Discussion Time: How Much Do the Covers Influence Our Opinions on Books?

Really quickly before I go into this discussion my comments appear to be being marked as spam by WordPress. If you could check and break me out of spam jail if you see any of my comments there I’d be very grateful.

Everyone’s heard the phrase ‘never judge a book by its cover’ before, but let’s face it in some shape or form we all do. Maybe it’s not as obvious as seeing a book with a bad cover and thinking ‘oh, this is going to be a terrible story’ but I do think, for me especially and maybe you as well, covers influence our opinions on what books we do and don’t pick up.

The covers are always the first things we see. You’re browsing on Amazon, or wandering around Waterstones and you don’t have time to look at every single blurb of every single book so you use the covers to help decide what books you may want to know more about, what books you will read the blurb of.

How Much do the Covers Influence Our Opinions on Books

How Much Do the Covers Influence Our Opinions on Books?

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