The Versatile Blogger Award

As I feel like I am steadily running out of interesting facts about myself (I’m not that interesting people) I went with a themed fact list for this award and picked seven blogging facts about myself. Basically this became an excuse to look back over the past year and a bit of blogging on Reading Every Night and reflect a little.

I was nominated by Grace at, Emma at After Butterfly Rain, and Meghan at Meghan’s Whimsical Explorations and Reviews. Thanks so much all three of you for nominating me for this award. It was great being able to take part again and I hope you enjoyed reading the facts I’ve come up with.

The Versatile Blogger


  • Show the award on your blog.
  • Thank the person that has nominated you.
  • Share 7 different facts about yourself.
  • Nominate 15 10 blogs of your choice.
  • Link your nominees and let them know of your nomination.

Seven Blogging Facts About Me:

  1. Since I started blogging back in November 2015 I have published 377 posts. Only 147 of those have been book reviews which means the other 230 posts have been a mixture of tags and awards, recaps and book hauls, and miscellaneous travel posts scattered here and there.
  2. I have never given a book a one star rating. For me one star ratings are for books I just couldn’t finish and, while there have been a couple that could have applied, I’ve always managed to get through all the books I’ve picked up since I started blogging.
  3. This will probably come as no surprise to anyone but my most read genre is fantasy. I have reviewed 65 fantasy books and this isn’t counting the other genres that could fall under the fantasy genre; sci-fi (Illuminae and the like), magical realism (Bone Gap, etc.), and paranormal (The Raven Cycle series, among others).
  4. With the publication of this award I am now just over five months behind on the tags and awards I’ve been nominated for but have yet to post. That’s really bad and I have no excuse for letting it get that way either. Sorry everyone.
  5. I’m still not 100% sure how I came up with the name for this blog. In the run up to starting Reading Every Night I knew I wanted to start a blog, and I knew what I wanted to write about as well, but I was stumped on the name. I think I just played around with words and phrases that featured ‘books’ and/or ‘reading’ until I found one that hadn’t already been taken.
  6. In the year and a bit I’ve been blogging nothing about my design or the structure of my reviews has changed. If you go back to the very first review I published it should look the same as the latest one, although hopefully my writing will have improved a little. I think that means it’s beyond time for a change. (Stay tuned for more info on that.)
  7. The achievement I am most proud of is reaching my one year blogiversary back in November 2016. I’ve said this before so I’m sure everyone is aware but I started and failed three blogs before this one so when I first posted on Reading Every Night I never dreamt I’d make it this far, but I did and it was the best feeling in the world. Thanks for sticking with me this long everyone.

My Nominations:

  1. Analee at Book Snacks
  2. Anna at My Bookish Dream
  3. Azia at The Uncharted Word
  4. Fadwa at Word Wonders
  5. Kate at Reading Through Infinity
  6. Lauren at Lauren’s Page Turners
  7. Lilly at Lair of Books Blog
  8. Melissa at Book Nerd Momo
  9. Mikaela at The Well-Thumbed Reader
  10. Stephanie at Teacher of YA’s Book Blog

45 thoughts on “The Versatile Blogger Award

  1. You’re on your way to emptying that dusty tag/awards closet! You can do this!! 😀 I’m quite surprised by the 1 star fact. How you haven’t managed to find a book that was so atrocious that even finishing it hasn’t brought to light anything good to say about it is truly amazing. You must be tooooo kind (if that’s a thing!) 😀 😀

    – Lashaan

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    1. Well on my way but it still feels like there’s a way to go as well. I going to do my best. 🙂
      Yeah one stars for me are reserved for DNF books and there hasn’t been one yet that I’ve DNF-ed. I imagine there will be one day, who knows what it will be or how bad it will be in order for me to rate it that low! 😀

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  2. Congrats on writing so many awesome posts! Wow, you are definitely prolific in the best possible way, and I really admire that your blogging style has worked for you all this time. I’ve changed the format of my reviews several times since I started my blog, and I’m about to change them again; I’m getting bored with how I write reviews, and that’s been making the reviewing process torturous. Can’t wait to see how you adjust your blogging technique! Whatever you do, it’s going to be great.

