Discussion Time: Why Book Bloggers Would make Good Writers, and Why They Wouldn’t

November is coming up, and for many of us that means one thing; NaNoWriMo is beginning.

For those of you who don’t know what NaNoWriMo is it’s a month long writing fest where everyone who joins pledges to write 50K words before the end November. I took part myself back in 2014 and 2015, before I started blogging, and now I am taking part again. I’ve never managed to hit 50K words, but maybe this year is my year.

This week’s discussion post is not so much about blogging or reading, but marking the start of NaNoWriMo and getting me ready to churn out 50K words.

Why Book Bloggers Would Make Good Writers, and Why they Wouldn't

Why Book Bloggers Would make Good Writers, and Why They Wouldn’t

Earlier this year I took part in the Who Am I Tag, which as well as being a lot of fun had a quiz designed to tell me what my future career should be. Like seemingly everyone else who blogs about books I got Writer (spoiler alert, I’m not a writer). My actual job deals more with numbers than words funnily enough, but it got me thinking about the reasons why I, and all the other book bloggers out there reading this post, could be a writer.

Why Book Bloggers Would Make Good Writers, and Why they Wouldn't (1)

We read a lot…like seriously a lot.

Writing takes a lot of research, and part of that would include reading the competitions’ releases. What’s working well in the Young Adult, or Fantasy, or Contemporary markets? What are the trends, the character archetypes and tropes appearing in every new release? What’s missing? Chances are we already know the answer to all these questions.

We clearly all love reading.

We wouldn’t be blogging otherwise would we?

‘Do what you love and never work a day in your life’ is a saying I’ve heard many times before (lectures from my parents I can now repeat word for word from memory) but it’s true. It’s evident everyone here loves blogging and loves reading, so it makes sense that if we want to try our hands at it we’d love writing too.

Why Book Bloggers Would Make Good Writers, and Why they Wouldn't (2)

We know what we want to see.

More diversity is a popular want from pretty much everyone. We want more LGBT+ characters who aren’t just on the L or G side of the spectrum, we want to read more discussions on mental health issues, we want more representation of minorities, and we want more POC lead characters. So why not write it ourselves.

While #OwnVoices is popular when it comes to diverse reads there nothing to say you can’t write diverse characters, like everything else it just takes research

We’re already writers.

We may not be working on the next Harry Potter, or the next … but we are writers. We write reviews and tags and discussions and weekly features. I know writing a blog isn’t the same as writing a book, but it’s a start.

Why Book Bloggers Would Make Good Writers, and Why they Wouldn't (3)

We have plenty of resources at our fingertips.

There are a fair few bloggers I’ve seen who openly talk about their writing; May publishes some great posts and tips on writing, and Gretchen self-published her own book just this year.

Whatever you need; be it tips and advice, a clue where to begin when it comes to writing or publishing, or just someone to vent to about how hard writing and/or editing can be there are plenty of people out there willing to offer their help.

So at the moment writing seems like a dream job, one we’re all perfectly suited for and should immediately start, but now I’m going to talk about the downsides.

It’s hard.

I mentioned earlier how we’re all already writers, and while that’s still true there is a big difference between writing a 1K word post every day/two days/week and trying to write a 50K plus word book.

You’re going to have to deal with rejection.

That’s pretty much a fact of writing. If you decide to go the route of agents and big name publication houses rather than self publishing chances are you’re going to get rejected more often than not. There are so many people trying to get published, and I imagine it can be gutting to put yourself and your work out there only to get turned down, but there’s always another chance; Harry Potter was rejected 12 times before it found a home at Bloomsbury.

Why Book Bloggers Would Make Good Writers, and Why they Wouldn't (4)

Do we really have the time on top of blogging?

One of the things that surprised me, and maybe everyone else, when I first started blogging was the amount of time it took to write posts, and comment, and then reply to comments. Pretty much all of my spare time is taken up by WordPress, so trying to juggle writing a full length novel on top of all that makes my brain hurt.

I’m still not sure how I’m going to manage next month taking part in NaNoWriMo.

You can’t take breaks while writing.

Well, OK, you kind of can.

