The Sunshine Blogger Award Part Two

Part two of The Sunshine Blogger Award comes with answers to all the questions I was asked by another three nominators. I was tagged by Niraja at Fantastic Books and Where to Find Them, Sarah at Paper Words, and Laura at The Book Corps. Thanks so much for the tag everyone, I had a lot of fun with this one so I hope you enjoy reading my answers just as much.

The Sunshine Blogger Award


  • Thank the person who nominated you.
  • Answer 11 questions set by the person who nominated you.
  • Nominate 11 bloggers to receive the award and write them 11 new questions to answer.

Niraja’s Questions:

  1. Name the last song that was stuck in your head.

Green Light by Lorde. Kind of an addictive song but I had one sentence from the chorus stuck in my head for days and it drove me insane.

  1. What is/are your favourite book(s)?

If I could only pick one series and one standalone it would have to be the Shades of Magic series by V.E. Schwab and The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern. I feel like if I tried to list anymore this would end up becoming a mile long list full of amazing books I’ve read so far.


The Night Circus

  1. What is your favourite season and…

Winter. Simply because there is nothing better than being warm and cosy inside while it’s dark, cold and miserable outside.

  1. …Your favourite colour?


  1. What is a movie you’ll never get tired of re-watching and…

The Mummy. This is a film I do watch over and over again, I normally have it playing on repeat most nights in the background as I’m blogging.


  1. …A book you’ll never get tired of re-reading?

The Harry Potter series. It’s a cliché yes, but it’s true. This is a series I do re-read over and over again, at least once a year, and I’ve yet to get tired of it so it’s definitely the honest answer.

Harry Potter

  1. Do you make New Year’s resolutions, and if so, do you stick to them?

I try not to make New Year’s Resolutions simply because I never do stick to them. It seems like every time I make any I barely get through January before breaking them.

  1. What is one goal you have in life?

To be happy and content with my life and the choices I’ve made. I don’t want to be able to look back on any part of my life and regret what I did or didn’t do.

  1. What is your favourite word?

I really love words that have no translation into English. At the moment my favourite is tsundoku, which is a Japanese word for leaving a book unread after buying it, typically piled together with other unread books. I feel like this kind of applies to me and my book buying habits.

  1. If you could rewrite any book, what book would it be and how would you rewrite it?

The Crown’s Game by Evelyn Skye. This book had an amazing concept but the story itself was not as good as I hoped it would be. If I had a chance to re-write it I would take out the love triangle and the insta-love aspects, and the make the battle the two magicians fought one with more at stake, one where you genuinely feared for their lives because it was full of risk and danger.

The Crown's Game

  1. I adore Sam’s idea of giving five amazing bloggers a shout-out, and I encourage you to do so as well! Share the love.

So these are five bloggers who I always love talking to, who I always love seeing posts from and who just make me want to be a better blogger myself.

Marie at Drizzle and Hurricane Books

May at Forever and Everly

Melissa at Book Nerd Momo

Reg at She Latitude

Stephanie at Teacher of YA’s Book Blog

Then again I do love everyone I talk to one WordPress, everyone I follow and everyone who follows me. You’re all amazing people.

Sarah’s Questions:

  1. Tell us about a book or series you loved as a child and still love today.

I’ve talked about Harry Potter a lot throughout part one and two of this award, at least it seems like it, so I’m going to talk about a different series I loved as a child and that was A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket. Basically I was addicted to these books, and there was nothing more I loved than reading about Violet, Klaus and Sunny as they tried to outrun and outwit Count Olaf.

A Series of Unfortunate Events

  1. Tell us about the last book you gave five stars to.

The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan. When I finally got around to picking up his Percy Jackson and the Olympians series last year I loved it, and I’m not sure why it’s taken me so long to get around to this second series. The Lost Hero doesn’t feature Percy, and there’s very little of Annabeth or any of the characters from the first series, but I still loved the story and was addicted from the very first page.

The Lost Hero

  1. What was the last book you DNF and why?

I don’t DNF finish books often so the last book I DNF was back in 2015 when I was in the middle of my biggest reading slump to date. I’d started reading Prodigy by Marie Lu but despite the fact that I loved the first in the series, and despite the fact I was sure it would be an amazing book, I just couldn’t get through it. One day I will go back to that series, hopefully it will be a case of second time’s the charm.