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    1. Thanks so much Liam, yeah it’s a lot for a year of blogging so I’m quite proud of that. I find when something works for me, and in this case it’s reviews, I stick with it until I feel it’s time for a chance. My reviewing style works so it will be a little while before I consider changing it I can tell you that. I’ll keep an eye out for your new reviews though. 🙂
      Yep, lots of changes coming this year but should be interesting! 😀

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  3. Wow. You have seriously posted a lot! I started blogging a few months before you and I have “only” posted around 155 posts. Hahaha, hopefully I’ll get into a routine soon and post a lot more than I usually do. I really want to start a few new memes, I just have to pick which ones to start. 🙂
    I was the same with the creation of my blog name, I just played around with names until I found one that wasn’t taken. Then I checked on twitter as well (as I knew that I wanted to use it as well) and it was available. Sooo I basically went with it!
    I completely understand being late with tags. I’m waaay behind as well, I think even more than you. I seriously need to change that, hopefully I’ll be doing quiet a few tags soon. (I hope I’ll have enough time to do them.) I really feel bad for being this behind, but I don’t have enough time to catch up either at the moment.
    Anyway. Thank you for nominating me! ❤ Great post Beth, as always. 🙂

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    1. Thanks Anna, yeah I was surprised by how many posts I’ve actually published so far. I think 155 is still a lot. I think it helps to , have a routine down, and I love taking part in the weekly memes as well. Top Ten Tuesday is my favourite one.
      It seems to have worked well for both of us. Sometimes I think most names you think about for ages are taken so you end up thinking of something off the top of your head that works better.
      I’m trying to get on top of my tags now but I think it’s something we just have to accept. We’re never going to be 100% up to date but as long as we get around to them eventually. 🙂
      That’s all right, I’ll look forwards to seeing your facts for this one Anna! 😀 ❤

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  4. Aha I know how you feel about the facts but don’t worry, we’re always interested and these were fun to read. ❤️ Fantasy is so awesome how can we not love it, right? And ahhhh don’t worry if it makes you feel any better I am probably more behind than you on tags and awards! I have so many pending and I feel terrible but I just never get around to completing them. Someday though! And ahhhh it’s so exciting to reach a one year blogiversary. Congrats on reaching yours!! 💘 Thank you so much for nominating me, I can’t guarantee when it’ll be up but I’ll do it haha.

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    1. That is good to hear. I still feel like one day I am just going to completely run out of anything interesting to say about myself. Fantasy has always been my favourite genre and it likely always will be. As I much as I enjoy reading other genres it can’t really compare to picking up a fantasy book.
      I think every blogger gets behind on tags at one point or another. I guess it’s just managing the ones in out queues more than anything else.
      Thanks so much Analee. Have you reached your one year blogiversary yet? It was definitely an amazing achievement. And that’s all right, take your time. I know all too well what it’s like having a lot of tags to get through still! 🙂


  5. Congratulations on the award, Beth, and thank you for sharing all this stuff with us! 377 posts is an AMAZING number – you’re so dedicated and you work so hard, and you deserve all the followers and traffic that you have and more.

    Also super excited to see what changes you come up with! I think your blog is perfect as is but I just know I’m going to enjoy anything and everything that you put out. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much Reg, ❤ and that's all right. I love sharing facts when I can come up with interesting enough ones. It's definitely a lot considering I've been blogging over a year now. Hopefully that number will continue to grow, and again thanks so much Reg, it means so much to me that you think that.
      I'm excited about the changes as well. I think most will happen in February just because I have some time off from work coming up and the time to make some of these changes. 🙂


  6. Thanks so much for the nomination, Beth!! I love that you did blogging facts about yourself for this. I completely get what you mean about having a hard time coming up with facts. I think I’ve only done this one once and struggled the first time 😂. And if it makes you feel any better about being 5 months behind on tags you should know that I’ve been behind on them since my third month of blogging and my one year is next month. I have no excuse except my own procrastination 🙈. I don’t think I’ll ever get caught up but it means I’ll never run out of tags when I do actually do them. Also, I’m the same with one star reviews and having not done any since I started blogging. I reserve them for books I can’t finish either and so far that hasn’t happened. I can’t wait to see the changes you end up doing for your blog. I bet they’ll be awesome! 😊

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    1. That’s all right Melissa! 🙂 Yeah I tend to add themes to facts when I’m running low. I’ve done reading and travelling stats before so I guess now it was time for blogging stats! 😀
      It’s something every blogger has to deal with I think, I wonder if there is a book blogger out there who is actually on top of their tags. It seems like something way too far out of my control but you never know. I guess I should try and catch up but like you I don’t think I’ll ever be 100% caught up!
      I think there must have been a book I read before I started blogging that I rated one star but I can’t for the life of me think of what it was! I think one day we’ll both probably have a one star review but until then…
      It’ll be interesting, and I think most of them will be coming up in February just because I should have some free time this month! 😀 I’m very excited!

