Discussion Time: Blogging and Reading Slumps

Slumps, whether they’re blogging or reading ones, are something we all dread, but it’s something we’ve all had to work our way through at one point or another. No matter how much you love doing something, and I assume I’m right in saying we all love reading and blogging here, there’s going to come a time when you lose the motivation to read or post anything new.

Unfortunately there’s never going to be one tried and true method of getting through slumps. Everyone has their own little tricks, things they do to stare off slumps, but sometimes you just have to face the inevitable.

Blogging and Reading Slumps

Blogging and Reading Slumps

The last time I had a major reading slump was back in 2014. For months on end I couldn’t bring myself to start a new book, and all I did was re-read old favourites. Don’t get me wrong it was great going back to some of my old favourites I hadn’t had the time to re-read in ages but at the same time there were still so many books on my to-read list I wanted to get around to.

Read what you want, or don’t read what you don’t want to

It doesn’t matter whether a book is the most popular read in the world, if it has hundreds or five-star reviews and you haven’t seen one negative or mixed one, if you’re in the middle of a slump you’re not going to enjoy it. Forcing yourself through a book is only going to make you miserable, and you won’t enjoy the book as much as you maybe would have.

Blogging and Reading Slumps (1)

Re-read old favourites

This more than anything else is what worked for me during my ‘Epic Slump of 2014’. Something about going back and re-reading old favourites reminds me what I love about reading; I go back to these books I know I’m going to love and it’s almost like falling in love with reading again. Plus there’s something comforting about knowing where a story is going.

Switch genres

Earlier this year after reading two of Adam Silvera’s books back to back I experienced a huge contemporary slump. What did I do to get through it? I binge read fantasy releases. Last year after reading one of Sarah J. Maas’ releases I had a mini fantasy slump so I binge read contemporary releases. Changing things up really does help sometimes.

Blogging and Reading Slumps (2)

Take a break

Maybe it’s not the books or the genres but the act of reading itself, in that case just take a step back. There are days when I sit on the train on my way to work and barely realise how fast the time has gone because I’m buried in a book, but others where I don’t want to read and instead just want to stare out the window for an hour. Slumps are, more often than not, stare-out-of-the-window days.

Blogging Slumps

Try switching up your schedule. Post what you want when you want and if that happens to be discussion after discussion, or tag after tag, or meme after meme then why not?

One of the posts I find myself struggling with the most are reviews. We read and read and read but when it comes to writing the reviews our minds go blank. At least that’s how it feels for me, and before I know it I’m massively behind on my reviews and the books I’ve read are staring at me from my bookshelves, judging me for not having written a review already.

Blogging and Reading Slumps (3)

If you’re not in the mood to write a review though, don’t. Readers can tell when bloggers love a book through what they write, so it makes sense that it works the other way around as well. People can tell when you don’t enjoy writing a review because it will come through in what you say, no matter how much you may have loved the book in question.

As a failsafe take a step back; go on a mini hiatus even if it’s just for a day or two. Take a step away from blogging and stare out the window on the train for a while, watching the world go by.

One thing that works for me, and this will not work for everyone – I’ve never seen this advice on a post about slumps before and there’s likely a reason for that – is force yourself through.

Blogging and Reading Slumps (4)

Not in the mood to read a certain book? Force yourself to get through the first chapter at least, and before you know it you’re already halfway through and hooked. Not in the mood to write a review? Sit down and write a few words, and before you know it the rest of the review is flying out of your mind and onto paper.

I’m the kind of procrastinator who needs to be forced into action, and it’s the same with slumps because nine times out of ten I can force my way through it. However this advice isn’t for everyone. I’m very aware this could go the other way and make my slump worse. It hasn’t yet but that doesn’t mean it won’t.

Now Onto the Discussion Part of This Post:

What was the last reading and/or blogging slump you found yourself having to work through?

How do you get over your reading and/or blogging slumps? Are there any tried and true methods that work every time for you?

Is there any advice you wish someone had given you about slumps? Any advice you want to pass on to any newbie readers/bloggers?

Let me know in the comments below.

54 thoughts on “Discussion Time: Blogging and Reading Slumps

  1. I like the one where you force yourself into doing it. It is indeed a rare suggestion, but I can its purpose! Some people might mistake procrastination with reading/blogging slumps and this method of yours will surely do the trick! Great list, Beth! 😀

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  2. THIS. This is perfection. I do sometimes feel pressured to write reviews, but last week I looked at my page and noticed there was only one review on there. And I was okay with it. I don’t want to let blogging stress me out, because I love it, and I love reading. And I’ll reread a book I love if I want to, and I’ll DNF a book if I want to. I used to feel bad about it but I just realized it isn’t worth it!! I prefer to simply love blogging 🙂

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    1. Thanks so much Esther. 🙂 That’s definitely a good way to look at things. I mean, in the end I’ve found that reviews tend to get the lowest stats of all my posts so why should I worry about them as much. Instead I should focus on the posts that do bring in views and I enjoy writing. 😀
      I want to make sure I keep loving blogging as well. I never want it to get to stage where I have to give up because I’ve burnt out.

