The Social Media Tag

I’ve never been one for social media; I haven’t updated my Facebook in over a year, and I tried Instagram for about six months before giving up. For some reason this blog is the only kind of social media I can actually stick to. I was tagged by Kate at Reading Through Infinity. Thanks so much for the tag Kate, I had a lot of fun with this one so I hope you enjoy reading my answers just as much.

The Social Media Tag


  • Thank the person who tagged you.
  • Choose a blog or blogger per category and explain why you chose them.
  • Tag others to do this (up to you how many)

A blog with a design you love

May at Forever and Everly

There’s a lot about May’s blog I love, and while the design is only part of it she does have a gorgeous blog. The graphics are gorgeous, and the photos she uses incredible as well, but more than that it’s her posts. I think May has such a distinctive voice, and you can so clearly hear her passion for whatever she is talking about in her writing as well.

Forever and Everly

As well as having a gorgeous blog design May is incredible at promoting diverse books, she’s so friendly, and she’s probably the main person I’ll credit for getting me back into writing again.

A blog with a friendly blogger

Marie at Drizzle and Hurricane Books

Marie is so active in the blogging community I seriously wonder how she has the time to blog hop, comment, and still write amazing posts. Marie is one of the first bloggers I started talking to, and now nearly three years later she’s still one of the bloggers I talk to regularly. I always look forwards to seeing posts from her, and her comments never fail to make me smile.

Social Media Tag - Drizzle and Hurricane Books

As well as being an incredibly friendly blogger, and one of my favourite people in general, Marie is solely responsible for getting me back into the YA contemporary genre and adding about a hundred books to my TBR list.

A blogger who could just write 140 characters and you would still love them

The Orangutan Librarian

The Orangutan Librarian is a blogger who posts about pretty much everything when it comes to books, and their mini-reviews are actually ‘mini’ which is something I still haven’t been able to master. I have no doubt they could write a 140-character review that would not only be coherent but would make me want to read the book in question ASAP.

Social Media Tag - The Orangutan Librarian

Also The Orangutan Librarian is very active in the blogging community, and so friendly. Between the amount they comment and the amount they post I’m wondering how they have time for it all.

A blog that keeps you entertained

Kat at Life and Other Disasters

There is so much Kat talks about on her blog, and so much she has introduced me to as well. Her posts spotlighting TV shows and her round-up of newly-released trailers throughout the week have added so much to my to-watch list (which is starting to get longer than my to-read list), and I love learning more about her Arcadia WIP as well.

Life and Other Disasters

Kat is such a lovely person, and while May inspired me to start writing again it’s Kat and her original writing tags who inspires me to keep writing and working on my own WIP.

A blogger who’s updates you can’t wait for

.Lilly at Lair of Books

When it comes to YA fantasy there’s no one whose opinion I trust more than Lilly’s. Our taste in books is similar so whenever she posts a review I know it’s going to be another book I need to add to my TBR list. Her book hauls are also packed full of so many books that I both wonder where she finds the time to read them all and how many will end up on my to-read list when she posts her reviews.

Lair of Books

Lilly is a wonderful person, I love seeing posts from her and the comments she leaves are always so bubbly and happy.

A blog which is very diverse and has variety

Lu at It’s Lu Again

There’s a pretty big focus on diversity at the moment and it’s something Lu’s spoken about a lot in some of her posts. Recently she’s done a ‘Coming-Out-Series’ which talks about upcoming LGBT releases you should definitely have on your TBR list and things we need to see more of in YA. Her latest review for Autoboyography had me desperate to pick up the book myself and see for myself what all the hype is about.

Social Media Tag - It's Lu Again

Lu is also a really enthusiastic and friendly person, there’s so much personality in her posts and her blog design is so pretty.

A blog which is full of creativity and inspiration

Sophie at Sophie’s Corner

Sophie is definitely an inspiration for me, mainly because in the time I’ve been working on my WIP she’s finished two and started a third one. I love her blog because as well as talking about books (she’s re-reading Harry Potter at the moment which is making me want to drop everything and pick up the series myself) she posts about her other hobbies. Who knew there was a life outside of blogging and WordPress?