When we’re blogging and we’re feeling burnt out, or we’re in the middle of a reading slump, or we just need a break, we take a hiatus. Before you’re published maybe taking a break isn’t that big of a deal, but after, when you’ve got deadlines to meet and fans waiting I don’t think it will be that easy.

Why Book Bloggers Would Make Good Writers, and Why they Wouldn't (5)

We procrastinate.

Maybe this one is just me, but oh god I really do. For some reason, and I’m not sure why, my blog seems to have escaped my epic procrastination tendencies but I don’t think I’m lucky enough for lighting to strike twice when it comes to writing.

Now Onto the Discussion Part of This Post:

Are there any reasons you think bloggers would make good writers that I’ve missed from this post, or reasons we’d make bad writers?

Do you agree with these points? Or have you succeeded in writing a book alongside blogging, or taken a break with a deadline fast approaching, and disagree with the points I made?

Are you taking part in NaNoWriMo this year? If so tell me about it; is this going to be your first year taking part, have you ever reached 50K words in a previous year?

Let me know in the comments below.

60 thoughts on “Discussion Time: Why Book Bloggers Would make Good Writers, and Why They Wouldn’t

  1. I think perhaps the biggest challenge for bloggers who want to write is being able to carry out an idea for the length of a novel. Blog posts are short and concise, and there’s no need to carry a thought forward to the next post, but novels don’t have that luxury. Thankfully, there are editors who can come after you and help comb through any difficulties like that.

    By the way, you might be interested in our Writers Club. It offers free editing for members and can help bloggers starting to write make the transition successfully. https://www.patreon.com/AWritersPath

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh yeah, writing is one thing but editing is something completely different. I’ve just finished taking part in NaNo this year but I need to go back and re-edit everything which is going to be a completely different process, and your right editors themselves can help combat those difficulties as well. 🙂


  2. My own job deals with both numbers and words, funnily enough. But I appreciate this post a lot!!! Because I think that it’s silly people always assume that a book blogger “graduates” to a writer. I mean, why??? I have no intentions of writing. I don’t go around telling everyone I meet on the library “so when you write your first book…” Cause that would be ridiculous! I feel like it’s just the same about book blogging. I love reading! I can write my opinions on books. BUT. I do not have any stories to tell! Why should I? How would I? I just like reading 😀

    And for me it’s not even about the downsides… I just don’t feel any need or wish to write a book 😀 but others keep asking.. It’s so weird to me that they automatically assume this 🙂

    Great post! I’m glad someone talked about this.

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    1. Ha, see when you put it like that you’re absolutely right. It would be strange if you went around to every single person you saw with a book in their hands and asked them when they plan on writing their first book. A lot of the people I’ve met through WordPress are writers, but that doesn’t mean everyone is. I think as long as people are happy with what they’re doing, whether that’s blogging or writing a book, that’s the main thing. Personally, and I can say this with certainty now NaNo has actually started, it’s a lot easier to read books and write reviews than it is to try and write a book. I’m having a lot of fun but then again I have a lot of fun blogging and I have friends who love reading as much as I do who wouldn’t enjoy blogging.
      Swings and roundabouts I guess. 🙂
      Thanks so much, I’m really glad you enjoyed this post. 😀


      1. You’re right! The thing that annoys me though, is exactly that. The fact that people assume I’m not content to just be a reviewer 🙂 they sometimes talk as if “so basically when you graduate book blogging and finally write your book”, and I’m like WHUT, who told you I even want to do that, why do you people keep telling me I should want to do that 😀 I’m happy blogging! Blogging is NOT just a stepping stone! Hey, maybe I should write a post about that, actually 😀

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      2. I’ve never had people tell me that before, then again most people don’t know I’m a book blogger (I like to keep all the different sides of my life separate from one another). I have had people recommend I give writing a go because they know I love reading so much, but given I do love writing that didn’t really bother me. I can certainly see the other side of it, how it would sound to someone who didn’t love writing. 🙂
        You’re right blogging is not a stepping stone, and if I never got to write another word I’d be perfectly happy just blogging. 😀


      3. It’s actually not real life people for me, but people from the reading community 😀 which I find kind of ridiculous. Actually, I just wrote the post draft. I guess I’ll be posting it in December. Thank you for the inspiration 😀

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      4. Oh OK, and yeah I get what you mean because you’d think people who also blog about books would realise it doesn’t have to be a stepping stone to anything more than blogging if you don’t want it to be.
        That’s all right, you’ll have to send me a link to your post when you publish it. I’d love to read your thoughts on the topic. 🙂


  3. I can really relate to the time issue, but I love how you said that we’re already writers in a way, cos it’s true. And I can relate to the procrastinating side of things. I think there’s ups and downs to everything- but I think the quote you made at the beginning to do what you love is important. Great discussion!