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      1. That’s a good idea. I think I’ll have to keep it in mind for tags I do that ask for facts. I usually sit there forever trying to come up with good ones so a theme might help. 😊
        I wonder that too. It does seem impossible and mainly that’s because everyone tags everyone at some point. They tend to build up quickly. Even with being behind I think it’s nice to have a list to choose from.
        I actually can’t recall having ever given one star, even before blogging. I think the lowest I’ve gone is two. But you’re right, it’s bound to happen at some point.
        I can’t wait to see them!! 😃♥

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      2. I feel like it may get to the stage where I am quoting information off my driver’s licence or something (hair colour, eye colour, height) simply because I don’t have anymore facts! 😀
        They do but I think most people accept that everyone had big queues for tags. I’m normally in awe if people posts their answers for something I’ve tagged them in in the same month! I don’t know how they do it.

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    1. I suppose there’s that as well. But I guess if it’s a book you really don’t enjoy it’s got to be better to be honest than make something up. One star reviews are reserved for me for DNF books and so far I’ve not had one of those.


  7. Yay! I loved reading this Beth! Wow that’s a lot of blog posts! I’m amazed at all the stats you have on what you’ve posted! I wouldn’t even know what I’ve posted haha! I love the name of your blog, I think it’s very creative! 😀

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    1. Thanks so much Meghan. Yeah a lot of posts, but maybe not too much when you consider this is over a years worth of blog posts.
      I keep an Excel document of everything I posted because I am super organized like that, and thanks again. I love the name I ended up with as well. 😀

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  8. I loved reading these facts – it is hard to come up with new facts about yourself once you’ve been tagged a couple times, I agree, I am having a hard time coming up with facts in the fist place haha, so this was an original way to answer these 🙂 You have written SO many blog posts and you are one of my blogging role models for sure. Also, I love your blog name because it’s simple yet original 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much Marie. It’s getting to the stage where I may have to start more hobbies just to have some more facts about myself to post. You can tell I’m running low when I do themed facts for posts like these!
      Thanks so much Marie, it means a lot to me that you think that. You’re definitely one of my blogging role models as well! 😀 ❤

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  9. Thanks for the nomination!’ It’s amazing how many posts you actually end up posting without even realising! I would say that fantasy is my most read genre… but I read so many other books that I’m not even sure!! 😂😂

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    1. That’s all right, yeah it’s easy to post on blogs and before you know it you look at the number you’ve posted and are just like ‘how did that happen?!’.
      It’s likely fantasy in that case. I find what I thought was my most read genre ending up being correct by a large amount. 😀

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    1. Thanks so much, and I’m glad you enjoyed reading these facts. One star reviews will be reserved for books I DNF as well, not that I’ve had that happen yet. I’ve given a few two star reviews but although it seems harsh I just didn’t enjoy the books enough to feel justified rating them higher. That happens every now and again I guess, can’t win them all.

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  10. Oh my gosh, thank you so much for nominating me! This is the third blogging award I’ve received within a week, and my heart cannot take this.

    Ooh, interesting about the one star thing! I’ve definitely given one stars, but only a handful of books I’ve actually FINISHED have received one stars. Most of them are books I’ve DNF-ed halfway through; I only reserve one stars for books that I can’t find, like, one redeeming quality about. Most of my negative reviews are two stars because I can usually find something good about the book.

    And yeah for fantasy! I think thrillers are my personal favorite genre; I became obsessed with them last year, and they’re just SO GOOD!

