Discussion Time: The Little White Lies Bookworms Tell

We’ve all done this, I know I’m guilty of it, and maybe they’re not so much lies as they are best intentions gone awry but it soon becomes a habit. Now, for me, these have become phrases that have practically no meaning anymore because of how many times they just haven’t been true.

After all, despite me saying a book is next on my to read list I normally never get around to it next, possibly the pitfalls of being a mood reader, and despite me going into bookshops or looking through Amazon with the intention of just looking, not buying anything at all, more often than not I come out with at least one brand new book if not more.

The Little White Lies Bookworms Tell

The Little White Lies Bookworms Tell

The Little White Lies Bookworms Tell (1)

“Just one more chapter.”

You know how it goes; you’re reading a brand new book – maybe a highly anticipated releases or the next book in a favourite series – it’s late at night so you know you should have long since gone to sleep because you have work the next day, but you keep telling yourself one more chapter, just one more chapter. Then before you know it it’s 3am and you have to be up at 5:30am for work.

The ends of chapters always make you want to read more, they more often than not end on mini-cliffhangers that keep you turning pages almost without realising you’ve done it.

“It’s at the top of my to-read list.”

This is the one I’m most guilty of saying, and wow do I say it a lot. Again it’s probably the pitfalls of being a mood reader. As much as I may want to get around to specific books next, and have a plan in mind for what I’ll pick up, when the day comes I’ll be on my Kindle or looking through my bookshelves and something else will catch my eye, and there go my TBR plans out the window.

Other variations of this white lie can include;

“It’s next on my to-read list.”


“I want to get around to it ASAP.”

For most people I feel like ASAP means within the same week, if not the next day, for me I’m lucky if it means within the same year.

The Little White Lies Bookworms Tell (2)

“I’m just going to browse in Waterstones, I’m not going to buy anything.”

It is impossible, at least in my experience, to enter a bookshop and not leave with at least one book. There are just so many to choose from, and wandering around browsing the covers and the blurbs, seeing the new releases fresh on the shelves or the ‘Buy One Get One Half Price’ deal,  sometimes the real challenge is only buying one or two instead of ten or twenty.

The feeling is worse if you’re in a big bookshop. Waterstones Piccadilly has six floors filled with books, and I’ve yet to go in there without then leaving with a book, no matter how hard I try to resist.

“I’m putting myself on a book-buying ban.”

I’ve been in a couple of book buying bans before, and I don’t think they’ve ever worked for me. I always have my pre-orders still pre-ordered, which I’ll never cancel for the sake of a book-buying ban, and my Fairy Loot subscription, which again I’ll never cancel when they keep sending out incredible boxes, so it seems I’m doomed from the start when it comes to book-buying bans.

Other variations of this white lie can include;

“I’m setting a book budget.”

I’m weak when it comes to books, and apparently a little bad at managing my money when it comes to books as well.

The Little White Lies Bookworms Tell (3)

“I need to sort out my bookshelves.”

This is something I’d been saying ever since YALC finished last July, and it was only in January this year that I actually got around to sorting through my book and unhauling the ones I wasn’t going to read/didn’t enjoy/had outgrown. I’m trying to be better now and keep things nice and organised, but slowly my new purchases are being piled up wherever there’s space.


One solution would be to buy yet another bookshelf, but give it a few months and I’ll be saying, “I need to sort out my bookshelves” all over again.

Now Onto the Discussion Part of This Post:

Are you guilty of telling any of these white lies?

Is there any on this list that I’ve missed that you find yourself saying more often than not?

Or, alternatively, for you are these not white lies? Do you put a book down after saying one more chapter, or do you actually read next what book you say you will?

Let me know in the comments below.

75 thoughts on “Discussion Time: The Little White Lies Bookworms Tell

  1. hehe gosh I relate to this post!! I so so agree about not getting to the next book on the list- I am such a mood reader that even when I really mean “I will read that next” it doesn’t actually happen. Ha- I know when I tell myself “just one chapter” I’m going to lose a few hours of time, because it’s never just one chapter 😉 Oh gosh I’m the exact same with books at the top of my reading list… and then I don’t read it for ages. think it comes down to being a mood reader for sure and I’ll get easily distracted too. Haha I also relate to not leaving a bookshop emptyhanded- I have to force myself to walk past (though usually stopping to gaze longingly in the window
    Amazing post!! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It never does does it. For me as much as I may mean to there’s usually always something else I find to read first, and because I’m a mood reader I need to pick up the books I want to read rather than any others I may have said I’d read next. 🙂
      If anyone can stick to just one chapter when they say that they need to share their secrets.
      Being a mood reader is both a good and a bad thing isn’t it?
      I can’t even just gaze longingly into the window. If I see a bookshop I have to go in and if I go in I have to buy something. 🙂
      Thanks so much! 🙂 ❤️