Social Media Tag - Sophie's Corner

Like everyone else I’ve featured I always love seeing comments from Sophie because she’s so genuine and friendly.

My tags:

Kate tagged the bloggers she featured in her post for The Social Media Tag so I’m going to do the same for mine and tag the six amazing bloggers I’ve talked about in this post.

And as always if there’s anyone else out there who wants to take part consider yourself tagged. Just send me a link to your post in the comments so I can see what your answers are.

46 thoughts on “The Social Media Tag

  1. Aww thank you so much for including me in this- that’s really sweet of you! ❤ Kat's blog *always* keeps me entertained And of course I agree about how friendly Marie is! And Sophie so creative! Absolutely brilliant selection of bloggers here. Love this post and really look forward to doing it!

    Liked by 2 people


    Thank you so so so so SO much!! You’re such a sweet human I can’t cope ❤ ❤ YOU'RE JSUT WONDERFUL. Thank you SO much for saying that about my blog!!

    (And pssttttt. *whispers*readautoboyography!!*whispers*)

    Liked by 2 people

    1. That’s all right! 🙂 ❤ I had to include you in this tag somewhere, and it was a toss up between the diversity prompt and the friendly blogger one. In the end I chose diversity because of your recent posts/reviews.
      I love your blog Lu, and talking to you on WordPress as well. 🙂 ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh I love this post of yours, Beth! Besides mentioning some of my favourite bloggers as well you managed to come up with amazing written content as always ❤
    I'm glad you've found someone with such similar book tastes as yours that you trust their reviews completely – I'm still working on finding my own bookish soulmate but you've definitely inspired me to keep searching 😉
    Again, amazing tag! ^^

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks so much Sophie. 🙂 Honestly I wished I could include everyone because I think every single blogger I’ve met through WordPress is incredible, but based on some of the things other people have said in the comments these are bloggers a few other people love too. 🙂
      We all have a blogger soulmate out there, I’m sure you’ll find someone who’ll fit your reading tastes Sophie. 🙂 ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Ooooh, now I have to check out all of these book blogs I haven’t heard of yet… this seems like such a fun tag & I had fun reading all your blog picks for them! Great post, Beth! 😊

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Oh this is such a great tag to spread the love, I love it so much ❤ ❤ And thank you so, so much for thinking of me, that's so sweet – to be honest though I kind of smiled when I saw that I was under the "Facebook" thing, given that I haven't gone to Facebook in over two years. Not a fan of that social media haha, thankfully the description really doesn't mean that I am the most Facebook-savy kind of person hahahaha. I am so, so happy I could make your contemporary TBR grow, it's the best compliment I could get! ❤ ❤
    You mentioned so many amazing bloggers here as well ❤ ❤
    thank you so much for tagging me! ❤ ❤