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  3. Great discussion post Beth! I am completely guilty of pushing my way through things. I’m not going to lie sometimes I really hate writing reviews, but I’d hate myself more if I didn’t write it so I push my way through it. I actually have to write a few reviews… so I should probably go do that! 😛

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    1. Thanks Meghan. 🙂 Yeah I feel the same about reviews more than any other post I have to write for my blog. Not sure why but I do eventually get through them. I’ll wish you luck with your few reviews left to write. I have one I’m hoping to get done tonight as well. 😀

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      1. You’re welcome! Sometimes it’s just like pulling teeth trying to get all my ideas down. Thank you, I managed to get all 3 that I needed done. I literally sat down and wrote them and they are probably the longest (and best) I’ve written ha!
        Hopefully you got the review done! 🙂

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  4. I agree with you so much! I have a lot of trouble writing reviews and I need to write more of them, but I keep procrastinating.

    I also find that switching genres helps me. I can feel a reading slump coming on and if I switch genres it usually helps. I also find it helps switching the format I’m reading. Sometimes if I switch to e-books I can just snap right out of my slump. 🙂

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    1. Oh procrastination is my own worst enemy. I can be a massive procrastinator at times and it’s mainly when I have reviews I need to write as well.
      Yeah switching genres is what I do when I haven’t quite entered a slump and think I can avoid it. If I’m in a slum re-reading or taking a break is really the only thing I can do though. 🙂

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  5. Great Post, Beth 🌸
    Earlier in the year my mental health was really at an all time low and I just didn’t blog or read at all; it really was like being in hell. I just took a step back and did other things I found relaxing like watching movies and series and when I did read it was rereads of favourites such as Harry Potter. You have some great tips here 😊

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks so much Michelle. 🙂
      I completely get that because I went through something like that with my mental health back in June. It was just a sucky month and my reading and blogging definitely suffered. It’s definitely a great plan to take a step back and do other things, and thanks so much! 🙂

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  6. Great discussion post, Beth! I actually love how you advice to force ourselves a little bit, sometimes. It’s obviously not something I said so myself or like to admit to anyone, but sometimes it does work, especially when I need to write reviews I don’t feel inspired to. I try and write a few words and, more than often, before I know it, I’ve written half the review I need to write. So this is a great advice 🙂
    I think that the best advice when in a slump is to take a step back. Whether it’s for one day or one week, as long as you’re away from everything for a little while, it’s good. It’s refreshing and before we know it, we actually WANT to get back to it all 🙂

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    1. Thanks so much Marie! 😀 Yeah I’ll admit forcing doesn’t always work for me, and it won’t always work for everyone, but sometimes my slumps are more about laziness than anything else. If I can through the first paragraph of a review, or the first chapter of a story I’m normally hooked after that. It could always go the other way but it hasn’t so far so I think that’s pretty good. 🙂
      Good advice, and that’s what I tend to do when it comes to slumps. It helps more than anything else because sometimes you do just need a break don’t you. 🙂

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  7. I just had a slump last week reading wise and I just go on a netflix binge to get out of that slump.I also switch up genres a lot and find some new books.

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  8. I’ve been in a reading and writing slump for months now. I keep up with my blogging and still try to read a book or two a month, but it’s been hard. Slumps are the worst!

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  9. When I hit a blogging slump, I’m usually along the same lines as you. I may take a break for a day or two, then force myself to start writing.

    Minor reading slumps are tough for me, but if I hit a big one, it helps me if I reorganize my bookshelves. Seeing all the books I’ve loved and seeing lovely covers and just having a physical copy in my hand tends to get me really excited to read again! It just takes a looong time, which is why it’s reserved for the major slumps 😂

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    1. Yeah sometimes it’s not so much of a slump as just general laziness. That’s how I feel because once I start writing I really get into it again.
      Yeah someone else commented about reorganization being a way to help them through slumps. Kind of like a two for one thing, not only will your bookshelves get organised but you’ll come out of your reading slump. 😀

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  10. The last time I had a reading slump, there was so much going on in my life, I had an EVERYTHING slump. It was sort of terrible? Audiobooks fixed it: specifically The Night Circus. But I think I just needed to wait until I was ready to take on something new.

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      1. It does take up SO MUCH TIME. 🙂 I’ve been so bad about my writing because I spend a lot of free time trying to schedule posts, so I burn myself out. I signed up for a PaintNight through my work and I’m really hoping to be able to enjoy something a little different this week! What other hobbies are you looking to get more into again?

