Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Fairytales I’d Love to See Retold More

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Each week there is a new topic for bloggers to choose and list their top ten. This week’s theme is Top Ten Things on my Reading Wishlist.

I gave this week’s theme a little bit of a twist, and instead of Top Ten Things on my Reading Wishlist I went for Top Ten Fairytales I’d Love to See Retold More. I am a huge fan of fairytale retellings, but I’ve noticed it seems to be the most popular ones that are retold over and over again, there are so many I’d love to see given the same treatment and this gives me a chance to showcase them.

Top Ten Tuesday

The Wild Swans

The second I thought of this topic for my Top Ten Tuesday post The Wild Swans was the first fairytale I put on the list. Of all the others I featured I would love to see this one retold the most because, after Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, it is my all-time favourite fairytale.

The Wild Swans is a story about a Princess whose eleven brothers were turned into swans by their stepmother, a wicked witch. To save her brothers from their fate the Princess must gather nettles from the graveyard and weave them into eleven shirts, undertaking a vow of silence until her work is done or her all brothers will die.

Cupid and Psyche

I love stories from Greek mythology almost as much as I love fairytales, and while the tale of Hades and Persephone is my favourite Cupid and Psyche is a very close second. It’s a story that has a lot of potential to be retold, but sadly hasn’t been yet; at least not to my knowledge.

Cupid and Psyche is a story about how Psyche is married to a hideous monster. Her fate foretold by the oracle of Apollo she must never look upon her husband for fear of being devoured by him. However tricked by her jealous sisters she steals a glimpse and instead of a monster discovers Cupid. He flees after waking and to prove her worth Psyche undertakes three trials to find her love again.


I’m a little surprised how this isn’t a more popular choice for retellings, the only one I can think of off the top of my head is Cress by Marissa Meyer. While it’s possible there are more out there I just haven’t noticed yet I would still love to see more Rapunzel retellings on the shelves one day.

The Twelve Dancing Princesses

This was another favourite fairytale of mine when I was younger, and I fully believe it has everything needed to be turned into an epic fantasy series, or standalone if you’d prefer. There’s mystery and magic, secret and fantastical lands, Kings and Princes and Princesses, what more do you need?

The Twelve Dancing Princesses is a story about a King who sets a challenge before the land to discover why his twelve daughters are wearing out their dancing shoes, despite being safe in their rooms all night. A soldier follows the Princesses and discovers a secret passageway leading to a secret world where the twelve Princesses dance each night away with twelve Princes.

The Little Mermaid

When I say The Little Mermaid I don’t mean the Disney version where everyone has a happy ending but the original Hans Christian Andersen story with a much sadder ending.

There’s a theory that The Little Mermaid was originally written as a love letter from Hans to his friend Edvard. His feelings were unreciprocated and Hans wrote The Little Mermaid to symbolize his inability to be with Edvard just as a mermaid cannot be with a human, hence the unhappy ending in the original tale.

Saint George and the Dragon

This one is not so much a fairytale as it is a legend but in my opinion we need more dragons in books, and there are so few fairytales with dragons in that I could have featured in this post instead. I think it would be interesting to see this tale retold, but maybe without the damsel in distress angle.

The Snow Queen

When I was younger I loved this tale, about a girl who travelled far and wide to save her best friend who was enchanted by the Snow Queen. Unfortunately the only retelling I’ve come across is Stealing Snow which, in my opinion, doesn’t do justice to one of my favourite fairytales.

Hansel and Gretel

I’ll admit that part of the reason I loved this story so much when I was younger was because of the candy house; seriously though what child wouldn’t love that? I’m not sure how it could be done but I’d love to see a retelling of this fairytale, to bring back the memories of reading about a house made entirely of sweets when I was younger.

The Singing Bone

Originally this fairytale wasn’t going to make my list, but when I read a brief synopsis of what it was about I thought to myself, ‘I can imagine this being a story Leigh Bardugo would write really well’, and I just could not get that thought out of my head.

