Top Ten Tuesday: Looking Back at My 2018 Resolutions

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week there is a new topic for bloggers to choose and list their top ten. This week’s theme is a freebie, so I picked Looking Back at My 2018 Resolutions.

Way back in January at the start of this year one of the Top Ten Tuesday topics was on bookish resolutions for the year. Despite not being great at setting and keeping resolutions I came up with ten, so now the year is nearly over I’m going to look back and see how many I can cross off my list. If I’ve managed to cross off more than half then it’s been a successful year for me.

Top Ten Tuesday

This year I wanted to…

…Meet or exceed my Goodreads Reading Challenge Goal

This one is still a little up in the air. We still have a few more weeks of December left, so there’s still time, but I am behind on my Reading Challenge Goal due to the epic slump I had last month. I’m going to try my best but unfortunately I can’t cross this one off my list yet.

GR Reading Challenge

…Take part in a Readathon

Nope. I keep wanting to but I can never seem to find one which I think will ‘fit’. My problem is I’m a mood reader, and being held to a set TBR list would never work for me. This resolutions is one I’ve failed to cross off for a few years now, so I may end up removing it all-together next year.

…Cross more books off my Mid Year To-Read Goal

Part of me wants to say yes. I didn’t technically read a lot of the books on my Mid Year To-Read Goal but I had a clean out of my TBR list and removed a lot of them then. In my mind it counts because I didn’t specify that I had to read them, and after one maybe and one failed I need a resolution I can say I crossed off.

…Start learning a new language again

This one is a definite nope. I started with the best of intentions in January but before January was even over I’d given up. Maybe this will be one I add to my 2019 resolutions, and maybe I’ll have better luck with it next year.

…Take part in NaNoWriMo and write over 50K words

Ehh, this one is half yes half no. I did take part in NaNo this year, but because of my epic slump (the same one which caused me to fall behind on my Goodreads Reading Challenge) I fell behind on the third day, never managed to catch up, and eventually completely gave up after the nineteenth day.

NaNoWriMo 2018 Stats (5)

NaNoWriMo 2018 Stats (6)

…Finish the second draft of my WIP

This one is definitely a no. Originally back when I took part in NaNo 2017 my plan was to finish the second draft of my WIP before NaNo 2018 so I could start November working on the sequel. It didn’t happen, and I’m actually going to end 2018 still not having finished the second draft of my WIP.

…Take part in Camp NaNoWriMo

Finally I have a yes (and it’s a proper yes unlike my ‘Cross more books off my Mid Year To-Read Goal’ goal). My target when I took part in Camp NaNo in July was to write 20K words for the second draft of my WIP. Granted I didn’t manage to reach it, but I still took part and I will again next year for sure.

Camp NaNoWriMo 2018 Stats (1)

Camp NaNoWriMo 2018 Stats (2)

…Get more re-reading done

Another yes. Compared to 2017 I did a lot of re-reading. I picked up old favourites and completed series like the Daughter of Smoke and Bone trilogy, and I read plenty of previous books when new ones were released like Illuminae and Gemina before reading Obsidio.

…Make time for my hobbies outside of reading/blogging

Definitely a no. My aim was to start baking again, make time to learn a new language, and maybe even start a bullet journal but none of those ended up happening. I need to work on a way to balance my life properly so I have time for my hobbies outside of reading/blogging so this will be a goal that ends up on my 2019 resolutions again.

…Keep blogging and reach my three year blogiversary

Again another yes. There were a few off days/weeks/months here and there but I kept posting, kept commenting and in general kept blogging throughout all the ups and downs of 2018. I reached my three year blogiversary in November so now it’s all fingers crossed that I’ll reach my four year blogiversary in 2019.

All in all I can say I crossed off four and a half of my 2018 resolutions (the half is if you count that I took part in NaNoWriMo even though I didn’t meet the 50K word goal). If I manage to catch up on my Goodreads Reading Challenge Goal before the end of the year then I’ll be able to say I crossed off five and half which is more than half, so all in all I had a successful 2018.

