One Year Blogiversary: Q&A and Giveaway

So, in case you’ve missed my earlier post today and all the times I’ve mentioned it in passing over the last few weeks, today is my one year blogiversary.


Being completely honest never in a million years did I expect to be here. I had three other blogs before this one and they all fizzled out long before they reached the one year mark. I know my flaws and one of them is that I’m a massive procrastinator but the closer I got to the one year mark on this blog the more determined I was to make it.

I won’t say it’s been easy. Anyone who has been blogging longer than a month knows that it is hard, and some days definitely harder than others, but speaking to everyone on here has made it all worthwhile and now I can’t imagine my life without this blog.


Once again, before I move over to the announcement part and the reason you likely all clicked on this post, I just want to thank every single one of my followers; especially the people who take the time to like and comment on my posts. You have made all this worthwhile and so much fun, and I’ve definitely made some friends and met some amazing people through WordPress so I can’t thank each and every one of you enough for making this an amazing and unforgettable year.


To celebrate the fact that I didn’t let me epic procrastination skills get in the way of this blog I have planned two things. The first is a Q&A. So ask me any question you can think of in the comments, about books or blogging or just my life in general, and I will answer every one of them. The answers will be posted in two weeks (after December 1st though) and will coincide with the announcement of the winner of my giveaway.

And now onto the giveaway. I’m very excited about this because it will be the first giveaway I’ve hosted on my blog, the first giveaway I’ve done ever, and I’m pretty sure whoever wins will enjoy the prize which is…

The January Fairy Loot box.

Unfortunately one off purchases for the December box have already come and will likely have gone by the time this giveaway closes, and while I have no clue yet what the theme of the January box will be you can rest assured it will be amazing. I’ve been subscribed to Fairy Loot since July and I have yet to be disappointed by one of their boxes.

There is only one condition and that is to please check that Fairy Loot ships to your country. I know they do most but there are still a few they don’t deliver to. You can check that here.

Entering is simple (because I’m not sure how Rafflecopter works and it’s too late now to find out) and there are two ways to enter. First, ask a question for the Q&A, easy as that. Second, comment on this post with the answer to the following question; since you started blogging what has been your best or proudest moment? Everyone who does either option will be entered into the draw and if you ask a question and comment with the answer to my question then your name will be entered twice, which gives you slightly better odds on winning maybe.

The giveaway will close at midnight (GMT) on December 1st. I will email the winner to let them know they have won, and I will announce the winner on my blog when I post my Q&A answers at a later date. Until then, good luck everyone!

68 thoughts on “One Year Blogiversary: Q&A and Giveaway

  1. Congratulations again on reaching the big 1 year blogoversary Beth!!! Major high fives! 🤗🤗🤗 Just read your Standalone Sunday & realized I missed this post since I’ve been a bit absent in the blogosphere lately. Thank you for this opportunity Beth, very generous 😊💕

    My 2 questions for you are:

    Do you have a blog hopping method? Or are you random with the blogs you visit?

    You mentioned having attempted to start a blog 3 other times…were they book related? If so, what made this time different if at all

    My most proudest moment since I started blogging…hmmm…I don’t think it was a single moment specifically although it sure is nice to see other well established bloggers start shouting your blog out lol…for me it would have to be the moment I connected & made friends with a couple of bloggers and maintained those friendships. I’ve never had friends with similar interest TBH, so I have no practice whatsoever in communicating daily with people who share a passion. Now it’s become part of my day…one that I really look forward to 😊💕

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much Lilly! ❤ Yeah I've felt that way today and that was only missing one day on the blogosphere! Even then I'm sure there are one or two posts I've missed out on as well but hopefully I'll have a chance tomorrow to go back and catch up a little more.
      Either way it's been great reaching one year on this blog, and actually yeah I'm very excited for this giveaway as well! Thanks so much for your questions, I can't wait to answer them, I'm actually going to start drafting my answer post this week so I can try and post it next wekend on Saturday!
      That's still a great proudest moment (proudest moments maybe). Starting out blogging is always hard but it's worth it when you get to a stage where you have blogger friends and start connecting with other people on here and the ore established bloggers as well I guess!
      Blogging is definitely the best part of my day. Honestly I don't know what my life would be like without it! 😀 ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m not sure how I missed this post… but congratulations on your one year blogiversary! That’s such an amazing accomplishment! Here’s to another year of blogging 🎉
    So I’m stealing a question that I saw somewhere else, but I thought it was a really interesting question, so here it is: If you wrote an autobiography, what would the title be?
    And for my proudest moment blogging, I would have to say my Standalone Sunday meme. I had no idea that ANYONE would even participate in it, so seeing posts around the blogosphere every Sunday makes me really happy, appreciative, and proud!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s all right, I probably miss posts every now and again but I guess as much as we may want to we can’t all be on WordPress 24/7. 🙂
      Thanks so much Megan, I was beyond thrilled to reach one year, and yep here’s to another! 😀
      Wow that’s an amazing question, I definitely can’t wait to answer that one and I can tell you I already have a few possibilities for an answer to it as well!
      That’s a brilliant proudest moment, and also a wonderful meme as well because standalones don’t always get the same amount of love as series do and this is a great way to celebrate them I guess. 😀


  3. OMG I can’t believe I missed this post. Thank goodness I do sometimes stalk you! I wouldn’t have wanted to miss the chance to ask you questions. 😂

    My questions are:
    – What’s your ultimate blogging goal?
    – What book have you reread the most?
    – What book blogs would you recommend?