The Singing Bone is a story about two brothers, tasked with killing a boar. The younger is the one who makes the kill, but then the older brother kills the younger to take the glory for himself. Years later a shepherd comes across the younger brothers bones and uses them to make a horn, a horn which sings on its own of the crimes committed by the older brother.

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

Yes there are already a fair few retellings of this story out there, but Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland is an all-time favourite of mine so I’m always going to want to see more reimagining’s of Lewis Carroll’s original tale on the shelves.

So what do you think? Did you take part in this week’s Top Ten Tuesday, if so let me know what things are on your reading wishlist, or what fairytales you’d like to see retold more.

109 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Fairytales I’d Love to See Retold More

  1. Ooh yes this is so great, I adore retellings so much and there are definitely so many fairytales that deserve to have one written! I loved the Twelve Dancing Princesses story as a kid, I think I know of a book called Entwined or something based off it? I haven’t read it yet but I really really want to ahah. And yes I want a retelling of the original Little Mermaid SO MUCH!! It’s so tragic and heartbreaking but what an amazing story it could make. ❤ And of course, Alice in Wonderland! I haven't read enough of Alice retellings, honestly.

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    1. Thanks so much Analee. Yeah there are plenty of fairytales out there, it makes no sense why we keep seeing the same ones being re-written over and over again. I’ve read Entwined, and yeah that’s Twelve Dancing Princesses inspired. I thought it was quite good but it’s been a while since I read it. The Little Mermaid would make a pretty amazing dark fairytale retelling. I’d certainly love to read a dark fairytale retelling of it at least.
      There can never be too many Alice in Wonderland retellings! 😀 ❤

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      1. Right? There are SO many stories just waiting to be explored. ❤ Ooh definitely want to try it out sometime! Oh same haha I love happily ever afters but reading a dark fairytale retelling of The Little Mermaid would be so amazing. Very true!

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    1. There seem to be so few books that feature dragons at the moment, unless it’s just that I don’t know about them. 🙂 Yeah there are some really obscure fairytales out there but they’re amazing stories which deserve some retelling attention. Thanks so much Lashaan! 😀

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  2. Simon and Schuster publish a ‘Once Upon A Time’ series that is all fairy tale retellings, including some of the ones you listed above: Rapunzel (“Golden”), The Snow Queen (“Winter’s Child”), Twelve Dancing Princesses (“The Night Dance”), The Little Mermaid (“Midnight Pearls”).

    For The Wild Swans one you might enjoy “Daughter of the Forest” by Juliet Marillier; it’s one of my favorite books of one of my favorite series.

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    1. Oh my god I am definitely going to have to check these out then. This is pretty much half of my list this week and definitely what I’m looking for as well. Thanks so much for the recommendations, and I’ll be sure to check out Daughter of the Forest as well!
      Thanks again! 😀 ❤

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      1. You’re welcome! The Once Upon A Time books are very quick reads, around 200+ pages, and can be enjoyed, I feel, by middle grade age and up.

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  3. I love retellings and love this list because I 100% agree I’d like to see some other retellings besides the usual Cinderella, Alice in Wonderland, and Beauty and The Beast (even though I still love those as well!).

    As far as Sleeping Beauty retellings I believe “Reign of Shadows” is one even though I have not read it so don’t hold me to it, haha! And also “Kingdom of Ash and Briars” (that I rant and rave about to everyone) actually has a Sleeping Beauty retelling as well, even though it’s woven in with others too such as Cinderella and Mulan.

    I’d also love to see more of The Little Mermaid too, I read and really enjoyed a retelling of it “The Seafarer’s Kiss” that was just released with a F/F romance!

    I also did hear about a “Singing Bone” retelling and for the life of me I can’t remember what it was! I just remember wondering what the original tale was and hadn’t heard of “The Singing Bone” before. I’m going to go scour Goodreads now!