    And we’re such twins; it’ll be a huge achievement if I make it to one year, even bigger if I make it to two! I don’t think I’ve ever stuck with an online presence for more than two years, so I’m hoping I break the mold this time around. XD

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    1. That’s all right, you must be building up tags and awards now, Before you know it you’ll be five months behind on your tags like I am at the moment (seriously they sneak up really easily sometimes!)
      I very rarely DNF books, and I feel if I can get through a book, no matter how bad, it should get at least a two star rating. The books I’ve DNF have just been unreadable for me, and given I can’t really give zero stars so I had to settle for just one. Either way it’s good you can still find positives about the bad books. 🙂
      Fantasy is always going be my first love when it comes to books but I do want to expand in terms of the genres I pick up and the thrillers I’ve read (though there haven’t been many) have all be amazing so I’d like to pick y more one day.
      In that case I really hope you make it to one year (I’m sure you will) and then two years. Honestly there’s no feeling like seeing that notification come up on WordPress congratulating you on blogging for a year! 😀 ❤

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      1. I already have two stacked up not including this one, so it already feels like a challenge. XD

        Ha, I try! Usually, it’s like, “Well, there wasn’t insta-love” or “It was really fast-paced”. I sometimes try to push through and finish a book, but, sometimes, I just suck at it.

        Ugh, I have WAY too many thriller recs if you’re ever in need of any. It’s actually sort of out of control, but who cares.

        Aw, thank you! Yes, I’m very much anticipating a first year (and even six months – halfway would be a fantastic milestone to reach as well)! It seems so long away since it’ll almost be the end of the year by the time that happens, and this year has barely started!

        Also, quick question: Can you see my latest blog post? I called it “My All-Time Favorite Series.” For some reason, posted it under the January archive (I didn’t schedule it or anything), so I’m guessing it didn’t pop up in anyone’s readers. I’m trying to figure out what the problem is, but I have no idea if anybody has actually seen my post or not.

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      2. Trust me it will become an even bigger queue before you know it! I’m about five months behind on my tags so hopefully you won’t let it get that bad but it’s very easy for them to creep up on you.
        It’s still something, and it’s great that you’re able t find the positive in these books even when the rest of it wasn’t that good. There have been a couple where I don’t think I even managed to find one positive to say about them but I still ended up giving them two stars because I still managed to finish them.
        I’ll definitely remember that, thanks Mikaela.
        Whatever milestone you reach will be an important one. I still feel the same way about the little ones I reach.
        I checked just now, I cant see it on my Reader Feed on WordPress but when I actually go into your blog it’s there. Did you mean to post it? Sometimes when I’ve drafted posts a few hours before publishing them WordPress has posted them hours before for some reason. Kind of like when I finished drafting them despite only publishing them a few seconds ago (really hope that makes some kind of sense.)

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      3. Yes, I just received another one today! They’re slowly stacking up; glad that I now have a Planner app to keep up with everything! 😂

        Yeah, there are times where I’ll be generous as well with ratings!

        Yes, two months is about to come up and I’m super excited (even though it’s the same day I’m starting track, which I hate)!

        Yeah, I meant to post it and it seems like other people ended up getting it because I got likes and comments, but the first time around, it posted under January??? It did it with today’s post as well, and I just had to copy it and re-post it to have it actually show up in people’s readers. I don’t know why it’s happening since I don’t schedule my posts, but I guess I’ll have to suffer. Apparently, this has happened to other people, so I’m not alone! And, yeah, that’s what’s happening because it’s publishing them on the day I last edited them. So weird.

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      4. Yeah I needed to start writing them down. I have an Excel spreadsheet for all things blog related which really helps because I am not the best at keeping track of things in my head.
        Well at least there’ll be something to look forwards to about that day, despite track starting. 🙂
        That is weird, either way I’ll be checking that post out. It’s strange because it showed up on my Reader feed on my iPad and the WordPress app there but for some reason it’s not showing up on the WordPress website on my laptop. Still that’s probably just my internet being complicated. Everyone has issues with WordPress sometimes, it’s just working around them I guess. 🙂

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  11. Thanks for tagging me Beth, I promise to get round to all the posts you’ve tagged me in soon! It makes me feel slightly better than you’re a little behind too – we can be behind together! Congrats on passing your one year blogging anniversary – you’ve written so many posts! I can’t believe you’ve never given a book a one star rating – you’re too kind! 😛 I’m pretty sure Twilight was my first one star, I just could not get on with that book. Excited to hear more about your plans to update your blog design!

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    1. That’s all right, and honestly take your time. I’m really behind on tags as well; the only achievement I can claim is that now I’m only about five months behind rather than six.
      Thanks so much Kate, it was great being able to reach that goal, yeah lot of posts but my one star reviews are for DNF books and there’s never been a book I’ve not finished. Not to say there won’t be one day but until then…
      February is going to have a lot of updates. Simply because I have a week off work so lots of free time to do some blogging! 😀


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