So what do you think? Did you take part in this week’s Top Ten Tuesday, if so let me know what you picked for this week’s freebie. Did you set any resolutions at the beginning of 2018, bookish resolutions or otherwise, looking back how did you do at keeping them?

41 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Looking Back at My 2018 Resolutions

  1. *cheering you on* You can do it and still hit your Goodreads Goal! 💗 When it comes to Readathons maybe try one without many set reading prompts? There are more broad ones about reading long or short books, so maybe you’ll find one that isn’t as strict with the challenges 🙂 As for languages: I really want to fresh up my French next year, it has been a while since I worked on that 😅

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    1. Thanks so much Caro! 😀 ❤ Yeah I'll keep an eye out for some readathons in 2019, I know there are some smaller/lighter ones I could probably do all right on. Hopefully we'll both be able to work on our languages more next year, I feel like it would be great to be able to speak another language. 🙂

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  2. Hey Beth!! ❤
    WOW that is AMAZING that you've read 113 books this year (although I think by now you will have read more than that!) Even if you're not able to read 125 books, I think this is a huge achievement 😀
    Great job with Nanowrimo and Camp Nano this year. It sounds like these challenges were able to help you progress in your writing, which is the important part!
    December is such a hectic month. I don't think I will be able to finish my novel this year either, however we still have January and February right? I think as long as we set a goal to keep writing then that is all right 🙂
    Great job with all your resolutions this year ❤ Wishing you all the best for Christmas and the holidays in general!

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    1. Hey, and yes by now I’ve read 117. 😀 I think my goal for this year will end up being 120, I can manage that and even if I don’t I’ve still read more this year than I did last year.
      Thanks, and yeah the fact that I wrote during those two months is the main thing, even if I didn’t manage to write as much as I’d planned/hoped to.
      God it really is, it’s the whole Christmas/end of the year thing and I just feel I’m not ready for either. 2019 has really snuck up on me but I’m hoping January and February will be quieter and I can focus more on writing and blogging and all that.
      Thanks so much, and yes I hope you have a good Christmas and new year and everything that comes with it all. 🙂 ❤

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      1. Wow 117 books is amazing hahaha!! 😀 If I finish my current book (The Raven Boys) I will squeeze by with my revised reading goal of 50 books, so I think I will make it too 🙂
        Same here! It feels like the year has just flown by haha. I do feel that Jan/Feb tend to be quieter months so hopefully we will have more time to focus on our goals then 🙂
        Wishing you a merry Christmas and happy new year too ❤

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      2. I’m going to end the year on 117, and you know I’m pleased with that even though it’s 8 books short of my original goal. I hope you managed to make your goal, if not well there’s still a tiny bit of the year left. 🙂
        January and February are going to drag if this year is anything to go by, more than enough time to get some writing done. 😀

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      3. Haha 117 is definitely amazing in my books 🙂
        I read 51 books this year which fulfills my revised goal of 50, although my original goal had been 60. However that is all right 🙂
        Yes! January and February will be time for catching up to writing! 🙂

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      4. That sounds great 🙂 Even reaching 75 books in one year would be pretty amazing! For this upcoming year, I would also like to relax a bit with my reading goals and focus on enjoying the books that I read.

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  3. Good luck with your goodreads goal! Honestly, I think writing 20,000 words and 10,000 respectively are amazing regardless of Nano- I still would count that as a massive win! That’s awesome that you got more rereading done 😀 And massive congrats on keeping up with blogging!! Looks like you’ve done really well this year overall 🙂 ❤

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  4. It’s really nice that you were able to take on so many challenges though, even if some of them couldn’t be completed wholly to this day! Do you think you’ll keep the same goals for the following year or do you plan on adding and removing some with your new experience with them? 😀

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  5. These are great resolutions! I’ve absolutely struggled too with making time for hobbies besides reading / book blogging… I mean, there’s only so many hours in the day…

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Definitely! I don’t even remember if I made resolutions this year… and if I did, I think they were probably things like “get more exercise”, “eat less crap”… but the need to balance work/hobbies/everything else has been so at the forefront of my mind, and you’ve definitely inspired me to think about new resolutions for this year 🙂 expect to be tagged in a post hahaha

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  6. Goals are so weird; when Jan comes around it feels like a whole year is a crap load of time but you blink and suddenly it’s like July. Like HOW did that happen?! I definitely didn’t meet my reading goals. I mean there’s still SOME of Dec left but ehhh lol!