    I absolutely adore Alice in Wonderland retellings to even though there are quite a few out there I need more!

    Great, great list Beth! Sorry for such a long comment! 🙂

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    1. Oh I’m glad you enjoyed this list Heather, and yeah as much as I love the usual suspects when it comes to retellings it would be great to see some more variety as well, especially considering how many other amazing fairytales are still out there.
      I have read Reign of Shadows and was not impressed at all. I’m definitely not carrying on with that series, but I do want to get around to Kingdom of Ash and Briars at some point. It’s been on my to-read list for ages but I keep forgetting it’s there for some reason. I’ve heard a lot of positive things about that book!
      Ohh, I’ll have to check out The Seafarer’s Kiss then, I haven’t heard of any Little Mermaid retellings but I know there must be some. If you discover the name of that book please let me know. The second I heard of The Singing Bone I’ve pretty much been desperate for a retelling of it!
      There can never be too many Alice in Wonderland retellings, or retellings in general.
      Thanks so much, and no need to apologise I could talk for hours about fairytale retellings! 😀 ❤

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      1. I’m practically on auto-buy when it comes to retellings so getting some new material would be amazing!
        Sorry you didn’t enjoy Reign of Shadows I didn’t hear very good things about it either but since it was Rapunzel I thought I’d mention it! I don’t think I’ll ever pick that one up though.
        I really hope you enjoy both Kingdom of Ash and Briars and The Seafarer’s Kiss I’d be very interested in hearing your thoughts on them too!
        I also found The Singing Bone retelling!!! It’s “The Great Hunt” by Wendy Higgins which I’ve heard mixed things about but it does say in the description it’s supposed to be a retelling of the Singing Bone. 🙂

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      2. Same here, any retelling is one I’m willing to give a go.
        Yeah it was a shame, like you said it was Rapunzel so I so hoped it would be a good book. Sadly it was a bit of a let down for me.
        I really hope so too, I’ve heard amazing things about both now so I can’t wait to get around to them.
        Ohh, I’ve heard of that one as well, it was on my to-read list but hearing it’s a retelling of The Singing Bone makes me even more excited to get around to it someday. May have to move it up my to-read list! 😀 Thanks. ❤

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  4. Ooooo Hansel and Gretel! I think it would be awesome to see more retellings of that one! I would have added Mulan to this list as well because it is one of my favourites and I think that we definitely need more retellings!

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      1. Hopefully it will do! I actually bought a copy of Flame in the Mist, which they had on the shelves early, yesterday 😀 so I’m looking forward to getting that

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      2. I think it’s the may book as well! It was the only one that I could think of that fit the description – but I’m not getting the may box so… I’m glad I found an early copy! I hope I enjoy it more that TWaTD 🙂

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  5. Hi! The Wild Swans would be a good one. I saw someone mention The Princess and the Pea. I would love to read that. I don’t usually read retellings, but I just read Alice: The Wanderland Chronicles. It was good. A fun and exciting read.
    My TTT

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    1. The Princess and the Pea would definitely be a good one. I nearly added it to my list this week but it got beat out at the last second. Ohh, I haven’t heard of that Alice retelling, I’ll have to check it out now! 🙂
      Thanks for the link, I’ll definitely check out your TTT. 🙂

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  6. There’s an excellent retelling of The Wild Swans called Daughter of the Forest, by Juliet Marillier! You should definitely read it 🙂
    Some more Robin Hood retellings would be fun, and I’m a big fan of East of the Sun and West of the Moon, which has some similarities to Psyche and Cupid.