  1. What is your favourite classic?

I’m not a massive fan of classics. In fact I’d probably only say I’ve read one book that could be classed as a classic and that’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll.

Alice in Wonderland - Cover

  1. Is there a genre you don’t read or enjoy? Why not?

Well I’m not a massive fan of classics, as I mentioned above, and I’ve never read a non-fiction book for fun either, but other than that I’ll pretty much pick up anything that catches my eye.

  1. Do you set monthly TBRs? Why/Why Not?

I do set monthly TBRs, simply because there are always books I want to try and get through each month so setting a monthly TBR keeps that goal clear in my mind. Actually getting through them all is another thing all-together.

  1. Open to page 23 of the book you are currently reading. Share the first sentence.

I’m currently reading The Son of Neptune. I finally managed to get around to the second series that Rick Riordan has written set in Percy Jackson’s world, and it only took me a year.

“Usually he loved the water, but this river seemed…powerful, and not necessarily friendly.”

The Son of Neptune

  1. Do you have a guilty pleasure read?

It’s not so much of a guilty pleasure read but whenever I have nothing else on my immediate TBR list, or just don’t feel much like starting anything new, I’ll pick up Carry On by Rainbow Rowell again.

Carry On

  1. If you could only read one book for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?

The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern, which is another book I’ve mentioned a lot in this tag but as my all-time favourite standalone it’s really the only acceptable answer for this question.

The Night Circus

  1. Is there a book to screen adaptation you liked? Why did you like it? (Don’t pick Harry Potter pretty please!)

I feel like I kind of answered this question before. It was a similar question, though not the same, but my answer for it is the same and that’s The Princess Bride. It’s a brilliant book but a better film in my opinion, and definitely a favourite of mine because it helped me understand the book better.


  1. Post a picture of a beautiful book cover.

Honestly my picture does not do this cover justice but this is one of the most gorgeous books I own, and even if the story turns out to not be as good as I hope it will be I won’t regret having this one on my bookshelves at all.


Laura’s Questions:

  1. Do you prefer books with one POV or multiple POVs, and why?

One POV. Simply because more times than not I find books with multiple POVs don’t have as solid character development as books with one POV do. It seems like the more characters you try and tell a story from, the more shaky the development of those characters are.

  1. What is the best book you read in high school (or primary/elementary for those still in high school)?

Honestly there isn’t one. I wasn’t a fan of required reading in high school, and now that I’ve finished I can’t think of one book I actually liked because I didn’t like any of them.

  1. Can you remember the book that got you hooked onto reading?

Bringing up this series again, and yes it’s a cliché answer, but the Harry Potter series by J.K Rowling. It was the first series I can remember reading and the first series I loved as well. I was obsessed from the first page of the first book.

  1. What is a quote from a book that has stuck with you?

“The truth is, Rosemary, that you are capable of anything. Good or bad. You always have been, and you always will be. Given the right push, you, too, could do horrible things. That darkness exists within all of us. You think every soldier who picked up a cutter gun was a bad person? No. She was just doing what the soldier next to her was doing, who was doing what the soldier next to her was doing, and so on and so on. And I bet most of them – not all, but most – who made it through the war spent a long time after trying to understand what they’d done. Wondering how they ever could have done it in the first place. Wondering when killing became so comfortable.”

The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet by Becky Chambers


  1. What is your favourite TV show?

iZombie. It combined my two favourite TV genres, supernatural and crime, to create a show where a zombie eats brains and uses the visions she gets from those brains to solve murders.


  1. If you could live in one fictional world (book, movie, show, etc), which would it be and why?

I’m going to pick a different book, that I haven’t featured in this tag yet, and go with Caraval. I think it would be such fun to live in a world where the games were real, and where I could spend five nights taking part and experiencing real magic, or as close to it as I’ll likely ever get.


  1. Is there a character that you absolutely hate? Who and why?

Umbridge from the Harry Potter series. I remember reading somewhere that everyone hates Umbridge more than Voldemort because Voldemort is the villain you never have to face in real life, but Umbridge is the villain everyone has had to face at one point or another. Definitely true in my opinion.

  1. Who is your go-to author (author who releases a book and you buy and read without looking at blurb)?

There are a fair few but the main one would be V.E. Schwab. Every book she has released so far I have loved and I know that will probably prove true of anything she releases from here on out.