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  7. I think you did pretty great with your resolutions this year, Beth, that’s amazing! And even if you didn’t manage to win NaNo or reach your goal for Camp NaNo, you still managed to write a whole lot for both so for me, that’s considered as a win, too, because you made progress so YAY! ❤
    Best of luck for your reading challenge, you can do this, there are still a couple weeks before the end of the year! 😀

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    1. Thanks so much Marie. 🙂 Yeah overall I got a lot more writing done in both of those months than I ever would of if I hadn’t taken part in NaNo/Camp NaNo. That’s the main thing, and there’s always next year to actually win both. ❤️
      Thanks, I’m going to need all the luck I can get I think but hopefully I’ll make it. 🙂

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  8. All things considered, I think you’ve done really well. It’s hard to uphold any resolution and you’ve managed 4.5 of yours, so that’s a win! I can’t remember any of my resolutions but I’m sure that I haven’t achieved many LOL. Also, congrats on your writing! It’s amazing to write anything so props to you. I’m a mood reader as well so I don’t think a readathon will work for me…I used to read by a set TBR list, but now I just read whatever I feel like. It’s significantly improved my reading experience! 125 books is such a large reading goal. I really hope you get there. It’s a stretch but not impossible! 😀

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    1. Thanks Azia, and yeah overall 4.5 is more than I ever thought I’d get (I’m terrible with resolutions most of the time) so I’m happy with that. I’m hoping to do better with my writing next year, and yeah readathons may be one I scrap completely next year. I just don’t think they’re for me because of the set TBR list and all.
      Thanks, I’m gonna try my best but not beat myself up if I don’t manage it. 🙂 ❤️

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  9. Hey at least you took part in NaNoWriMo, I didn’t hear about until the end of November. DX Maybe I’ll do it next year too. Honestly be proud of yourself for writing as much as you did, not all writers have done that before. 🙂

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    1. Yeah even just writing as much as I did this month was an achievement for me, 22k is more than I got in all the other months of this year combined!
      Oh you’ll have to take part next year, it’s such a lot of fun even if you don’t make it to the 50k word goal.
      Thanks so much. 🙂 ❤️

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  10. This is a great idea Beth! Even though you didn’t cross off all the resolutions on your list, you at least did some of them, and hey NaNoWriMo is a challenge, so the fact that you even attempt it each year is something to be proud of!
    Plus, all the things you didn’t get to this year, just means you have something to strive harder for next year! 😊❤️

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    1. Thanks so much Meghan. 🙂 Yeah I think ten resolutions was a bit of a long shot but I got more than I thought I would (hopefully I’ll be able to end the year saying I got more than half!) Exactly, looking back at my resolutions for this year has just given me an idea of what I want to do next year! 😀 ❤️

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  11. I love this TTT list, Beth! I am a firm believer in goals and resolutions, but they are only valuable if we reflect on them. I considered using this as my own TTT topic, too. You should be so proud of the progress you’ve made this year! The whole point of setting goals is to stretch ourselves. Don’t be afraid of failure– that’s just how we grow.

    I look forward to seeing your 2019 goals come around soon. 🙂

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    1. Thanks so much Jackie. 🙂 Yeah I think this is the first time I’ve actually looked back on my resolutions for any year and it was interesting to see where I’d failed and where I hadn’t. Also it’s given me an idea of what I want to try for next year. 🙂
      Thanks so much, and yeah I crossed off more than I thought, and even a couple of things that weren’t on my resolutions list! 😀


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