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    1. Well The Wild Swans is definitely one of my favourite fairytales so really any retelling will go on my to-read list. Thanks for the rec!
      Ohh, Robin Hood would be really fun actually, I wish I’d thought to add it to this post, also I’ll make a note to check out East of the Sun and West of the Moon. Could be a book that interests me as well! 😀

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  7. Oh that’s such an interesting topic, Beth! I would LOVE to read more Rapunzel retellings, I can’t think of any right now except from Cress and it’s such a shame, it’s one of my favorites. And The Snow Queen, oh I’d LOVE to read something based on that tale as well! 🙂

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    1. Thanks so much Marie, and yeah more Rapunzel retellings would be interesting. Cress is my favourite but there’s another one I enjoyed called My Name is Rapunzel, which was quite good. The Snow Queen would be an amazing story to retell, there’s so much potential there! 😀

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  8. I would love to see more retellings for The Snow Queen, it’s always been one of my favorite fairy tales. It’s refreshing to find something that’s not overly used which it’s the reason that I’m excited about Flame in the Mist (Mulan’s retelling)

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    1. There are certainly plenty of fairytales out there which haven’t been retold, and considering how many retellings there are in the YA genre alone does lead me to wonder why it is they haven’t been retold. The Snow Queen would be an amazing story to retell, and Flame in the Mist is an amazing book as well. I hope you enjoy it when you read it. 🙂

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  9. I love The Wild Swans and The Twelve Dancing Princesses too! 😀
    I don’t know if you’ve already seen it, but if you’re interested in fairy tale retellings, 10/10 would recommend Once Upon A Time ^_^

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    1. They’re just brilliant stories aren’t they, definitely two of my top fairytales (I can’t choose just one favourite).
      I’ve heard of Once Upon a Time but haven’t watched it yet, which I feel is a travesty. It’s still on my to-watch list so one day I will get around to it! 😀

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  10. I’m so with you on wanting more fairytale retellings, Beth! Especially those beyond what’s obviously popular like Beauty and the Beast retellings (even though I love those). Although I have to admit I’ve only heard of The Little Mermaid, Rapunzel, The Snow Queen, Hansel and Gretel, and Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. And I would so love a Little Mermaid retelling! I actually think ones been published recently that is more inspired by the original story called The Seafarer’s Kiss. I’ve hearing great things about it. Also, I don’t know if Stephanie has already beat me to it but she recommend me a Snow Queen retelling that she loved called Winter Falls and she said it’s a million times better than Stealing Snow. Aside from those, I so want to see more Mulan retellings. With Flame in the Mist being released it’s put that idea in my head and now I definitely want more Mulan retellings. And not sure if it could be considered a retelling but I wouldn’t mind something centered around retelling actual faeries stories or something about the Wild Hunt. Would be interesting. Anyway! Great picks for this. 😁😁

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    1. I think when it comes down to it I’m never going to have enough fairytale retellings, and while I loved all the Beauty and the Beast ones I’ve read so far there are so many other fairytales I’d love to see retold.
      Yeah those are some of the more popular-ish ones (kind of makes it more strange that they haven’t been retold all that much). Ohh I’ll definitely check out The Seafarer’s Kiss, any retelling is a guaranteed add to my TBR list no matter what! 😀
      I’m about 99% sure I saw her review for that book. I can’t remember but I do remember talking to Stephanie about Snow Queen retelling one day, and given how little there are out there chances are it was Winter Falls. 🙂
      Mulan has a lot of potential, and maybe now it has been retold one it will open the gate for more retellings like it. We can hope anyway but even if not Flame in the Mist is a great retelling so you’ll definitely be happy with that one.
      Oh that would definitely be interesting, and you never know maybe one day you’ll see one! 😀
      Thanks so much Melissa! 😀 ❤

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      1. Me either and I agree that even though I adore Beauty and the Beast ones there are so many other fairy tales I want retold too. 😊
        You probably did. I think it was a more recent review too but I know straight away she told me it was a million times better than Stealing Snow so I was sold on that and the fact that it’s a Snow Queen retelling. Either way, Winter Falls sounds like it’s a good one.
        Maybe! I hope that it opens the door for more Mulan retellings for sure. And I can’t wait to read Flame in the Mist. Hopefully before the end of the year either that or I might be waiting for the second book because I hear it ends in a cliffhanger. 😂
        You’re welcome, Beth!!