    Feel free to answer none or any or all! I can’t wait to see your answers to what everyone else has asked – I saw some really interesting questions on this post. ☺️

    And as for my proudest blogging moment… It’s probably whenever anyone shares my posts or recommends my blog to their followers. I always feel like I’m “heard”, and there’s nothing quite like it. Thanks for the chance! 💕

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s all right, I don’t normally post twice in one day like I did when I published this post so I imagine that would have thrown a few people off when it came to my blog! 😀
      And thanks for your questions as well, I have more than a few blogs in mind I could recommend, and how much time do you have to the re-read questions because there are a lot of books I could pick for that as well! 😀 I’ll be sure to answer all of them, hopefully my post for this will be up next weekend but I can’t wait to get started!
      Wow that’s an amazing proudest moment, and I definitely get where you’re coming from on the being ‘heard’ aspect when people share your posts or recommend you bogs. There really is no feeling like it! 😀


      1. So do I, and I’m looking forwards to actually doing one rather than just reading other people’s answers! 😀
        That’s all right, yeah blogging would not be the same without the community would it? It’s the best part in my opinion! ❤


  4. Oh my gosh, I have no idea how, but I completely missed this post! Happy (belated) blogiversary, Beth, and cheers to many more months and years of blogging. Both the giveaway and Q&A idea are absolutely amazing. 🙂
    My questions for you are:
    -I know you’re a fan of fantasy, but you’ve also been reading more contemporary lately. Which YA contemporary books in particular helped you discover the genre?
    -How do you manage to get out of reading slumps?
    -What are some of your favorite T.V. shows?
    I think my proudest blogging moment would be when I hit 100 followers. I completely wasn’t expecting it and simply started this blog for fun, and truly appreciated all the support this community gave me.
    Congrats again on hitting one year!❤❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s all right, and thanks for the congratulations Niraja. I’m thrilled to have reached one year and am even more excited for what happens in the next few months and years blogging. Not that I have a clue what that will be.
      Thanks so much for the questions, I definitely can’t wait to answer them. I’m kind of having to stop myself from answering them in the comments because it feels really weird to me to leave them unanswered here. Oh well, not too long before everyone gets their answers now!
      That’s a great proudest moment, and one I remember being really proud of when I reached 100 followers as well much for the same reasons.
      Thanks again! ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  5. How did I miss this post? It’s been so crazy around here with Thanksgiving and the days leading up to it. Congrats on your anniversary, Beth! 🙂 That’s such a huge accomplishment. I think one of my proudest blogging days is when I got approved for an ARC of Nevernight. Everyone wanted a copy, and I just thought it was so cool that I was lucky enough to get one. Also, the first time Penguin Random House sent me a box of books and pretty much every time I receive a package from a publisher. It makes me feel like my blog is worth reading and that publishers think the same thing. It’s a pretty cool feeling. A Fairy Loot subscription box is such a cool giveaway. I was actually thinking of doing an OwlCrate box for my book release promo.

    Here’s a few questions:

    1. If you could change the ending or storyline of any Kasie West book, which one would it be and what would you change? (Hopefully without spoilers.) 😊

    2. What is your favorite read of 2016?

    3. Do you have a blogging schedule and how do you plan your posts?

    Congrats again, Beth! And thanks for the opportunity to win such an incredible prize. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s all right Jill, I can imagine things have been pretty crazy for you recently, they have been for me and I don’t even have Thanksgiving to blame! 😀 I hope you had a good Thanksgiving as well on that note.
      And thanks so much, yeah I was thrilled when I made it to one year, it is a massive accomplishment for me and one I never ever thought I’d get to which makes it that little bit more special.
      Ohh, those are great proudest moments, I definitely felt the same when I got my ARC of Nevernight from NetGalley, and the physical proofs I got from YALC this year. Yeah I think it’s a good idea, loads of people would be thrilled with an Owl Crate box as well, because they’re so expensive with shipping and everything not many people get the opportunity to get one month after month.
      Thanks for the questions as well, I can’t wait to answer them and I’m definitely going to have to think hard about the Kasie West one as well!
      Thanks again Jill! 😀