  1. Pick your two favourite characters of all time. Now sacrifice one! (The universe is at stake)

All right, two favourite characters are Cinder from The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer and Kell from the Shades of Magic series by V.E. Schwab. For this, the hardest question I have had to answer so far, I’m going to have to pick Cinder.

It was a hard choice but Kell’s life is tied to Rhy’s so I wouldn’t just be killing him I’d be killing Rhy as well, and comparatively it just meant that Cinder was the lesser of two evils.

Favourite Characters

  1. Is there an author/book you refuse to read? Why?

Nope, not one I can think of. I normally try and give all authors/books a chance, even if they have largely negative reviews I won’t know for sure until I read it myself.

  1. What is your favourite genre and why?

Fantasy. It was the first genre I picked up and the first genre I fell in love with. It lets me travel to far away worlds I’ll never get to experience for myself otherwise, and for a few hours I can escape my magic-less life and experience magic and wonder through the characters.

47 thoughts on “The Sunshine Blogger Award Part Two

  1. Ahhhh Harry Potter is always the classic answer for rereading for me as well! Never will get tired of it, honestly. ❤ And I'm so sorry to hear you DNF'd Prodigy! I loved that series, I hope you do in fact enjoy it if or when you pick it up again. I did enjoy The Crown's Game but that rewrite does sound fabulous and I would totally not mind that at all, in fact it would probably make the book better haha. Sorry to hear you didn't enjoy it as much though! And yess The Lost Hero is so good (I just love Rick Riordan) and I'm so glad you loved it! I was surprised when reading it for the first time that I loved it as much as I did seeing how I loved Percy and Annabeth so much haha. And I have a love-hate relationship with multiple POVs I think… Sometimes they aren't really useful and just take away from respective character developments as you mentioned, but other times (like Six of Crows!!) it's just the best thing ever, or something a book might've benefited from (most recently for me The Love Interest comes to mind, not sure if you've read it?). Anyway, loved reading your answers, Beth!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Same here, there’s just something about Harry Potter that you can never stop loving! 😀 I do plan on going back to Prodigy one day. I did love what I’ve read of that series so a re-read is a must for me.
      Yeah The Crown’s Game was a bit of a disappointment, just not what I expected when it came down to it, but The Lost Hero was beyond amazing! Just what I needed to kick-start me back into reading Rick Riordan’s books. 🙂
      I think for me my relationship with multiple POVs is going to be based on how well they’re written. Same with anything though. Six of Crows is one example where it was brilliant.
      No I haven’t read The Love Interest yet, it’s not released over here until the end of June so it’s on my to-read list for then! 😀
      Thanks so much Analee. ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh yay!! That’s good. 😊
        Mm, I hope you enjoy the second book better in that case if/when you pick it up!
        So true! Ahhh Six of Crows was brilliant in so many areas, the praise is endless for that one. ❤
        Oh well then I hope you enjoy it!! Will look forward to your thoughts when you do read it. 😊

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Ha, that’s kind of funny. I do love words like that, that have no translation into English. Kind of makes them more special in a way.
      Oh I’ve had to do that a couple of times with my dog, once in the snow as well which was just horrible! 🙂


  2. I love reading your answers, Beth! I LOVE the Series of Unfortunate Events too, though it’s been forever since I read them. I didn’t really read them the way I read Harry Potter, but I remember enjoying the series and finding the books overall a light, enjoyable read.

    And I haven’t watched The Princess Bride yet! I’ve read the book and enjoyed it, but I have heard what you said about the film being better.

    That cover of Ink is indeed super beautiful. Is that YA? I don’t think I’ve seen it around much…

    Also thank you so much for the shoutout! I feel like I don’t deserve it given how much I’ve been floating around lurking instead of being active, but truly, you’re one of my favourite bloggers as well and the sentiment is 100% returned. 💗

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much Reg, yeah it’s been forever since I read the Series of Unfortunate Events books but I have such fond memories of reading them when I was a child. Ahh for me A Series of Unfortunate Events and Harry Potter have the same memories for me in terms of how I read them. 🙂
      I found the film better because it was easier to understand the book, going back and re-reading the book/re-watching the film I may have a different opinion but I kind of doubt it. I still love the film so much.
      Yep, YA, a recently released one though so I don’t think there’s much around about it at the moment. I still need to read it myself.
      That’s all right, and even so in my opinion you still definitely deserve it. Life gets in the way sometimes, it happens to everyone. And thanks so so much Reg, it means a lot to me you think that! 😀 ❤