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    1. I think we are, and from the comments most people agree. Just because we’re not constantly writing stories doesn’t mean our reviews and discussions don’t count as writing. 🙂 Ha, yeah procrastination is just us being our own worst enemies.
      Yep, if you don’t love writing what’s the point in forcing yourself too. I tend to make that my motto for all parts of my life; if I don’t love it why am I doing it?
      Thanks so much. 🙂

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  4. You are spot on the subject! The main problem I would have would be a lack of time. I don’t know how these working mom find the time to write truly! Blogging is such a blast but takes a lot of time indeed! Now my second problem would be the language. I read and blog in English but it’s not my mother tongue. Would I be good enougj to write a whole book in English? On the other hand writing in my own language feels foreign.

    So I share every thought!

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    1. Yeah, just trying to take part in NaNo this month and carry on with blogging and all that comes with it is taking all my time management skills. I don’t know how I’d do something like this full time and god knows people with more responsibilities than the few I have manage it too.
      I would not have guess English was not your mother tongue from your comment, so I would say you’re definitely good enough to write a whole book in English. Personally I’d say go for it, with writing I feel it’s something that just takes practise. No one can sit down and write a best seller the first time in the first draft! 😀


  5. Completely unrelated, but I love the pics you used throughout the post! Really like the font as well 😛 Good discussion post too of course haha! x

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    1. Yeah procrastination is a case of us being our own worst enemy right? Somehow my blogging had managed to escape my procrastination tendencies but nothing else in my life had managed the same feat. Probably not even writing I’ll find tomorrow once NaNo starts.
      Thanks Esther! 🙂 ❤️

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  6. Great discussion post, Beth. It is definitely something that is worth thinking about as I can see so many bloggers turning into fantastic writers if they ever wanted to. Personally, I don’t know if I’d want to start writing a book as it always feels like there’s a huge personal pressure to writing up the perfect story, with the perfect characters, with the perfect pace. Maybe some day I’ll be curious enough to try writing something up myself, but your post does raise some great ups and downs of going from blogging to writing! 😀

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks so much Lashaan. 🙂 Oh I completely agree, and there are some bloggers who already are fantastic writers as well. I love hearing people talk about their WIP and it sounds like a lot of hard work but they’re always so passionate about it.
      I guess if you ever feel like writing a novel you’ve just gotta sit down and start writing it, and then a few drafts down the line worry about getting it perfect. At least that’s my plan and what I’m attempting with NaNo tomorrow. 😀

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  7. I agree. We do already do a lot of writing, but it’s definitely different writing a blog post vs writing a novel. And all of these things take TIME. My goodness. I feel like I never fully do anything, destined to half-ass everything with the little bits of time I spread out among all my activities lol. But with all the reading we do—and all the reviewing—I def think that helps since we know what makes a book good/bad, we know what we and other want more of, etc. Great discussion!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh there’s got to be a huge difference, but at the same time I feel like writing a blog is good preparation almost for writing a novel, and vice versa. Time management is always a huge issue for me, I find things always take more time than I think they will too, which then puts me behind and ends up with me half assing things too. 🙂
      Yep, reading and knowing the market I think is a massive help when it comes to writing. It’s all research and you need to have done a lot of research to write a good book.
      Thanks so much Kristen. 😀


  8. Wonderful discussion post Beth! I remember doing the Who Am I Tag & getting Writer as a career as which left me with a very raised eyebrow haha! I LOVE reading but I just don’t see myself creatively writing perhaps because I consider myself a more technical writer. I’m also a self proclaimed Queen of procrastination lol, I’m surprised I manage to schedule even 1 or 2 posts per week since mostly I blog on the go. It def makes sense that us readers would make the best writers however I’ve come across many bookworms that just don’t feel they’d cut it as authors including myself. Professional Reader is more adequate of a career for me 🙂