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      2. It would be nice to take a step away from all the Beauty and the Beast retellings and give some of the other fairytales a change to shine.
        Yeah then I’ve definitely heard of that book, and as soon as she said it was a million times better than Stealing Snow I was almost instantly hooked.
        You never know? Flame in the Mist is a really hyped book so it may clear the way for more obscure retellings rather than the same old. Ha, yeah there’s definitely a cliffhanger in there. 😀

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      3. It really would. And here’s to hoping that Flame in the Mist does that. I’ve been talking about it with Lilly too and she told me that it’s a Game of Thrones style cliffhanger. I’m thinking it might be a good idea to wait for the second book to read it now. 😂😂

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      4. I’m not really sure what kind of cliffhanger I’d say it was. If you’d read Renee Ahdieh’s first series I could say for sure that it was a similar cliffhanger to her first book in that series. I feel GoT cliffhangers are more dramatic and full of death you know? 🙂

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  11. Reading all these old fairytales makes me nostalgic for childhood! I do know of one (I think) Psyche/Cupid retelling. It’s a 5th in a series, but you don’t have to read the them all to read this one. It’s Juliet Dove, Queen of Love. I listened to the audiobook ages ago, so I don’t quite remember it, but I remember enjoying it and listening to it more than once.

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    1. Ahh, I completely agree, and I think when it comes down to it that’s the reason I love reading fairytale retellings as well! 😀
      Oh thanks for the recommendation. I’ll be sure to check it out, and the whole series actually. Cupid and Psyche is one of those myths that don’t have many retold stories so it’s a case of picking up any that apply. 🙂


  12. I think entwined by heather dixson is a 12 dancing princesses retelling… I loved the barbie movie, it was one of my favourites when I was young…
    speaking of barbie movies, I also loved swan lake… it would be interesting to see more of it in a YA novel

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    1. Yeah Entwined by Heather Dixon has been mentioned. It’s one I’ve already read as well but I’d love to see more. I never saw any of the Barbie movies, kind of missed out on that essential childhood film based on some of the other comments. 🙂 Ohh, Swan Lake would definitely be an interesting YA retelling, maybe one day we’ll see one published! 😀

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      1. Growing up, my cousin and I were a huge fan of barbie… we saw all the movies (like literally all of them except for the recent ones) and a ton of dolls and spend most of our time on ….lol😅
        I do hope we get to see a swan lake retelling… I have a feeling that it’s going to be epic 😊

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      2. I feel like I must have missed out on something having not seen the Barbie movies. Unfortunately probably not something I’d enjoy as much now as I would have when I was a child! 😀
        I’ll keep my fingers crossed one day we do! 🙂

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      3. Lol… not something I would enjoy now too 😅 but I’m glad to have gone through that phase… everyone has a few key elements that made their childhood, it was barbie for me… maybe something else for u
        Lol… interesting how this conversation became about barbie😂😂
        Look out for the swan lake retelling 😄😄

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  13. Ooh, I’ve never heard of Cupid and Psyche before, but it sounds awesome! I’d actually really like some sort of retelling based off of Pandora’s Box; I think that’d be interesting.

    I also love the original version of The Little Mermaid. It’s so very dark, and there aren’t enough dark fairy tales out there! I only know about the Twelve Dancing Princesses because of the Barbie movie, but it’d make an awesome book! I also love Rapunzel; I’d think that would make a great book! I haven’t heard of The Singing Bone either, but that sounds so cool!

    I think I’d love a retelling of The Nutcracker! I saw the ballet and loved it, and I think it’d make such a nice retelling!

