The NetGalley Book Tag

Surprise, surprise I am actually (kind of) up to date on my review requests on NetGalley, so I feel I can take part in this tag without feeling guilty about all the eARCs still left to read and review. Then again I can’t be the only person who goes a little request crazy sometimes. I was tagged by Reg at She Latitude. Thanks so much for the tag Reg, I had a lot of fun with this one so I hope you enjoy reading my answers just as much.

The NetGalley Book Tag


  • Link back to the tag’s creator Kourtni at Kourtni Reads.
  • Thank and link back to the person who tagged you.
  • Answer the questions the best you can. If you don’t use NetGalley, you can substitute other sites or places where you get books!
  • Tag a few people to do this too.

Who’s one author whose books you automatically want to read, regardless of what they’re about?

V.E. Schwab

Every book she has released so far has been one I loved, and her Shades of Magic books are my all-time favourite series at the moment. She is incredibly talented when it comes to creating new worlds to draw you in from the first page, and it’s impossible not to love the characters she creates. From now on all her books are on my auto-buy, auto-read, auto-everything list.


What makes you want to request a book that you see on NetGalley?

The main thing that draws me to books is the cover. If I see a gorgeous or eye-catching cover then I’ll check out the blurb, and then if that sounds interesting I’ll request it or if I’m in Waterstones buy it. There are a few books I’ve come across though, where the cover has been so gorgeous I’ve skipped checking out the blurb and gone ahead and requested it, but that’s rare.

Feedback Ratio:
Do you review every book you read? If not, how do you decide what books to review?

Although I review most books I read I haven’t reviewed all of them. For the most part the books I haven’t reviewed on my blog are either novellas, that are only a handful of pages long where I just don’t see the point of writing a review, or later books in a series that I started before blogging, that I haven’t had the time to go back and re-read to review on my blog yet.

If you could create your own badge to display on your blog, what would it be for?

Well the proudest moment of my blogging journey so far has been when I made it to my one-year blogiversary. I never thought I’d get this far, I started three other blogs before this one that fizzled out long before I reached the one-year benchmark. If there was a badge I could put on my blog that shows people I’ve managed one year of blogging that would be great.

Wish for It:
What’s one book that you are absolutely dying to read?

Song of the Current by Sarah Tolcser

I’m not 100% sure how I discovered this book, I think it was through another authors Twitter account, but the second I read the blurb I was hooked. The genres Goodreads have attributed to this book so far – mythology, pirates, high fantasy – are only making me more excited for the release of Song of the Current.

Song of the Current

Caroline Oresteia is destined for the river. For generations, her family has been called by the river god, who has guided their wherries on countless voyages throughout the Riverlands. At seventeen, Caro has spent years listening to the water, ready to meet her fate. But the river god hasn’t spoken her name yet—and if he hasn’t by now, there’s a chance he never will.

Caro decides to take her future into her own hands when her father is arrested for refusing to transport a mysterious crate. By agreeing to deliver it in exchange for his release, Caro finds herself caught in a web of politics and lies, with dangerous pirates after the cargo – an arrogant courier with a secret – and without the river god to help her. With so much at stake, Caro must choose between the life she always wanted and the one she never could have imagined for herself.

From debut author Sarah Tolcser comes an immersive and romantic fantasy set along the waterways of a magical world with a headstrong heroine determined to make her mark.

2017 NetGalley Challenge:
What was the last book that you received as an ARC that you reviewed? If you’ve never received an ARC, what’s the last book you reviewed?

When Dimple Met Rishi by Sandhya Menon
Check out my review here.

Since receiving When Dimple Met Rishi from NetGalley I’ve been approved for two more ARCs; one I’ve read, another I am currently reading, but neither that I’ve got around to reviewing.

When Dimple Met Rishi is a sweet YA contemporary read with a cute story, a fluffy romance, and engaging characters. Overall it’s a great book, I just felt that the arranged marriage trope did not play as much of a part in the story as I thought it would, especially given how it was highlighted in the blurb.

When Dimple Met Rishi

The arranged marriage YA romcom you didn’t know you wanted or needed…

Meet Dimple.

Her main aim in life is to escape her traditional parents, get to university and begin her plan for tech world domination.

Meet Rishi.

He’s rich, good-looking and a hopeless romantic. His parents think Dimple is the perfect match for him, but she’s got other plans…

Dimple and Rishi may think they have each other figured out. But when opposites clash, love works hard to prove itself in the most unexpected ways.