  6. I wanted to reply to your comment but for some reason I think the WordPress app only keeps so many notifications, and I’m not getting all of the response comments emailed to me. Drives me crazy.
    Thanks for the #SFATW advice. I’m so new at this that I’m floundering and I want to do it right. I kinda wish you were my partner bc it would be fun to participate in something like that with you. I wish they did like, Christmas secret santa or something and then I could send you a care package! It’ll be myself in a big box 📦! Cheaper than airfare!
    I just like celebrating! I can’t wait for a year, lol! Takes too long, and I want to party! I have lost weight, and in two more lbs I am having a celebration as well! In two more lbs, I’ll have lost 60 pounds total! I’m still overweight but it’s A LOt better than where I was…how big I got.
    I’ll keep an eye out for your post results…even if I don’t win, I’ll be happy for whoever does…though it would be freakin cool! 😜😎

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh I am so so sorry I am only replying to this comment now. For some reason this one didn’t come up in my WordPress notifications and I only saw it today when I was re-gathering names for the draw! The trails of WordPress right?
      That’s all right, I was floundering a little last time around so I feel a little better prepared for it at the moment, but only a little bit. Yeah it would have been great if we’d been matched but I’m sure you’ll have an amazing time no matter who you got. That would be a cramped journey wouldn’t it though, I’d pay extra for the airfare just for the comfort! 😀
      Wow that amazing, and I’m sure it helps celebrating the milestones as you go along rather than waiting for one big one right!
      The results will be next weekend, either Saturday or Sunday depending on when I get around to writing my answers to the questions (hopefully Saturday though I’ve learn to not put a deadline on myself for these things). I’m excited to see who the winner is as well actually!

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      1. Very cool! Yeah, I think I miss some replies to my comments as well! I think either WordPress stops keeping them if I don’t check it soon enough or it doesn’t email it to me.
        I totally get it 100%!
        I am eager for your drawing (I keep looking at your posts to see if you’ve posted it yet…I have yet to win anything so I’m constantly looking at all the contests I enter). But no matter what I am glad you had a good blogoversary! Did you partake in any of the deals, or did they not apply to the UK site? Cause I hate when that happens.
        Speaking of UK sites, I went on to see what Anne from Inked Brownies could pick for a book for me (she asked for some recs and I wanted to see if there were any cool covers over there), and it appears that most of their covers, if the book is in English, are the same as the UK ones. Except for Heartless, of course! Lol. So I made a list of some books that had cool UK covers vs the US ones. I’m thinking The Thousandth Floor bc Sammi is sending me Three Dark Crowns…or Flawed has a pretty one, too!
        Are there any you can think of that have prettier UK covers than US off the top of your head? I don’t care if it’s something I have read: most of the books I own are ebooks!

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      2. I guess it’s just become something that happens now. More often than not I catch replies that I maybe have missed on my notifications, just seems like this was one of the rarer ones I didn’t notice until really later.
        The drawing isn’t until the 1st of December, no drawing will happen until then so you haven’t issed it yet, and I’ll announce the result on WordPress the weekend of the 3/4 (I’ll email the winner on the 2nd after I’ve done the draw). Yep, very good blogiversary, and no deals for me. I’m on a book buying ban still and I was actually really good at keeping to it this month, which is a real shocker actually.
        I can’t think of any off the top of my head. Like you said most of the US covers are the same as the UK ones, and most of the ones I can think of are either the ones you’ve already mentions or ones where the US cover is better than the UK one. I’ll have a think though and let you know if any come to mind. I have a lot of books so I’m sure they will be something there! 😀

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      3. I’m proud of your successful book buying ban! It is impossible for me when I see a deal under $3! I even bought from The Book Depository and I never buy physical books! I couldn’t resist the prices: are they always that low? It is CRAZY…though it was during Black Friday. I got a copy of Front Lines and Atlantia for only $10 in hardcover! Almost bought The Star-Touched Queen, but I cheaped out! Lol.
        I’m so excited for your drawing. Though I don’t know why: I enter all those on Twitter and I never win. But I guess it’s the excitement of it all!
        Yeah, if you can think of a book you like that has a beautiful UK cover, pls let me know. I need to start picking a book for her. It’s hard. I love this SFATW idea; it’s like presents from someone that knows you but also has access to things you don’t!
        Whatcha reading right now? 🤔

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      4. I’m not sure what happened with this month, buying only one book is very out of the norm for me, but next month I will be buying a lot so I guess it makes up for the overspending that’s to come. I can’t really resist a deal either, but I was out of the country for Black Friday which I think helped with my spending a little! 😀
        You never know! I’ll be making the drawing tomorrow evening when I get back from work but I’ve wrote everyone’s name down and put them in a jar ready and waiting! 😀
        I’ve already started buying for SFATW, I have so many ideas but may need to narrow them down a little. The book is always the last thing I think of for some reason but I never seem to have much trouble with that angle.
        Right now, I just finished Holding Up the Universe and will be starting Caraval next, I need to get around to my ARCs soon-ish! What about you?