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    1. They do seem to have faded into the background when compared to some other, more well known Greek myths. Shame because theirs a great story. Ohh, Pandora’s Box would make an amazing retelling!
      Yeah I think there’s definitely a gap in the market for some darker fairytale retellings, and The Little Mermaid would be a perfect one, so would The Singing Bone based on the original story. 🙂 Someone else mentioned the Barbie movie when it came to the Twelve Dancing Princesses, I hadn’t see it so I just go by the original fairytale.
      I think The Nutcracker would make an amazing retelling as well, it wouldn’t even need to be a Christmas themed book, it could be retold pretty much any way couldn’t it? 🙂

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  14. Hey hey hey, Beth! I really liked your post for this week’s TTT. It’s so clever and I just can’t agree more. There are so many fairytales out there and I would love to the ones you’ve mentioned inspiring upcoming novels.

    I have to agree with The Snow Queen though. Stealing Snow was just BAD. *gasp*

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    1. Thanks so much, as soon as I saw the topic my mind instantly went to the fairytales I’d love to see retold, and maybe one day I will see them retold! 😀
      Yeah in terms of The Snow Queen retellings, for me, Stealing Snow left a lot to be desired. Then again we could always use more fairytale retellings even if there’s loads out there already! 🙂

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  15. I love the Twelve Dancing Princesses! I think it would be such a good retelling. Also I never thought about Cupid and Psyche but it has the potential to be such a good retelling. Are there any good Hades/Persephone retellings? That myth is so interesting. I also feel like a Helen of Troy/Paris type retelling with the three goddesses could be really good too if done well.

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    1. It would be an amazing retelling, and hopefully one day there’s be more retellings of it out there (I’ve been told there are a couple released so far I just haven’t gotten around to yet). It definitely has the potential, and hopefully one day an author will realise that potential. In terms of Hades and Persephone there are a few ACOMAF was inspired by the tale but in terms of like for like retellings my favourite is the Daughters of Zeus series by Kaitlin Bevis.
      Oh that would be amazing, and it’s one I haven’t actually seen retold so far so there’s definitely potential there! 🙂

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  16. You know, I don’t know what my favorite fairy tale is. I think I’d love to see someone do a retelling of The Three Little Pigs (does that count?) in a contemporary setting and with humans. I wonder how that’d turn out. I love your take on this topic. Happy reading!

    -eli @ the (book) supplier
    My TTT

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    1. In a way I’m kind of the same, simply because there are so many fairytales out there I loved as a child that I couldn’t choose my favourite. 🙂
      That definitely counts, and if there ever was a retelling of The Three Little Pigs I’d certainly be interested in reading it to see where the story went!
      Thanks so much, and thanks for the link as well. I’ll definitely check out your TTT. 🙂

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  17. Mythical greek retellings! I just need all of them, I love greek mythology and instantly add tehm to my TBR XD Also Hansel and Gretel I want a candy house and the witch could/is super creepy and evil.
    I’d love some random retelling’s, The Girl From Everywhere has mythology and Hawaiian mythology I had never heard before which I adored and it made me look up the myths and see how they were shown in the story compared to the originals. Great list Best!

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    1. I love Greek mythology inspired book, honestly after fairytale retellings they’re some of your favourite stories! Hansel and Gretel could go so many ways when it comes to a retellings but I see it being a dark and creepy book more than anything else.
      I’ve read The Girl From Everywhere, it’s actually a favourite of mine simply because of the concept of the story and the mythology the author used as well. Oh I know there are plenty of myths out there I haven’t discovered yet, I guess part of the fun of it is discovering them! 😀

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      1. It’s so good seeing obscure retellings even historical fiction like And I Darken I know hardly anything about that time so its cool to see a ya book do it and be quite accurate, Also genderswaps i love genderswapped retelling although I’ve only read And I Darken and Strings I have to have a search for more 🙈

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      2. Oh I definitely agree, historical fiction isn’t a genre I jump into a lot but it’s one I actually quite enjoy when I do read books from it. 🙂
        And I Darken was an amazing story, I’m so excited for the second book in that series as well. 🙂

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      3. THEY HAVE 😦 I’m retrieving them now thank you for the nudge I wish I could stop that from happening it annoys me so much when I finally check spam 3 weeks later and end up replying super late!