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      2. Don’t get me wrong it’s a fun thing to have take up all your time though. I do the same re scheduling my posts. It makes it easier to blog which is so much easier for me. 🙂
        Ohh PaintNight sounds really interesting, and hopefully you’ll have time to enjoy more of your other hobbies. For me it’ll be mainly writing and baking. Both I’m hoping to get back into soon. 😀


  11. Hm, my last blogging slump was near the end of last month! What really helped me was revamping everything! I don’t know why, but I’m one of those people that when I reorganize things and get my stuff together, I feel ten times more motivated and back in the game! I also think good advice would be to not force yourself! If I’m not in the mood to read or blog, I’m not going to read or blog that day. It’s best for me to work or read when I’m in the mood for it! 😀

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    1. Oh that’s a good way to get through reading slumps, and if it works for you then not only does it get you through your slump but also helps you reorganize things as well. Kind of like a two for one thing right? 😀
      Good advice, I think everyone is different when it comes to reading slumps. Once we find something that works for us we stick to it don’t we? 🙂

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  12. Ooh, I had a very bad two-year slump back in high school. I was going through a bad depression crisis and I believe it is what made it impossible to read. I just couldn’t focus. It was so bizarre because before I would read all the time and then suddenly…none. For two years. Geez, I don’t know how I did it.
    I just remember picking Between Shades of Gray and it seemed a good book and the words were easier to read and then after almost three months I finished it, and then slowly I went back to reading and reading and reading.
    I like to think this is the book that saved my reading soul hahahaha

    I would suggest picking up the most exciting book you can find and trying to read it. If you can’t get through the first ten pages, give up and try another one, till your reading soul feels awake again!

    Thanks for the post!

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    1. Someone else commented that they had a two-year reading slump and wow I just can’t imagine that. The longest for me was a couple of months and even that felt like way too long. Oh that’s a shame about the reason, but it’s great you’re feeling better now and are back into reading again. 🙂
      I haven’t read Between Shades of Gray but after what you’ve said I may have to check it out myself. 🙂
      That’s actually a really good suggestion, and something I am definitely going to try the next time I’m in a reading slump. You never know it could work for me better than anything else I try. 🙂
      Thanks, I’m really glad you enjoyed this post. 😀 ❤


  13. omg I also had an epic slump! For like the first two years of university, I just COULD NOT read a new book for the life of me. None of them held my attention and no matter how much I wanted to read or like it, I just couldn’t, so I reread all the old YA romances I had around my house, no matter how crappy they were haha. I don’t think it necessarily got me out of my reading slump, but at least I was still reading

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    1. Oh my god two years is so long. My epic slump of 2014 only lasted a couple of months but it felt like an eternity. I wouldn’t have been able to survive two years!
      Yes, at least you were still reading though, and I’m assuming now you’re over your two year slump right? 🙂

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  14. Usually, my reading slump are matters of day and laziness. It happens that I can pass days without reading, yet if I start to read again I can go on without problems. So it’s more like: just pick up the book and read. Yet, taking a break usually helps. Same thing for blog. We I feel that I’m starting to be tired, I take a break or blog more and more less. Same thing when I don’t feel like reading other blogs.
    I’ve no other method that doing something else, like watching tv series. Re-reading is always bad for me. I’ve good memory and I tend to bore reading somethins that I already know

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    1. I’m kind of jealous you’re reading slumps are like that. For me it could be the best book in the world but I can’t make myself read more than a few chapters before putting it down again. Yeah every so often picking up a book and just reading, forcing myself through works for me, but more often than not I know I need to take a break.
      Ohh, watching TV series is a good one. I tend to do that as well, although for me it’s movies rather than TV shows. Hey whatever works right? 😀

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  15. It made me laugh when you referred to your epic slump of 2014 because I had almost exactly the same…the major slump of 2015. I had just away from home to uni and I just could not get into any books at all. I kept trying, read five pages max and then my concentration and interest was gone! It was horrible! I’m glad you mention rereading because that’s always one of the first things I try, just because the book is a bit easier to read if you’re already familiar with it and love it! I also did something similar to when you suggest switching genres, and I actually started reading non-fiction for one of the first times in my life! I’m not sure why it helped, and to be honest, now that I’m out of the slump, I don’t read that much non-fiction, but it just really helped in 2015. Maybe I just needed a complete change? Anyway, great discussion post! 🙂

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    1. Yeah my slump in 2014 was the biggest and definitely the most epic I’ve ever had. I think it was the longest I didn’t pick up any books at all. It’s horrible I agree, but at the same time when I have slumps now I just keep telling myself it won’t last forever, it never does, it just feels like it will at times. 🙂
      Re-reading really works for me, even if I have a pile of books I need to get around to reading old favourites is better than reading nothing at all.
      Oh I’ve never managed to get into non fiction but I’m glad that worked for you, and sometimes a change is just what we need as readers every now and again. 🙂
      Thanks so much! 😀 ❤

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