Discussion Time: What I’ve Discovered After One and a Half Years of Blogging

Today is a special day for me. You’ve likely already guessed why simply from the title of this post, but in case you haven’t today is my one and a half year blogiversary. Originally I wasn’t going to do anything special, was just going to let this day go by like any other, but I’ve started posting discussions so thought I’d do something along those lines to mark the occasion.

Every time I reach a milestone like this it’s cause for a celebration. I never in a million years thought I’d last this long, I had three failed blogs before this one that tell that story, but somehow I did so I thought I’d share some advice; things I picked up over the past one and a half years I’ve been blogging.

What I've Discovered After One and a Half Years of Blogging

What I’ve Discovered After One and a Half Years of Blogging

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