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  18. I am surprised that there aren’t more Little Mermaid retellings, I wonder if mermaids just aren’t the “in” thing? I love this list and agree with all of your choices.

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    1. Well that’s always possible. I wonder what is the main thing at the moment then, when it comes to YA books I can think of one theme feature that I see more than any others. Still more Little Mermaid retellings would be amazing, and that’s great to hear! 😀

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  19. The Barbie movie of Twelve Dancing Princesses was my favorite movie as a young child. XDD And Cupid and Psyche is such a cool myth — I’d love to see more of that! And Rapunzel’s a pretty popular fairy tale, but I haven’t seen it around in YA books! I really want to write a fairy tale retelling, so I might end up using one of these as an idea for that. 😉

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    1. Ha, I’ve never actually seen that one. I dunno why but I never watched any of the Barbie movies when I was a child! It’s one of my favourite myths so I’d love to see more retellings of it, no neither have I. It’s a shame because it’s such a classic fairytale like you said. If you do write a fairytale retellings that would be amazing. I agree we definitely need more out there, and if you use one of these lesser retold ones even better! 😀

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    1. Yes I’ve read Entwined before (I mentioned it in one of the earlier comments but called it Enchanted for some reason). I haven’t read anything by Jessica Day George but if you say her books are good I’ll add them to my TBR list ASAP. Thanks for the recommendations. 😀

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      1. Mainly the YA ones, not the MG ones by George, are awesome. I loved the series she did for the 12 Dancing Princesses…I went on a binge of her books and just loved them. 😍❤️

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    1. I feel like The Singing Bone could be a dark retelling that feels more horror than fairytale you know? Either way it could be epic!
      Ohh I’d love to see that too, second to fairytales my main retelling love is Greek mythology. 😀


  20. Love this post! My favourite fairytale has always been The Snow Queen, and I think it could be made into such a sinister and creepy retelling. I’d also really like to see The Wild Swans retold (though it actually reminds me of a fantasy-romance book synopsis I read recently, but I can’t remember which one!)

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    1. Thanks so much. The Snow Queen is a brilliant fairytale, and while I can’t say it was an early childhood favourite of mine it eventually become one. Probably because I read it so many times! 😀 There are so many ways I think that story could be retold simply because there are so few retellings of it at the moment.
      Ohh, if you do remember the name of the book please let me know. I’m sure there are some retellings of The Wild Swans out there but I haven’t found any yet. 🙂

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  21. I completely agree with you about The Snow Queen, it was one of my favorite fairy tales as a kid and it certainly works as a retelling. It’s refreshing to read something not overly done which is why I’m excited about Flame in the Mist (Mulan retelling)

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    1. The Snow Queen is a brilliant story, and when it comes to retellings it’s one that hasn’t been done much before so it’s wide open for possibilities. Plus it would be nice to see some different retellings on the shelves other than the usual picks (Beauty and the Beast).
      I managed to get an ARC of Flame in the Mist and trust me it’s well worth the hype, and definitely a fresh retelling. I think you’ll love it if that’s what you’re looking for! 😀


  22. I love your take on this weeks top 10, I took part this week if you want to check it out😊 I used to love Rapunzel when I was younger!

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  23. I’d love to see more retellings of the Twelve Dancing Princesses (I’ve only read one but I really enjoyed!). Also the myth of Eros and Psyche is so beautiful I’d love to read more books based on that one (actually I think ACOTAR is slightly based on that?)
    Any retelling is a nice option to me to be honest haha😂

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    1. I read a book based on the Twelve Dancing Princess fairytale (I think it was called Enchanted, not sure who the author was though), but yeah I’d love to see more.
      And oh I wasn’t aware of that with ACOTAR. I did know ACOMAF was slightly based on the Hades and Persephone story.
      I definitely agree, any retelling is a good retelling in my opinion! 🙂


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