Perfect for fans of Rainbow Rowell, Jenny Han and Nicola Yoon, When Dimple Met Rishi is a frothy, funny contemporary romance set at a coding convention in San Francisco over one exciting summer. Told from the dual perspectives of two Indian American protagonists, Dimple is fighting her family traditions while Rishi couldn’t be happier to follow in the footsteps of his parents. Could sparks fly between this odd couple, or is this matchmaking attempt doomed to fail?

My tags:

And if there’s anyone else out there who wants to take part, consider yourself tagged. Just send me a link to your post in the comments so I can see what your answers are.

38 thoughts on “The NetGalley Book Tag

  1. Nice answers Beth! Pretty much guessed who that auto-everything author would be though. 😛 I don’t use netgalley, but I do love how practical and amazing it is. I just have a tough time with ebooks (its too radical of a change from physical copies for me), especially cause I don’t have a nice e-reader to read them on (reading on a iphone is not very exciting too). 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much Lashaan! 😀 Ha, yeah by this point in time everyone must know how much I love V.E. Schwab’s books. Ahh, see I do have a Kindle which makes it easier for me to read eARCs than paperbacks. However when it comes down to it I do prefer paperbacks. You can’t quite beat them can you? 🙂

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  2. Thank you for the tag, Beth! I really need to read more of Schwab’s books now that the Shades of Magic series is over, I’m eager to discover more of her writing in other stories 🙂

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  3. Thanks for doing the tag, Beth! Song of the Current sounds AMAZING – I don’t know how I haven’t heard of it before and you’re so right, it’s got really interesting genres on Goodreads.

    And you already know this but I’m with you re: When Dimple Met Rishi. Loved the diversity; it just didn’t *really* have that arranged marriage trope as the blurb suggested.

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    1. That’s all right, thanks again for tagging me Reg! 😀 It really does, I haven’t seen any reviews for it yet but I haven’t really been looking because this is one I want to go into blind. I can’t wait for it to be released so I can get started on it.
      Yeah there were good and not so good aspects in When Dimple Met Rishi. I think if the blurb had lessened the arranged marriage references, or the story included more of that trope, it could have been a five-star read for me. 🙂


  4. I adore V. E. Schwab. The Darker Shade of Magic books were fantastic and I enjoyed Vicious as well. I’ll have to make time to read This Savage Song sometime soon before the sequel gets released next month.
    Song of the Current has popped up a few times lately on blogs I follow. I might have to check it out!

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    1. God same here, pretty much everything she’s released has been an all time favourite of mine. This Savage Song is a great story, not as good as Shades of Magic in my opinion (but very little is let’s be honest) so I hope you enjoy it.
      It sounds amazing, I’m hoping the story itself will be as good as the blurb leads me to believe! 😀

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  5. VE Schwab is totally an auto-read/buy for me as well!! I’ve only read her Shades of Magic series and This Savage Song, but they were enough to make me fall in love with her books. ❤ I actually haven't been requesting much on Netgalley lately, in an effort to keep my ratio low, yes but also because I've kind of started to resent the deadline that's there for ARC reviews haha so I just prefer to read books on my own schedule, kind of. But I do love Netgalley, and I loved this tag as well!

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    1. She must be for loads of people, at least based on some of the other comments I have on this post. It just goes to show how amazing her books are! 🙂 ❤
      I've been slowing down on my NetGalley requests, only requesting books that I think sound really interesting. When it comes down to it I'm always going to be a mood reader so deadlines are never going to be a friend of mine. 🙂

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    1. Thanks so much Donna. Ha, yeah there are so many amazing books being released this year, it’s hard to pick and choose from the ones you end up with on your shelves.
      I tend to review every book I read, maybe in the future there’ll be an exception, but that’s a pretty good goal to stick to Donna! 😀

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  6. Thanks so much for the tag, Beth!! 💕 I loved reading your answers for this one. I had a feeling you would pick V.E. Schwab for the first question. I really need to read the rest of her books! Especially Vicious because everyone keeps recommending it to me. And of course, This Savage Song because I know the sequel comes out soon. I have that one on my Kindle so I don’t know why I haven’t gotten around to it yet. 🙈 And I’m with you on the cover drawing me to the book on NetGalley. Whenever I see a cover I really like I run to read the blurb. That and hype also tends to draw me towards books on NetGalley. If I see a book around a lot and it seems like one I would want to read I almost always end up requesting it. Although, right now I have several pending requests that have been pending for a while. One of them is Tarnished City which I want to read so bad, so here’s to hoping! And I’m really curious of Songs of the Current. I’ve heard some mixed things about it. I hope you enjoy it whenever you get to reading it! 😊