  7. I can’t believe I missed that post, I am ashamed of myself right now! Congratulations on one year of blogging, Beth, and on all the followers, comments and overall wonderful blog you have, and person you are. You are such a dedicated blogger, and it shows, both in your blog and in your comments ❤ Also, you're so, so sweet always, and I am thrilled to have been lucky enough to have met you thanks to book blogging ❤ Here is to many more years of it, and of bookish sharing and craziness!
    Hm okay now I'm going to think about some questions, hoping no one asked what I'm going to ask already, and if they already did, sorry!
    1 – What is – okay, what are, I won't be cruel here haha – some books you discovered thanks to book blogging that you wouldn't have read "on your own", if I can say it like that? I hope you get what I mean ahah.
    2 – This is mostly out of curiosity, but HOW do you get organized so much and so well, at blogging? Posting so regularly with your job and life aside, and always leaving thoughtful comments on everyone's posts, I am impressed haha.
    3 – A more travelling question right now (you know me… I couldn't resist) : if you could go anywhere in the world right now, where would you go ?
    4 – And a bookish travelling question : if you could visit any bookish setting in the world, what would you choose ?

    THANK YOU for this giveaway, Beth, this is SO generous of you! ❤ To participate, I'm going to answer your question as well, and say : my best or proudest moment… if I'm sticking to numbers and being a fool I'd say my proudest moment was realizing 1000 people wanted to actually click on the "follow" button" ; but my BEST moment at blogging probably is this, right now, talking to you and so many other people and spending my time like that, being the best bookish-self I can be, and not being judged for it everytime I put up a new crazy post ahah.

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    1. That’s all right, I don’t normally post twice in one day like I did when I posted this one, and you found it now so that’s great too! 😀
      Thanks again Marie, so so much. Honestly you are one of the best people I’ve met through WordPress and your comments always mean so much to me, especially everything you said in this one as well. I am so glad you love my blog and I really love your as well. You’ve recommended so many amazing books to e an I kind of credit you for introducing me more to the YA contemporary genre. I am so so glad I met you through book blogging, and yep here’s to more years of this craziness! ❤
      Thanks so much for your questions, I don't think anyone asked these ones but even if they have I'll answer each one individually. I can't wait to get started on them all actually. 😀
      And that's all right, and wow that is an amazing proudest moment. I think I felt the same way when I saw 1000 people had willing clicked on the "follow" button. It still feels a little insane that that many people are listening (in a way) to my ramblings on books. But also I agree that I have loved talking to each and every person I have met on WordPress so far. It definitely is the best and don't worry, I don't think your ever judged for crazy posts. Honestly I've loved every post you've published so far! ❤

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      1. Aww well and I have you to thank for so many incredible books you recommended me, a bit more in the fantasy genre, but also many contemporaries I added to my TBR thanks to you! I just love that about you, your reviews and thoughts and passion about some books always make me want to read them ALL haha ❤

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      2. That’s one of the best parts of blogging isn’t it, all the amazing books recommended to you. There are plenty I doubt I would have picked up if I hadn’t started blogging, and plenty more I discovered first through reviews.
        Thanks so much Marie! It seriously means so so much to me that you think that! ❤

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  8. Happy Blog Birthday Beth! Congrats on keeping such a creative, interesting blog going. 💙 I love your blog and reading all of your posts (especially your reviews!) So I’m glad you’re still here with us. 😁 The Fairyloot box is such an awesome giveaway! My questions:

    1) What’s your favourite post you’ve written this year?

    2) What do you find most fulfilling about being a blogger?

    3) What’s your most anticipated 2017 release?

    4) What’s the best bit of advice you’ve received from another blogger?

    Congrats again 🎉🤗😁

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much Sammie! I am absolutely thrilled to have made it to one year and hopefully I’ll be able to keep going to reach another year (I’m determined now!) I’m glad you love my blog as well, it means a lot to me that you think that!
      Thanks for your questions. I’m looking forwards to answering them, hopefully soon, and I can’t wait to announce the winner of this giveaway as well. 😀

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I have no doubt that you will! You’re too good not to stick around! 😀 Of course! 🙂 No worries – I hope you get some good ones to answer. I’m looking forward to seeing your follow-up post and finding out who the winner of this wonderful giveaway is! Eeek!

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      2. Ahh thanks so much Sammie! I’m still just as excited about blogging, about posting reviews and commenting on posts as I was when I first started so that’s always a good sign!
        Not too long to go, or it doesn’t feel like it. I’m hoping to have the answers up and reveal the winner of the giveaway the weekend after, so either the 3rd or 4th. Very excited for it all. 😀


  9. Happy blogiversary again, Beth! I’m so excited for you! I completely agree with you about it not being easy. When I first started I thought it would be a breeze but sometimes it can actually be pretty overwhelming. As I’ve been discovering lately. But in the end it’s definitely worth it. My life would be boring if I hadn’t decided to start blogging.

    As for my proudest blogging moment, I have to say it was when I hit my six-month anniversary. After the failure of my first blogging experience a few years back I didn’t think I would stick with it but I did. I was proud of myself for actually sticking with it.

    My questions for you;
    -If you could be any character in The Bone Season books which would you be and why? (Because of course I have to ask that 😂)
    -If you could travel to any book world which one would you travel to?
    -If you had to choose one villain to transport from any book which one would you pick?