  3. Oooo, the Mummy is such a fun film to watch! I also don’t make new years resolutions because I absolutely know that I will not stick to them at all! I was also pretty disappointed with The Crowns Game – I am hoping that the second book will pick it up a bit! Lemony Snicket was one of my faves when I was younger as well! I am looking forward to when my son is old enough because I cannot wait to introduce him to these characters! Also, that Ink book is so beautiful!!! I would literally stare at it all day if I had it on my shelf! 😀 And I also absolutely would love to visit Caraval! I think it would be such an amazing place to go…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I really is, and actually talking about it in this post has made me want to watch it again! 😀 Better not to make New Years Resolutions in that case right? And same, I have the second book on my to-read list still so here’s hoping right?
      Oh that’l be amazing, introducing a new generation to the books you loved! It really is, and I’m hoping the story inside will be just as amazing.
      There are so many bookish places I’d love to visit but Caraval is near the top of that list! 😀 ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Definitely better to not make resolutions 😂😂 I am hoping, but I was expecting so much more from book one, I think I’ll go in with lower expectations! And Caraval is high up on my list too – after Hogwarts, obviously 😂

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      2. I just have an overall goal, to make each year better than the one before it. Maybe that’ll help, I’ll be going into book two the same way.
        Hogwarts is always going to be number one, but I like to vary my answers every now and again! 😀

        Liked by 1 person

  4. I loved reading your answers for this, Beth! And thanks so much for the shout out, you’re definitely one of my favorite bloggers to talk to as well and one who makes me want to be a better blogger too. We always have the best book conversations!! 💕 (I mean how long has our conversation for TSR been going on for now? Since February? 😂) So much Shades of Magic, The Night Circus, and Harry Potter! Though I expected nothing less because I know how much you love them. And well Shades of Magic and Harry Potter are awesome. I really need to read The Night Circus! I’m still sad I didn’t get around to it before ACOWAR and now with LoS releasing in less than 10 days I’m forcing myself not to commit to something that will take me a long time to read. (Right not I actually want to read ToG so bad but that would take me forever lol.) Also, winter is my favorite season too! I prefer the colder weather and it’s nice to just be able to stay inside with a good book. And I’m with you on preferring one POV to multiple ones though I do think some books are better off with multiple POVs at the same time. Like Six of Crows and Gilded Cage wouldn’t be the same without multiple POVs. And that quote you included from The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet makes me want to read it so much! That’s another one I need to get around to for sure. Also, fantasy is definitely my favorite genre too. 😁♥

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much Melissa, and that’s all right. I really do love your blog and your posts and I always loo forwards to seeing comments from you in my notification feed. Yeah, wow that conversation has been going on a while, probably since the end of January considering we both got an ARC of TSR! 😀 We really do have amazing book conversations don’t we?
      You can definitely tell which books are my all-time favourites of this tag, I try and vary my answers but my favourites do end up shining through just because for some questions there’s only one possible answer! 😀 I reckon The Night Circus and the ToG series will be worth the wait for you Melissa, I certainly hope so anyways, but yeah probably better not to start a new book before LoS is released. I know how excited you’ve been for that book! 😀
      Winter is just amazing, it’s such a cosy season isn’t it, especially with it being Christmas as well, and yeah although some books are better with multiple POVs most work with just one don’t they? Oh it’s an amazing book, and I’m sure you’d love it. It’s a beautiful story with so many other amazing quotes like the one I featured. Ha, fantasy for the win right? 😀 ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You’re welcome, Beth!! Same on all of that, it’s always great to see comments from you pop up in my notifications too. 😁 It really has been! But I expect nothing less because it’s TBS and it’s hard not to talk about. Especially after how incredible TSR was. I will never be over that book! I can only imagine how long our conversation for TBS4 will be lol. We do! Book conversations are the best though. 😊
        That’s me with ACOTAR and TBS though. I swear I jump back and forth between whenever answering book related questions and then sometimes Six of Crows and Shades of Magic pop up too because they’re definitely all-time favorites of mine as well. But yes, for some questions there’s really only one answer. Especially when being asked about your all-time favorites. I think they’ll definitely be worth the wait. With everything I’ve heard and just because it’s great to start books you really want when you actually have time to read them and aren’t rushing through for another book.
        Yep! Most of the time it is better with just one POV. I think it takes a lot of skill as a writer to be able to weave in those extra POVs seamlessly with multiple POV and a lot of the time it doesn’t work out as well as it could. I’ll definitely have to read it at some point and yep to fantasy!! 😁♥