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    1. Thanks so much Lilly. 😀 It seemed like every Who Am I tag has writer as a career, at one point it made me wonder if it was possible to get another answer. Reading is always going to be my first love, but figured why not take another run at NaNo this year? 🙂
      Oh I’m a queen of procrastination as well. I can tell you horror stories about being at uni and leaving the bulk of my work until the very last minute. I’d don’t think I’d cut it as an author as an actual career, I just enjoy writing as a hobby more than anything else. Ha, if only Professional Reader was a job we could actually get paid for right? 😀 ❤


    1. I agree with Jill. On WordPress blogging we’re all writers, we just write non-fiction posts rather than fictional stories. That thought kind of helped me take the leap to take part in NaNo again, the idea that I’m already writing, and yeah if blogging is what you love stick with it, no reason not to! 😀

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  9. Oh this is such an interesting post, Beth! I do think book bloggers would and could make excellent writers – obviously, not everyone wants to or is so fond of writing they’d want to try it out, but you do make some great arguments to say why we’d be great at it.
    Blogging takes so much of our time, it’s hard to imagine writing a full book as well. When I was writing – and when I’ll write again soon -, I always tried to set aside time to write. Not blog, not do anything else, just write. I think it’s so important to have some discipline and try and stick to it in order to make it work 🙂

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    1. Thanks so much Marie! 😀 ❤ Oh yeah I completely agree. It took me nearly two years of blogging before I was interested in writing again, and even if I'd never become interested in writing again I would have been more than happy just blogging. It's different for everyone. 🙂
      Time management is something I have down when it comes to WordPress, not sure how throwing NaNo into the mix is going to work out but I'm giving it a go. Setting aside time does sound so simple doesn't it, but it's so easy for WordPress to just take over without you even realising, at least that's what I've found when it comes to my other hobbies. 😀

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      1. Ahahah, oh yes, I agree. I never tried NaNo while blogging the way I am now and working full time, but… I’m guessing, if we cut back on blogging a little bit, it should work? If we can, ahah 😛

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      2. This will be my first year of trying so I see it going two ways. One will be me managing the two (three of you count my full-time job) aspects of my life thanks to my amazing time management skills, the second will be an epic disaster.
        For some reason I see it being the latter rather than the former! 😀

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  10. Hi Beth! Lovely discussion as usual with the best points!! ❤ I think the same things that attract us to blogging attract us to writing… Once we realize that all that blogging writing we do could be translated into a book of our own it's hard to stop the idea juices from flowing!! I find both blogging and writing hard work… but both contribute nicely to the other with skills you need… Blogging helps with rejection and time management (necessary if you become an author with deadlines) and Writing helps you learn to pull together the right thoughts and to develop deeper meaning in what you are saying… There are also a ton of continuity issues that writing can help with your blogger identity!

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    1. Hi Dani, oh thanks so much! 😀 ❤
      Yes I completely agree, before I started blogging I'd hadn't written in a long time, but in the two years I've been on WordPress I have had so many ideas pop up out of nowhere. It's definitely inspirational and there's so much I've learnt about writing, and about what I'd like to see in the books I read, that's going to be a massive help when November starts.
      I'll have to take part in NaNo before making my judgment on whether the two contribute for me. Still I have found blogging has helped tons with my time management skills so here's hoping writing ends up helping with me pulling my thoughts together (something I desperately need help with at times.) 😀

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  11. Hi Beth, I’m doing Nanowrimo for the sixth time this November. I must have fingers of fire as I have managed to complete the 50k every time. Good luck with it. I can’t really discuss book blogging as I put up like one review every other week or so, but yes we know what we are talking about when we do manage to put words down on the screen.

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    1. Oh wow after five times taking part, and reaching the 50K goal as well, you must be an expert by now. I hope the sixth time is just as successful for you. Personally I’d be happy if I could reach 50K just this once. 😀
      Thanks so much, and in my opinion that one review still makes you a book blogger. 🙂 I guess a lot of my pros and cons are universal anyways; I’ve found research is the key whether your a blogger or not. 😀

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  12. This was a fantastic post. I am a writer (both traditionally and self), and it takes *a lot* of work. I’ve learned so much about writing since becoming a book blogger and reading other book blogs. I think your first point about researching the markets was my favorite since it is so true. I also agree that a writer must learn how to deal with rejection. I blog because I love reading as much as writing, and I can’t help but share my opinion, lol. I wish anyone who tackles Nano the best of luck this year!