    I’ll stop there 🙈. Congrats again, Beth! 😊💕
    And thanks for the giveaway!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks again Melissa! ❤ Also I think the fact that blogging isn't easy is what makes it all worthwhile and what makes it so amazing making it to that one year mark, at least that's what I've found. I thought that as well when I first started now I look back on those days and wonder what I was thinking, definitely worth it in the end though. I completely agree with you, I have no clue what I'd be doing now if I wasn't blogging, probably nothing interesting.
      That's a great achievement, and kind of along the lines I'm so excited to have made it to my one year blogiversary. I've had a few failed blogs before this one so it's all the more amazing making it this far. When is your year blogiversary then?
      Thanks so much for the questions. I am definitely going to have to think n those answers, especially the first one because there are definitely a few TBS character I would not want to be. 😀
      Thanks again Melissa! ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You’re welcome, Beth! ♥
        I completely agree with you. The fact that it is hard is what makes it worthwhile. I think when you have to work at something you really love it just pushes you to work even harder. I feel like blogging is one of those things you really have to love to be able to stick with it. 😊
        And I think that’s why my first blog failed. I ended up getting to the point where I just didn’t like it but with this blog that hasn’t happened.
        My one year is next March!
        You’re welcome. I can’t wait to see what your answers end up being! 😃

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I think it gives you such a sense of achievement as well; when you see your stats and get the different milestone notifications come through, and when you can see people reading and commenting on your posts. Hard work yes but well worth it as well. I definitely love blogging and I think that’s why I stick around. 🙂
        That’s probably one of the reasons my first three blogs failed as well, but there are more reasons as well. Just a mixture of a load of little things really.
        Ohh, well I’ll be looking forwards to seeing what you do in March then to celebrate. 😀

        Liked by 1 person

      3. It definitely does! Although I try not to think too much about stats it’s still great when something goes higher than normal. I throw myself a mini dance party when that happens 😂. Same. I haven’t been on as much as I want to lately but I love it and wouldn’t give it up for anything.
        Hopefully I can come up with something good! 😊

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      4. Exactly, stats aren’t everything but they are still something I think every blogger looks at and, in a way, measures themselves against.
        See at least you’re still determined to never give it up, and at least your still loving it as well, that’s everything when it comes to blogging I think. 😀
        I’m sure whatever you come up with will be amazing! ❤

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  10. Massive congratulations on reaching your one year anniversary. 🙂

    Alas, procrastination is the bane of us all, mine usually happens whenever I need to write a book review! 🙂

    My proudest moment as a blogger was when I got one of my favourite authors to write a guest post for me to help promote his newest release, it’s not something that I ever expected to happen and was really cool. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much Drew, yeah I can’t believe I made it to one year on this blog but it’s something I’m very proud of actually.
      Mine seems to strike whenever I have a deadline for anything; it was horrible when I was at university because I would have to pull all-nighters just to get my work done on time!
      That is amazing, and it seems to be something that a lot of bloggers love as well, interaction with authors. It’s always great reading posts from blog tours and everything! 😀

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  11. Again CONGRATULATIONS!!!! 🎉🎉 You are so right, blogging is not easy every day. I had no idea when I started my blog that I would spend so much time and energy into it. But the people make it worth it. Some days the blog is the only escape I have and chatting here or on Twitter makes my day brighter. I also had so much fun with the SFATW project!

    That subscription idea is brilliant! I have never subscribed to anything because I can’t afford it yet, so I’m always a bit envious when I see unboxing posts, hahaha!
    If you ask the few poor bloggers I gave questions too, you’ll understand mine are always weird xD So here’s for you:
    1) What’s your favorite tea?
    2) If you were a plant or a flower, which one would you be?
    3) Is there a song you hate? Wich one and why!
    4) You can summon 3 characters from books to start your army and fight whatever the apocalypse brings, which ones would you choose?
    5) Do you play The Sims? What’s your favorite way of killing them?

    Now off to my proudest moment around here! Hm, I’d first say I’m proud to have stuck around for 10 months!! But the thing that makes my heart flutter and my body lighter is to know I shared a very personal part of my life with my anxiety post. I had not told anyone before so it was a huge step. I was overwhelmed by the support I received and a real weight was lifted off my shoulders by simply clicking on the publish button. I am proud I decided to let it out in the open and I am so thankful because I am convinced it has helped me in many ways. Enough about me now!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks again Donna! I kind of look back at those early days when I thought blogging was easy and laugh at my naivety. There’s a lot of time I devote to writing posts, replying to comments and then commenting on other people’s posts. It’s not easy but so so worth it because it’s so much fun, and yes SFATW was amazing. I’m taking part again this time around, are you?
      Yeah I thought that would go over well with plenty of people. It’s something I look forwards to getting each month as well so I’m sure it will be the same for everyone, They’re great boxes!
      I absolutely love your questions Donna, kind of weird yes but it will be a lot of fun answering them as well. Though I’m worried my answer for the last one will make me sound a little crazy. The word aesthetic has been used!
      Sticking around for ten months is a great achievement as well, it won’t be long before you’re at your one year blogiversary as well will it? But wow that’s an even better thing to be proud of. Anxiety is a hard thing to have to go through, I know people who have suffered from it, and it’s great that sharing that post made you feel better in a way. 🙂


      1. I just spent my Sunday writing posts, I’m exhausted! 🙂 Blogging is a sacred hobby, you need strength to keep the blog going! Unfortunately, I won’t take part in the second round of SFATW, I have little to no time to create a nice package, but I’ll do it again next year. So happy you like the questions, I love it when they’re a bit… original :p Haha, I can’t wait for your crazy answer then!