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    1. That’s all right, and yeah by this stage I think that must have been the most obvious choice for that answer for this tag! 😀 There’s nothing V.E. Schwab has written I haven’t loved so I know it will be the same for all future releases she has as well. Vicious is amazing, and so is This Savage Song, I’m sure you’ll love both of them Melissa but I couldn’t say they’re as good as the Shades of Magic series. 🙂
      Yeah requesting NetGalley books is kind of the same for me as buying books, it’s always the cover that catches my eye first. Same with the hype too. I tend to be easily taken in by the hype for certain books so the more excited the community is the more excited I am!
      Oh I hope you get approved for Tarnished City soon then, I know how much you wanna read that one because it’s the same amount I wanna read it! 😀 I haven’t seen any reviews for Song of the Current yet, but thanks, I really hope so too! 😀 ❤

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      1. Whenever you say that it makes me want to read her books even more! I definitely think I’m going to end up enjoying all of them once I get around to reading them. But yeah, I have a feeling nothing with ever top the Shades of Magic books. There’s just something about that trilogy. 😊
        Same about hype. Hype always makes me way more excited for a book and the more excited other people get the more excited I get.
        I hope so too! And I hope they either get a UK ARC up of it soon or that you manage to snag one a YALC. 😃💕

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      2. In that case I’m going to keep saying it, and things like it, to make you even more excited about reading all her books! 😀 Her other books are really good, but yeah nothing can really touch the Shades of Magic books.
        It’s contagious isn’t it?
        I’m keeping my fingers crossed, either way I really really need a copy of Tarnished City as soon as physically possible! 😀 ❤

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      3. I’m determined to read the rest of them before the end of the year! Or at least Vicious. Because I’m definitely the most curious about that one. Maybe after my ToG binge since I’m officially back to reading all the fantasy I can get my hands on. 😂
        Which by the way I am loving ToG! I don’t know what exactly I expected going into it or if I even had expectations but it’s so good. I think after hearing everyone say the first book wasn’t as good and then lowering my own expectations it’s ended up surprising me. I don’t even mind the little triangle going on, I actually like it. 🙈
        Same about Tarnished City! I need a copy ASAP. I still haven’t heard back from NetGalley, sadly.

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      4. Well hopefully you’ll manage to get around to all of them before the end of the year, but if you can’t try and pick up Vicious at least. After the Shades of Magic series that has to be my favourite release by her.
        That’s great to hear about ToG. I’ve seen your review for it in my feed so I’ll be sure to check it out soon! I was the same, my expectations for this book were low so I ended up really loving it because it wasn’t as bad as I was thinking it would be. 🙂
        I hope you hear back from NetGalley soon then! 😀

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  7. Thank you for tagging me! 😀 I agree I want to read everything V.E. Schwab writes, she’s an amazing writer; I wish I could be as good as her! I can’t wait to read When Dimple Met Rishi. Everyone has been saying it’s really good, although I have to get back on track with my tbr… or well make a more manageable tbr. I was away for the weekend so my reading schedule is all messed up! 😛

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    1. That’s all right. God being able to write as well as V.E. Schwab does would be beyond amazing wouldn’t it? She’s such a talented author, one of my all-time favourites and I know whatever she releases it’s going to be an ultimate favourite of mine!
      When Dimple Met Rishi is a good book, and hopefully it’ll be one you enjoy loads as well Meghan. Ohh, hopefully you get your TBR list sorted soon then, then again I think an unmanageable TBR list is just part of the pitfalls of being a book blogger! 😀

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      1. It would be amazing to write like her! She always manages to write a really good story. I still need to read the Savage Song but I know it will be awesome!
        Thanks, I hope to get to it one day! 😛 Haha it kinda is, I just feel like I’m more out of sorts than I usually am!

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      2. If I ever wanted to become an author, and follow that as a possible career goal, my aim would be to write like V.E. Schwab! 😀
        That’s all right, and in that case I’m sure you’ll be able to get sorted again soon. 🙂

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  8. Thanks for thinking of me!!
    I think this looks fun…even though I haven’t requested any books in awhile on NG to keep my feedback ratio up (with the books I haven’t finished yet counting against me), I HAVE been approved by HC for One Dark Throne and Before she Ignites!! 😍😍

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    1. That’s all right. 🙂
      I’ve been in a kind of requesting slump on NetGalley recently as well, though I still have two ore ARCs to read and review soon so maybe after they’re out of the way I’ll find more to request.
      Ohh, I hope you enjoy both then, I haven’t heard much about either of those books so I’ll be interested in hearing what you think of them when you’ve read them! 😀

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      1. Ooh, One Dark Throne is the sequel to Three Dark Crowns…and Before She Ignites is a new Jodi Meadows book…the covers are GORGEOUS! It’s a good time to be reading YA lol!

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