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    1. Thanks so much. I haven’t written in a while but yeah I remember it taking a lot of work, it’s just hard even without blogging on the side and even without trying to get out 50K words in a month. Research is important, it’s something I’ll need to work on more for my WIP once NaNo is over, and rejection is just part and parcel of it isn’t it?
      That’s pretty much why I blog as well, when it comes down to it I’m always going to love reading more than anything else, even writing, and blogging was just a great way to interact with more like minded people. 🙂
      Are you taking part in NaNo this year?

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  13. Ooh, I love this post, Beth! I totally agree that whatever bloggers want more of (or less of) in books — we could write it ourselves. Plus a lot of book bloggers are book reviewers and we are great at analyzing different aspects in books and that could help us with developing different things in our own books.

    But yes, blogging already takes up SO much time that I barely have any time left over to write!! And yes yes yes I procrastinate soooooo much on my writing — I put blogging over it unfortunately, even tho I’m trying to change that! Love this post, Beth! ❤

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    1. Thanks so much May. 😀 Exactly, my idea for NaNo has some of what I want to see in books (honestly though there’s so much I want to see in books it wouldn’t be possible to fit everything in one story. Just means I need to come up with more ideas). Yeah when you put it like that book bloggers are perfect writers. 😀
      I’ve been working hard on having a load of drafts saved so I can take a step back for NaNo. I’m going to try and fit both blogging and NaNo in this month, guess this will be an experiment to see if I can manage it. Procrastination sucks, here’s hoping we’re not affected by it too much this November. 🙂
      Thanks again May. 🙂 ❤

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  14. Great post Beth! You definitely hit all the points, I agree that bloggers would make fantastic writers, but like you said it takes time and effort. At this point in my life I just don’t have it in me to write a novel, maybe in the future but not now. Like you, I spend a lot of my time here on WordPress so it feels like I have no other time to dedicate to writing. I still have to write a review that’s only going to be a couple hundred words long and I can’t even find time to write that, let alone a full out novel!
    Good luck with NaMoWriMo. I won’t be participating; knowing that I won’t hit the mark I want just frustrates me so I’m going to stay clear.

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    1. Thanks so much Meghan. Yeah and I think as bloggers time and effort is something we don’t always have (well, maybe more the time side than the effort side.) After blogging for nearly two years now I feel ready to take on WordPress and NaNo, it may be an epic fail but I guess I never know until I try. One day I’m sure it’ll be the same for you if writing is something you’re interested in. Until then review writing is good practise. 😀
      Thanks so much, I feel like I’m going to need all the luck I can get. Yeah the 50K word goal is going to frustrate me at times but I’m determined this year. 😀 ❤

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      1. I’m confident enough that I’m going to try my best, and I guess that’s all I can hope for. I have done more planning this year than any other so I feel that’s a good start. 🙂
        Oh time management is normally a huge problem of mine. I have a backlog of posts drafted to help me throughout November. I think there’s always going to be one hobby, be it blogging or writing, that overtakes your time.

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  15. I agree 100% with what you said. I am actually trying to write a novel right now but I am not doing NaNoWriMo right now, because I want to get the points of the book across and not just the words if that makes sense 😂. Anyways I do procrastinate but only once I have everything done. I would write 6,000 words in a day and write 4 blog posts and than I would take a break for 3 days and than get back to work. But yeah, I agree with everything you said. I hope you have a great day.

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    1. Ha, that’s good to hear. Oh I’ll wish you luck with writing your novel in that case. Personally I find it easier to get a lot of words down and then go back and fine tune everything. I need to get everything out of my head and onto paper if not I’ll keep getting distracted by ideas buzzing around in my head.
      When it comes to procrastination we’re our own worst enemies aren’t we? I had a very productive weekend last weekend, so I’m hoping for the same this coming weekend. 😀
      Thanks so much, I hope you have a great day too. 🙂 ❤

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