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      2. See I’d meant to spend my Sunday writing posts but instead I was lazy and just watched movies and browsed the internet! But I have a few drafts now and a few books I need to write reviews for as well so that will be my job for next week!
        Oh that’s a shame, but there’s always next year to look forwards to, at least it is a feature that keeps on going so you don’t need to take part every time do you?
        Definitely original, and hopefully you’ll enjoy reading my answers as well! 😀


  12. Congrats on Year1! 🙂 I can hardly believe the procrastinating has been an obstacle with your previous blogs.. because this one?- It’s a fabulous blog… Your reviews are always so thorough and well structured. You really must enjoy blogging this time around and I know many people enjoy your reviews.. as do I… 🙂

    Since I started blogging, my proudest moment… hmm, what a good question… I think being able to find a spot in the blogging community with my name on it… if that makes sense.. with little self belief at times, it has been wonderful how accepting the community has been and the wonderful people involved- what a bunch! 🙂

    For your Q&A:
    1. Has blogging for the past 12 months taught you a lesson of some sort? What I mean is, will there be some changes you have considered for 2017 when it comes to reading/reviewing/blogging?
    2. If you had a chance to change one thing about blogging what would it be? I mean, an overall thing, that would go into effect across the whole blogging experience? Or, maybe you wouldn’t change a thing…
    3. A game of would you rather! 🙂 Would you rather spend the rest of the year reading and blogging about books OR stop blogging for 12 months if it meant you could spend 3 days hanging with your favorite author? Who’s the favorite author in this case? 🙂

    Congrats again, thank you for the giveaway and can’t wait to read your Q&A post! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much Liz, all your comments mean so much to me and I am so so glad you like my blog as well. Procrastination has always been an issue for me but with this blog for some reason it seems to be an almost non issue. I have no idea why but I am definitely not complaining. Here’s hoping that lasts forever! I definitely enjoy blogging, I love posting my reviews and interacting with everyone on here, it’s always a highlight of my day!
      Honestly that’s a great proudest moment, and one I completely understand and agree with as well. It can be intimidating I think starting off with your blog when everyone has more posts, more followers, more everything, but having that space with your own posts and you name is worth a lot! Of course the community is just wonderful as well! 😀
      Thanks so much for the questions! I’m definitely going to have to think on that last one because I’ve been running it over in my head for a while now and I still can’t think of a suitable answer for that one. I think you’ve definitely asked me the hardest question so far!
      Thanks again, and hopefully you’ll enjoy reading my answers for it as well! 🙂


  13. Endless congrats to you on one year, Beth 🎉🎉🎉 That is seriously amazing. It’s so good to hear that this blog worked out for you!

    Some questions:
    – Do you have a blogging schedule? You’re always so wonderful when it comes to commenting which is something I struggle with so I would love some tips!
    – What’s something about blogging that you didn’t expect?
    – What’s some of your favourite songs that you’re currently listening to?
    – If you could attend any Hogwarts classes, what would they be?
    – What upcoming release would you read right now if you had the chance?

    I think my proudest moment of blogging is interacting with people. I’m really nervous about that so seeing that I’ve managed to find a place in the community is so great. It was also awesome reaching six months and 500 followers!

    And FAIRYLOOT! You know the way to my heart ♥ Thanks so much for the giveaway!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much Lauren! Yeah I am especially pleased this blog worked out for me, and I’m sure it will continue to for a lot longer as well!
      Thanks for the questions as well, I’m looking forwards to answering them. I do have to keep reminding myself not to answer them in the comments. It goes against everything in me to save my answers for my Q&A post which I will be publishing in a couple of weeks, once I’ve wrote it and all! 😀
      Oh that’s something I felt nervous about as well. Especially when it came to interacting with bloggers who had been blogging a lot longer and had so many more followers, but I did it in the end! And I completely agree because the community here is so amazing. Congrats on your half year blogiversary and 500 followers. When is you one year one?
      That’s all right, I feel like based on people’s comments when I’ve posted Fairy Loot pictures it sees something people would be interested in!


  14. Happy bloggiversary again!! It’s absolutely thrilling to see that you’ve reached a whole year of blogging and accumulated so many fans over the years. It’s nice to see that you’ve also managed to make wonderful friends out of those wonderful bloggers. The blogosphere can be quite small, yet humongous, when you think about it! I hope you’ll continue to share your reading passion with us and that whatever reasons that brought your previous blogs down won’t hinder this one.

