A Postcard from Dubai

This was my big holiday of the year, and the one I’d been counting down the days until ever since I booked it last year. Back mid-June my sister and I flew out to Dubai for five nights, and then travelled onto Mauritius for another five nights before flying home again.

It. Was. Amazing.

Dubai (1)

Our flight didn’t land until the evening so our first evening in Dubai we didn’t do anything other than eat a quick dinner and crash for twelve hours. After waking up at 3am to get to the airport on time, flying for six hours, and dealing with the time difference when we finally landed we were beyond shattered when we finally arrived at Atlantis, The Palm where we were staying.

Dubai (2)

Dubai (3)

Dubai (4)

There was plenty to do in our hotel so a lot of our time was spent either by the pool or on the beach (when I posted my June and July recap a couple of days ago people wondered how I got so much reading done in those two months, the answer is I spent a lot of time lying on a sun lounger on holiday with nothing else to do other than read). We also spent a day at the waterpark Aquaventure, which was so much fun but left me very sunburnt.

Of course we explored outside of our hotel as well.

Dubai (5)

Dubai (6)

Our first stop was the Dubai Mall and the Burj Khalifa. The Burj Khalifa is (please correct me if I’m wrong because I’m not too sure about this) the tallest building in the world, and while my sister and I didn’t make it all the way to the top we did go to the 124th floor which took us higher than we’ve ever been before. The views were beyond impressive.

Dubai (7)

The Dubai Mall is one of the largest malls in the world. It’s very very easy to get lost inside but walking past the shops the Dubai Mall seemed more like a contained city than just a mall; as well as the shops it has its own aquarium you can visit, and waterfalls and fountains you can see.

Dubai (8)

Dubai (9)

For food and nightlife two places that were recommended to me was the Dubai City Walk, which is close to the Burj Khalifa, and the Dubai Marina, which is close to the Palms. Both were impressive enough in the day, and offered plenty of things to do to make a visit before it got dark worthwhile, but they really came alive during the evening.

Dubai (10)

Dubai (11)

Advice (a.k.a. learn from my mistakes)

  • Spend time exploring your hotel…Depending on where you stay the hotels in Dubai are pretty much their own city. At the Atlantis where I was staying there were more restaurants me and my sister could eat during our holiday, an aquarium and the waterpark which were both free for guests of the hotel, and plenty of shops and even a mini souk for souvenirs.
  • Book ahead for brunch…On Friday’s brunch is a big thing in Dubai, and while you can get some good spots showing up on the day the best places fill up fast.
  • Use cabs…Dubai does have a public transport system, there’s a metro line and bus service (I think), but depending on where you want to go it will be quicker, easier, and cooler to just hop in a cab.

A Postcard from Dubai (2)

This was pretty much the holiday of a lifetime, and now I’ve been to Dubai I can cross it off my list. When me and my sister were in Dubai it was beyond hot (temperatures reached 40 degrees and for two English natives that was nearly too hot to handle) but we had a brilliant time. Dubai is one of those places everyone seems to be talking about and travelling to, and after being there myself I can see why it’s one of those must-see travel destinations.

25 thoughts on “A Postcard from Dubai

  1. Wow this sounds like an amazing trip Beth ❤ It is my dream vacation to have plenty of time to chill by the beach and read books. I loved seeing your photos and reading about Dubai. That is impressive that Dubai has the biggest mall in the world! What are the stores like? Any favourite purchases? 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It really was, I had such a brilliant time and I may even be tempted to go back one day in the far future. 😀 Oh I had plenty of time to chill, and a lot of the shops in the Dubai mall were the really expensive designer ones, so no favourite purchases from there, my travel budget didn’t really extend that far! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Ooooh, now it makes sense how you were able to read so much in the last two months! I love reading no matter where I am, but something about reading while across the globe from your home definitely feels very special 😊 I’ve been to Dubai once while on a stopover flight from Hong Kong to Lisbon, but I wasn’t able to get out of the airport because the stopover was only a few hours. Your pictures make me want to go back and explore Dubai for myself, though! I’m so glad your trip was such a fun experience for you… can’t wait to read more about your travels! 😋

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ha, yeah, basically a lot of travelling and a lot of time on the beach combined into a lot of books read. 😀 Oh that’s a shame, I suppose in a way you can say you’ve been to Dubai but it would be best to go back one day and experience the city properly. I’m sure you’ll love it. It was amazing, and I’ll be posting more about my travels very soon for sure! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh, I’m glad you had such a good time in Dubai, Beth! I want to visit there one day (especially the Burj Khalifa! it would be so cool to go to the highest floor and see the view from there) and I hope I can! The pictures you took are all super cool and I love seeing all the buildings!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. In that case I hope you make it to Dubai one day May. It’s a brilliant city and definitely well worth a trip out there (even though the flight is long!)
      I’ve gotta say I do wish we had gone to the very top, just to see what it looked like up there, but even though we didn’t the views were still amazing from where we stood, so that’s enough for me. 😀


  4. What a lovely post, Beth, I’m so happy you shared your adventure with us! ❤ I really loved seeing your pictures and wow, it sounds like Dubai is such a great city and I find it crazy how big everything seems, from the hotels to the shopping malls and everything, I would get lost so easily haha 🙂 I'm so happy you had such a great time! 😀

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thanks so much Marie! 🙂 ❤ Dubai is amazing, there's so much to see and do there and everything seems really high end as well. It's so built up and pretty much everything is really self contained as well. Like the malls and the hotels are all practically their own cities. Oh we did get lost so easily, but there was always a taxi rank nearby to take us where we needed to go. 😀
      Thanks. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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