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  2. The one more chapter thing was literally me last night!! I think I said it for about 10 chapters and I said it again, looked at the clock and went NOPE! I forced myself to put the book down 😅😅
    Also, yes to the browsing! I usually manage to restrain myself from buying 20 books, but it’s still hard going into a bookstore and not coming out with anything! It’s blasphemy, really 😅
    Great list! ❤️

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    1. I can tell it’s going to be me tonight. There is a book I am currently reading and I am not going to stop reading and go to sleep until I’ve actually finished it. 🙂
      Definitely hard, but maybe with enough practise we’ll be able to control our book buying habits (I live in hope no matter how unlikely it is). 🙂
      Thanks Lauren. 😀 ❤

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      1. Well, I hope you enjoyed the rest of your book! Must’ve been good if you stayed up to finish it!
        I… I think I’ve given up hope at this point and just accepted the fact that I have no issues buying way too many books 😅

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  3. “For most people I feel like ASAP means within the same week, if not the next day, for me I’m lucky if it means within the same year.” speaking to my soul Beth! haha! & it certainly isn’t intentional, I really would like to read them all asap but it’s just not humanly possible (well for some it is lol). I’ve also caught myself doing this with blogging but lately life & its curve-balls have me looking deceitful to myself LOL! smh, your post made me SMH & smile as always <3!

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    1. There needs to be an addendum on the end of ASAP (like ASAPFB so as soon as possible for bookworms so people know you mean maybe within the next year if your mood reading tenancies allow for that)! 😀
      Oh definitely not intentional, but I think by now we all know soon isn’t all that soon for bloggers on WordPress.
      Life, if only we had unlimited time to read and blog right? How amazing would that be?!
      Oh thanks so much Lilly, I’m glad my post made you smile. 🙂 ❤

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  4. Hello Beth ❤
    I can absolutely relate to a few of these on your list! "Just one more chapter" usually turns out to be 2, or 5, or 10 more chapters (or sometimes the whole book!!) I actually don't go to bookstores much anymore, however whenever I decide to "take a look" around the library, I usually leave with at least one book in my hand 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Sophie! 😀 Yeah for me more often than not ‘just one more chapter’ always ends up being the whole book. I just can’t bring myself to stop reading when it seems like each chapter is better than the one before it.
      Not going into bookstores would solve my problem completely, but at the same time I can’t resist the lure of bookstores 100%! 😀

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      1. Oh gosh yes!! It’s nice to have another book to look forward to, but it’s hard when we have to wait right? (I’m thinking Warcross haha, which I think counts as a cliffhanger…)

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  5. Oh Beth, this was a good one! I laughed the entire time I read this! That first one hahahaha! I say ‘just one more chapter’ alllllll the time. It’s funny, while I’m in the middle of the chapter I go, is this almost done I need to put this book down; then I get to the end of the chapter and I just want to keep reading! 😛
    I don’t usually say I’m going to get to something soon, I usually say I’ll try to… which usually means I won’t haha!
    When I read that your bookstore is 6 floors I literally went ‘oh my god’ out loud because damn, I might die going there… because I may never leave 😛
    Great post! 😀

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    1. Oh that’s great to hear. I loved writing this post, even if I felt personally attacked by what I was writing. 🙂 Yep, that’s me too, I can never leave a book halfway through a chapter but it’s so easy to keep reading when you reach the end of a chapter as well. Before I know it the books over and I should have gone to sleep hours ago.
      I should probably switch to saying I’ll try to then, and yeah it’s always hard leaving that bookstore, because there’s just too many books for me to resist!
      Thanks so much. 🙂 ❤

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  6. Oh man I can relate to much to this post!! I think I’m especially guilty of saying books are at the top of my tbr because I definitely use that phrase and I don’t even have a tbr…oops 😂😂

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  7. I’m a total mood reader, so “this is next on my TBR” is my go to white lie 😜😜😜 Actually, I can relate to almost everything here… Nice post !!!