    It’s hard to say what’s my best or proudest moment, but I’d think I’d say that my first discussion post on Bookidote that had an incredible reception among the community is something that I truly cherish. It’s an amazing feeling when I get a bunch of amazing people drop by on a post I’ve written to share their thoughts and just talk about books.

    My question to you would be: How do you manage your time to stay up to date in the blogosphere? What are the strategies you use to keep track of all your followers posts, while still producing your own posts for the days to come?

    Once again, Happy blogiversary, Beth! 🙂

    – Lashaan

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    1. Thank you again! It’s definitely thrilling and I think I have made some amazing friends so far on WordPress. There are so many amazing things that have happened since I started blogging and I am just so thankful that I started this blog and met all the people I have so far. I do think given that I had given up on my other blogs long before now what brought them down won’t bring this one down. I’m already planning my posts out in advance and saving some in my drafts folder and that was something I never did with my others. Still on track! 😀
      That is an amazing thing to be proud of, and something I completely agree with as well. I always love it when people drop by and comment on my posts. it’s introduced me to brilliant people and I love fangirling over books with everyone as well! 🙂
      Thanks for the questions, I’m looking forwards to answering them.

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  15. Congratulations on one year of blogging!! My one year is coming up in about a month and a half and I can’t believe it. The time has flown by! And like you, I didn’t really think that I’d make it this long haha
    My question for you: what has been the hardest thing about blogging for you?
    And as for my proudest moment since I started blogging… I’d have to go with my review being blurbed on the Amazon page for The Edge of Juniper by Lora Richardson. That was so freaking exciting haha 🙂
    Thanks for the awesome giveaway, by the way! I’ve always wanted to check out FairyLoot so thanks for the chance 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much Kourti, and oh early congratulations on your one year blogiversary. I’m sure the next month and a half will fly by and before you know it you’ll see that notification on WordPress! I wonder if anyone starts blogging 100% confident they’ll make it to one year? We did in the end and that’s the important thing right? 😀
      Thanks for your question, I’m looking forwards to answering it, and wow that’s an amazing moment to be proud of as well. I take it you have a copy of the book your review was featured on displayed on your bookshelves right? That’s definitely what I’d do! 😀
      That’s all right, it’s an amazing subscription box getting mine is always the highlight of my month!

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      1. No problem – and thank you! I feel like people either start off thinking they won’t end up blogging for more than a couple of months or start off thinking they’ll blog for years and years – there’s no in between haha It’s definitely exciting and a pretty big accomplishment when you make it to one year without having expected it though 🙂

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      2. I was definitely one of the former, but now I’ve reached my one year blogiversary I’ve moved on to being one of the people who thinks they’ll be blogging for years and years!
        Definitely, and I think that’s part of the reason I’m so thrilled to have made it here! 😀

        Liked by 1 person

  16. CONGRATS!!!! This is a HUGE milestone! It’s obvious that you have been working hard and are passionate about your blog. I was immediately drawn to your writing and aesthetic as soon as I arrived, and now I can’t quit. 🙂

    Hm, my proudest moment as a blogger? It actually happened on Monday, believe it or not! I published my first guest post about Why Indigenous Hawai’ian Authors Matter ( Not only was it my first guest post, but one of my followers REBLOGGED it! I have only seen a post Reblogged once, and it really made my day. I celebrated with cheesecake and tawny. 🙂

    I have so many questions, where to start?
    – What tools/programs do you use to take your photos?
    – How do you decide what to read next?
    – If you could commission any author to write a book just for you, who would it be?

    …I’ll stop.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much, yeah this is a massive milestone for me and one I am so thrilled to have made it to as well. Thanks as well for your comments, they mean a lot to me and I am so glad you enjoy my blog so much as well! 😀
      That’s an amazing thing to be proud of, it sounds like an amazing post as well so I will have to check it out myself as well. Hopefully there’ll be plenty of other guest posts, reblogs, and even other things in the future of your blog to be even more proud of. Also cheesecake is the best way to celebrate.
      Thanks so much for the questions, I can’t wait to answer them all and I hope you’ll enjoy seeing my answers as well! 😀

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  17. Happy blogoversary! What a year! I know I didn’t know you the whole time, but I consider you one of my closest blogger friends. We banter back in forth in our comments that go on forever, and I love it. If we were in the same country, we’d be having coffee and talking books!
    Love the giveaway idea! Fairy Loot? That’s the ONE box I’ve always wanted to order. That’s an awesome giveaway bc I’m broke as a joke. So here’s my entry!

    Since you started blogging, what has been your best or proudest moment?

    I think my best and proudest moment was the first 100 followers! I never thought I would have that many people following my blog back! When I first started, I honestly thought I would be lucky if a handful of people commented or followed, but look at all the people we’ve met! And somehow I friended one person, who had friends that I friended, and it went from there. I don’t remember the first blog I followed, but yours was one of them. It was an amazing feeling to know people cared about what I thought. I still can’t believe it! 😉

    Now for your Q & A:

    If you could have your pick of ANY upcoming ARC to read and own, what would it be and why?
    What made you decide to scrap all the other blogs you started and stick with this one? I’m genuinely curious!