        Liked by 1 person

      2. We’ve had some pretty amazing conversations so far, and we need to keep our epic book powers at work and force into being sequels for series we still wanna see! 😀 I feel we somehow manage to get all our conversations to feature TBS in some shape or form. I won’t be over TSR until I’ve read TBS4 and then I won’t be over that book until the fifth is released.
        For some reason when it comes to favourite series in tags like these I always feature series that are finished more than series that aren’t. Just wait until TBS is finished. I’ll probably have a tag where every answer is TBS in some way. It may seem like I have a lot but I can narrow my favourite series down to five, four if I’m being really harsh. Not too bad if you think about it. 🙂
        Yep, and these are two books/series you don’t want to rush through, especially with The Night Circus it’s better if you take your time and really savour the book.
        I think I’ve definitely read more books where multiple POVs haven’t worked out than Ines where they have. It’s a shame because it always puts a damper on the rest of the story, no matter how amazing the plot may be, if the characters aren’t great.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. YES! We have to keep our epic book powers going so we can get all of the sequels. So far this year, Miss Peregrine’s and Shatter Me. Who knows which we’ll get next? 😂 They do somehow always end up featuring TBS, don’t they? Mostly because it’s an incredible series and I guess we just have a lot to say about it lol. I have a feeling that TBS4 is going to be a book we won’t get over even when we have TBS5. Most of my top all-time favorites are on going aside from Shades of Magic and Six of Crows. Same about favorites. I can narrow it down to five exactly so far possibly six depending on where the second Gilded Cage book goes because that series has the potential the be an all-time favorite. Definitely not too bad. 😁
        I’ve come across a lot more multiple POVs that haven’t worked than have too and it does put a damper on the rest of the story. Especially whenever you don’t care for one of the characters at all. I’ve found myself skipped chapters and having to go back in those situations.

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Oh there’ll be something next. We do talk about the Six of Crows duology so I’m almost expecting an announcement any day relating to that series! 😀
        Definitely definitely an incredible series, and one that is more than worth every mention of it on our blogs. Well based on what we’ve heard so far about the ending I have to agree with you on that!
        I’m the opposite actually. Most of my favourites are finished series with the exception of TBS. There is a lot of potential for the second Gilded Cage book, and here’s hoping it lives up to it right? 🙂
        Exactly, sometimes I almost find a book relies more on good character development than anything else. So if too many POVs doesn’t work for the story it doesn’t matter how good the world building or the plot is in the end.

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      5. Right? I keep hoping. Like a Nina series or maybe a Nikolai novella. Just something! Though we are getting that Grisha fairytale book later on this year so there’s that. 😁
        YEP! And honestly the more we talk about the more people get curious enough to read it or add it to their TBR and that makes me happy.
        Here’s to hoping! I have a good feeling about Tarnished City. 😊
        I completely agree, even with fantasy, if the characters don’t work than no matter the world-building or plot it just doesn’t work out for me. And too many POVs that don’t work can be bad.

        Liked by 1 person

      6. A Nina series would be amazing, so would a Nikolai series. Basically any other series in the Grisha world would be beyond amazing! 😀 Yep, so excited for the fairytale series. 🙂
        That definitely seems to happen. I must have recommended this series to so many people.
        Same here! 😀

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Great answers! I loved reading them all! Ah yeah, a Series of Unfortunate Events was the best… and is still the best quite frankly! 😀 I can’t wait for season two of the TV show! 😀
    This post makes me want to check out iZombie… everyone thinks I’ll like it because Rob Buckley is in it & I loved him in One Tree Hill, and I’d pretty much watch him in anything haha! 😛

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much Meghan. A Series of Unfortunate Events is an ultimate childhood favourite of mine, I still need to check out the TV show but it’s at the top of my to-watch list. 😀
      Oh definitely check out iZombie, it’s such an amazing show and I really can’t recommend it enough. The episodes have made me laugh and cry and it’s just an ultimate favourite of mine. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You haven’t seen the show yet?! I swear everyone has, you’re the first I’m hearing who hasn’t! I can’t wait to hear what you thought of it! 😀
        haha, that sounds like a good enough reason to me! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I’m very behind on TV shows I need to watch, I always seem to be months behind everyone else when it comes to the big-thing on the TV. I’ll definitely get around to it one day, and I’ll be sure to let you know what I think of it as well! 😀

