-time favourite fairytale so Marissa Meyer writing a book based around that fairytale means I’m automatically going to love it XD


      15. Hey, on a completely unrelated note, it looks like you’ve put some tags on your post, how do you do that? (I’m new to this website). 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      16. When you’re writing a post at the top in the toolbar where you can edit everything and add pictures there’s a little paper clip like icon, if you highlight the word you want to link, for example someone’s blog, and then click that icon you can copy and paste their web address in and it should link to their site. Hope that helps, if my instructions aren’t clear just let me know and I can try and explain it better.

        Liked by 1 person

      17. That is helpful as I didn’t know how to do that either, but I meant the grey things down the bottom. Maybe they’re called categories on this website, idk. Sorry, I’m not quite sure how it all works yet, thanks for your help. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      18. Ahh yeah. If it Categories you need then, when you’re drafting a blog post just under the Publish button, there’s a tab called ‘Categories and Tags’ if you click to expand that you can add both categories and tags which will appear at the bottom of your post when you publish. Is this what you mean?

        Liked by 1 person

      19. Yeah, I love it when I can help newcomers to a website I’m familiar with. Honestly, it makes me feel like some kind of genius xD

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  4. Thanks for the tag! I started The Night Circus but then fell into a big reading slump while reading it, so I never finished… :/ I’ll have to get to it soon! 🙂

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  5. Ohh I need to read the bone season ! It’s been on my shelf for ages! Also I’m intrigued to read Carry On, even though I never read fangirl( I used to want to read the book but the synopsis no longer interest me anymore) but Carry On seems like a book I might like. Great answers!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks. The Bone Season is brilliant, which you can probably tell from all the praise I gave the book 🙂 so I’d definitely highly recommend it. I feel like I’ve pushed this series onto so many different people, it’s the one I always recommend. Carry On is also amazing, I preferred it to Fangirl so hopefully you’ll like it just as much, I think the good thing is even though Fangirl and Carry On are connected you don’t need to a read Fangirl to understand Carry On.

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