    I wanted to be the first to wish you congrats, and it looks like I am! Yay!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much Stephanie! Yeah it has been an amazing year and I am hoping for another amazing one next year as well! And even though we haven’t known each other for the whole year I definitely count you as one of my closest blogger friends as well. I always look forwards to seeing your posts and you comments in my notifications. I feel like we’ve talked about so much more than books as well which is always fun!
      And even though we don’t it would be amazing if we did live in the same country so we could meet for coffee and more book talking. The trails of living halfway across the world right?
      It was actually talking to you and a few other people that gave me the idea for this giveaway. Plenty of people seem to love the idea of the box but not be able to afford it or it and the shipping so it seemed like the perfect idea for my first giveaway.
      It’s always amazing seeing notifications when you first start; first 100 likes/followers/posts. It’s great seeing your stats go up and I think your will go sky high because you have such an amazing blog! ❤
      Thank you for your questions. I will need to put a lot of thought into answering them because there are so many ARCs I want and the second one is definitely going to be an interesting one to answer as well! I will write your name twice and put it in my jar (I have a little jar I will draw the winning name from). Good luck, and yep first on here to wish me congrats so thanks again! 😀

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      1. Oh, you! 😊 You say the sweetest things!
        Yes, the trials of living in separate countries! Argh! But it’s nice to have the technology to communicate. It really is.
        I think the subscription box idea was brilliant! People have never tried it (like me) or can’t afford it (also like me) and it makes for some cool posts later, like an unboxing post! Which made me think: did you sign up for #SFATW? I did and I got Anne from Inked Brownies as my partner. Did you do it? (I could’ve sworn it was you that did it last time around?)
        Anyhoo, this is great. Really awesome. And I am wondering about the questions I asked you: three blogs? I’m dying to know that story. And ANY ARC of ANY book….even ones with no definite release dates yet, maybe just the sequel to an upcoming book in 2017. I think you can tell a lot about a person by knowing what they would pick to read given the choice of, well, anything!

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      2. You do as well! 😀
        Well yeah having the technology to communicate with people on the opposite side of the world is such a great thing, I have plenty of friends who don’t live within walking distance from me so it’s great having an easy way to speak to them all!
        I’ll definitely be looking forwards to seeing the unboxing post from whoever wins, getting mine is always my highlight of the month so hopefully it will be someone else’s as well. And yeah I am taking part in #SFATW again, I can’t remember the name of the person I got but I know she’s from Canada, so quite a way away from where I am in England. It’s great fun, I’m already finding things to buy! 🙂
        Honestly there are so many books I would kill for an ARC of, so many books I want to read and so many books I have on my to-read list. My answer for that question could be pages upon pages long! 😀

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      3. Well, then I hope you answer it in your post! I’m looking forward to it!
        And the unboxing will be fun no matter who wins. I think that’s the sweetest gift you can give someone. You have a heart of gold. (I think that could be dangerous if left unchecked, lol)
        Oh, you got Canada, eh? Sounds cool! I’m so excited but I’ve never done this so I’m trying to think of what to send from me…should I focus on US things or Michigan things? Can I send food? What would be something she will love? These are the questions that keep floating through my mind!
        I’m going to do a SFATW post finally! It says to do one regarding books…so I should focus on Michigan books, or just US books? I want to do this right. You’re the pro! 😉
        I’m filled with glee about your blogoversary and am going to look mine up…only six months so probably just some bookmarks sent though the mail (signed ones), but I do want to celebrate! And I’m celebrating yours with you! (I’ll get drunk and party in your honor over here! 🎊🎉 🍾 🎈🎉🍾🎊
        Woop woop!

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      4. I’ll definitely answer it in my post. Hopefully I’ll be able to have it up the following weekend (so either the 3rd or 4th of December but don’t hold me to that in case I don’t).
        Ahh thanks so much Stephanie, and I don’t worry so much about that, what’s the worst that can happen if it continues unchecked! 🙂
        Sounds very cool, and it’s a lot of fun so you’ve got that to look forwards to. Last time I sent a mixture of gifts from Southend, which is my home town, and London, which is really close to where I am and where I work as well. I sent food, sweets rather than chocolate because I thought that would travel better, unfortunately I can’t advise you on the last one but you can always email her to get some ideas. I may do that sometime this week.
        I’m going to try and post one as well, hopefully sometime next week but again who knows when. It will definitely be sometime this week and I have a few amazing books set in London I can feature! Again I’d focus on US books because there are probably more but maybe look for some Michigan ones as well, see if there’s any that sound interesting to you.
        That would be a good idea, I didn’t do anything for my six month blogiversary, but I’ll keep doing something for my year ones. And it’s a great idea to celebrate, no matter how long you’ve been blogging year and six months are well worth celebrating! 😀

        Liked by 1 person

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