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  6. LOVE your answers, Beth! Your goal in life definitely is a great goal and one I want to pursue myself just as well 🙂
    I’m sorry to hear you kind of DNF’ed Prodigy, by Marie Lu – have you read any other books by her? I have been thinking about trying one of her books but I don’t know which one, Legend or The Young Elites… 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much Marie <3, yeah it's an important one for me, maybe not an extreme or far out of my reach goal but one I'm determined to succeed at. 🙂
      I am going to go back to that series one day, hopefully this year. I just think at the time I wasn't in the mood to read Prodigy because of the slump and couldn't get through it. I've heard good things about both series so if you do pick either of them up I hope you enjoy it! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Great answers though I knew the answers to all of them from you!! 😉
    I think I know you pretty well now!!
    I love the cover of Ink…I won a copy and Tiff was gracious enough to mail it to me, so I was over the moon! It’s stunning!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much Stephanie, only one more part of the Sunshine Blogger Award to post now! 😀
      And yeah you do know me pretty well, we’ve spoke a lot about pretty much everything so far haven’t we?
      Oh it’s a gorgeous book, the second I saw it in Waterstones I didn’t even need to read the blurb, I just knew I needed a copy of that book on my shelves. It’s so stunning! 😀 ❤


  8. AGH BETH YOU LITTLE SWEETHEART I LOVE TALKING TO YOU AND READING YOUR POSTS TOO. ❤ ❤ And yaas, fantasy is my one true love! I love contemporaries and sci-fi and all that, but fantasy will always be my homebody. XD And I'm reading ACOL right now, and I've got Vicious checked out as well — totally a Schwab month! (In the first few pages of ACOL it was literally a blur because I was so nervous. XD ) I actually find myself leaning towards multiple POVs in books, probably because I prefer (and LOVE) third person, and a lot of time, third person is told in multiple POVs. But I also like seeing other characters' perspectives! Although, if not done well, it can be annoying and/or confusing.

    I'm glad you got into Rick Riordan! He is and will always be one of my favorite authors — instead of JK Rowling (like you), he was the one that really got me into reading. (Actually, no, it was probably Junie B. Jones or Cam Jansen… XD #childhood) And AGH Legend is one of my favorite series ever! I hope you get to finish it — you're certainly in for a twist when you reach the end of Prodigy (and Champion). *cries*

    (Also, what are the questions for the nominees?)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ahh, thanks May, I’m so glad the feeling is mutual, and I’m really glad we started talking on WordPress because I love seeing posts and comments from you on my feed! 😀 ❤
      Fantasy was the first genre I picked up way back when I started reading, and no matter what other genres I read and love fantasy is always going to be my ultimate favourite. There is nothing better than a Schwab month in my opinion, but oh I really hope you're loving ACOL (it's definitely a tense book at times) and I really hope you enjoy Vicious too.
      I do enjoy multiple POVs sometimes, but other times I find that it's harder to develop all the characters if you have too many you know. I mean, in the grand scheme of things, I can't really say if I prefer first or third person POV, I wouldn't say I have a preference.
      Better late than never when it comes to Rick Riordan, at least that's what I've told myself. Ha, and yeah there were probably more than just J.K. Rowling who got me into reading, it's hard to remember every book I picked up when I was a child.
      I loved what I read so far of the Legend series, and I've heard great things about what I haven't read so I'm hoping to get back into it soon.
      I haven't actually nominated anyone yet. The nominations and questions will likely be in the third and last part of this award, which will be posted soon-ish (not sure when).

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      1. I think there's just something about fantasy that's so enticing. Probably because it's like an escape from the real world! I'm almost done with ACOL and I'm just freaking out in anticipation. XD The character development is amazing in this book!

        And haha, silly me! I always like to see the blogger's questions, even if I'm not nominated. I don't know why??? XD #stalker

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      2. That’s exactly how I feel about it. Chances are I’m never going to go on an adventure but the next best thing is reading about them. It’s safer as well because there are so many fantasy worlds where I would have likely died! The whole of ACOL is amazing, but yeah the character development is as well! 😀
        That’s fine, they’ll be in the last post because I still have one more lot of questions to answer. I’ll probably post it next Saturday. If I can stick to my blogging schedule that it! 🙂

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