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yeah it really is, I think we need to spread the love (I certainly do on my blog) so it was great fun taking part in this tag.
      That’s all right, I had to feature you for this tag, pretty much for the reasons I mentioned in my post. Ha, yeah Facebook is not my thing at all, and if this post had been more related to social media savvy I don’t think I’d have been able to take part at all, unless it was a WordPress/social media related post. 😀
      You are where I come for contemporary recommendations, and that’s all right! 🙂 ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Hello Beth ❤
    Aww thank you for the sweet words!! I feel the same way about social media haha. WordPress is the platform I use the most often. I've decided that instagram isn't for me and I also probably haven't updated Facebook in a year haha 🙂 However I am starting to get back into Twitter again! I actually use Pinterest very often (for character aesthetics and also for baking & DIY ideas!) so I think it is very fitting that you chose me for that one 🙂
    Glad that I got you thinking about rereading HP- It's been great so far! Once I started I never looked back!
    You are an inspiration for me as well 🙂
    I follow Marie, Kat, The Orangutan Librarian and May, and they are very lovely! I haven't met Lu and Lilly yet but I will definitely take a look at their blogs 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. That’s all right Sophie. ❤ I really love your blog and speaking to you on WordPress so I definitely wanted to feature you in this tag, just had to find the best prompt for everyone.
      Yeah I feel like for a few people WordPress seems to be the exception when it comes to social media, I don't know how the people who have more than one site manage it?! Oh I use Pinterest all the time too, mainly for WIP aesthetics, and I am planning to get a Twitter account at some point (one day for sure).
      Yep, the amount I've been seeing that series around lately I'm thinking the universe is sending me a sign, and oh thanks so much Sophie.
      Yes, definitely do, all the bloggers I featured in this tag are amazing and lovely people, yourself included. 🙂 ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      1. WordPress definitely occupies much of my free time already, so I can’t imagine spending just as much effort on another social media platform. It’s a miracle how other people do it haha 🙂 I think twitter isn’t as time-intensive as wordpress for me. For example it takes much shorter amount of time to write a tweet than it does a blog post 🙂
        Yes there has been a lot of talk about HP recently, which probably influenced me to read this series too!
        Thank you Beth ❤

        Liked by 1 person

      2. It’s hard, you’d have to cut the time you spend on WordPress so you can spend more time on another social media site. Yeah Twitter sounds easier, it’s why I think that will be the one social media site other than WordPress I can get along with.
        That’s all right. 🙂 ❤

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Exactly! That’s why I am a bit hesitant about other social media platforms- I don’t want to take away too much time from WordPress haha. So far I am liking twitter since it is a smaller time commitment, though I am still getting familiar with how it works 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  7. Made my day! & also gave me the much needed boost to get back to it. This past week in anticipation of a trip I’m currently on, I had to take a impromptu hiatus. Next week though 😉 I have a few posts planned, possibly BEA/BookCon posts, and some blog tours coming up 🤗 I love your blog Beth & also love how supportive and just all around positive human you are in this blogging community 💗 thank you for always blessing me with your comments & friendship ☺️💕

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Oh I’m really glad to hear that Lilly, and yes I’d love to see more posts from you! 😀 ❤ I hope you're enjoying your trip, but yeah sometimes we need to take a little time away don't we? I'll be going on a bit of a hiatus at the end of June/beginning of July for the same reason.
      Ohh, I'd love to see BEA/BookCon posts from you Lilly, and oh thanks so so so much. It really means so much you think that.
      That's all right, and same goes I love speaking to you through this site so much. 🙂 ❤


  8. I guess I dabble in social media more than you do, but I totally get how it’s not for everyone and quite frankly also super exhausting. Thank you so, so much for mentioning me for one of the categories!! (Fun fact: I just did a Twitter poll on whether I should start a YouTube channel and people were totally up for it, so it’s super interesting to be mentioned in that category as well haha)
    You don’t know how happy it makes me to hear that my write tags keep you motivated to work on your WIP. That is exactly the reason that I make them!! ❤ ❤ ❤

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I feel like most people dabble more in social media than I do. It’s just not really my thing I guess. 🙂 I rarely have time for WordPress adding something else in isn’t that feasible.
      That’s all right. ❤ And oh that's a fun coincidence, also I'd love to watch YouTube videos from you, that'd be so fun.
      They really do, I have the Milestones one still to do and I can't wait to answer the questions for my characters. 😀 ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      1. That’s totally fair enough! We don’t all have to be on social media and it can make you quite stressed and anxious to begin with.
        I am trying to figure out what to do for my first video. I don’t want it to be something that requires a lot of editing, but I also hear you aren’t supposed to do a book review in the beginning haha It’s probably going to be a while until I figure this one out.

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      2. Ha, yeah I don’t really need anymore stress in my life. I have enough without adding more social media sites onto my plate.
        Well I hope you manage to come up with something soon then. I figured though if you wanna do a book review then go for it. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

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