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  8. I feel personally attacked by ‘It’s at the top of my to-read list’ and ‘I’m just going to browse’ because I literally say these phrases ALL THE TIME and then either don’t read the book straight away, or go buy something. I think we all tell these little lies from time to time because we’re trying to encourage ourselves to engage in a certain type of behavior, such as book bans, ‘just browsing’, or prioritising a book. And while I think we should probably be more honest with ourselves, I don’t think encouraging ourselves in this type of way is too much of a bad thing! 😉 Great post Beth!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I felt attacked as I was writing this post, pretty much by every point I made because these are all things I’m really guilty of doing. 🙂
      No encouraging ourselves is definitely not a bad thing, and you never know if we keep saying things like ‘It’s at the top of my to-read list’ and ‘I’m just going to browse’ to ourselves then one day it is going to turn out to be true. Besides these aren’t massive lies, and they’re not hurting anyone so it could be worse couldn’t it?
      Thanks so much Kate! 😀 ❤

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      1. Hahaha omg, you attacked yourself by writing the post? (I’m laughing right now because that’s something I’d do too!) Exactly – they’re such small (and often quite fun lies) that I don’t think they’re too bad. 😉 And there have definitely been times in the past when I’ve told myself I’m just going to browse a bookstore AND THEN ACTUALLY HAVE?! So I think giving yourself a mental mantra can definitely work sometimes! 🙂 Keep up the awesome posts!

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      2. Well it was necessary (a lot of these are white lies I tell a lot!)
        Definitely not too bad, there are worse lies we could be telling, plus I think when to say you’ll get around to a book ASAP or that a certain book is at the top of your to-read list people know that isn’t always 100% true.
        Oh wow that must have taken some extreme will-power. I’ve never quite managed it myself but one day maybe! 😀


  9. I’ve definitely done variations of “Just one more chapter” or “I want to read this book asap” but mostly I am only telling people that something is on my TBR or wishlist with the added comment that I probably won’t actually get to it soon hahaha doing my very own backlist challenge kind of helped me stay grounded. But this post as a whole is VERY relatable!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Backlist challenges are good for the reason that it gives us an excuse to go through out TBR list and see what kind of things we’ve forgotten about (probably why I should attempt one at some point). Yeah when people say to me they’ll get around to whatever book ASAP I don’t expect them to read it straight away, based on my own reading habits I know better! 😀

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  10. Oh I am so very guilty of all of these, especially the “I’ll get to this book as soon as I can”… just like you, you’re lucky if I am getting to the book in the upcoming year hahaha. I am a huge mood reader and whenever I buy books, I don’t necessarily think of the books I said I’d buy, but more of the books I currently want to buy and… oops. It’s an endless circle hahaha.
    Loved this post, Beth! 🙂 x

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    1. “As soon as I can” really does mean different things for bookworms doesn’t it. I guess at least we all know that, so we don’t expect people to read books the next day if they’ve said that. 🙂
      See things like that are probably the reason I have such an unmanageable book haul on my shelves. I don’t just buy the books I plan to but the books that catch my eyes in store as well. So yeah endless circle to say the least.
      Thanks so much Marie. 🙂 ❤️

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  11. For me, it probably won’t be just one chapter nor will I get around to that book ASAP. I do have a rule that if I haven’t read it a year after I bought it, I’m unhauling the book. That has worked great so far! As for the last two, I don’t have a problem with them. I have enough self-control to just browse and I can manage my money quite well. I guess, I’m lucky😉 I can keep my bookshelves clean as well. This was a really fun post!

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    1. They’re the most common ones aren’t they? And actually that’s a really good idea (I should probably think about doing the same because if I haven’t read the book within a year of buying it an I ever going to? Probably not.)
      Oh my god I wish I had your self control. It seems every time I go into a book store I can never resist, no matter how hard I try.
      Thanks, I’m glad you enjoyed this post. 😀

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  12. I feel so exposed hahaha. I never put a book down when I say I would, or start a book I said I would for that matter! Those are just a couple of struggles of being a mood reader.

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    1. I felt the same after writing this post I will admit. 😀
      Yeah I feel like if I tried to set my reading to a schedule I’d be so bored. There’s something almost adventurous about being a mood reader and never knowing what you could decide to pick up next. 🙂

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    1. I have so many books at the so called top of my to-read list that I practically need to create a new list called ‘Top of my TBR List TBR List’. Yeah I know that feeling, sometimes I genuinely end up surprised by what I find in my to-read list. 🙂

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  13. Woops. I’m guilty of the “one more chapter” syndrome. And then I wonder how my day has gone by. Yeaaaaah….

    Ah, the cons of mood reading. I always try to set a TBR because, hello, ARCs! But that never stands and I’m left begging the book gods for mercy

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    1. Still there’s no better way of spending the day than reading right? Especially if it’s such a good book you can’t put it down.
      Ha, yeah I’m definitely the same. I try and get around to ARCs as a matter of priority but you can never tell when you’re just gonna want to read something else. 🙂


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